Editorial board


Fiona Aiken - The Open University, UK
Chris Douce - The Open University, UK
Charlotte Stevens - The Open University, UK
Denise Whitelock - The Open University, UK

Editorial Board:

Yvonne Y.H. Fung - Educational Consultant, Hong Kong

Sally Johnstone - NCHEMS, USA

Karen Kear - The Open University, UK

Roger Lewis - Educational Consultant, UK

Fredric M. Litto - Brazillian Distance Education Association, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Alexander Mikroyannidis - The Open University, UK

Michael Moore - The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Bart Rienties - The Open University, UK

António M. Teixeira - Universidade Aberta, Portugal

Mary Thorpe - The Open University, UK

Denise Whitelock - The Open University, UK

Olaf Zawacki-Richter - University of Oldenburg, Germany

Maria Zenios - University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus

Book Reviews Editor:

Paola Trimarco - The Open University, UK