About this journal

Aims and scope

The growth of the Asia Pacific region and the rising presence of its multinationals in world markets has raised a number of questions about the origins of national economic success.

Asia Pacific Business Review addresses these key issues and draws together the lessons of the analysis of culture, economies, history, politics and societies in the area, in order to explore business-related phenomena in the Asia Pacific countries, both in their general and specific contexts.

The Review is intended for both academics and interested observers, contains the contributions of recognized experts, and is essential to anyone seeking the latest research on Asia Pacific business in a readily available, approachable form. We welcome articles which deal with nations and societies in the Asia Pacific region, namely those in East Asia and South-East Asia (but not South Asia), including those in APEC and ASEAN, individually or comparatively*. Of interest also are contributions on the Asia Pacific economies, comparing those inside with those outside, or those investing in it. We do not, however, publish papers based solely on countries from outside the region.

*Brunei, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam. Authors can do a comparative study with one or more of the countries in the above list and one that is not listed.

Peer Review Policy:
Articles in this journal have undergone peer review based on initial editor screening and refereeing by anonymous referees.

Journal metrics


  • 125K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 2.0 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 2.6 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 4.4 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.040 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.650 (2023) SJR


  • 1 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 40 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 20 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 4% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Chris Rowley - Kellogg College, University of Oxford, UK, and Bayes Business School, City, University of London, UK

Former Co-Editor
Malcolm Warner† - University of Cambridge, UK

Deputy Editor
Ingyu Oh - Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, and Kansai Gaidai University, Japan

Reviews Editors
Keith Jackson - Kobe University, Japan and SOAS University of London, UK
Peihua Fan - Shanghai International Studies University, China

Regional Editors

Tachia (Corinna) Chin- Zhejiang University of Technology, China
Ying Zhu - University of South Australia
Biaoan (Jason) Shan  - Jilin University, China
Yujie Cai - SKEMA Business School, France
Jie Li - Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Jie Wu - University of Aberdeen, UK

Won-Moo Hur - Inha University, Korea
Lynn Pyun - Ewha Womans University, Korea

Jun Ishikawa - Rikkyo University
Nobutaka Ishiyama - Hosei University

Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore:
Tim Andrews - University of Chiangmai, Thailand
Nuttawuth Muenjohn  - University of Bradford, UK
Jie Wu - University of Aberdeen, UK

Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos:
Dut Van Vo - Can Tho University, Vietnam

Indonesia and the Philippines:
Dodi Wirawan - Ministry of Education, Indonesia

International Editorial Board
Nancy Adler - McGill University, Canada
Bernadette Andreosso - University of Limerick, Ireland, and Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany
Siah Hwee Ang - Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Johngseok Bae - Korea University, South Korea
Bradley R. Barnes -  Lingnan University, Hong Kong
Li Beiwei - Jilin University, China
John Benson - Monash University, Australia
Stewart Black -  INSEAD, Switzerland
Garry D. Bruton - Jilin University, China and Sun Yat Sen University, China
S. Tamer Cavusgil - Georgia State University, USA
John Child - University of Birmingham, UK
Jaeyoung Cho -  University of Wollongong Dubai, UAE
Doug J. Chung -  University of Texas at Austin, USA
Stewart Clegg - University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Daniel Z. Ding -  University of South Australia, Australia
Truong Xuan Do - Vietnam National University, Vietnam
Xiaolan Fu -  University of Oxford, UK
Andrew Gordon -  Harvard University, USA
Howard Gospel -  King's College London, UK
Le Hieu Hoc -  Phenikaa University, Vietnam
Wei Huang -  Renmin University of China, China
Barbara Igel -  Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Dodi Irawanto -  University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
Mohd Nazari Ismail - University of Malaya, Malaysia
Keith Jackson -  Kobe University, Japan and SOAS University of London, UK
Sanford M. Jacoby - University of California, USA
Yongwook Jun - Seoul NationalUniversity, Korea
Changsu Kim -  Sogang University, South Korea
Gerhard Kling -  University of Aberdeen, UK
Katsuyuki Kubo -  Waseda University, Japan
Sarosh Kuruvilla - Cornell University, USA
Hwok-Aun Lee -  Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore
Jangwoo Lee -  Kyungpook National University, South Korea
Jean Lee -  China Europe International Business School, China
Leigh Anne Liu - Georgia State University, USA
Nien-Chi Liu - National Central University, Taiwan
Tai-Lok Lui - Education University of Hong Kong, China
Li Ma -  Peking University, China
Tariq H. Malik - Liaoning University, China
Hideaki Miyajima  - Wadesa University, Japan
Allen Morrison -  Thunderbird School of Global Management, USA
Jane Nolan -  University of Nottingham, UK
Peter Nolan - University of Cambridge, UK
Jean Oi -  Stanford University, USA
Louise Patterson - Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, Canada
Margaret Pearson -  University of Maryland, USA
Dwight Perkins - Harvard University, USA
Danny Quah -  National University of Singapore
Truong Quang - Maastricht School of Management, The Netherlands
Rajah Rasiah - University of Malaya, Malaysia
Lailawati Mohd Salleh -  Universiti Putra, Malaysia
Manjit Sandhu -  RMIT University, Vietnam
Yoshihide Sano -  Hosei University, Japan
Geon-Cheol Shin  - Kyung Hee University, Korea
Sununta Siengthai -  Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Edward S. Steinfeld - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Sebastian Stoermer - Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Roger Strange - University of Sussex, UK
Yuliani Suseno -  RMIT University, Australia
Nguyen Ngoc Thang - Vietnam National University, Vietnam
Lai Xuan Thuy -  Hue University, Vietnam
Rosalie L. Tung - Simon Fraser University, Canada
Dave Ulrich -  University of Michigan, USA and RBL Group, USA
Mary Von Glinow  Florida International University, USA
Hung-Jen Wang - National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Xiaojun Wang -  University of Bristol, UK
Mengxi Yang -  University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Yang Yao - Peking University, China
George Yip -  Imperial College, London, UK
Soon Suk Yoon -  Western Illinois University, USA
Vimolwan Yukongdi  Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu - Monash University, Australia

Former International Editorial Board Member
Gordon Redding - INSEAD, France

Routledge, Taylor & Francis and the Editors of  Asia Pacific Business Review are delighted to announce that the Cass Business School Prizes Committee has awarded Professor Chris Rowley a Research Prize in recognition of the great work that he has done to enhance the School's reputation in research through publications in academic journals of the highest standing.

Abstracting and indexing

Asia Pacific Business Review is also abstracted and indexed in:

ABI/Inform; Asian Pacific Economic Literature; EBSCOhost; EconLit; Emerald Management Reviews; Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management; IBSS - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences; International Development Abstracts; Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography and GEOBASE; OCLC;Risk Abstracts; SCOPUS; Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Swets Information Services; The Abstracts Journal (Institute of Scientific Information of the USSR Academy of Sciences); and Thomson Gale.

Open access

Asia Pacific Business Review is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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