About this journal

Aims and scope

This well-established journal publishes empirically-based articles addressing theoretical, clinical, programmatic, training, and professional practice issues relevant to the family-centered, developmental, and psychosocial aspects of children’ health care. It also contains substantive and methodological reviews pertaining to these areas. As such, it welcomes articles involving parent-professional collaboration and multidisciplinary efforts including nursing, child life, psychology, social work, and related disciplines. The journal’s goal is to establish a strong justification for psychosocial care of children and provide an empirical base for professional applications with children and families interacting with health care settings and personnel.

Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.


Researchers and practitioners interested in promoting health care policies, programs, and practices responsive to the psychosocial needs of children and their families.

Journal metrics


  • 34K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.7 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.8 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 1.9 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • 0.345 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.337 (2023) SJR


  • 10 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 100 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 14 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 18% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Eric Storch, Ph.D. - Baylor College of Medicine, USA

Associate Editors

Christopher Flessner, Ph.D -
  Kent State University, USA
Carolyn E. Ievers-Landis, Ph.D - University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, USA
Amy Sato, Ph.D. - Kent State University, USA

Editorial Board

Chelsea M. Ale, Ph.D - Mayo Clinic, USA
Keith Allen, Ph.D. - University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Jason Allen, Ph.D - Texas Tech University, USA
Frank Andrasik, Ph.D. - University of Memphis, USA
Bridget Armstrong, Ph.D - University of South Carolina, USA
F. Daniel Armstrong, Ph.D., ABPP - University of Miami School of Medicine, USA
Brandon Aylward, Ph.D - Emory University School of Medicine, USA
Daniel M. Bagner, Ph.D, ABPP - Florida International University, USA
Kristen Grabill Beniot, Ph.D - Brown University Medical School and Rhode Island Hospital, USA
William Black, Ph.D - University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
Ronald L. Blount, Ph.D - University of Georgia, USA
Richard E. Boles, Ph.D - University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, USA
Ronald T. Brown, Ph.D - University of Las Vegas, USA
Natasha Burke, Ph.D - Fordham University, USA
Kimberly Canter, Ph.D - Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware, USA
July Carmody, Ph.D - Children's Hospital of Boston, USA
John M. Chaney, PhD - Oklahoma State University, USA
Ashley Clawson, Ph.D - Oklahoma State University, USA
Erica Coats, Ph.D - Georgetown University, USA
Shayna Coburn Ph.D - Children's National Hospital, USA
Lindsey Cohen, Ph.D. - Georgia State University, USA
Marc Collin. M.D. - Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, USA
Katrina Cordts, Ph.D - University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA
Lynnda Dahlquist, Ph.D. - University of Maryland-Baltimore County, USA
Molly Davis, Ph.D - University of Pennsylvania, USA
Katie Devine, Ph.D - Cancer Institute of New Jersey, USA
Cody Dodd, Ph.D - University of Texas Medical Branch oat Galveston, USA
Cyd Eaton - Ph.D - Johns Hopkins University, USA
Sarah Elkins, Ph.D - University of Houston - Clear Lake, USA
Paul Enlow, Ph.D - Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware , USA
Leslie Frankel, Ph.D - University of Houston, USA
Amy Goetz, Ph.D - Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Michelle Goldwin, Ph.D - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Marisa Gowey, Ph.D - University of Alabama - Birmingham, USA
Leilani Greening, Ph.D - University of Mississippi Medical Center, USA
Silvia Youssef Hanna, Ph.D - College of Charleston, USA
Chantelle Hart, Ph.D - Temple University, USA
David Hecklet, Ph.D - Dell Children's Medical Center, USA
John Herrington, Ph.D - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Aimee Hildenbrand, Ph.D - Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware , USA
Chad Jensen, Ph.D - Brigham Young University, USA
Sara Sytsma Jordan, Ph.D - University of Southern Mississippi, USA
Elizabeth Keys, Ph.D - Dalhousie University, Canada
Michael J. Larson, Ph.D - Brigham Young University, USA
Kathleen Lemanek, PhD - Nationwide Children's Hospital
Adam Lewin, Ph.D, ABPP - University of South Florida College of Medicine, USA
Brenna Maddox, Ph.D - University of North Carolina, USA
Stephanie Marcy, Ph.D - Children's Hospital of Los Angeles, USA
Jennifer Mautone, Ph.D - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Sarah Mire, Ph.D - University of Houston, USA
Melisa Moore, Ph.D - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Julia Parrish-Morris Ph.D - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA
Larry L. Mullins, Ph.D. - Oklahoma State University, USA
Andrea Farkas Patenaude, Ph.D. - Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Sean Phipps, Ph.D. - St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA
Sharon G. Portwood, J.D., Ph.D. - University of North Carolina Charlotte, USA
Scott W. Powers. Ph.D., ABPP - University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, USA
Bonney Reed, Ph.D - Emory University, USA
Cara B. Reeves, Ph.D - Greenville Health System Children's Hospital, USA
Michael C. Roberts, Ph.D, ABPP - University of Kansas, USA
Candido Jose Ingles Saura, Ph.D. -  Miguel Hernandez University of Elche, Spain
Kirti Saxena, MD - Baylor College of Medicine, USA
Nicole Schneider, PsyD, ABPP - Texas Children's Hospital, USA
Katianne Sharp, Ph.D - St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
Alan H. Silverman, Ph.D - Medical College of Wisconsin, USA
Susan J. Simonian, Ph.D., ABPP - College of Charleston, USA
Ric G. Steele, Ph.D., ABPP - University of Kansas, USA
Dara Steinberg, Ph.D - Columbia University Medical Center, USA
Sunita Stewart, Ph.D. - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
Cathy Stough, Ph.D - University of Cincinnati, USA , USA
Laura Stoppelbein, Ph.D - University of Alabama-Birmingham, USA
Lloyd C. Taylor, Ph.D - The Citadel, USA
Kenneth P. Tercyak, PhD -  Georgetown University Medical Center, USA
Laura A. Thompson, Ph.D - Fielding Graduate University, USA
Rachel Tillery, Ph.D - St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, USA
Angela Trujillo, Ph.D. -  Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
Carrie Tully, Ph.D - Children's National Hospital, USA
Wendy L. Ward, Ph.D - University of Arkansas Medical Sciences College of Medicine, USA
Rebecca Wells, Ph.D - University of Georgia, USA
Tammy Wilgenbusch, Ph.D - University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital, USA
Cortney Taylor Zimmerman, Ph.D - Baylor College of Medicine, USA

Abstracting and indexing

Children’s Health Care is abstracted/indexed in: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts; Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Psychology; Cambridge Scientific Abstracts: Health and Safety Science Abstracts, Risk Abstracts; Child Welfare Information Gateway; Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); EBSCOhost Online Research Databases; EMBASE/Excerpta Medica; Exceptional Child Education Resources; Family Index Database; IFI/Plenum: Mental Health Abstracts Database; ISI: Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social SciSearch, Journal Citation Reports Social Science; PsycINFO/Psychological Abstracts; Scopus; and Sociological Abstracts.

Open access

Children's Health Care is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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