About this journal

Aims and scope

The highly acclaimed Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (POTP) delivers vital information to all therapists involved in developmental and physical rehabilitation of infants, children and youth. Designed for PT and OT pediatric professionals in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and health and human services agencies, the journal provides the latest clinical research and practical applications that no professional will want to miss. Current clinical advances and research findings are important for all therapists, and each issue of this journal brings therapists the latest discoveries in therapy as related to their work with children. With an emphasis on implications and applications for therapy practice, the journal includes case reports, and reviews/critiques of new measures.

Highlights of the journal include:

  • Editorials and Commentaries - a forum in which the Editors, Editorial Board members, and invited therapists present perspectives on important issues
  • Original research reports
  • Evidence to Practice Commentary featuring additional perspectives from an expert in the field on a particular issue raised in one of the articles
  • Perspectives, theories and models for practice.
  • Systematic reviews of research for a focused clinical question
  • Appraisal of new tests and measures
  • Book Reviews of the latest publications in the area of pediatric therapy
  • Case reports and program evaluations

Through these columns, this journal brings many viewpoints on the varied aspects of pediatric therapy to therapists, enabling them to focus sharply on today's professional issues. Keep abreast of the most current information on development therapy with infants, children and youth with Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics.

Journal metrics


  • 144K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.5 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q2 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 2.3 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 3.7 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.934 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.555 (2023) SJR


  • 65 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 87 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 15 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 21% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Robert J. Palisano, PT, ScD, FAPTA
Distinguished University Professor Emeritus, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA USA

Annette Majnemer, OT, PhD, FCAHS

Professor, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada

Associate Editors:
Lisa A. Chiarello, PT, PhD, FAPTA

Professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA USA

Barbara Mazer, BSc(OT), PhD
Assistant Professor, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy,
McGill University
Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montreal,
Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital
Montreal, QC Canada

Evidence to Practice Editor:
Laura Brunton, PT, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Physical Therapy
Faculty of Health Sciences
Western University
London, ON Canada

Statistical Consultant:
Michael Steele, PhD, BSc(Stats)
School of Allied Health
Australian Catholic University
Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Editorial Associate:
Debra C. Karlan, MA
Philadelphia, PA
Email: [email protected]

Editorial Board:
Sana Abu-Dahab, PhD, OTR, Amman, Jordan
Mohammed Alghamdi, PT, PhD, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Nihad Almasri, PT, PhD, Amman, Jordan
Mihee An, PT, PhD, Ginehae, Republic of Korea
Dana Anaby, PhD, Montreal, QC, Canada
Elizabeth Ardolino, PT, PhD, St. Augustine, FL, USA
Osnat Atun-Einy, PhD, Haifa, Israel
Amy Bailes, PT, PhD, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Sabina Barrios Fernandez, PhD, Caceres, Extremadura, Spain
Orit Bart, OB, PhD, OT, Tel Aviv, Israel
Audrée Jeanne Beaudoin, OT, PhD, Sheerbrooke, QC, Canada
Danielle Bellows, PT, MHS, DHSc, Worcester, MA, USA
Anoo Bhopti, PhD, Frankston, VIC, Australia
Marie-Eve Bolduc, MSc, BSc OT, erg, Montreal, QC, Canada
Helen Bourke-Taylor, PhD, Fitzroy, VIC, Australia
Marina Brandão, PhD, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Marie Brossard-Racine, PhD, Montreal, QC, Canada
Ted Brown, PhD, MSc, MPA, BScOT (Hons), OT(C), OTR, AccOT, Frankston, VIC, Australia
Laura Brunton, PT, PhD, London, ON, Canada
Andrea Burgess, PhD, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
Jackie Casey, PhD, FHEA, Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland
Tricia Catalino, PT, DSc, PCS, Henderson, NV, USA
Wen-Pin Chang, PhD, OTR/L, Omaha, NE, USA
Jeanne Charles, PT, MSW, PhD, Portland, ME, USA
Yu-Wei Ryan Chen, PhD, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Phoebe Pui Pui Cheung, PhD, Hong Kong
Erika Cloodt, PT, Vaxjo, Sweden
Andrea Cunha, PT, MSc, PhD, Newark, DE, USA
Noémi Dahan-Oliel, PhD, OT, Montreal, Canada
Ana Carolina de Campos, PT, PhD, São Carlos, Brazil
Jean Deitz, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, Shoreline, WA, USA
Belinda Deramore Denver, PhD, North Sydney, NSW, Australia
Briano Di Rezze, OT, PhD, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Susan V. Duff, EdD, PT, OTR/L, CHT, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Stacey C. Dusing, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Los Angeles, VA, USA
Debbie Ehrmann Feldman, PT, PhD, Montreal, QC, Canada
Megan Flores, PT, MPT, PhD, Austin, TX, USA
Maria Fragala-Pinkham, PT, DPT, MS, Boston, MA, USA
Elspeth Froude, PhD, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Sandra Fucile, PhD, OT (reg), Kingston, ON, Canada
Isabelle Gagnon, PhD, Montreal, QC, Canada
Mary Gannotti, PhD, West Hartford, CT, USA
Allan M. Glanzman, PT, DPT, PCS, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Stephanie Glegg, PT, MSc, PhD, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Fiona Graham, PhD, Christchurch, New Zealand
Mats Granlund, PhD, Jönköping, Sweden
Marybeth Grant-Beuttler PT, PhD, PCS, Klamath Falls, OR, USA
Dido Green, PhD, Oxford, United Kingdom
Sarah Grimshaw, BPhysio, PhD, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Regina Harbourne, PhD, PT, PCS, Omaha, NE, USA
Adrienne Harvey, PT, PhD, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Jill Heathcock, PhD, Columbus, OH, USA
Ashleigh Hines, PhD, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Jamie Holloway, PT, DPT, PhD, Tampa, FL, USA
Tsu-Hsin Howe, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, New York, NY, USA
Lynn Jeffries, PT, PhD, PCS, Langston, OK, USA
Kine Johansen, PT, PhD, Uppsala, Sweden
Connie Johnson, PT, DScPT, Fairfax, VA, USA
Leanne Johnston, PhD, ST. Lucia, QL, Australia
Annette Joosten, PhD, OT, East Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Audrey Kane, PhD, OTR/L, Richmond, VA, USA
Lin-Ju Kang, PT, PhD, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
Sandra Kaplan, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, Neward, NJ, USA
Ann Kennedy-Behr, OTR, PhD, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Marilyn Kertoy, PhD, CCC-SLP, Speech Reg (Ont), London, ON, Canada
Kari Kretch, PT, DPT, PhD, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Shelly J. Lane, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Ft Collins, CO, USA
Hercules Leite, PT, PhD, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Nancy Lennon, PT, DPT, Wilmington, DE, USA
Mindy Levin, PT, PhD, W Montreal, QC, Canada
Michele A. Lobo, PT, PhD, Neward, DE, USA
Toby M. Long, PT, PhD, FAPTA, Washington, D.C., USA
Désirée Maltais, PhD, PT, Quebec City, QC, Canada
Marybeth Mandich, PT, PhD, Morgantown, WV, USA
Victoria Marchese, PT, PhD, Baltimore, MD, USA
Tomomi McAuliffe, PhD, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Beth M. McManus, PT, MPH, ScD, Aurora, CO, USA
Jacqueline Montes, PT, EdD, New York, NY, USA
Iona Novak, PhD, OTR, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tatiana Ogourtsova, PhD, MSc, BSc OT (c), erg, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Margaret O'Neil, PT, PhD, MPH, Lowell, MA, USA
Margo Orlin, PT, PhD, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Elyse Passmore, PhD, Parkville, VIC, Australia
Beth Pfeiffer, PhD, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Barbara Pizzutillo, PT, DPT, MBA, Wynnewood, PA, USA
Kelly Pogemiller, PT, DPT, West Hartford, CT, USA
Laura A. Prosser, PT, PhD, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Laurie Ray, PT, PhD, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Tanya Rihtman, PhD, Headington, Oxford, UK
Elisabet Rodby-Bousquet, PhD, Lund, Sweden
Deborah Rose, PT, DPT, PCS, Alexandria, VA, USA
Sandra Saavedra, PT, PhD, Lebanon, OR, USA
Leanne Sakzewski, PhD, Brisbane, Australia
Lisa Samson-Fang, MD, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Barbara Sargent, PT, PhD, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Keiko Shikako-Thomas, PhD, Montreal, QC, Canada
Beth Smith, PT, DPT, PhD, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Laurie Snider, OT, PhD, Montreal, QC, Canada
Alicia Spittle, PhD, Coburg, VIC, Australia
Jean Stout, St Paul, MN, USA
Bonnie Swaine, PT, PhD, Montreal, QC, Canada
Sandra Thompson-Hodgetts, PhD, OT, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Rachel Toovey, PhD, Carlton, VIC, Australia
Carole Tucker, PT, PhD, PCS, RCEP, Galveston, TX, USA
Jilda N. Vargus-Adams, MD, MSc, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Laura K. Vogtle, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, Birmingham, AL, USA
Margaret Wallen, PhD, MA, BAppSC(OT), Sydney, NSW, Australia
Renee Watling, PhD, OTR/L, Tacoma, WA, USA
Erin Wentz, PT, PhD, Syracuse, NY, USA
Lesley Wiart, PhD, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Sarah Wilkes-Gillan, PhD, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sian Williams, PhD, AEP, Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Kristy Wittmeier, BMRPT, MSc, PhD, Winnipeg, Canada
Kimberly Wynarczuk, PT, DPT, PhD, PCS, MPH, CHES, Phillipsburg, NJ, USA
Gillian Yeowell, PhD, MCSP, Clayton VIC, Australia
Mong-Lin Yu, PhD, Frankston, VIC, Australia
Jill G. Zwicker, PhD, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Updated 03-07-2024

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