Aims and scope

Published by KAMLA-RAJ ENTERPRISES from 2019.

The Anthropologist  is a peer reviewed journal that publishes original articles, both theoretical  and applied, book reviews, and debates on current issues in the interdisciplinary field of human science.  It provides a forum to social and life scientists for exchanging their scientific knowledge, and seeks scholarly manuscripts that address bio-socio-cultural and ecological aspects of man


The journal commits to prompt and priority publication to manuscripts with exceptional interest and of novel and timely findings. The researchers are invited to submit original papers in English (papers published elsewhere or under consideration elsewhere shall not be considered).


Peer Review Policy 

All papers and articles submitted are subjected to peer review. The possible exceptions are in the case of occasional invited papers and editorials, or where a partial or entire volume is devoted to a special theme. Please note that all accepted papers for this journal are subject to originality checking. To avoid potential problems, please ensure that all citations and sources are fully disclosed at the point of submission.


Publishing Ethics

The Journal adheres to the highest standards of publishing ethics, with rigorous processes in place to ensure this is achieved. Taylor & Francis is a member of  Committee of Publications Ethics  (COPE) and utilises  CrossCheck  for all Journals. More information on our ethical standards and policies can be found here:  



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