About this journal

Aims and scope

Members of the International Environmental Communication Association (IECA) can choose to publish their article Gold Open Access for a reduced article publishing charge (APC) of £1250 / €1500 / $2065, which represents a discount of 30% on the standard APC. Please email [email protected] with your IECA membership number if you would like to choose this option.

IECA members can also subscribe to Environmental Communication at a discounted rate. To become an IECA member, please visit https://theieca.org/membership.

Aims and Scope
As the flagship journal of the International Environmental Communication Association, Environmental Communication is a premiere international and interdisciplinary publishing outlet for original research on the ways communication matters to ecological relations and vice versa. The journal is intended for scholars, students, and broadly engaged audiences attuned to the ethical stakes of environmental communication.

Communication is understood as pragmatic and constitutive—that is, influencing, moving, naming, negotiating, orienting, reacting to, and otherwise shaping the world in complex ways. We publish significant research in critical, theoretical, and applied fields, such as: business & organizational communication; critical advertising, public relations, & design; Critical Environmental Justice Studies; critical legal studies & policy; critical theory & ethics; Cultural Studies; discourse, linguistics and social interaction; ecocultural, interpersonal, & intercultural communication; Ethnic Studies; Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies; health and risk communication; critical information studies & communication technologies; journalism & mass communication; media studies, including fashion, film, games, music, photography, podcasting, radio, & television; pedagogy; performance studies, including ethnography; public participation & governance; rhetoric & public culture; science communication; and social & behavioral change.

We foster historical, current, and futurist research on environmental topics, including: abolitionist ecologies; air & wind; animals & animality; apocalypse; biodiversity & extinction; blue ecology & oceans; buildings and infrastructure; climate; consumer studies and market-based advocacy; disasters; disinformation and misinformation campaigns; eco-ableism; eco-fascist myths; eco-feminisms; environmental historiography; environmental and climate justice; energy; environmental law and rights; fire & heat; food systems; greenwashing; heat; Indigenous epistemologies; intergenerational studies; just transition; labor; land; militarism; nature; natural resource management; outdoor recreation & tourism; plants; pollution; popular culture & trends; public controversies; public health; queer ecologies; racial ecologies; social movements, protests, and revolution; sovereignty; sports; spirituality & religion; sustainability, including economy, ecology, and equity; transportation; waste; water; and wildlife, nature, & marine conservation, preservation, and conflict.

The pages of this journal ideally are not written tabula rasa, as if each author just discovered communication matters for environmental relations (and vice versa). Authors are expected to write for an informed, interdisciplinary, and international audience. We provide a forum for ongoing conversations building collective knowledge, although one need not agree or be shy about areas of marginalization and critique to date. Our editorial board is committed to equitable and inclusive reviewing practices. Given our global readership, we encourage contributions to be contextualized in specific cultures at particular historical moments and attuned to power inequities, including in research topic, design, analysis, and citations.

The Editorial Board will consider the following types of submissions:
Publications will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Special Issue proposals are identifiably assessed by the Editor. Book, Film, & Performance Reviews are identifiably assessed by the Review Editor.

Research Article (6-9,000 words, including title, abstract, notes, references, and figures): Original empirical research or new scholarly analysis of significant scope and breadth, including empirically-grounded and theoretically-nuanced scholarship or literature reviews that make an original argument. Given the high volume of submissions, evaluation criteria will prioritize essays that reflect the Aims and Scope of the journal, as well as: originality of insights, clarity of argument, methodological care. Please, note: the journal currently only publishes in English, even as our authors engage multiple languages.

Advanced Review (6– 8,000 words): Comprehensive synthesis and review of research and developments of interdisciplinary significance, highlighting future directions for research, analysis, and/or professional practice.

Book, Documentary Film, Podcast, Radio Program, or Performance Review

We solicit Reviews and welcome related inquiries, particularly from graduate students. All Reviews should evaluate works that have been produced in the past two years. Books and documentary films can be any length and should be created by scholars or practitioners. Podcasts and radio programs should consist of at least one season or a series of shows. Performances should be live and of notable significance by scholars or practitioners. Reviews should be structured in three parts: 1) an argument for the studied material’s environmental communication relevance; 2) a brief description or explanation of the book, documentary film, podcast, radio program, or performance; and 3) a critical assessment. Provide a heading with the Review author's name, a short Review title, and the following information:

● For a book, provide the name of the book title, author(s)/editor(s), city, publisher, date, page numbers, cost, and ISBN. Two examples are below.
● For a documentary film, provide the title, director’s name, production company or studio, year, and website URL (if available).
● For a podcast or radio program, provide the title, host name(s), year, and website URL (if available).
● For a performance, provide the title, playwright’s name, director’s name, date witnessed, and website URL (if available).

 Example Book Review:

Nuclear Nuevo México: Colonialism and the Effects of the Nuclear Industrial Complex on Nuevomexicanos, by Myrriah Gómez, Tucson, The University of Arizona Press, 2022, 184 pp., USD $30.00 (paperback), ISBN 9780816537105

Energy politics and discourse in Canada: probing progressive extractivism, by Sibo Chen, London and New York, Routledge, 2023, 150 pp., USD $64.95 (Hardback), ISBN 9781032395524

Reviews should not exceed a 1,000-2,500-word count, including references. Manuscripts that exceed this maximum will be returned to the authors for reduction in length and resubmission. The only exception to this word count limit is for Reviews that require lengthy and/or frequent translations. In this situation, the word count should not exceed 3,000 words. While Reviews of works communicated in any language are encouraged, the journal only publishes Reviews in the English language; therefore, any non-English-language words, sentences, and paragraphs in a Review should be accompanied by English translations. Contact the Review Editor, Prof. Catalina de Onís, with questions or ideas: [email protected]

Special Issues: If you have a proposal for a Special Issue, please email a 2 page proposal to the journal editor, including: (1) who: the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the (co)editors (and contributors if you already know who they are); (2) what & why: a 1-2 paragraph rational for the topic’s significance for this journal and how the (co)editors are well-positioned to lead the effort; (3) when: a brief, tentative timeline of expected completion; and (4) by whom: 3-5 names of potential qualified reviewers. You should receive a response within two weeks. We’re particularly excited about topics “ripped from the headlines” that bridge impactful practitioner and scholarly praxis legally, politically, and/or culturally, as well as proposals led by under-represented voices of the Global South and the Global South of the North.

When invited by the Editor or a special issue, we also consider:
Research Insight (2– 3,000 words): Original empirical research or new scholarly analysis smaller in scope than a full research article, often providing insight on recent or emerging debates and trends, and/or a novel social, professional, or country context.

Alt Text This journal is now including Alt Text (alternative text), a short piece of text that can be attached to your figure to convey to readers the nature or contents of image(s). It is typically used by systems such as pronouncing screen readers to make the object accessible to people that cannot read or see the object, due to a visual impairment or print disability. Alt text will also be displayed in place of an image, if said image file cannot be loaded. Alt Text can also provide better image context/descriptions to search engine crawlers, helping them to index an image properly. To include Alt Text in your article, please follow our Guidelines.

Peer Review Statement

Environmental Communication is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne.

Journal metrics


  • 300K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 3.0 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 3.6 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 6.3 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.194 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.952 (2023) SJR


  • 13 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 70 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 13 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 18% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Phaedra C. Pezzullo, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Book, Film, and Performance Review Editor
Catalina de Onís, University of Oregon, USA

Managing Editor
Warren Cook, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Associate Editors
Dominic Ayegba Okoliko, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Chen Liang, Tsinghua University, China
Jagadish Thaker, The University of Queensland, Australia
Silje Kristiansen, University of Bergen, Norway
Leonor Solís Rojas, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Miyase Christensen, Stockholm University, Sweden

Editorial Board
Nuria Almiron, Universitat Pompeu, Spain
Alison Anderson, University of Plymouth, UK
Melissa Aronczyk, Rutgers University, USA
Noor Ghazal Aswad, University of Alabama, USA
Lucy Atkinson, University of Texas-Austin, USA
Joshua Trey Barnett, Pennsylvania State University
John C. Besley, Michigan State University, USA
Peter Berglez, Örebro University, Sweden
Emma Frances Bloomfield, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA
Maxwell Boykoff, University of Colorado, USA
Garrett M. Broad, Rowan University, USA
Peter K. Bsumek, James Madison University, USA
Anabela Carvalho, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
José Castro-Sotomayor, California State University Channel Islands, US
Paola Catenaccio, Università degli Studi di Milano
Sibo Chen, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Kundai Chirindo, Lewis & Clark, USA
Haoran Chu, University of Florida, USA
Geoffrey Craig, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
E Cram, University of Iowa, USA
Stephen P. Depoe, University of Cincinnati, USA
Terrell Jake Dionne, University of Arkansas, USA
Julie Doyle, University of Brighton, UK
Finis Dunaway, Trent University, Canada
Danielle Endres, University of Utah, USA
Sarah Fahmy, Florida State University, USA
Declan Fahy, Dublin City University, Ireland
Lauren Feldman, Rutgers University, USA
Carrie P. Freeman, Georgia State University, USA
Kerrie Foxwell-Norton, Griffith University, Australia
Shiv Ganesh, University of Texas-Austin, USA
Jennifer Good, Brock University, Canada
Constance Gordon, San Francisco State University, USA
Yu Guo, Macau University of Science and Technology, Macau SAR China
Jay Hmielowski, University of Florida, USA
Shirley S. Ho, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jill Hopke, Depaul University, USA
Tasos Hovardas, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Brett Hutchins, Monash University, Australia
Muhammad Ittefaq, James Madison University, USA
Mehita Iqani, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Jenell Johnson, University of Wisconsin, USA
Truman R. Keys, Western Connecticut State University, USA
Kiu-wai Chu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Nelya Koteyko, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Libby Lester, Monash University, Australia
Xinghua Li, Babson College, USA
Laura Lindenfeld, Stony Brook University, USA
Jingfang Liu, Fudan University, China
Antonio López, John Cabot University, Italy
Alana Mann, University of Sydney, Australia
Bridie McGreavy, University of Maine, USA
Callum McGregor, University of Edinburgh, UK
Katherine McComas, Cornell University, USA
Marijn H. C. Meijers, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
Tema Milstein, University of New South Wales, Australia
Maitreyee Mishra, Manipal Institute of Communication, India
Salma Monani, Gettysburg, USA
Bernardo H. Motta, Roger Williams University, USA
L. Lusike Mukhongo, Western Michigan University, USA
Patrick D. Murphy, Temple University Rome, Italy
Zhang Nan, Xiamen University, China
Tiara Na’puti, University of California Irvine, USA
Matthew C. Nisbet, Northeastern University, USA
LeiLani Nishime, University of Washington, USA
Omedi Ochieng, University of Colorado Boulder, USA
Godwin Okon, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nigeria
Ulrika Olausson, Örebro University, Sweden
Ong’ong’a Daniel Oloo, Mount Kenya University, Kenya
Andrew Opel, Florida State University, USA
Jennifer Peeples, Utah State University, USA
Sonny Rosenthal, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Chris Russill, Carleton University, Canada
Jen Schneider, Boise State, USA
Aby Sène-Harper, Clemson University, USA
Jingyuan Shi, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Norie R. Singer, Saginaw Valley State University, USA
Stacey K. Sowards, University of Texas Austin, USA
Nadine Strauß, University of Zurich
Bruno Takahashi, Michigan State University, USA
Carlos A. Tarin, University of Texas El Paso, USA
Armond R. Towns, Carleton University, Canada
Mehmet Ali Üzelgün, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
Pianpian Wang, Shenzhen University, China
Hermin Indah Wahyuni, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia
Barb Willard, DePaul University, USA
A. (Anke) Wonneberger, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Xiaodong Yang, Shandong University, China
Sara K. Yeo, University of Utah, USA
Andreas Ytterstad, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Updated 13-02-2024

Abstracting and indexing

Environmental Communication is now listed in: Communication Abstracts, Social Sciences Citation Index ©, Current Contents / Social and Behavioural Science ® and EBSCO.

Open access

Environmental Communication is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
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  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
  4. Comply with funding mandates and meet the requirements of your institution, employer or funder
  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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Society information

Members of the International Environmental Communication Association receive a personal print and/or online subscription to Environmental Communication as part of their membership package.

Members of the following groups can receive an individual print subscription to Environmental Communication at a special society member rate. Please see the pricing or subscribe page for details.

  • American Planning Association, Environment,
  • Natural Resources, and Energy Division
  • American Psychological Association, Population and Environmental Psychology Division
  • American Society for Environmental History
  • American Sociological Association, Section on
    Environment and Technology
  • Asian Media Information and Communication Centre
  • Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Science Communication Interest Group
  • Association for the Study of Literature and Environment
  • Association on Natural Resource Extension Professionals
  • Australia and New Zealand Communication Association
  • Australian Science Communication Conference
  • Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication
  • Environmental Communication Network
  • Environmental Studies Association of Canada
  • European Sociological Association, Environment and Society Network
  • International Association for Environmental Philosophy
  • International Association for Media and Communication Research
  • International Association for Public Participation
  • International Association for Society and Natural Resources
  • International Communication Association
  • International Conference on Communication and Environment
  • InteInternational Journal of Sustainability Communication
  • International Network on Public Communication of Science and Technology
  • International Society for Environmental Ethics
  • International Sociological Association, Research Committee 24 (Environment and Society)
  • National Association of Environmental Professionals
  • National Communication Association
  • ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association)
  • North American Association for Environmental Education
  • Rural Sociological Society
  • Society of Environmental Journalists
  • Society for Human Ecology
  • Society for Risk Analysis

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