About this journal

Aims and scope

Environmental Sociology is dedicated to applying and advancing the sociological imagination in relation to a wide variety of environmental challenges, controversies and issues, at every level from the global to local, from ‘world culture’ to diverse local perspectives. As an international, peer-reviewed scholarly journal, Environmental Sociology aims to stretch the conceptual and theoretical boundaries of both environmental and mainstream sociology, to highlight the relevance of sociological research for environmental policy and management, to disseminate the results of sociological research, and to engage in productive dialogue and debate with other disciplines in the social, natural and ecological sciences.

Contributions may utilize a variety of theoretical orientations including, but not restricted to: critical theory, cultural sociology, ecofeminism, ecological modernization, environmental justice, organizational sociology, political ecology, political economy, post-colonial studies, risk theory, social psychology, science and technology studies, globalization, world-systems analysis, and so on. Cross- and transdisciplinary contributions are welcome where they demonstrate a novel attempt to understand social-ecological relationships in a manner that engages with the core concerns of sociology in social relationships, institutions, practices and processes. All methodological approaches in the environmental social sciences – qualitative, quantitative, integrative, spatial, policy analysis, etc. – are welcomed. Environmental Sociology welcomes high-quality submissions from scholars around the world.

Topics of interest to Environmental Sociology include biodiversity; business and the environment; climate change adaptation, mitigation and consequences; consumers and consumption; culture and the environment; ecological citizenship; ecological practices; energy; environmental attitudes, behaviours and practices; environmental communication; environmental controversies; environmental governance, policy and regulation (including participatory approaches); environmental risks, hazards and uncertainties; environmental social movements; environmental technologies; food, agriculture and the environment; gender and the environment; global environmental change; health and the environment; human ecology; mass media, new medias and the environment; mobilities, migration and transport; natural resource management; population and environmental change; race, ethnicity and the environment; sociology of water management; sustainable development; urban and industrial environments; etc. Submissions are also sought on innovations, challenges and debates in research methods and teaching in environmental sociology.

Journal metrics


  • 118K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 2.4 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 3.4 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 4.6 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.079 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.881 (2023) SJR


  • 10 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 80 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 8 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 24% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Foundation Editor

Stewart Lockie , The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Australia

Associate Editors
Mark Stoddart , Memorial University, Canada
Catherine Mei Ling Wong , National University of Singapore, Singapore

Editorial Board

Cigdem Adem, Institute of Public Administration for Turkey and the Middle East, Turkey

Birgit Blättel-Mink, University of Frankfurt, Germany

Magnus Boström, Örebro University, Sweden

Mercedes Pardo Buendia, University Carlos III, Spain

Matthias Gross, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig and University of Jena, Germany

Koichi Hasegawa, Tokohu University, Japan

Pedro Jacobi, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Maria Kousis, University of Crete, Greece

Peter Oosterveer, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Luigi Pellizzoni, University of Trieste, Italy

David A. Sonnenfeld, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, USA

J. David Tabara, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Cheryl Teelucksingh, Ryerson University, Canada

Audrone Telesiene, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania

International Advisory Board

Phil Brown, Northeastern University, USA
Thomas Dietz, Michigan State University, USA
Riley E. Dunlap, Oklahoma State University, USA
John Bellamy Foster, University of Oregon, USA

John Hannigan, University of Toronto, Canada
Dayong Hong, Renmin University of China, China

Alan Irwin, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Rolf Lidskog, Örebro University, Sweden

Mary Mellor, University of Northumbria, UK

Arthur P.J. Mol, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Raymond Murphy, University of Ottawa, Canada

David N. Pellow, University of Minnesota, USA
Michael Redclift, Kings College, UK
Ortwin Renn, University of Stuttgart, Germany
J. Timmons Roberts, Brown University, USA
Saskia Sassen, Columbia University, USA

Abstracting and indexing

Environmental Sociology is included in Clarivate Analytics' Emerging Sources Citation Index

Open access

Environmental Sociology is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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