About this journal

Aims and scope

Globalizations seeks to publish the best work that contributes to constructing new meanings of globalization, brings fresh ideas to the concept, broadens its scope, and has an impact upon shaping the debates and practices of the future. The journal is dedicated to opening the widest possible space for discussion of alternatives to narrow understandings of global processes and conditions. The move from the singular to the plural is deliberate and implies scepticism of the idea that there can ever be a single theory or interpretation of globalization. Rather, the journal seeks to encourage the exploration and discussion of multiple interpretations and multiple processes that may constitute many possible globalizations, many possible alternatives. The journal is open to all fields of knowledge, including the natural, environmental, medical and public health sciences, as well as the social sciences and the humanities. Globalizations encourages multidisciplinary research and looks to publish contributions from all regions of the world. The articles and special issues focus on acute issues of the moment and on deep long-term structural shifts. The journal uses a double anonymized, peer reviewed process. Its impact factor and ranking are included in Thomson Reuters' Journals Citation Report.

Global Themes of the journal include:

Political Economy: stability and change, inequality, poverty, global justice, labour, land grabs, transnational class formation

Environment: climate change, degradation, sustainability, regulation, alternatives

Public Health: pandemics and remedies, accessible and affordable care, North-South inequalities

Gender: exploitation, empowerment, equality

Human Security: conflict, peace and collective responsibilities, migration and rights, food security

Culture: singularity, hybridity, multiplicity, language

Governance: institutions, social movements, global civil society, cities, cosmopolitanism, transnational labour

Ethics: values, dialogue and praxis

Business: corporate social responsibility, finance, transnational corporate practice, crisis

Technology and Communication: internet, social media, civic journalism

Peer review
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editors, and if found suitable for further consideration, research articles are then subject to double anonymous peer review by two or more independent expert reviewers. For Special Issues, and for Special Forums, all proposals are appraised by the editors, and if accepted, the research articles will be subject to peer review by two or more independent anonymous reviewers. All research articles for Special Issues or Special Forums are subject to a final appraisal by the Editor in Chief. All other essays, commentaries, field notes, or interviews, whether part of a Special Forum, a Special Issue, or otherwise, are subject to review by the journal editors and if deemed necessary at least one other expert reviewer. A record of peer reviewers is kept for all Special Issues and Special Forums published in the journal.

Endorsements for the journal:

Globalizations breaks new ground in providing a forum for the debate about the nature and form of globalization. It is at the cutting edge of this debate, at once both scholarly and inspiring’ David Held, Graham Wallas Chair of Political Science, The London School of Economics, UK

‘With world affairs undergoing profound and substantial transformations, few journals focus on the changes as thoroughly and consistently as Globalizations . Issue after issue its articles are arrestingly innovative and insightful, not to mention very relevant to the course of events in diverse areas of global life’ James N. Rosenau, University Professor of International Affairs, The George Washington University, USA

‘The journal takes a comprehensive approach the major issues of the day, is not constrained by the blinders of traditional international relations and public policy, and is catholic in its approach to the different, competing theories of globalization’ Craig Murphy, M. Margaret Ball Professor of International Relations Wellesley College, USA

‘I can think of no subject more in need of fresh perspectives than globalization, and the founding editors of this journal took a brilliant first step in the right direction when they made the title plural rather than singular. Since then the selection of articles continues to reflect its promise of presenting many diverse issues and viewpoints.’ Walter Truett Anderson, President, World Academy of Art and Science

Globalizations lives up to its plural by being not just scholarly but lively, varied, and open-minded, helping to define a relatively amorphous new field. This journal belongs on desks and in libraries across the globe’ Susan George, President of the Board, Transnational Institute [Amsterdam]

Globalizations provides the best mapping of the study and practices of a changing world order. The foremost guide to knowledge about globalization, this journal is the rendezvous of previously scattered perspectives, debates, and fieldwork in different regions’ James H. Mittelman, Professor of International Relations, American University, Washington, DC, USA

’One of the distinct contributions of this journal is its effort to expand the analytic terrain within which to place the study of globalizations. Subnational events are as significant as global instituties such as the WTO’ Saskia Sassen, Author of Territory, Authority, Rights

’Crossing disciplinary, cultural and academic-practitioner divides, Globalizations opens valuable new spaces for debating alternative global futures.’ Jan Aart Scholte, Co-Director Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation, University of Warwick

Journal metrics


  • 372K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.9 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 2.5 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 5.7 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.428 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.727 (2023) SJR


  • 13 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 118 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 14 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 25% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Barry Gills
Biography - University of Helsinki, Finland

Editor Emeritus:
Mark Amen
- University of South Florida, USA

Ida Danewid - University of Sussex, UK
Kevin Gray - University of Sussex, UK
Silke Trommer - University of Manchester, UK

International Editorial Board:

Anna Agathangelou - York University, Canada
C. van der Anker - University of the West of England, UK
Kevin Archer - Central Washington University, USA
Barry Axford - Oxford Brookes University, UK
Vicki Birchfield - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Patrick Bond - University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Shannon Brincat - University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Robin Broad - American University, USA
Nicola Bullard - Focus on the Global South, Thailand
Jessica Byron-Reid - University of the West Indies at Mona, Jamaica
William Carroll - University of Victoria, Canada
Terrell Carver - University of Bristol, UK
Christopher Chase-Dunn - University of California, Riverside, USA
Fantu Cheru - Leiden University, The Netherlands
Uhn Cho (retired)
Esteban Pino Coviello - University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
A. Claire Cutler - University of Victoria, Canada
Fred Dallmayr - University of Notre Dame, USA
Robert A. Denemark - University of Delaware, USA
Daniel Dessein - La Gaceta, Tucuman, Argentina
A. C. Drainville - University Laval, Canada
Michael Douglass - National University of Singapore, Singapore
Alexander Dunlap - University of Oslo, Norway
Farideh Farhi - Hawaii, USA
Richard Falk - University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Kathy E. Ferguson - University of Hawaii, USA
John Forrer - The George Washington University, USA
A. Freyberg-Inan - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jonathan Friedman (retired)
Alla G. Glinchikova - Institute for Globalization Studies, Russia
David Goodman - University of Technology Sydney, Australia
James Goodman - University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Jerry Harris - National Secretary of the Global Studies Association of North America, USA
Eric Herring - University of Bristol, UK
Björn Hettne (retired)
Hamed Hosseini - University of Newcastle, Australia
Rosalba Icaza - ISS, The Hague, The Netherlands
Suzan Ilcan - University of Waterloo, Canada
Wazir Jahan - Academy of Socio-economic Research & Analysis (ASERA), George Town, Penang
Paul James - University of Western Sydney, Australia
Bonn Juego - University of Jyväskylä, Finland
K.P. Kannan - Centre for Development Studies, India
Boris Kagarlitsky - Transnational Institute, The Netherlands
Habibul Haque Khondker - Zayed University, United Arab Emirates
Agustin Laò-Montes - University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Ronnie Lipschutz - University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Sandra MacLean - Simon Fraser University, Canada
Bice Maiguashca - University of Exeter, UK
Matias E. Margulis - University of British Columbia, Canada
Don D. Marshall - University of the West Indies, Barbados
Tony McGrew - La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Nora McKeon - International University College of Turin, Italy
Paola Minoia - University of Turin, Italy
James H. Mittelman - American University, USA
Phoebe Moore - University of Leicester, UK
Thomas Muhr - Habib University, Karachi
Ronaldo Munck - Dublin City University, Ireland
Craig Murphy - University of Massachusetts - Boston, USA
Deane Neubauer - University of Hawaii, USA
Alf Gunvald Nilsen - University of Bergen, Norway
Franklin Obeng-Odoom - University of Helsinki, Finland
Norani Othman - Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia
Henk Overbeek - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mustapha Kamal Pasha - University of Aberdeen, UK
Heikki Patomäki - University of Helsinki, Finland
V. Spike Peterson - University of Arizona, USA
Thomas Pogge - Columbia University, USA
Jean L. Pyle - University of Massachusetts, Lowell, USA
Ruth Reitan - University of Miami, USA
Steven Roach - University of South Florida, USA
Roland Robertson - University of Aberdeen, UK
William I. Robinson - University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Marcelo Saguier - National University of San Martin (UNSAM), Argentina
Ranabir Samaddar - The Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata, India
Saskia Sassen - University of Chicago, USA
Ella Schmidt - University of South Florida, USA
Jan Aart Scholte - Leiden University, The Netherlands
Michael Shapiro - University of Hawaii, USA
Timothy Shaw (retired)
Kwang-Yeong Shin - Chung-Ang University, Korea
Jackie Smith - University of Pittsburgh, USA
Suzanne Soederberg - Queen's University at Kingston, Canada
Nevzat Soguk - University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Hussein Solomon - University of Pretoria, South Africa
Asunction Lera St. Clair - DNV GL - Group Technology and Research
Manfred Steger - University of Hawaii, USA
Silke Trommer - University of Manchester, UK
Telvo Teivainen - University of Helsinki, Finland
J. Ann Tickner - American University, USA
Stein Tønnesson - PRIO - International Peace Research Institute, Norway
Silke Trommer - Manchester University, UK
Diana Tussi - FLACSO, Argentina
Hasmet Uluorta - University of Miami, USA
Achin Vanaik - University of Delhi, India
Harry E. Vanden - University of South Florida, USA
Ritu Vij - Aberdeen University, Scotland
Heloise Weber - University of Queensland, Australia
Anita Weiss - University of Oregon, USA
Heather Widdows - University of Birmingham, UK
Ren Xiao - Shanghai Institute for International Studies, China
Norihisa Yamashita - Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Pang Zhongying - People’ (Renmin) University of China, Beijing

Updated 21-06-2024

Abstracting and indexing

Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in Thomson Reuters including Social Sciences Citation Index and Web of Science; EBSCOhost including Environment Index, Political Science Complete and Public Affairs Index; Sociological Abstracts, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, International Bibliography of the Social Sciences and PAIS International, among others.

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  • Special subscription rate of US$58/£35 for reviewers & contributors. Contact +44 (0)20 7017 5544, [email protected].(Quote YB09960W)

Society information

Members of the following groups can receive an individual print subscription to Globalizations at a special society member rate. Please see the pricing or subscribe page for details.

  • Global Regional Network
  • Global Studies Association
  • International Studies Association

Reviewers and contributors can take out a personal subscription to Globalizations at a special rate. Please see the pricing or subscribe page for details.

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