About this journal

Aims and scope

The Journal of Marketing Communications is a double-anonymized peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing research papers and information concerning all aspects of marketing and corporate communication, branding both corporate and product-related, and promotion management. It is a channel for discussing issues such customer relationship management, integrated marketing communication, together with behavioural foundations of marketing communications and promotion management. The Journal will also consider papers in internal marketing and in the corporate communications domain.

Issues that the journal covers include:

  • Marketing communications - communications via any or all of the marketing mix elements.

  • The way(s) marketing mix elements are interrelated and operationalised for communication purposes in the marketing planning process

  • The general area of corporate communication as it relates to the development of communication programs designed to influence the support of, and relationships with, various stakeholder groups.

  • Promotional elements - this not only includes the disciplines of advertising, sales promotion, marketing public relations, and personal selling, but also includes direct marketing, sponsorship, and Internet communications.

  • Promotional management in terms of strategy development, implementation, and evaluation.

  • The mechanism or process of developing effective communication strategies via specific case studies.

  • Behavioural foundations of marketing communications and promotion management including semiotics, consumer behaviour, attitudes and persuasion, source and message factors, diffusion of innovation, and adoption.

  • Effects of changing environmental circumstance on marketing communications and promotional strategy - budget allocation, messages, and media vehicles adopted.

  • Issues such as brand equity, brand investment, brand marketing and performance, marketing communications ROI, the role of research in marketing communications, integrated marketing communication, relationship marketing, and on- and off-line marketing activities.

  • Examples of sound or innovative company or teaching practice in relation to marketing communication activities or promotional management.

  • Corporate communication and its interface with marketing communication.

Peer Review Policy
All papers in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening, and double anonymized review by two anonymous reviewers.

Authors should also review the journal guidance around requirements for ethics statements for human participant research papers, located here.

Journal metrics


  • 266K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 7.7 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.197 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.903 (2023) SJR


  • 71 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 77 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 10 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 30% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Philip J. Kitchen - ICN Business School, Nancy, France

Deputy Editors

Anna McAlister - Endicott College, USA
Marwa Tourky - Cranfield University, UK

Associate Editors


Pascale Quester - University of Adelaide, Australia


Patrick de Pelsmacker - University of Antwerp, Belgium

Editorial Board

Craig Andrews - Marquette University, USA
Tatiana Anisimova - Linnaeus University, Sweden
Daniel W. Baack - Daniels College of Business, USA
Fred Beard - University of Oklahoma, USA
Daniel Belanche - University of Zaragoza, Spain
Roger Bennett - Kingston Business School, UK
Xuemei Bian - University of Northumbria, UK
Enrique Bigné - Universidad de Valencia, Spain
Sylvia Biraghi - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Joël Bree - IAE de Caen Basse-Normandie, France
Manfred Bruhn - University of Basel, Switzerland
Sandy Bulmer - Massey University, New Zealand
Marylyn Carrigan - University of Birmingham, UK
Verolien Cauberghe - University of Antwerp, Belgium
Himadri Ray Chaudhuri - Xavier School of Management, XLRI, India
Leslie De Chernatony - Aston Business School, UK
Deborah A. Colton - Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
Micael Dahlén - Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
William K. Darley - Millersville University of Pennsylvania, USA
Robert Davis - Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand
Sonia Dickinson - Curtin University, Australia
Sandra Diehl - Alpen-Adria University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Steven Edwards - Southern Methodist University, USA
Sabine A. Einwiller - University of Vienna, Austria
Martin Eisend - European University Viadrina, Germany
Wim J. L. Elving - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
B. Zafer Erdogan - Anadolu University, Turkey
Mike Ewing - Monash University, Australia
Natalie Fleck - Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
Maggie Geuens - Ghent University, Belgium
Ronald E. Goldsmith - Florida State University, USA
Martin Grimmer - University of Tasmania, Australia
Andrea Groppel-Klein - Universität des Saarlandes, Germany
Daniel Gruber - Northwestern University, USA
Chris Hackley - University of London, UK
Varsha Jain - MICA Business School, India
Wim Janssens - University of Hasselt, Belgium
Montina Jiang - University of Kentucky, USA
Hyun Seung 'HS' Jin - QUT, Australia
Louise Kelly - QUT, Australia
Allan Kimmel - ESCP Paris, France
Wei-Na Lee - University of Texas at Austin, USA
Yuping Liu-Thompkins - Old Dominion University, USA
Rod McColl - Rennes School of Business, France
T. C. Melewar - University of Middlesex, UK
Richard W. Mizerski - University of Western Australia, Australia
Mary Anne Moffitt - Illinois State University, USA
Fabrizio Mosca - University of Turin, Italy
Darrel D. Muehling - Washington State University, USA
Juan Mundel - Arizona State University, USA
Shintaro Okazaki - King's College London, UK
Enrique Ortega - Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
George Panigyrakis - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Ioanna Papasolomou - University of Nicosia, Cyprus
Charles H. Patti - University of Denver, USA
David Pickton - De Montfort University, UK
Christian Pinson - INSEAD, France
Klement Podnar - University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lucia Porcu - University of Grenada, Spain
Gerard Prendergast - Hong Kong Baptist University, China
Tony Proctor - Chester Business School, UK
Christophe Rethore - ICN Business School, France, USA
Kim Sheehan - University of Oregon, USA
Alfonso Siano - University of Salerno, Italy
Cláudia Simões - University of Minho, Portugal
Tanuja Singh - St. Mary's University, USA
Mark Stuhlfaut - University of Kentucky, USA
Lisa Tam - QUT Business School, Australia
Charles R. Taylor - Villanova University, USA
Brian Till - Saint Louis University, USA
Aileen Torrance - Endicott College, USA
Marwa Tourky - Cranfield University, UK
Yann Truong - ESC Rennes, France
Tracey Tuten - East Carolina University, USA
Ebru Uzunoglu - Izmir Economics University, Turkey
E. A. Van Reijmersdal - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sonja Verwey - University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Hilde Voorveld - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
David Waller - University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Gary Warnaby - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Tom Watson - Bournemouth University, UK

Updated 08-02-2024

Abstracting and indexing

Journal of Marketing Communications is abstracted and indexed in:

Communication and Mass Media Complete; EBSCO (Business Source Corporate, Business Source Premier, TOC Premier, Advanced Placement Source, Business Source Alumni Edition, Business Source Complete, Communication & Mass Media Comple, Sales & Marketing Learning Center); Emerald Abstracts (Emerald Management Reviews); Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI); FeaturesExec; IBZ; OCLC ArticleFirst Database; OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online; PIRA International (Management and Marketing); PsycINFO; Scopus; Swets Information Services; and Thomson Gale.

Open access

Journal of Marketing Communications is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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