Editorial board

Editorial Board

Athena Trakadas (Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark),  [email protected]

Book Reviews Editor:
Rebecca Ingram (Institute of Nautical Archaeology, College Station, Texas, USA),  [email protected] 

Advisory Editors:
Lucy Blue (Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Southampton, UK)
Giulia Boetto (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)
Toni Carrell (Ships of Discovery, Galveston, USA)
John P. Cooper (Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies University of Exeter, UK)
Deborah Cvikel (Leon Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, University of Haifa, Israel)
Aoife Daly (The Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Wendy van Duivenvoorde (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia)
Dolores Elkin (National Institute of Anthropology, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Valerie Fenwick (Blaxhall, Suffolk, UK)
N. C. Flemming (Oceanography Centre, Southampton University, UK)
Jeremy Green (Western Australia Maritime Museum, Fremantle, Australia)
Nergis Gunsenin (Istanbul University, Turkey)
Fred Hocker (Vasa Museum, Stockholm, Sweden)
Jun Kimura (Department of Maritime Civilizations, Tokai University, Japan)
Colin Martin (School of History, University of St Andrews, Scotland)
Eric Rieth (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France)

Updated 22 March 2023