About this journal

Aims and scope

Managing Sport and Leisure is a refereed journal that publishes high quality research articles to inform and stimulate discussions relevant to sport and leisure management globally. The journal is committed to publishing research that advances understanding of the practice of sport and leisure management in the public, voluntary and commercial sectors, internationally. It will appeal to anyone with a serious interest in contemporary sport and leisure management issues, including academics, managers, consultants, politicians and students.

One of the key objectives of the journal is to provide a high level forum for communication between academics and practitioners of sport and leisure. Therefore Managing Sport and Leisure aims to be contemporary, integrated and, most importantly, relevant to practitioner training. Contributions are welcome and expected from both academics and practitioners throughout the international sport and leisure management community. In addition, the journal welcomes submissions from those investigating new and innovative areas of research and practice in sport and leisure management.

In order to foster debate and extend the scope of discussion, MSL publishes shorter carefully argued position statements on specific topics and / or research methods through the Commentary option for publication. The intention of this feature is to provide a space that gives scholars, researchers and practitioners the latitude to investigate a contemporary issue in some depth with a view to stimulate debate, interest and research into the issue under investigation. Commentary submissions should be 1,000 words all-in.

We also seek to provide opportunities for contributors to make primary research findings or shorter research studies available through the Short Communication option. Short Communication submissions should be 3,000 words all-in.

Both of these submission options are to provide opportunities for comment and analysis of a contemporary issue that the authors believe is of value and ready for public consumption.

Peer Review Statement

Peer review is ‘double anonymized’. Two reviews are sought, with reviewers providing commentary / feedback to the author(s); together with information confidential to the Editor and Editorial Administrator (and where required the Associate Editor), consisting of an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the submission. Reviewers will offer a recommendation in terms of the decision for publication, revision and re submission, or rejection. The decision to publish, make amendments or reject is based on the recommendations of the reviewers with the Editor adjudicating if a consensus has not been reached.

Journal metrics


  • 181K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.9 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 2.7 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 6.8 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.075 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.608 (2023) SJR


  • 66 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 76 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 11 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 36% acceptance rate

Editorial board

Joint Editors-in-Chief:
Dan Parnell - University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK
Rob Wilson - University Campus of Football Business, UK

Associate Editors:
Konstantinos Alexandris - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Alex Bond - Leeds Beckett University, UK
Andrea Geurin - Loughborough University London, UK
Leng Ho Keat - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jan Andre Ludvigsen - Liverpool John Moores University, UK
Argyro Elisavet Manoli - University of Bergamo, Italy
Hazel Maxwell - University of Tasmania, Australia
Bri Newland - New York University, USA
Qi Peng - Manchesster Metropolitan University, UK
Dan Plumley - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Girish Ramchandani - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Nicolas Scelles - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Tom Webb - University of Portsmouth, UK

Social Media Editor:
Niamh Doran - University of Liverpool, UK

Editorial Board:
Andrew Adams - Bournemouth University, UK
Aila Ahonen - JAMK University, Finland
Christos Anagnostopoulos - Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Qatar
Gerado Bielons - Events GB, Spain
Nicola Bolton - Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
Chris Brown - University of Hertforshire, UK
Terri Byers - University of New Brunswick, Canada
Jinsu Byun - University of Alabama, USA
Francesca Champ - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Ian Cooper - Culture and Sports Management Consultant, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Leon Davis- Teeside University, UK
Niamh Doran- University of Liverpool, UK
Kevin Dixon - Teeside University, UK
Mathew Dowling - Anglia Ruskin University, UK
James Du - Florida State University, USA
Mike Duignan - University of Surrey, UK
Florian Follert - Seeburg Castle University, Austria
Kevin Harris - Solent University, UK
Emily Hayday - Loughborough University, UK
John Hayton - Northumbria University, UK
Claire Jenkin - University of Hertfordshire, UK
Jamie Kenyon - Loughborough University, UK
Julie Kissick - University of South Wales, UK
Paul Kitchin - University of Ulster, UK
Niamh Kitching - Mary Immaculate College, Republic of Ireland
Geoffery Z. Kohe - University of Kent, UK
Themistocles Kokolakakis - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Stefan Lawrence - Newman University, UK
Ashley Jane Lowerson - University of Sunderland, UK
Eric Macintosh - University of Ottawa, Canada
Chris Mackintosh - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Rory Magrath - Solent University UK
Anthony May - Coventry University, UK
Katie Misener - University of Waterloo, Canada
Martha Newson - University of Oxford, UK
Jimmy O'Gorman - Edge Hill University, UK
Madeleine Orr - Loughborough University, UK
Keith D. Parry - University of Winchester, UK
Janine Partington - Leeds Beckett University, UK
Martin J. Power - University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland
Mike Rayner - University of Portsmouth, UK
Dominik Schreyer - Otto Beisham School of Management, Germany
Marc Taylor - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Peter Taylor - Sheffield Hallam University, UK
Tracy Taylor - Victoria University, Australia
Kim Toffoletti - Deakin University, Australia
Nick Watanabe - University of Misouri, USA
Pamela Wicker - German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
Paul Widdop - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Mathieu Winand - Lunex University, Luxembourg
Lin Yen-Chun - National Institute of Education, Singapore

Open access

Managing Sport and Leisure is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

Why choose open access?

  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
  2. Make an impact and reach new readers, not just those with easy access to a research library
  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
  4. Comply with funding mandates and meet the requirements of your institution, employer or funder
  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

Article Publishing Charges (APC)

If you choose to publish open access in this journal you may be asked to pay an Article Publishing Charge (APC). You may be able to publish your article at no cost to yourself or with a reduced APC if your institution or research funder has an open access agreement or membership with Taylor & Francis.

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