About this journal

Aims and scope

WORD, a quarterly academic journal of linguistics published online and in print, is the publication of the International Linguistic Association (ILA). Founded in 1943 as the Linguistic Circle of New York, the association became one of the main sources of new ideas in American Linguistics at that time. Its journal WORD was founded in 1945 with a mission to disseminate the scholarly discussion of the day and to become the journal of record for general linguistics. During several decades of intellectual ferment in linguistics, the scholarship published by WORD continued to record the expansion of linguistic ideas — both theoretical and applied. Today, WORD continues its broadly-based mission to reflect and record contemporary linguistic scholarship.

Over the years, WORD has been privileged to serve as a platform for introducing groundbreaking scholarship in linguistics. Among these, Jean Berko Gleason’s Wug test debuted in WORD in 1958 – “The Child’s Learning of English Morphology” (Volume 14, 1958); Charles Ferguson’s “Diglossia” was published in WORD (Volume 15, 1959); M.A.K. Halliday’s first journal paper on Systemic-Functional Linguistics – “Categories of the theory of grammar” – appeared in WORD (Volume 17, 1961); and William Labov’s very first journal article – “The social motivation of a sound change” – was in WORD (Volume 19, 1963).

WORD adopts an eclectic approach to publishing scholarship in linguistics, welcoming original, interesting, and insightful contributions from the wide range of scholarship that is linguistics today.

Each issue contains articles and reviews. Occasionally, special issues on specific topics are produced.

Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by at least two independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double-anonymized and submission is online via Email to [email protected]

Journal metrics


  • 181K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 0.4 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 0.5 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 1.2 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.062 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.165 (2023) SJR


  • 40 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 12% acceptance rate

Editorial board

formerly Linguistic Circle of New York


Jonathan J. Webster, Managing Editor ( [email protected])
Emanuele Banfi
Elly van Gelderen
Cecilia Magadán

David Wible
Kanavillil Rajagopalan, Review Editor ( [email protected])


Khawlah Ahmed, American University of Sharjah, UAE
Niko Besnier, La Trobe University, Australia
Renée Blake, New York University, USA
Chang Chenguang, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Peter T. Daniels, Independent Scholar, New Jersey
Yaegan Doran, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Sheila M. Embleton, York University, Canada
Lise Fontaine, Cardiff University, UK
Marco Jacquemet, University of San Francisco
Brian Joseph, The Ohio State University
John E. Joseph, University of Edinburgh, UK
Jo Anne Kleifgen, Columbia University
John S Y Lee, City University of Hong Kong, HK
Louise Ravelli, University of New South Wales, Australia
Daniel Slapek, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Edward Vajda, Western Washington University
Kathryn A. Woolard, University of California, San Diego


Charles G. Häberl (President), Rutgers University
Walter G. Petrovitz (Vice President), St. John’s University
Cathy McClure (Recording Secretary), SLehman College, CUNY
Josef V. Fioretta (Treasurer), Hofstra University


Shoba Bandi-Rao, Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY
Emanuele Banfi, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
David K. Barnhart, Lexik House Publishers
Peter T. Daniels, Independent Scholar, New Jersey
Sheila M. Embleton, York University, Canada
Kathryn English, Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, France
Hermann W. Haller, Queens College & Graduate Center, CUNY
Jo Anne Kleifgen, Columbia University, USA
Cecilia Magadán, Universidad de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kathleen O'Connor-Bater, College at Old Westbury, SUNY, USA
Kate Parry, Hunter College, CUNY
Kanavillil Rajagopalan, State University at Campinas, Brazil
Richard VanNess Simmons, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jonathan J. Webster, Macquarie University, Australia
David Wible, National Central University, Taiwan

Updated 11-08-2023

Open access

WORD is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
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  3. Freely share your work with anyone, anywhere
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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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