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Aims and scope

The Adelphi series of books is the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ principal contribution to policy-relevant, original academic research and is designed to provide rigorous analysis of strategic and defence topics that is useful to politicians and diplomats, as well as academic researchers, foreign-affairs analysts, defence commentators and journalists. Ever since the publication of Alastair Buchan’s 'The Evolution of NATO' in 1961, the Adelphi series has been the principal contribution of the IISS to policy-relevant, original research on strategic studies and international political concerns. Over the years, Adelphis have provided high-quality analysis of key security issues, serving to inform opinion, to stimulate debate and to challenge conventional thinking. The series permits the IISS both to remain responsive to events and to contribute significantly not only to debate on strategic affairs but also to the development of policy. The series includes both thematic studies and papers on specific national and regional security problems.

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The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) is a world-leading authority on global security, political risk, and military conflict. IISS is an international research institute that provides objective information on military, geopolitical and geo-economic developments that could lead to conflict. IISS promotes the development of policies that further global peace and security.

Members of IISS receive online access to Survival, Strategic Comments, Strategic Dossiers, Armed Conflict Survey, and The Military Balance depending on the tier of membership.

IISS publishes annual reviews, journals books and book series including: 

Armed Conflict Survey
The Military Balance
Strategic Dossiers
Strategic Comments
Adelphi Series
Strategic Survey (until 2022 only)

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