About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by IOS Press from 2016.

Argument & Computation (A&C) is a world-leading journal focusing on the interaction and cross-fertilisation between the fields of argumentation theory and computer science. In order to distinguish itself from the competition, A&C will not solicit papers that are wholly within the theory of argumentation without application (practical or theoretical) within artificial intelligence or computer science, nor will it solicit computational work that fails to employ argumentation as a core focus.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Argumentation-based interaction protocols
• Argumentation-based semantics of programs
• Cognitive architectures
• Computational game theory
• Computational models of natural argument
• Computational tools for argumentation support
• Decision Theory
• Defeasible reasoning
• Dialogue games and conversation policies
• Dispute resolution and mediation systems
• Electronic democracy and public deliberation
• Game semantics
• Human-computer interaction
• Legal and medical applications
• Logic Programming
• Models of bargaining and economic interaction
• Multi-agent systems
• Natural language processing
• Nonmonotonic logics
• Reasoning about action through argumentation
• Software for teaching argumentation skills

Argument & Computation will be of interest to researchers in the fields of artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, computer science, logic, philosophy, argumentation theory, psychology, cognitive science, game theory and economics.

Proposals for special issues in cutting-edge areas are encouraged and should be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief.

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to rigorous peer-review by independent, anonymous expert referees.
All peer review is double blind and submissions can be made via the Argument & Computation submission site
Queries regarding submissions can be made by contacting the Editor-in-Chief, whose decision is final.

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Abstracting and indexing

Argument & Computation  is abstracted and indexed by: British Library Inside, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, EBSCO Databases and Scopus.

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