Editorial board

Starting from Volume 12 in 2025, the journal will undergo a title change to Research in Biomedical Engineering and Technology . We invite submissions to this revised title, which will encompass the following Editorial Board.


Prof Chang S. Nam, Ph.D.
Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Northern Illinois University, USA
Email: [email protected]

Journal Sections

Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neural Engineering

Section Editor

Ian Daly, Ph.D. University of Essex, UK.

Editorial Board Members

Umer Asghar, Ph.D. NUST: National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan.

Josef Faller, Ph.D. Columbia University, USA.

Ning Jiang, Ph.D. National Clinical Research Center for Geriatrics (WCH), Sichuan University, West China Hospital, China.

Jing Jin, Ph.D. East China University of Science and Technology, China.

Sung-Phil Kim, Ph.D. Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea.

Andrea Kübler, Ph.D. University of Würzburg, Germany.

Elias Manjarrez, Ph.D. Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico.

Serafeim Perdikis, Ph.D., University of Sussex, UK.

Davide Valeriani, Ph.D. Neurable Inc., USA.

Aleksandra Vuckovic, Ph.D. University of Glasgow, UK.

Ren Xu, Ph.D. Guger Technologies, Austria.


Section Editor

Christophe Noël, Ph.D. French Research and Safety Institute for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases (INRS)