About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by Wiley from 2024.

The European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS) is the official Medline- and Impact Factor-listed journal of the European College of Sport Science.

The editorial policy of the Journal pursues the multi-disciplinary aims of the College: to promote the highest standards of scientific study and scholarship in respect of the following fields: (a) Applied Sport Sciences; (b) Biomechanics and Motor Control; c) Physiology and Nutrition; (d) Psychology, Social Sciences and Humanities and (e) Sports and Exercise Medicine and Health. The Journal also aims to facilitate and enhance communication across all sub-disciplines of the sport sciences. The College is not exclusively committed to any particular schools of thought or methods of research.

For the purposes of the EJSS , ’sport’ is defined inclusively to refer to all forms of human movement that aim to maintain or improve physical and mental well-being, create or improve social relationships, or obtain results in competition at all levels. Defined thus, the Journal publishes articles from across the disciplinary spectrum concerning inter alia the motivation, attitudes, values, responses, adaptations, performance and health-related aspects of persons engaged in sport.

The Journal publishes original research as well as review articles of topics of contemporary importance or interest from across the world.

EJSS does not consider papers based on animal studies.

Peer Review Statement

European Journal of Sport Science is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.

All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts. 

Journal metrics


  • 641K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 3.2 (2022) Impact Factor
  • Q2 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 3.8 (2022) 5 year IF
  • 7.0 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.702 (2022) SNIP
  • 1.092 (2022) SJR


  • 0 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 80 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 26 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 11% acceptance rate

Abstracting and indexing

European Journal of Sport Science is covered by the following abstracting & indexing services:

CABI - Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (Online) ; Agricultural Economics Database ; Animal Science Database ; CAB Abstracts (Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux); Global Health ; Leisure Tourism Database ; Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews. Series A: Human and Experimental (Online) ; Nutrition and Food Sciences Database ; Rural Development Abstracts (Online) ; Sugar Industry Abstracts (Online) ; Tropical Diseases Bulletin (Online) ; VetMed Resource ; World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts (Online)

EBSCOhost - Academic Search Alumni Edition , 3/1/2001- ; Academic Search Complete , 3/1/2001- ; Academic Search Elite , 3/1/2001- ; Academic Search Premier , 3/1/2001- ; CINAHL Plus , 1/1/2009- ; CINAHL Plus with Full Text , 1/1/2009- ; Current Abstracts , 3/1/2001- ; Ergonomics Abstracts Online , 1/1/2005- ; PsycINFO , 2005- ; Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source , 3/1/2001- ; SPORTDiscus with Full Text , 3/1/2001- ; TOC Premier (Table of Contents), 3/1/2001-

Elsevier BV - EMBASE ; Scopus , 2006-

Focus On: Sports Science and Medicine

National Library of Medicine - PubMed

Ovid - PsycINFO , 2005-

ProQuest - Physical Education Index (Online) , Core; PsycINFO , 2005-

Thomson Reuters - Science Citation Index Expanded ; Web of Science

U.S. National Library of Medicine - MEDLINE

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