About this journal

Aims and scope

This title has ceased (2018)

By 2020, almost 1 in 2 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime and over half of people living with cancer will have had the diagnosis for over 5 years. It presents a huge physical, social and psychological burden not just on the patients but also on their families and caregivers. With rates of survival amongst cancer patients increasing due to medical advancements, research is now also steering towards the improvement of quality of life in cancer care.

Expert Review of Quality of Life in Cancer Care
aims to address the issues faced by cancer patients and their physicians by publishing high quality content which discuss the major topics of concern, and how best to manage these issues in the clinical setting.

Coverage includes understanding and measuring quality of life in cancer patients, pain management, side-effect management (e.g. Alopecia and sexual dysfunction), chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, psychiatric health (managing emotional, social and cognitive function in cancer patients), nutrition, lifestyle and rehabilitation, fertility preservation, palliative care, long-term care, survivorship, end-of-life care (including outpatient/homecare) and policy issues that may affect quality of life.

The Expert Review format provides a unique insight; each review provides a complete overview of current thinking in a key area of research or clinical practice. This comprehensive coverage is augmented by:
  • Expert Commentary - a personal view on the most effective or promising strategies 
  • Five-year view - a clear perspective of prospects within a realistic timescale 
  • Key issues - an executive summary cutting to the author's most critical points

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