About this journal

Aims and scope

Materials Research Letters is a high impact, open access journal on the science and technology of advanced, novel and emergent materials.

Materials Research Letters supports the materials research community by publishing original and compelling research work.

Materials Research Letters provides fast communications on cutting-edge materials research findings. It primarily focuses on advanced metallic materials and physical metallurgy including the deformation mechanisms, structures, processing and properties of metals and alloys. Other materials including intermetallics, ceramics, and nanocomposites will also be considered.

Materials Research Letters publishes papers with significant breakthroughs in materials science, including the materials science for unprecedented mechanical and functional properties, the mechanism for processing and formation of novel microstructures including, but not limited to, nanostructures, heterostructures and hierarchical structures, as well as the mechanisms, physics and chemistry responsible for the observed mechanical and functional behaviors of advanced materials.

The journal accepts original research letters, brief overviews of critical issues, and perspective pieces that present provocative and visionary opinions and views.

Journal metrics


  • 436K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 8.6 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q1 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 8.2 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 12.1 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 2.111 (2023) SNIP
  • 2.438 (2023) SJR


  • 3 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 25 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 12 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 25% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Prof. Yuntian T. Zhu -
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Heterogeneous materials, gradient materials, nanostructured metals, deformation twinning, deformation physics, crystalline defects, mechanical properties, microstructures, CNT composites, CNT film, CNT synthesis.

Prof. Chunyi ZhiDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Energy storage materials, batteries, supercapacitors, flexible energy storage devices, electrocatalysts, synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials

Managing Editor:

Dr. Yue Yang -  Nanjing University of Science and Technology

Editorial Associates:

Prof. Yong Zhang -  Nanjing University of Science and Technology
Prof. Hao Zhou -  Nanjing University of Science and Technology


Prof. Long-Qing Chen - Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA
Mesoscale computational materials science, domain structures in ferroics, precipitate morphologies and Ostwald ripening, ionic transport in solid electrolytes, dielectric capacitor degradation and breakdown, multiscale modeling integrating atomistic/first principles calculations with phase-field method of with kinetic Monte Carlo method

Prof.  Miaofeng Chi - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA
Electron Microscopy, Energy Materials such as lithium ion battery materials and fuel cell catalysts

Prof. Michael Farle - University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Spin- and orbitronics, magnetism in nanostructured metals and insulators, nanoparticles and clusters, thin films, surface/interface physics, magneto-calorics, magnetic shape memory alloys, magnetic characterization, high-resolution transmission electron spectroscopy

Prof. Horst Hahn - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Nanotechnology, Germany
Ceramics, Nano materials, energy materials

Prof. Xiaoxu Huang - School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University, Chongqing, China
Dislocation tomography, X-ray tomography, TEM, Nanostructured metals, heterostructured metals

Prof. Javier Liorca
- Polytechnic University of Madrid & IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain
Modeling, Mechanics of Materials, Materials engineering, ab initio, cluster expansion, molecular mechanics, dislocation dynamics, phase field, computational thermodynamics, computational mechanics

Prof. J. Ping Liu - University of Texas at Arlington, TX, USA
Magnetic nanoparticles, nanostructured bulk magnetic materials, magnetic films

Prof. Suveen N. Mathaudhu - Colorado School of Mines, USA; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA
Physical metallurgy, bulk nanostructured materials, powder metallurgy, lightweight metals, deformation, mechanical behavior of materials

Prof. Amit Misra - University of Michigan, USA
Nanomechanics, transmission electron microscopy, dislocation theory, structural metallic materials, thin films, multilayers, nanocomposites and nanostructured materials, radiation damage, physical vapour deposition, severe plastic deformation

Prof. Yang Ren - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Physics
Phase transition, Synchrotron X-ray, Neutron scattering, Structural materials, Functional materials

Prof. Matteo Seita –  Cambridge University, UK

Metal additive manufacturing, solidification of metals and metal alloys, site-specific microstructure control and design, sustainable metallurgy, grain boundary engineering, high-throughput microstructure characterisation, environment-assisted degradation of materials, thin film technology, ion irradiation

Prof. Srinivasan G. Srivilliputhur - University of North Texas, TX, USA
Computational materials science, atomistic modelling, development of high-fidelity interatomic potentials, ab-initio simulations, deformation behavior and defect physics, phase transformations and structure property-relations in metals and alloys, parallel computing and visualisation

Prof. Hyoung Seop Kim - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH (Pohang University of Science and Technology), Pohang, Korea
Multi-scale mechanics and plasticity modeling, integrated microstructure-processing-property optimization, severe plastic deformation, high-entropy alloy, porous materials, crystal plasticity finite element method, architectured materials, heterogeneous and architectured materials, machine learning material design

Prof. Rodney Trice - School of Materials Engineering, Purdue University, IN, USA
Thermal Barrier Coatings, High Temperature Properties of Ceramics, Ceramic Processing, electrophoretic deposition, sodium sulfate hot corrosion

Prof. Nobuhiro Tsuji - Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Physical Metallurgy, structural metallic materials, steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys, microstructure control; thermomechanical processing, metal working, severe plastic deformation (SPD), ultrafine grained (UFG) materials, static and dynamic recrystallization; dynamic transformation, strength, ductility; digital image correlation (DIC)

Editorial Review Board:

S. Pamir Alpay - University of Connecticut, USA
Kei Ameyama - Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Ilke Arslan - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Irene Beyerlein - University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Brad L. Boyce - Sandia National Laboratory, USA
Claudia Cantoni - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA
Daolun Chen - Ryerson University, Canada
Mingwei Chen - Johns Hopkins University, USA
Huiming Cheng - Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Atul H. Chokshi - Indian Institute of Science, India
Beth Dickey - NC State University, North Carolina, USA
Yuri Dzenis - University of Nebraska, USA
David Dunand - Northwestern University, Illinois, USA
Chang Beom Eom - University of Wisconsin, USA
Yuri Estrin - Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Qiang (Charles) Feng - University of Science and Technology of Beijing, China
Yanfei Gao - University of Tennessee, USA
Zenji Horita - Kyushu University, Japan
Shenyang Hu - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
Chi-Ching Huang - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Chongxiang Huang - Sichuan University, China
Mingxin Huang - The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Quanxi Jia -  The State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, USA
Djamel Kaoumi - North Carolina State University, USA
Ibrahim Karaman - Texas A&M University, USA
Tsuyoshi Kimura - Osaka University, Japan
Nan Li - Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Xiaodong Li - University of Virginia, USA
Xiaozhou Liao - The University of Sydney, Australia
Yi Lin - National Institute of Aerospace, USA
Jie Liu - Duke University, North Carolina, USA
Wei Liu - Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zikui Liu – Penn State University, USA
Xujie Lü - Center for High Pressure Science and Technology Advanced Research, China
Alan A. Luo - Ohio State University, USA
Evan Ma – Johns Hopkins University, USA
Hans Jürgen Maier - Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Scott Mao - University of Pittsburgh, USA
Nathan Mara - University of Minnesota, USA
Flavio Maran - University of Padova, Italy
John-Paul Maria - Penn State University, USA
Dean Miller - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Andrew M. Minor - University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Rajiv S. Mishra - University of North Texas, USA
Farghalli Mohamed – UC Irvine, USA
Jian-feng Nie - Monash University, Australia
Tae Won Noh - Seoul National University, Korea
Marek Niewczas - McMaster University, Canada
Reinhard Pippan - Austria Academy of Science, Austria
K.T. Ramesh - Johns Hopkins University , USA
Simon Ringer - University of Sydney, Australia
Zhifeng Ren - University of Houston, USA
Xavier Sauvage - CNRS, Normandy University, France
Kurt E. Sickafus - The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Joseph B. Tracy - North Carolina State University, USA
Ming-Hung Tsai - National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Mark Tschopp - Army Research Laboratory, USA
Ruslan Valiev - Ufa State Aviation Tech U, Russia
Blas Pedro Uberuaga - Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Ben Wang - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Jian Wang - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Yuzhi Wang - Ohio State University, USA
Dieter Wolf - Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Xiaolei Wu - Institute of Mechanics, CAS, China
Jian XuInstitute of Metal Research, CAS, China
Yong Yang - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Michael Zehetbauer - Vienna University, Austria
Haibo Zeng - Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Xiangyi Zhang - Yanshan University, China

Advisory Board:

P. M. Ajayan - Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
Michel W. Barsoum - Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
Ray Baughman - University of Texas, Dallas, Texas, USA
Tsu-Wei Chou - University of Delaware, Delaware, USA
Herbert Gleiter – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
John Hirth – Washington State University, Washington, USA
Chennupati Jagadish, Australian National University, Australia
Sungho Jin – UC San Diego, California, USA
Carl Koch - NC State University, North Carolina, USA
Terence Langdon - University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA
Enrique Lavernia - UC Davis, California, USA
Ke Lu – Institute of Metal Research, Shenyang,China
Andreas Mortensen – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Hael Mughrabi - U. Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany
Cewen Nan - Tsinghua University, China
Jagdish Narayan - NC State University, North Carolina, USA
María Teresa Pérez-Prado - IMDEA Materials Institute, Spain
K.R. Rajagopal - Texas A&M University, USA
David N. Seidman – Northwestern University, Illinois, USA
Chain Tsuan Liu - City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Jörg Weissmüller - Institute for Materials Physics and Materials Technology, Hamburg Technical University, Hamburg, Germany

Materials Research Letters Associate Editorial Board
Please click to view our Associate Editor Board

Abstracting and indexing

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Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents® / Engineering, Computing & Technology
Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents® / Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
Clarivate Analytics: Science Citation Index Expanded™
Clarivate Analytics: SciSearch®
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