About this journal

Aims and scope

Published by University of Nebraska Press from 2019.

New information on psychiatric disability, rehabilitation, community supports, and recovery is increasing rapidly. The American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation maintains a goal of sharing important new developments with all persons invested in these topics in a timely and informative way. The American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation is written for providers who offer rehabilitation services and community supports as well as for persons in recovery. It is for family members and others who care about persons with psychiatric disabilities. It is for advocates looking for a forum to express their vision and also offers key reading for policy makers and administrators to provide them with guidance in their planning for future system and program development.

The American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation features original research articles on psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery. As a recovery-oriented venue, only manuscripts that use person-first language will be considered. Descriptions of practice-based evidence are as welcome as reports of evidence-based practices. In addition, theoretical papers, reviews, and commentaries are encouraged if they contribute substantially to current knowledge. Reports of innovative ways to reduce barriers and promote access to, and retention in, care and to identify and eliminate health disparities are especially encouraged. Given that psychiatric rehabilitation is a multi-faceted concept, paper topics within may include, but are not limited to:

  • rehabilitation interventions and community-based supports
  • consumer-operated services and peer support
  • stigma and discrimination and their elimination
  • recovery, empowerment, and social inclusion
  • strengths, goals, and needs assessments
  • public policy
  • integration with criminal justice and primary health care systems
  • staff training and team development

Peer Review Policy:
All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening, anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees, and consequent revision by article authors when required. The published article constitutes the final, definitive, and citable Version of Scholarly Record.

Publication office:
Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 .

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Abstracting and indexing

Abstracted/indexed in:

  • CSA
    - Criminal Justice Abstracts
    - PsycINFO
  • EBSCOhost
    - Academic Search Complete
    - Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Heatlh Literature
    - CINAHL Plus
    - CINAHL Plus with Full Text
    - CINAHL with Full Text
    - Current Abstracts
    - Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine Source
    - TOC Premier
  • Elsevier
    - EMBASE
    - Scopus
  • National Library of Medicine
    - PubMed
  • OCLC
    - ArticleFirst
    - Electronic Collections Online
    - PsycFIRST
  • ProQuest
  • Thomson Reuters
    - Emerging Sources Citation Index

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