About this journal

Aims and scope

The Journal of Psychology (founded in 1935) is an interdisciplinary journal that publishes empirical research, theoretical articles, and selected reviews in applied areas of psychology (other than applied experimental or human factors), including:

  • Behavioral Psychology
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Cultural Psychology
  • Economic Psychology
  • Educational Psychology
  • Environmental Psychology
  • Ethics in Psychology
  • Family Psychology and Couples Psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Health Psychology
  • Industrial and Personnel Psychology
  • Professional Practice
  • Psychology of Religion
  • Psychotherapy
  • School Psychology
  • Social Psychology
  • Sport Psychology

In addition to publishing manuscripts that have a clearly applied focus, The Journal of Psychology solicits interdisciplinary research that integrates literatures from psychology with other related fields (e.g., occupational health, consumer behavior, law, religion, communication, and political science) in a meaningful and productive manner. Multidisciplinary authorship is encouraged, as is work that fosters novel ideas, identifies mediating variables, includes transboundary issues, and most importantly, encourages critical analysis.

Periodically, the journal will announce a call for papers for special issues. The journal will also entertain unsolicited proposals for special issues that fit the stated scope of The Journal of Psychology (please contact the journal’s Executive Editors with a detailed description of your proposal).

Publication office:
Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 .

Journal metrics


  • 226K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 2.2 (2023) Impact Factor
  • Q2 Impact Factor Best Quartile
  • 3.5 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 4.3 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 0.888 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.791 (2023) SJR


  • 11 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 78 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 24 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 6% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Ami Rokach - York University, Canada

John D. Watt - Iowa State University, US

Elisheva Ben-Artzi -
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
David Berman - York University, Canada
Serge Brand - University Psychiatric Clinics Basel, Switzerland
Silvia Casale - University of Florence, Italy
Konrad Jankowski - University of Warsaw, Poland
Katja Upadyaya - University of Helsinki, Finland


Matthew Montoya - University of Dayton, US
Frank D. Belschak - University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Peter Caputi - University of Wollongong, Australia
Silvia Casale - University of Florence, Italy
Jeff Cucina - U.S. Customs and Border Protection, US
Steve Hoekstra - Kansas Wesleyan University, US
Yuequin Hu - Beijing Normal University, China
JohnBosco Chukwuorji - University of Nigeria, Nigeria
Eric D. Miller - Kent State University, United States
Brian Piper - Husson University, United States
David Teplin - Private practice, Toronto, Canada
Katharina Weitkamp - MSH Medical School Hamburg, Germany

Abstracting and indexing

The Journal of Psychology is indexed in the following services:

  • American Statistical Association
    - Current Index to Statistics (Online)
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique * Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique
  • Chadwyck-Healey
    - Periodicals Index Online (PIO)
  • CSA
    - Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
    - Communication Abstracts Online
    - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
    - PsycINFO
    - RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
    - Sociological Abstracts (Online)
  • De Gruyter Saur
    - Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
    - IBZ - Internationale Bibliographie der Geistes - und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
  • EBSCOhost
    - Academic Search Alumni Edition
    - Academic Search Complete
    - Academic Search Elite
    - Academic Search Premier
    - American Theological Library Association (ATLA) Religion
    - Business Source Alumni Edition
    - Business Source Complete
    - Business Source Elite
    - Business Source Premier
    - Child Development & Adolescent Studies
    - Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature (CINAHL)
    - CINAHL Plus
    - CINAHL Plus with Full Text
    - CINAHL with Full Text
    - Communication Abstracts Online
    - Consumer Health Complete
    - Corporate ResourceNet
    - Current Abstracts
    - Family & Society Studies Worldwide
    - Gender Studies Database
    - Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
    - International Political Science Abstracts Database
    - MasterFILE Elite
    - MasterFILE Premier
    - Peace Research Abstracts
    - Political Science Complete
    - Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
    - RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
    - SocINDEX
    - SocINDEX with Full Text
    - SPORTDiscus with Full Text
    - TOC Premier
    - Women's Studies International
  • Elsevier
    - EMBASE
    - Scopus
  • Exceptional Child Education Resources (Online)
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • H.W. Wilson
    - Art Index Retrospective
    - Biography Index
    - Book Review Digest
    - Education Index Retrospective
    - Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective
    - Humanites Index Retrospective
    - Social Sciences Abstracts
    - Social Sciences Full Text
    - Social Sciences Index
    - Social Sciences Index Retrospective
    - Wilson Business Abstracts
    - Wilson Business with Full Text
    - Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Mega Edition
    - Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Select
  • Informit
    - Australian Education Index (Online)
  • National Library of Medicine
    - PubMed
  • OCLC
    - ArticleFirst
    - Biography Index
    - Chicano Database
    - Electronic Collections Online
    - MLA International Bibliography
    - Periodical Abstracts
    - PsycFIRST
    - Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
  • ProQuest
  • Educational Research Abstracts Online
  • Ergonomics Abstracts Online
  • Multicultural Education Research Abstracts (Online)
  • Special Educational Needs Abstracts (Online)
  • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts (Online)
  • Thomson Reuters
    - Arts and Humanities Search
    - Current Contents
    - Social Sciences Citation Index
    - Web of Science
    - Referativnyi Zhurnal

Open access

The Journal of Psychology is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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  1. Increase the discoverability and readership of your article
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  5. Rigorous peer review for every open access article

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