About this journal

Aims and scope

Since John Dewey and Carl Murchison founded it in 1929, The Journal of Social Psychology has published original empirical research in all areas of basic and applied social psychology. Most articles report laboratory or field research in core areas of social and organizational psychology including the self and social identity, person perception and social cognition, attitudes and persuasion, social influence, consumer behavior, decision making, groups and teams, stereotypes and discrimination, interpersonal attraction and relationships, prosocial behavior, aggression, organizational behavior, leadership, and cultural psychology. All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by an Executive Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

The Journal of Social Psychology typically publishes invited special issues on topics of current broad interest to social psychologists. While we do accept unsolicited special issue proposals, their publication is rare.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

Journal metrics


  • 271K annual downloads/views

Citation metrics

  • 1.8 (2023) Impact Factor
  • 2.4 (2023) 5 year IF
  • 4.4 (2023) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.036 (2023) SNIP
  • 0.750 (2023) SJR


  • 8 days avg. from submission to first decision
  • 143 days avg. from submission to first post-review decision
  • 10 days avg. from acceptance to online publication
  • 12% acceptance rate

Editorial board


Bradley Okdie - The Ohio State University  


John E. Edlund - Rochester Institute of Technology  


Lisa Legault - Clarkson University
William "Ivey" Mackenzie - The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Cynthia Willis-Esqueda- University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Terry Adler - University of Oklahoma
Michael R. Andreychik- Fairfield University
Frank Asbrock - Technische Universitat,Chemnitz
Jacqui Bergman - Appalachian State University
Michael J. Bernstein - Penn State Abington
Ana-Maria Bliuc- Western Sydney University
Clive Boddy - Anglia Ruskin University
Martin Bourgeois - Florida Gulf Coast University
Melissa T. Buelow- The Ohio State University
Allan Church- PepsiCo
Charlene Christie- SUNY Oneonta
Eddie Clark - Saint Louis University
Corey Cook - University of Washington, Tacoma
Scott Dust – University of Cincinnati
Maayan Dvir - Reichman University
Patrick J. Ewell - Kenyon College
David Robert Forde - University of North Florida
Amber M. Gaffney - Humboldt State University
Stanley O. Gaines, Jr. - Brunel University
Jeffrey D. Green - Virginia Commonwealth University
Dmitry Grigoryev - National Research University Higher School of Economics
Jana Hackathorn - Murray State University
Judith Hall - Northeastern University
Jessica L. Hartnett - Gannon University
Helen C. Harton- University of Northern Iowa
Robert Hitlan- University of Northern Iowa
Matt C. Howard – University of South Alabama
Peter Jonason - University of Western Sydney
Steve Karau - Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Jennifer Kowalsky - The Ohio State University
Eugene J. Kutcher III - Rider University
Mark J. Landau- University o Kansas
Nicole Legate - Illinois Institute of Technology
Laura Madson - New Mexico State University
Sophia Marinova - University of Alabama in Huntsville
Mathew Marques – La Trobe University
David M. Marx - San Diego State University
Francis T. McAndrew - Knox College
Daragh McDermott - Anlia Ruskin University
Monika McDermott - Fordham University
Stuart James McKelvie - Bishop’s University
Todd G. Morrison - National University of Ireland, Galway
John Nezlek - College of William & Mary
Mike Nielson - Georgia Southern University
Rebecca T. Pinkus - The University of Sydney
Joan R. Poulsen- Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus
Donald Sacco - University of Southern Mississippi
Martin Farrell Sherman - Loyola College
Ryne Sherman - Florida Atlantic University
Chris Sibley - University of Auckland
Allison Skinner-Dorkenoo - University of Georgia
Therese Sprinkle - Quinnipiac University
Sofia Stathi - University of Greenwich
Elena Stepanova - University of Southern Mississippi
Garrett Strosser - Southern Utah University
Reuven Sussman - American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
David Turnipseed - University of South Alabama
Elysia Vaccarino - York University
Daryl Van Tongeren - Hope College
Harry Wallace - Trinity University
Ben Walsh - Grand Valley State University
Russell Webster - Pennsylvania State University Abington College
Eric D. Wesselmann - Illinois State University
James H. Wirth - Ohio State University, Newark
Lydia Woodyatt- Flinders University
Karl L. Wuensch - East Carolina University

Abstracting and indexing

The Journal of Social Psychology is indexed in the following services:

  • Association for Asian Studies
    - Bibliography of Asian Studies (Online)
  • Chadwyck-Healey
    - Periodicals Index Online (PIO)
  • CSA
    - Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts
    - Communication Abstracts Online
    - CSA Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts
    - CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
    - International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
    - PsycINFO
    - RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
    - Social Services Abstracts
    - Sociological Abstracts (Online)
  • De Gruyter Saur
    - Dietrich's Index Philosophicus
    - IBZ - Internationale Bibliograhphie der Geistes - und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur
  • EBSCOhost
    - Abstracts in Social Gerontology
    - Academic Search Alumni Edition
    - Academic Search Complete
    - Academic Search Elite
    - Academic Search Premier
    - Business Source Alumni Edition
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    - Child Development & Adolescent Studies
    - Communication & Mass Media Complete
    - Communication Abstracts Online
    - Corporate ResourceNet
    - Current Abstracts
    - Education Research Complete
    - Education Research Index
    - Family & Society Studies Worldwide
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    - Gender Studies Database
    - Human Resources Abstracts
    - International Political Science Abstracts Database
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    - Peace Research Abstracts
    - Political Science Complete
    - Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection
    - Race Relations Abstracts
    - RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
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    - SocINDEX with Full Text
    - TOC Premier
    - Violence & Abuse Abstracts
    - Women's Studies International
  • Elsevier
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    - Scopus
  • Exceptional Child Education Resources (Online)
  • Contemporary Women's Issues
  • MLA International Bibliography
  • H.W. Wilson
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    - Education Abstracts
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    - Education Index
    - Education Index Retrospective
    - Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective
    - Humanities Index Retrospective
    - Social Sciences Abstracts
    - Social Sciences Full Text
    - Social Sciences Index
    - Social Sciences Index Retrospective
    - Wilson Business Abstracts
    - Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Mega Edition
    - Wilson OmniFile: Full Text Select
  • National Library of Medicine
    - PubMed

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    - ArticleFirst
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    - Chicano Database
    - Contemporary Women's Issues
    - Education Abstracts
    - Education Index
    - Electronic Collections Online

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    - Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographies
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    - International Political Science Abstracts Database
  • ProQuest
    - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique * Institut de l'Information Scientifique et Technique
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  • Multicultural Education Abstracts (Online)
  • Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts (Online)
  • Thomson Reuters
    - Arts and Humanities Search
    - Current Contents
    - Social Sciences Citation Index
    - Web of Science

Open access

The Journal of Social Psychology is a hybrid open access journal that is part of our Open Select publishing program, giving you the option to publish open access. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership, and impact of your research.

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