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Journal overview

This journal promotes the use of psychodynamic and systemic perspectives to explore and explain social work practice and relationship-based practice. It publishes papers based on empirical research, theory and practice experience from the UK and around the world, all of which are anonymously reviewed by two peer reviewers. The journal aims to support and enliven practitioners and academics alike through deep and thoughtful exploration of matters relevant to contemporary practice. As the title suggests, social work is a prime focus. However, papers discussing allied fields of interpersonal help and the organisational and policy contexts that influence practice are also welcome, as are articles offering critical analysis of psychodynamic and systemic theory in the light of other explanatory frameworks. Contributions from practitioners are especially welcome, either in the form of full-length articles or as shorter pieces in the Voices from Practice section. The journal embraces social work values and seeks to represent diverse and intercultural perspectives.

The journal aims to provide a forum in which:

• practice, institutional and policy matters are examined through psychodynamic and systemic lenses;
• the lived experience of practitioners, educators and researchers in contemporary helping professions in the UK and in other cultures and countries is reflected and made visible;
• psychodynamic and systemic perspectives are linked to and evaluated in the light of other theoretical orientations.

Group for the Advancement of Psychodynamics and Psychotherapy in Social Work (GAPS), the owner of Journal of Social Work Practice, exists to promote good practice in all social work agencies. GAPS runs conferences, seminars and local groups and is run on a voluntary basis.

For further details and membership enquiries, please contact: Pamela Trevithick, GAPS, Easton Business Centre, Felix Road, Bristol, BS5 0HE.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, this generally involves initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent reviewers.


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