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Psychology, Health & Medicine is a multidisciplinary journal highlighting human factors in health. The journal provides a peer reviewed forum to report on issues of psychology and health in practice. This key publication reaches an international audience, highlighting the variation and similarities within different settings and exploring multiple health and illness issues from theoretical, practical and management perspectives. It provides a critical forum to examine the wide range of applied health and illness issues and how they incorporate psychological knowledge, understanding, theory and intervention. The journal reflects the growing recognition of psychosocial issues as they affect health planning, medical care, disease reaction, intervention, quality of life, adjustment adaptation and management.

For many years theoretical research was very distant from applied understanding. The emerging movement in health psychology, changes in medical care provision and training, and consumer awareness of health issues all contribute to a growing need for applied research. This journal focuses on practical applications of theory, research and experience and provides a bridge between academic knowledge, illness experience, wellbeing and health care practice.


Psychology, Health & Medicine is aimed directly at health psychologists, general psychologists, and health care workers such as hospital and community doctors, social workers, planners and managers. The journal will be accessible and of use to both the academy and the professionals.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.


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Cover image for Psychology, Health & Medicine, Volume 29, Issue 6
Volume 29, Issue 6, 2024

Early Childhood Health and Development in Jamaica: Results from a Birth Cohort Study


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