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Original Article

On the beta-number of linear forests with an even number of componentsFootnote

Pages 238-241 | Received 15 Jul 2017, Accepted 15 Nov 2017, Published online: 10 Jun 2020


The beta-number of a graph G is the smallest positive integer n for which there exists an injective function f:VG0,1,,n such that each uvEG is labeled |fufv| and the resulting set of edge labels is c,c+1,,c+|EG|1 for some positive integer c. The beta-number of G is +, otherwise. If c=1, then the resulting beta-number is called the strong beta-number of G. A linear forest is a forest for which each component is a path. In this paper, we determine a formula for the (strong) beta-number of the linear forests with two components. This leads us to a partial formula for the beta-number of the disjoint union of multiple copies of the same linear forests.

1 Introduction

All graphs considered in this paper are finite and undirected without loops or multiple edges. The vertex set of a graph G is denoted by VG, while the edge set is denoted by EG. Let G1 and G2 be vertex-disjoint graphs. Then the union of G1 and G2, denoted by G1G2, is the graph with VG1G2=VG1VG2 and EG1G2=EG1EG2. If G1, G2, …, Gm are pairwise vertex-disjoint graphs that are isomorphic to G, then we write mG for G1G2Gm. For integers a and b with ab, the set xZ:axb will be denoted by writing a,b, where Z denotes the set of integers.

An important type of graph labeling was introduced by Rosa [Citation1] who called them β-valuations. For a graph G of size q, an injective function f:V(G)0,q is called a β-valuation if each uvE(G) is labeled |f(u)f(v)| and the resulting edge labels are distinct. Such a valuation is now commonly known as a graceful labeling (the term was coined by Golomb [Citation2]) and a graph with a graceful labeling is called graceful. The concept of α-valuations (a particular type of graceful labeling) was also introduced by Rosa [Citation1] as a tool for decomposing the complete graph into isomorphic subgraphs. A graceful labeling f is called an α-valuation if there exists an integer λ so that minf(u),f(v)λ<max{f(u),f(v)} for each uvE(G). Graceful labelings and α-valuations have been the object of study for many papers. For recent contributions to these subjects and other types of labelings, the authors refer the reader to the survey by Gallian [Citation3].

The gracefulness, gracG, of a graph G was defined by Golomb [Citation2] as the smallest positive integer n for which there exists an injective function f:VG0,n such that each uvEG is labeled |fufv| and the resulting edge labels are distinct. If G is a graph of size q with gracG=q, then G is graceful. Thus, the gracefulness of a graph G is a measure of how close G is to being graceful.

Motivated by the concept of gracefulness, Ichishima et al. [Citation4] defined the beta-number and strong beta-number of a graph. The beta-number, βG, of a graph G with q edges is the smallest positive integer n for which there exists an injective function f:VG0,n such that each uvEG is labeled |fufv| and the resulting set of edge labels is c,c+q1 for some positive integer c. The beta-number of G is +, otherwise. If c=1, then the resulting beta-number is called the strong beta-number of G and is denoted by βsG. Similar to the gracefulness, the (strong) beta-number of a graph G can be regarded as a measure of how close G is to being graceful.

The following lemma found in [Citation4] summarizes how the parameters discussed thus far are related.

Lemma 1

For every graph G of order p and size q, maxp1,qgracGβGβsG.

As usual, a path with n vertices and a star with n+1 vertices are denoted by Pn and Sn, respectively. A linear forest is a forest for which each component is a path. In the first paper on (strong) beta-numbers of graphs, Ichishima et al. [Citation4] gave some necessary conditions for both of these parameters to be finite and some sufficient conditions for the parameters to be infinite. They also determined the exact values of these parameters for certain classes of graphs including the forests SmSn and PmSn, and proved that every nontrivial tree and forest has finite strong beta-number. In another paper on (strong) beta-numbers of graphs, Ichishima et al. [Citation5] investigated these parameters for forests of the form mPn and mSn.

In this paper, we determine a formula for the (strong) beta-number of the linear forests PmPn. As a corollary of this result, we also provide a partial formula for the beta-number of the disjoint union of multiple copies of the same linear forest.

2 Results on linear forests with an even number of paths

Before presenting formulas for βPmPn and βsPmPn, we mention the graceful property of paths obtained by Cattell [Citation6].

Theorem 1

Let v be any vertex of the path Pn. Then there exists a graceful labeling f of Pn with fv=i for any i1,n1 unless n3(mod4) or n1(mod12); v is in the smaller of the two partite sets of vertices, and i=n12.

With the aid of Theorem 1, Ichishima et al. [Citation5] found the following formulas.

Theorem 2

For every integer n2, β2Pn=βs2Pn=2nif n=2,2n1if n3.

With the aid of Theorem 1, it is now possible to extend the preceding result significantly by determining βPmPn and βsPmPn for all integers m and n with 2mn. Our proof uses the concept of induced subgraph. If S is a nonempty subset of VG, then the subgraph S of G induced by S is the graph with vertex set S and whose edge set consists of those edges of G incident with two elements of S. A subgraph H of G is called induced if HS for some subset S of VG.

Theorem 3

For all integers m and n with 2mn, βPmPn=βsPmPn=m+nif m,n=2,2,m+n1if m,n2,2.


In light of the preceding theorem and Lemma 1, it suffices to show that βsPmPnm+n1 for every pair of integers m and n with m+n5 and nm+1. For this purpose, let FPmPn be the forest with VF=xi:i1,myi:i1,nand EF=xixi+1:i1,m1yiyi+1:i1,n1,and define the induced subgraphs of F as follows. Let F1Pm, F2Pn1 and F3P1 be the induced subgraphs of F with VF1=xi:i1,m, VF2=yi:i1,n1 and VF3=yn. It is well known that every path has an α-valuation such that the vertex label of an end-vertex is 0 (see [Citation1]). It follows that there exists an α-valuation f1 of F1 with the property that f1x1=0. On the other hand, it follows from Theorem 1 that there exists a graceful labeling f2 of F2 with the property that f2yn1=nm22. With these knowledge in hand, consider the vertex labeling f:VF0,m+n1 such that fw=1+f1wif w=x2i1 and i1,m2,n+f1wif w=x2i and i1,m2,m2+1+f2wif w=yi and i1,n1,0if w=yn.

To show that f is indeed a bijective function, notice first that f1x2i1:i1,m2=0,m21and f1x2i:i1,m2=m2,m1,since f1 is an α-valuation of F1 with the property that f1x1=0. This in turn implies that fx2i1:i1,m2=1,m2and fx2i:i1,m2=m2+n,m+n1.Notice also that f2yi:i1,n1=0,n2,since f2 is a graceful labeling of F2. This implies that fyi:i1,n1=m2+1,m2+n1 .From these observations and the fact that fyn=0, we obtain fv:vVF=0,m+n1.This indicates that f is a bijective function.

To complete the proof, compute the edge labels given by |fufv| for each uvEF. Since f2 is a graceful labeling of F2, it follows that |f2uf2v|:uvEF2=1,n2,which implies that |fufv|:uvEF2=1,n2.Recall that f2yn1=nm22, which implies that fyn1=m2+1+f2yn1=n1.This together with fyn=0 gives |fyn1fyn|=n1.Since f1 is an α-valuation of F1 with the property that f1x1=0, it follows that if ufx2i:i1,m2 and vfx2i1:i1,m2, then f1u>f1v. This implies that |fufv|=n1+f1uf1v.Notice next that f1uf1v:uvEF1=1,m1,since f1 is an α-valuation of F1 with f1x1=0. Consequently, |fufv|:uvEF1=n,m+n2.It is now immediate that |fufv|:uvEF=1,EF.Therefore, we conclude that βsFm+n1 for every pair of integers m and n with m+n5 and nm+1, completing the proof.

We illustrate the construction described in the preceding theorem with , which contains the vertex labelings of F1, F2, F3 and F for small values of integers m and n.

Table 1 Some vertex labelings of F1, F2, F3 and F.

It is known from [Citation5] that βmP2=2m if m2(mod4), whereas βmP2=2m1 in all other cases. In the same paper, it was also shown that if F is a forest of order p such that βF=p1, then βmF=mp1 when m is odd. These together with Theorem 3 give us the following formula.

Corollary 1

For every pair of integers m, n1 and n2 such that m is odd and 2n1n2, βmPn1Pn2=mn1+n2if n1,n2=2,2,mn1+n21if n1,n22,2.

It was conjectured by Ichishima et al. [Citation5] that the (strong) beta-number of a forest of order p is either p1 or p. Note that our results in this paper add credence to this conjecture.


Peer review under responsibility of Kalasalingam University.


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