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Original Article

Generalized projections in ZnFootnote

Pages 1-7 | Received 13 Apr 2017, Accepted 08 Jan 2018, Published online: 10 Jun 2020


We consider the ring Zn (integers modulo n) with the partial order ‘’ given by ‘ab if either a=b or aab(modn)’. In this paper, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the poset (Zn,) to be a lattice.

1 Introduction

An element a in a commutative ring R is said to be a generalized projection if ak=a for some kN with k2 (see [Citation1]); an element a is called a regular element if a=aba(=a2b) for some element b in the ring. It is proved by László Tóth [Citation2] that in Zn, an element is a generalized projection if and only if it is regular; in-fact the following result is proved.

Theorem 1.1

[Citation2], Theorem 1

Let n=i=1kpiαi be the prime factorization of nN with αi>0, for all i. For an integer a1, the following assertions are equivalent:

(i) a is regular (mod n); (ii) for every i 1,2,,k , either piαi a or pia;

(iii) gcd(a,n)=gcd(a2,n); (iv) gcd(a,n) n and gcd(gcd(a,n),ngcd(a,b))=1;

(v) aφ(n)+1a(modn); (vi) there exists an integer m1 such that am+1a(modn).

We denote by GP(Zn), the set of generalized projections (i.e. the set of regular elements) and P(Zn)= aZn a2=a , the set of projections in Zn. Let R be a commutative ring, the relation ‘’ defined by: for a,bR, ‘ab if and only if either a=b or a=ab’ is a partial order on R (see [Citation1]). In particular, (Zn,) is a poset with the smallest element 0 and the largest element 1. It is known that (P(Zn),) is a lattice. However, Khairnar and Waphare [Citation1] proved that for any finite commutative ring R, (GP(R),) is a lattice, hence in particular, (GP(Zn),) is a lattice for every n. Whenever n is a square-free integer, we get that GP(Zn)=Zn. In general, (Zn,) is not a lattice, for example (Z9,) (see ). In this paper, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the poset (Zn,) to be a lattice.

Fig. 2 Poset of Z9 and Lattice of Z12.

We denote by U(Zn), the set of units in Zn and N(Zn), the set of nilpotents in Zn. In the following remark, we list observations required in a sequel.

Remark 1.2

Let n=i=1kpiαi be the prime factorization of nN with αi>0, for all i, and let aZn. Then,

(i) aU(Zn) if and only if a unit (mod pi) for all i 1,2,,k .

(ii) aN(Zn) if and only if a zero (mod pi) for all i 1,2,,k .

(iii) aGP(Zn) if and only if a zero or unit (mod piαi) for all i 1,2,,k .

2 Upper covering projection and lower covering projection

In a poset (P,), a<b denotes ab with ab. We say that b is an upper cover of a or a is a lower cover of b (denoted by ab), if a<b and there is no cP such that a<c<b.

The following theorem gives an existence of the unique lower cover and the unique upper cover of any element aGP(R)P(R) in the poset GP(R).

Theorem 2.1

[Citation1], Theorem 2.7

Let R be a finite commutative ring. If aGP(R)P(R), then there exist a unique auGP(R) and a unique alGP(R) such that alaau. Further, these unique elements are projections and for bGP(R), a<b if and only if aub; and b<a if and only if bal.

With notations as in Theorem 2.1, the unique projection al is called the lower covering projection of a and the unique projection au is called the upper covering projection of a. If a is a projection, then we assume that the lower covering projection of a and the upper covering projection of a is a itself.

Theorem 2.1 gives an existence of the upper covering projection and the lower covering projection of any element in GP(Zn)P(Zn). In this section, we determine the upper covering projection and the lower covering projection of elements in GP(Zn)P(Zn).

The following lemma gives the conditions for strict comparability of a projection and a generalized projection.

Lemma 2.2

Let n=i=1kpiαi be the prime factorization of nN with αi>0, for all i. Let aGP(Zn) and e,fP(Zn) 1 . Then,

(1) a<e if and only if for i 1,2,,k , e0(modpiαi) implies that a0(modpiαi).

(2) f<a if and only if for j 1,2,,k , f0(modpjαj) implies that a1(modpjαj).


(1) Let a<e and i 1,2,,k be such that e0(modpiαi). Then a(1e)0(modn) and 1e0(modpiαi). Therefore a0(modpiαi). Conversely, suppose that for i 1,2,,k , e0(modpiαi) implies that a0(modpiαi). Then a(1e)0(modn). Thus a<e.

(2) Let f<a and j 1,2,,k be such that f0(modpjαj). Then 1a0(modpjαj). Therefore a1(modpjαj). Conversely, suppose that for j 1,2,,k , f0(modpjαj) implies that a1(modpjαj). This gives f(1a)0(modn). Thus f<a. □

Remark 2.3

[Citation1], Remark 3

Let aGP(Zn). Suppose k2 be the smallest integer such that ak=a. Then (ak1)2=a2k2=akak2=aak2=ak1. Therefore ak1P(Zn), and ak1=au. Clearly, aau; and a=au if and only if aP(Zn).

For any aGP(Zn)P(Zn) the following theorem gives a construction for au.

Theorem 2.4

Let n=i=1kpiαi be the prime factorization of nN with αi>0, for all i, and aGP(Zn)P(Zn). If aU(Zn), then au=1. If aU(Zn), then au=bφ(nb) where b=j=1a0(modpjαj)kpjαj.


Let aGP(Zn)P(Zn). If aU(Zn) then by Remark 2.3, au=1. Suppose aU(Zn). By Remark 1.2, there exists j 1,2,,k such that a0(modpjαj), and a0orunit(modpiαi) for all ij. Let b=j=1a0(modpjαj)kpjαj and au=bφ(nb). Then auP(Zn) and by Lemma 2.2, aau. Let eP(Zn) be such that a<e. If e=1, then aue. Suppose e1. Again by Lemma 2.2, for i 1,2,,k , e0(modpiαi) implies that a0(modpiαi). Thus aue. □

For any aGP(Zn)P(Zn) the following theorem gives a construction for al.

Theorem 2.5

Let n=i=1kpiαi be the prime factorization of nN with αi>0, for all i, and aGP(Zn)P(Zn). Then al=bφ(nb) where b=j=1a1(modpjαj)kpjαj.


Let aGP(Zn)P(Zn). If a1(modpjαj) for all j 1,2,,k then a10(modn). Hence a=1P(Zn), a contradiction. Therefore there exists j 1,2,,k such that a1(modpjαj). Let b=j=1a1(modpjαj)kpjαj and al=bφ(nb). We prove that ala. Let i 1,2,,k be such that al0(modpiαi). Then b0(modpiαi) and hence a1(modpiαi). This yields, al(a1)0(modn). Therefore ala. Let fP(Zn) be such that f<a, and j 1,2,,k be such that f0(modpjαj). Then by Lemma 2.2, we get a1(modpjαj). Consequently, b0(modpjαj) and hence al0(modpjαj). This implies that al1(modpjαj). Therefore f(1al)0(modn). Thus fal. □

Let P be a poset and a,bP. The join of a and b if exists, denoted by ab, is defined as ab=sup a,b . The meet of a and b if exists, denoted by ab, is defined as ab=inf a,b .

We conclude this section with the following examples.

In the following example, nN is not square-free but the poset Zn is a lattice.

Example 2.6

Consider the ring Z4. Then GP(Z4)= 0,1,3 and N(Z4)= 0,2 . Note that 4 is not square-free but the poset Z4 is a lattice (see ). Also, the nilpotent element 2 possess unique upper cover.

Fig. 1 Lattices of Z4 and Z8.

Example 2.7

Consider the ring Z8. Then GP(Z8)= 0,1,3,5,7 and N(Z8)= 0,2,4,6 . Note that 8 is not square-free but the poset Z8 is a lattice (see ). Also, each of 2 and 6 possesses unique upper covers but 4 does not possess unique upper cover.

In the following example, the poset Zn is not a lattice. Also, none of the nilpotent elements possess unique upper cover.

Example 2.8

Consider the ring Z9. Then GP(Z9)= 0,1,2,4,5,7,8 and N(Z9)= 0,3,6 . By , the poset Z9 is not a lattice. Note that 36 and 47 do not exist. Also, each of 3 and 6 do not possess unique upper covers and each of 4 and 7 do not possess unique lower covers.

In the following example, n is not square-free but the poset Zn is a lattice.

Example 2.9

Consider the ring Z12. Then GP(Z12)= 0,1,3,4,5,7,8,9,11 and N(Z12)= 0,6 . Note that 12 is not square-free but the poset Z12 is a lattice (see ). Observe that, the nilpotent element 6 does not possess an unique upper cover.

Theorem 2.10

Let (Zn,) be a poset and aZn. If a is a dual atom then aGP(Zn).


If aP(Zn) then aGP(Zn). Suppose aP(Zn). So a is a dual atom if and only if a<x implies that x=1 if and only if aax(modn) implies that x=1 if and only if a(1x)0(modn) implies that x=1 if and only if a is not a zero divisor if and only if a is an unit. Hence aGP(Zn). □

In the next section, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of supremum and infimum of any two elements of the poset Zn.

3 Existence of ab and ab for a,bZn

For xZn, the ideal generated by x is denoted by (x).

The following theorem characterizes the existence of ab for a,bZn.

Theorem 3.1

Let n=i=1kpiαi be the prime factorization of nN with αi>0, for all i. Let a,bZn be incomparable and d=gcd(gcd(a,b),n). Then, ab exists if and only if the coset 1+(nd) has the smallest element.


For each i 1,2,,k , let βi,γiW=N 0 be the largest powers of prime pi such that a0(modpiβi) and b0(modpiγi) respectively. Let fi=max (αiβi),(αiγi),0 and m=i=1kpifi. Then m=nd. Let cZn and for each i 1,2,,k , let tiN be the largest powers of the prime pi such that c1(modpiti). Then, a<c and b<c, if and only if a(c1)0(modn) and b(c1)0(modn), if and only if ti(αiβi),(αiγi) for all i, if and only if c1(nd), if and only if c1+(nd).

Suppose ab exists. Since a and b are incomparable, we have a<ab and b<ab. This yields ab1+(nd). Let x1+(nd). Then a<x and b<x. Therefore abx. Thus ab is the smallest element of the coset 1+(nd). Conversely, suppose that the coset 1+(nd) has the smallest element, say e1+(nd). This yields a<e and b<e. We claim that ab=e. Let fZn be such that a<f and b<f. Then f1+(nd). Therefore ef. Thus ab=e. □

From the proof of Theorem 3.1, it is clear that, if ab exists, then ab is the least element of the coset 1+(nd). Also, if the coset 1+(nd) has the smallest element e, then ab=e.

The following corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.1.

Corollary 3.2

Let nN,n>1 and S= dN d=gcd(gcd(a,b),n), for some incomparable elements a,bZn . Then, Zn is a lattice if and only if every coset in 1+(nd) dS has smallest element.

In the following theorem, we characterize the existence of ab for a,bZn.

Theorem 3.3

Let n=i=1kpiαi be the prime factorization of nN with αi>0, for all i. Let a,bZn be incomparable and d=gcd(gcd(a1,b1),n). Then, ab exists if and only if the ideal (nd) has the largest element.


For each i 1,2,,k , let βi,γiW be the largest powers of prime pi such that a1(modpiβi) and b1(modpiγi) respectively. Let fi=max (αiβi),(αiγi),0 and m=i=1kpifi. Then m=nd. Let cZn and for each i 1,2,,k , let siN be the largest powers of prime pi such that c0(modpisi). Then, c<a and c<b if and only if c(a1)0(modn) and c(b1)0(modn) if and only if si(αiβi),(αiγi) for all i if and only if c(nd).

Suppose ab exists. Since a and b are incomparable, we have ab<a and ab<b. This yields ab(nd). Let x(nd). Then x<a and x<b. Therefore x<ab. Thus ab is the largest element of the ideal (nd). Conversely, suppose that the ideal (nd) has the largest element, say e(nd). This yields e<a and e<b. We claim that ab=e. Let fZn be such that f<a and f<b. Then f(nd). Therefore fe. Thus ab=e. □

From the proof of Theorem 3.3, it is clear that if ab exists, then ab is the largest element of the ideal (nd). Also, if the ideal (nd) has the largest element e, then ab=e.

The following corollary is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.3.

Corollary 3.4

Let nN,n>1 and S= dN d=gcd(gcd(a1,b1),n), for some incomparable elements a,bZn . Then, Zn is a lattice if and only if every ideal in (nd) dS has largest element.

Corollary 3.5

Let nN,n>1, S= dN d=gcd(gcd(a,b),n), for some incomparable elements a,bZn and S= dN d=gcd(gcd(a1,b1),n), for some incomparable elements a,bZn . Then, every ideal in (nd) dS has largest element if and only if every coset in 1+(nd) dS has smallest element.


Follows from Corollary 3.2 and Corollary 3.2. □

The following two lemmas relate the largest element of an ideal with the smallest element of a coset and vice versa.

Lemma 3.6

Let n=n1n2 with n11,n23 and I=(n1), J=(n2). Then, the largest element of the ideal I becomes the smallest element of the coset 1+J.


Since I =n23, we have n1n1(modn). Therefore n1 and n1 are distinct elements in I. Let e1n1I be the largest element of I. Then x1n1e1n1 for all x1Z. This yields n1e1n1 and n1e1n1. That is n1e1n1(modn) or n1n1e1n1(modn); and n1e1n1(modn) or n1n1e1n1(modn). If n1e1n1(modn) and n1e1n1(modn), then n1n1(modn), a contradiction to the fact that n23. Thus, either n1n1e1n1(modn) or n1n1e1n1(modn). Suppose n1n1e1n1(modn). That is n1(e1n11)0(modn1n2). This implies that e1n110(modn2), hence e1n11+J. Similarly, n1n1e1n1(modn) implies that e1n11+J. Thus, in any case, e1n11+J. Let y2n2+11+J be any element. Then (y2n2+1)e1n1=y2n2e1n1+e1n1e1n1(modn). Thus e1n1 is the smallest element of 1+J. □

Lemma 3.7

Let n=n1n2 with n13,n21 and I=(n1), J=(n2). Then the smallest element of the coset 1+J becomes the largest element of the ideal I.


Since J =n13, we have n2n2(modn). Therefore n2+1 and n2+1 are distinct elements in the coset 1+J. Let e2n2+11+J be the smallest element of 1+J. Then e2n2+1x2n2+1 for all x2Z. This yields e2n2+1n2+1 and e2n2+1n2+1. That is e2n2+1n2+1(modn) or e2n2+1(e2n2+1)(n2+1)(modn); and e2n2+1n2+1(modn) or e2n2+1(e2n2+1)(n2+1)(modn). If e2n2+1n2+1(modn) and e2n2+1n2+1(modn), then n2+1n2+1(modn), a contradiction to the fact that n13. Thus, either e2n2+1(e2n2+1)(n2+1)(modn) or e2n2+1(e2n2+1)(n2+1)(modn). Suppose e2n2+1(e2n2+1)(n2+1)(modn). That is (e2n2+1)(n2)0(modn1n2). This implies that e2n2+10(modn1), hence e2n2+1I. Similarly, e2n2+1(e2n2+1)(n2+1)(modn) implies that e2n2+1I. Thus, in any case, e2n2+1I. Let y1n1I be any element. Then (y1n1)(e2n2+1)=y1n1e2n2+y1n1y1n1(modn). Thus e2n2+1 is the largest element of I. □

Remark 3.8

Let aGP(Zn) and I be the ideal generated by a. Then au is the largest element of I. For maI, maau=ma, hence maau.

If a,bGP(Zn) then ab and ab both exist in the poset GP(Zn) (see [Citation1]). The following two theorems give the existence of ab and ab in the poset Zn where a,bGP(Zn).

Theorem 3.9

If a,bGP(Zn) then ab exists in the poset Zn. Further, abGP(Zn).


If a and b are comparable then clearly ab exists and abGP(Zn). Suppose a and b are incomparable. Let d=gcd(gcd(a,b),n), I be the ideal generated by d and J be the ideal generated by nd. As, a,bGP(Zn), by Remark 1.2 (iii), gcd(a,b)GP(Zn). Therefore dGP(Zn). By Remark 3.8, the ideal I possesses the largest element, say e and eGP(Zn). Since d a and d b, we have a,bI. As, a and b are incomparable, we have I =nd3. By Lemma 3.6, e becomes the smallest element of the coset 1+J. By Theorem 3.1, ab exists and ab=e. Thus, ab=eGP(Zn). □

Theorem 3.10

Let a,bGP(Zn) be such that a1,b1GP(Zn). Then ab exists in the poset Zn and abGP(Zn).


If a and b are comparable then clearly ab exists and abGP(Zn). Suppose a and b are incomparable. Let d=gcd(gcd(a1,b1),n) and I be the ideal generated by nd. As, a1,b1GP(Zn), by Remark 1.2 (iii), gcd(a1,b1)GP(Zn). Therefore dGP(Zn), and hence ndGP(Zn). By Remark 3.8, the ideal I possesses the largest element, say e and eGP(Zn). By Theorem 3.3, ab exists and ab=e. Thus ab=eGP(Zn). □

In the following theorem, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the poset Zn to be a lattice.

Theorem 3.11

Let nN. Then, Zn is a lattice if and only if for every n13 with n=n1n2, (n1) possess the largest element.


Suppose Zn is a lattice. Let n=n1n2 with n13. If (n1) does not possess the largest element, then (n1) =n23. Let a=n1; and b=pn1, where p is a prime such that gcd(p,n2)=1 and n2(p1). Then a,b0(modn) and ab(modn). If a<b, then aab(modn). That is n1n1pn1(modn). This yields n1(pn11)0(modn). This implies that pn11(modn2). Hence gcd(n1,n2)=1. Consequently n1GP(Zn). By Remark 3.8, (n1) possess the largest element, a contradiction. Therefore ab. Similarly, ba. Thus a and b are incomparable. Observe that gcd(gcd(a,b),n)=n1. As, (nn2)=(n1) does not possess the largest element. By Lemma 3.7, the coset 1+(n2) does not possess the smallest element. By Corollary 3.2, Zn is not a lattice, a contradiction. Therefore (n1) possess the largest element. Conversely, suppose for every n13 with n=n1n2, (n1) possess the largest element. If Zn is not a lattice, then by Corollary 3.2, there exist incomparable elements a,bZn such that d=gcd(gcd(a,b),n) and 1+(nd) does not possess the smallest element. Therefore nd= (d) 3 and 1+(nd) 3. Hence (nd) =d3. Let n1=d and n2=nd. Then n13 and n=n1n2. By Lemma 3.6, (n1) does not possess the largest element, a contradiction. Thus Zn is a lattice. □

Remark 3.12

Let aN(Zn) 0 . If bZn be such that b<a then b=ba=bam for any mN. Since aN(Zn), we have b=0. Hence al=0. From this, it follows that, if I is an ideal generated by a nilpotent element of Zn such that I 3, then I does not possess the largest element. Thus Zn is not a lattice.


Peer review under responsibility of Kalasalingam University.


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