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Generalized fuzzy b-closed and generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-closed sets in double fuzzy topological spaces

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Pages 61-67 | Received 28 Jul 2015, Accepted 02 Sep 2015, Published online: 08 Mar 2019


The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a new class of fuzzy sets called (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-closed sets and (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-closed sets in double fuzzy topological spaces. Furthermore, the relationships between the new concepts are introduced and established with some interesting examples.

Mathematics subject classification:

1 Introduction

A progressive development of fuzzy sets [Citation1] has been made to discover the fuzzy analogues of the crisp sets theory. On the other hand, the idea of intuitionistic fuzzy sets was first introduced by Atanassov [Citation2]. Later on, Çoker [Citation3] presented the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy topology. Samanta and Mondal [Citation4], introduced and characterized the intuitionistic gradation of openness of fuzzy sets which is a generalization of smooth topology and the topology of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The name “intuitionistic” is discontinued in mathematics and applications. Garcia and Rodabaugh [Citation5] concluded that they work under the name “double”.

In 2009, Omari and Noorani [Citation6] introduced generalized b-closed sets (briefly, gb-closed) in general topology. As a generalization of the results in References Citation6 and Citation7, we introduce and study (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-closed sets in double fuzzy topological spaces, then a new class of fuzzy sets between an (r, s)-fuzzy b-closed sets and an (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-closed sets namely (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-closed sets is introduced and investigated. Finally, the relationships between (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-closed and (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-closed sets are introduced and established with some interesting counter examples.

2 Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, X will be a non-empty set, I = [0, 1], I0 = (0, 1] and I1 = [0, 1). A fuzzy set λ is quasi-coincident with a fuzzy set µ (denoted by, λqµ) iff there exists xX such that λ(x)+μ(x)>1 and they are not quasi-coincident otherwise (denoted by, λq¯μ). The family of all fuzzy sets on X is denoted by IX. By 0¯ and 1¯, we denote the smallest and the greatest fuzzy sets on X. For a fuzzy set λIX, 1¯λ denotes its complement. All other notations are standard notations of fuzzy set theory.

Now, we recall the following definitions which are useful in the sequel.

Definition 2.1

(see [Citation4]) A double fuzzy topology (τ, τ*) on X is a pair of maps τ, τ* : IXI, which satisfies the following properties:

The triplet (X, τ, τ*) is called a double fuzzy topological space (briefly, dfts). A fuzzy set λ is called an (r, s)-fuzzy open (briefly, (r, s)-fo) if τ(λ) ≥ r and τ*(λ) ≤ s. A fuzzy set λ is called an (r, s)-fuzzy closed (briefly, (r, s)-fc) set iff 1¯λ is an (r, s)-fo set.

Theorem 2.1

(see [Citation8]) Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. Then double fuzzy closure operator and double fuzzy interior operator of λIX are defined by

Cτ,τ*(λ, r, s)={μIX|λμ, τ(1¯μ)r, τ*(1¯μ)s},Iτ,τ*(λ, r, s)={μIX|μλ, τ(μ)r, τ*(μ)s}.Where rI0 and sI1 such that r + s ≤ 1.

Definition 2.2

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. For each λIX, rI0 and sI1. A fuzzy set λ is called:


An (r, s)-fuzzy semiopen (see [Citation9]) (briefly, (r, s)-fso) if λCτ,τ*(Iτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s). λ is called an (r, s)-fuzzy semi closed (briefly, (r, s)-fsc) iff 1¯λ is an (r, s)-fso set.


An (r, s)-generalized fuzzy closed (see [Citation10]) (briefly, (r, s)-gfc) if Cτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ, λµ, τ(µ) ≥ r and τ*(µ) ≤ s. λ is called an (r, s)-generalized fuzzy open (briefly, (r, s)-gfo) iff 1¯λ is (r, s)-gfc set.

Definition 2.3

(see [Citation11,Citation12]) Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. For each λ, µIX and rI0, sI1. Then, a fuzzy set λ is said to be (r, s)-fuzzy generalized ψρ-closed (briefly, (r, s)-fgψρ-closed) if ψCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ such that λµ and µ is (r, s)-fuzzy ρ-open set. λ is called (r, s)-fuzzy generalized ψρ-open (briefly, (r, s)-fgψρ-open) iff 1¯λ is (r, s)-fgψρ-closed set.

3 (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-closed sets

In this section, we introduce and study some basic properties of a new class of fuzzy sets called an (r, s)-fuzzy b-closed sets and an (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-closed.

Definition 3.1

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. For each λIX, rI0 and sI1. A fuzzy set λ is called:


An (r, s)-fuzzy b-closed (briefly, (r, s)-fbc) ifλ(Iτ,τ*(Cτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s))(Cτ,τ*(Iτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s)).λ is called an (r, s)-fuzzy b-open (briefly, (r, s)-fbo) iff 1¯λ is (r, s)-fbc set.


An (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-closed (briefly, (r, s)-gfbc) if bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ, λµ, τ(µ) ≥ r and τ*(µ) ≤ s. λ is called an (r, s)-generalized fuzzy b-open (briefly, (r, s)-gfbo) iff 1¯λ is (r, s)-gfbc set.

Definition 3.2

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. Then double fuzzy b-closure operator and double fuzzy b-interior operator of λIX are defined by

bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)={μIX|λμ and μ is (r, s)-fbc},bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)={μIX|μλ and μ is (r, s)-fbo}.Where rI0 and sI1 such that r + s ≤ 1.

Remark 3.1

Every (r, s)-fbc set is an (r, s)-gfbc set.

The converse of the above remark may be not true as shown by the following example.

Example 3.1

Let X = {a, b}. Defined µ, α and β by:

μ(a)=0.3,μ(b)=0.4,α(a)=0.4,α(b)=0.5,β(a)=0.3,β(b)=0.7,τ(λ)={1,if λ{0¯, 1¯},12,if λ=μ,0,otherwise.τ*(λ)={0,if λ{0¯, 1¯},12,if λ=μ,1,otherwise.

Then β is an (12, 12)-gfbc set but not an (12, 12)-fbc set.

Definition 3.3

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts, λIX, rI0 and sI1. λ is called an (r, s)-fuzzy b-Q-neighborhood of xtPt(X) if there exists an (r, s)-fbo set µIX such that xt and µλ.

The family of all (r, s)-fuzzy b-Q-neighborhood of xt denoted by b-Q(xt, r, s).

Theorem 3.1

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. Then for each λ, µIX, rI0 and sI1, the operator bCτ,τ* satisfies the following statements:


(1), (2), (3), and (4) are proved easily.

(5) Let μq¯λ and µ is an (r, s)-fbo set, then λ1¯μ. But we have, µqλ iff μqbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s) andbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)bCτ,τ*(1¯μ, r, s)=1¯μ,so μq¯bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), which is contradiction. Then µqλ iff μqbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

(6) Let xt be a fuzzy point such that xtbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s). Then there is an (r, s)-fuzzy b-Q neighborhood µ of xt such that μq¯λ. But by (5), we have an (r, s)-fuzzy b-Q-neighborhood µ of xt such thatμq¯bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)

Also,xtbCτ,τ*(bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s).

ThenbCτ,τ*(bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s)bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

But we have,bCτ,τ*(bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s)bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

ThereforebCτ,τ*(bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s)=bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

(7) and (8) are obvious.

Theorem 3.2

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. Then for each λ, µIX, rI0 and sI1, the operator bIτ,τ* satisfies the following statements:


bIτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)=1¯bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), bCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)=1¯bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s),


bIτ,τ*(0¯, r, s)=0¯,bIτ,τ*(1¯, r, s)=1¯,


bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ,


If λ is an (r, s)-fbo, then λ=bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s),


If λµ, then bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)bIτ,τ*(μ, r, s),


bIτ,τ*(bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s)=bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s),


bIτ,τ*(λμ, r, s)bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)bIτ,τ*(μ, r, s),


bIτ,τ*(λμ, r, s)bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)bIτ,τ*(μ, r, s).


It is similar to Theorem 3.1.

Theorem 3.3

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. λIX is (r, s)-gfbo set, rI0 and sI1 if and only if μbIτ,τ*(λ, r, s) whenever µλ, τ(1¯μ)r and τ*(1¯μ)s.


Suppose that λ is an (r, s)-gfbo set in IX, and let τ(1¯μ)r and τ*(1¯μ)s such that µλ. By the definition, 1¯λ is an (r, s)-gfbc set in IX. So,

bCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)1¯μ

Also,1¯bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)1¯μ.

And then,μbIτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

Conversely, let µλ, τ(1¯μ)r and τ*(1¯μ)s, rI0 and sI1 such that μbIτ,τ*(λ, r, s). Now1¯bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)1¯μ,

ThusbCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)1¯μ.

That is, 1¯λ is an (r, s)-gfbc set, then λ is an (r, s)-gfbo set.

Theorem 3.4

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts, λIX, rI0 and sI1. If λ is an (r, s)-gfbc set, then


bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ does not contain any non-zero (r, s)-fc sets.


λ is an (r, s)-fbc iff bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ is (r, s)-fc.


µ is (r, s)-gfbc set for each set µIX such that λμbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).


For each (r, s)-fo set µIX such that µλ, µ is an (r, s)-gfbc relative to λ if and only if µ is an (r, s)-gfbc in IX.


For each an (r, s)-fbo set µIX such that bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)q¯μ iff λq¯μ.


(1) Suppose that τ(1¯μ)r and τ*(1¯μ)s, rI0 and sI1 such that μbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ whenever λIX is an (r, s)-gfbc set. Since 1¯μ is an (r, s)-fo set,

λ(1¯μ)bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)(1¯μ)μ(1¯bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s))μ(1¯bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s))(bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ)=0¯and hence μ=0¯ which is a contradiction. Then bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ does not contain any non-zero (r, s)-fc sets.

(2) Let λ be an (r, s)-gfbc set. So, for each rI0 and sI1 if λ is an (r, s)-fbc set then,bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ=0¯which is an (r, s)-fc set.

Conversely, suppose that bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ is an (r, s)-fc set. Then by (1), bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ does not contain any non-zero an (r, s)-fc set. But bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ is an (r, s)-fc set, thenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ=0¯λ=bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

So, λ is an (r, s)-fbc set.

(3) Suppose that τ(α) ≥ r and τ*(α) ≤ s where rI0 and sI1 such that µα and let λ be an (r, s)-gfbc set such that λα. ThenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)α.

So,bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)=bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s),

ThereforebCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)α.

So, µ is an (r, s)-gfbc set.

(4) Let λ be an (r, s)-gfbc and τ(λ) ≥ r and τ*(λ) ≤ s, where rI0 and sI1. Then bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ. But, µλ so,bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ.

Also, since µ is an (r, s)-gfbc relative to λ, thenλbCτ,τ*(λ)(μ, r, s)=bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s),sobCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)=bCτ,τ*(λ)(μ, r, s)λ.

Now, if µ is an (r, s)-gfbc relative to λ and τ(α) ≥ r and τ*(α) ≤ s where rI0 and sI1 such that µα, then for each an (r, s)-fo set αλ, μ=μλαλ. Hence µ is an (r, s)-gfbc relative to λ,bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)=bCτ,τ*(λ)(μ, r, s)(αλ)α.

Therefore, µ is an (r, s)-gfbc in IX.

Conversely, let µ be an (r, s)-gfbc set in IX and τ(α) ≥ r and τ*(α) ≤ s whenever αλ such that µα, rI0 and sI1. Then for each an (r, s)-fo set βIX, α = βλ. But we have, µ is an (r, s)-gfbc set in IX such that µβ,bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)βbCτ,τ*(λ)(μ, r, s)=bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)λβλ=α.

That is, µ is an (r, s)-gfbc relative to λ.

(5) Suppose µ is an (r, s)-fbo and λq¯μ, rI0 and sI1. Then λ(1¯μ). Since (1¯μ) is an (r, s)-fbc set of IX and λ is an (r, s)-gfbc set, thenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)q¯μ.

Conversely, let µ be an (r, s)-fbc set of IX such that λµ, rI0 and sI1. Thenλq¯(1¯μ).

ButbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)q¯(1¯μ)bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ.

Hence λ is an (r, s)-gfbc.

Proposition 3.1

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts, λIX, rI0 and sI1.


If λ is an (r, s)-gfbc and an (r, s)-fbo set, then λ is an (r, s)-fbc set.


If λ is an (r, s)-fo and an (r, s)-gfbc, then λµ is an (r, s)-gfbc set whenever μbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).


(1) Suppose λ is an (r, s)-gfbc and an (r, s)-fbo set such that λλ, rI0 and sI1. Then

bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ.

But we have,λbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

Then,λ=bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

Therefore, λ is an (r, s)-fbc set.

(2) Suppose that λ is an (r, s)-fo and an (r, s)-gfbc set, rI0 and sI1. ThenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ λ is an (r, s)-fbc setλμ is an (r, s)-fbcλμ is an (r, s)-gfbc.

4 (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-closed sets

In this section, we introduce and study some properties of a new class of fuzzy sets called an (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy closed sets and an (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-closed sets

Definition 4.1

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. For each λIX, rI0 and sI1. A fuzzy set λ is called:


An (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy closed (briefly, (r, s)-g fc) if Cτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ whenever λµ and µ is an (r, s)-gfo set in IX. λ is called an (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy open (briefly, (r, s)-g fo) iff 1¯λ is (r, s)-g fc set.


An (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-closed (briefly, (r, s)-g fbc) if bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ whenever λµ and µ is an (r, s)-gfo set in IX. λ is called an (r, s)-generalized ⋆-fuzzy b-open (briefly, (r, s)-g fbo) iff 1¯λ is (r, s)-g fbc set.

Theorem 4.1

Let (X, τ, τ*) be a dfts. λIX is an (r, s)-g fbo set if and only if μbIτ,τ*(λ, r, s) whenever µ is an (r, s)-gfc, rI0 and sI1.


Suppose that λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbo set in IX, and let µ is an (r, s)-gfc set such that µλ, rI0 and sI1. So by the definition, we have 1¯λ is an (r, s)-gfo set in IX and 1¯λ1¯μ. But 1¯λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc set, then bCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)1¯μ. But

bCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)=1¯bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)1¯μ.

Therefore,μbIτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

Conversely, suppose that μbIτ,τ*(λ, r, s) whenever µλ and µ is an (r, s)-gfc set, rI0 and sI1. Now1¯bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)1¯μ,

ThusbCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)1¯μ.

Therefore, 1¯λ is an (r, s)-gfbc set and λ is an (r, s)-gfbo set.

Proposition 4.1

Let (X, τ, τ*) be dfts's. For each λIX, rI0 and sI1


If a fuzzy set λ is an (r, s)-g fbc, then bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ contains no non-zero (r, s)-gfc set.


If a fuzzy set λ is an (r, s)-g fbc, then bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbo.


An (r, s)-g ⋆fbc set λ is an (r, s)-fbc iff bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ is an (r, s)-fbc set.


If a fuzzy set λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc, then μ=1¯, whenever µ is an (r, s)-gfo set and bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)(1¯λ)μ.


(1) Suppose that λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc set and µ is an (r, s)-gfc set of IX, rI0 and sI1 such that

μbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)


But λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc set and 1¯μ is an (r, s)-gfo set, thenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)1¯μμbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)(1¯bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s))=0¯.

Therefore bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ contains no non-zero (r, s)-gfc set.

(2) Let λ be an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc set, rI0 and sI1. Then by (1) we have, bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ contains no non-zero (r, s)-gfc set. So, bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbo set.

(3) Let λ be an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc set. If λ is an (r, s)-fbc, rI0 and sI1, thenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ=0¯.

Conversely, let bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ is an (r, s)-fbc set in IX and λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc, rI0 and sI1, then by (1) we have, bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ contains no non-zero (r, s)-gfc set. Then,bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)λ=0¯,that isbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)=λ.

Hence λ is an (r, s)-fbc set.

(4) Let µ be an (r, s)-gfc set and bIτ,τ*(λ, r, s)(1¯λ)μ, rI0 and sI1. Hence1¯μbCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)λ=bCτ,τ*(1¯λ, r, s)(1¯λ).

But (1¯μ) is an (r, s)-gfc and 1¯λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc by (1), 1¯μ=0¯ and hence μ=1¯.

Proposition 4.2

Let (X, τ, τ*) be dfts's. For each λ and µIX, rI0 and sI1.


If λ and µ are (r, s)-g ⋆fbc, then λµ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc.


If λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc and τ(µ) ≥ r, τ*(µ) ≤ s, then λµ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc.


(1) Suppose that λ and µ are (r, s)-g ⋆fbc sets in IX such that λµν for each an (r, s)-gfo set νIX, rI0 and sI1. Since λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc,

bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)νfor each an (r, s)-gfo set νIX and λν. Also, µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc,bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)νfor each an (r, s)-gfo set νIX and µν. Then we have,bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)ν,whenever λµν, Therefore, λµ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc.

(2) Since every an (r, s)-fc set is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc and from (1) we get the proof.

Proposition 4.3

Let (X, τ, τ*) be dfts's. For each λ and µIX, rI0 and sI1.


If λ is both an (r, s)-gfo and an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc, then λ is an (r, s)-fbc set.


If λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc and λμbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), then µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc.


(1) Suppose that λ is an (r, s)-gfo and an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc in IX such that bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ, rI0 and sI1. But

λbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

Thereforeλ=bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

Hence λ is an (r, s)-fbc set.

(2) Suppose that λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc and ν is an (r, s)-gfo set in IX such that µν for each µIX, rI0 and sI1. So λν. But we have, λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc, thenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)ν.

NowbCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)bCτ,τ*(bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s), r, s)=bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)ν.

Therefore µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc set.

Theorem 4.2

Let (X, τ1, τ1*) and (Y, τ2, τ2*) be dfts's. If λ1¯Y1¯X such that λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc in IX, rI0 and sI1, then λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc relative to Y.


Suppose that (X, τ1, τ1*) and (Y, τ2, τ2*) are dfts's such that λ1¯Y1¯X, rI0, sI1 and λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc in IX. Now, let λ1¯Yμ such that µ is an (r, s)-gfo set in IX. But we have, λ is an (r, s)-g fbc in IX,

λμbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)μ.

So that1¯YbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)1¯Yμ.

Hence λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc relative to Y.

Theorem 4.3

Let (X, τ1, τ1*) be adfts. For each λ and µIX, rI0 and sI1 with µλ. If µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc relative to λ such that λ is both an (r, s)-gfo and (r, s)-g ⋆fbc of IX, then µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc relative to X.


Suppose that µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc and τ(ν) ≥ r and τ*(ν) ≤ s such that µν, rI0, sI1. But we have, μλ1¯, therefore µλ and µν. So


Also we have, µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc relative to λ,λbCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)λνλbCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)ν.

Thus(λbCτ,τ*(μ, r, s))(1¯bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s))ν(1¯bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)).λ(1¯bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s))ν(1¯bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)).

Since λ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc, thenbCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)ν(1¯μ).

Also,μλbCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s).

ThusbCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)bCτ,τ*(λ, r, s)ν(1¯bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)).

Therefore bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)ν, but bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s) is not contained in (1¯bCτ,τ*(μ, r, s)). That is, µ is an (r, s)-g ⋆fbc relative to X.

5 Interrelations

The following implication illustrates the relationships between different fuzzy sets:

None of these implications is reversible where AB represents A implies B, as shown by the following examples. But at this stage we do not have information regarding the relationship between an (r, s)-gfbc and (r, s)-g ⋆fc sets.

Example 5.1

(1) Let X={a, b, c} and let µ and α are fuzzy sets defined by:


Define (τ, τ*) on X as follows:τ(λ)={1,if λ{0¯, 1¯},12,if λ=μ,0,otherwise.τ*(λ)={0,if λ{0¯, 1¯},12,if λ=μ,1,otherwise.

Then α is an (12, 12)-gfbc set, but not an (12, 12)-g ⋆fbc set.

(2) Take X = {a, b} in (1) and define µ, α and β by:μ(a)=0.6,μ(b)=0.6,α(a)=0.3,α(b)=0.2,β(a)=0.4,β(b)=0.5.

Then β is an (12, 12)-g ⋆fbc set, but not an (12, 12)-fbc set.

(3) Let X={a, b, c}. Define µ, ν and γ by:μ(a)=1.0,μ(b)=0.5,μ(c)=0.3,ν(a)=1.0,ν(b)=0.6,ν(c)=0.0,γ(a)=0.0,γ(b)=0.6,γ(c)=0.0.

Define (τ, τ*) as in (1). Then ν is an (12, 12)-g ⋆fbc set but not an (12, 12)-fc set and not an (12, 12)-gfc. And γ is an (12, 12)-g ⋆fbc set, but not an (12, 12)-fsc set.

(4) Take (3) and defined µ and ν by:μ(a)=1.0,μ(b)=1.0,μ(c)=0.6,ν(a)=0.3,ν(b)=0.5,ν(c)=0.5.

Define (τ, τ*) as in (1). Then ν is an (12, 12)-g ⋆fbc set, but not an (12, 12)-g ⋆fc set.

(5) See Example 3.1. Clearly β is an (12, 12)-gfbc set, but not an (12, 12)-gfc set.

(6) Let X = {a, b}. Define µ, ν and γ as follows:μ(a)=0.7,μ(b)=0.6,ν(a)=0.3,ν(b)=0.2,γ(a)=0.4,γ(b)=0.5.

Define (τ, τ*) as in (1). Then ν is an (12, 12)-fbc set but not an (12, 12)-fsc set, also not an (12, 12)-gfc.

(7) Let X={a, b, c} and let µ and α as fuzzy sets defined by:μ(a)=0.9,μ(b)=0.8,μ(c)=0.3,α(a)=0.1,α(b)=0.8,α(c)=0.3.

Define (τ, τ*) on X by:τ(λ)={1,if λ{0¯, 1¯},0.6,if λ=μ,0,otherwise.τ*(λ)={0,if λ{0¯, 1¯},0.3,if λ=μ,1,otherwise.

Then α is an (0.6, 0.3)-fsc set, but not an (0.6, 0.3)-fc set.

(8) Let X = {a, b} and let µ and α as fuzzy sets defined by:μ(a)=0.9,μ(b)=0.4,α(a)=0.1,α(b)=0.8.

Define (τ, τ*) on X by:τ(λ)={1,if λ{0¯, 1¯},12,if λ=μ,0,otherwise.τ*(λ)={0,if λ{0¯, 1¯},12,if λ=μ,1,otherwise.

Then µ is an (12, 12)-g ⋆fc set, but not an (12, 12)-fc set.


The authors would like to acknowledge the following: UKM Grant DIP-2014-034 and Ministry of Education, Malaysia grant FRGS/1/2014/ST06/UKM/01/1 for financial support.


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