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Pareto optimal control for mixed Neumann infinite-order parabolic system with state-control constraintsFootnote

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A distributed Pareto optimal control problem for an infinite order parabolic system is considered. The performance index has a vector form with two components in integral form. Constraints on controls and on states are imposed. To obtain optimality conditions for the Neumann problem, the generalization of the Dubovitskii–Milyutin theorem was applied.

1 Introduction

The optimal control problems of distributed parameter systems with constraints imposed on controls and on states have been widely discussed in many papers and monographs. A fundamental study of such problems is given by [Citation39] and was next developed by [Citation40]. It was also intensively investigated by [Citation1,Citation4] and [Citation30Citation36]. In these studies, questions concerning necessary conditions for optimality and existence of optimal controls for these problems have been investigated.

In Refs. [Citation6,Citation7,Citation10,Citation28,Citation33,Citation34] the optimal control problems for systems described by parabolic and hyperbolic operators with infinite order and consisting of one equation have been discussed. Also we extended the discussion in [Citation1Citation19,Citation24Citation27] to n × n coupled systems of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic types involving different types of operators. To obtain optimality conditions the arguments of [Citation39] have been applied.

Making use of the Dubovitskii–Milyutin theorem from [Citation29], following in [Citation30Citation36], authors have obtained necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for similar systems governed by second order operator with an infinite number of variables and with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. The interest in the study of this class of operators is stimulated by problems in quantum field theory.

In [Citation31,Citation32], Kotarski considered Pareto optimization problem for a parabolic system and obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality by applying the classical Dubovitskii–Milyutin Theorem [Citation22,Citation23,Citation29]. The performance index was more general than the quadratic one and had an integral form. The set representing the constraints on the controls was assumed to have a nonempty interior. This assumption can be easily removed if we apply the generalized version of the Dubovitskii–Milyutin Theorem [Citation38], instead of the classical one [Citation29] (as the approximation of the set of controls, the regular tangent cone is used instead of the regular admissible cone).

In [Citation2] a time optimal control problem for parabolic equations involving second order operator with an infinite number of variables is considered. In [Citation3] a distributed and boundary control problems for cooperative parabolic and elliptic systems governed by Schrödinger operator is considered. In [Citation33] a distributed control problem for a hyperbolic system with mixed control state constraints involving operator of infinite order is imposed. In [Citation35] a distributed control problem for Neumann parabolic problem with time delay is considered. Also in [Citation36], a distributed control problem for a hyperbolic system involving operator of infinite order with Dirichlet conditions is considered.

In this paper the application of the generalized Dubovitskii–Milyutin Theorem will be demonstrated on an distributed Pareto optimization problem for a system described by a parabolic operator of infinite order with Neumann conditions. The cost function has an integral form. Constraints on controls and on states are imposed. A necessary and sufficient conditions for Pareto optimality are given.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some preliminaries and definitions such as functional spaces with infinite order also we define Pareto optimal problems and some related theorems. In Section 3, we define a parabolic equation with infinite order. In Section 4, we formulate the Pareto optimal control problem and we introduce the main results of this paper.

2 Preliminaries

The purpose of this section is to give some preliminaries which we need in this paper.

2.1 Infinite order functional spaces

The aim of this subsection is to give the definition of some functional spaces of infinite-order, and the chains of the constructed spaces which will be used later (Refs. [Citation20,Citation21]). We define the Sobolev space W{aα,2}(n) (which we shall denote by W{aα, 2}) of infinite order of periodic functions ϕ(x) defined on all boundary Γ of n,n1, as follows,W{aα,2}=ϕ(x)C(n):|α|=0aα||Dαϕ||22<,where aα ≥ 0 is a numerical sequence and || . ||2 is the canonical norm in the space L2(n)(all functions are assumed to be real valued), andDα=|α|(x1)α1(xn)αn,where α = (α1, …, αn) is a multi-index for differentiation, |α|=i=1nαi.

The space W−∞{aα, 2} is defined as the formal conjugate space to the space W{aα, 2}, namely:W{aα,2}={ψ(x):ψ(x)=|α|=0aαDαψα(x)},where ψαL2(n) and |α|=0aα||ψα||22<.

The duality pairing of the spaces W{aα, 2} and W−∞{aα, 2} is postulated by the formula(ϕ,ψ)=|α|=0aαnψα(x)Dαϕ(x)dx,whereϕW{aα,2},ψW{aα,2}.

From above, W{aα, 2} is everywhere dense in L2(n) with topological inclusions and W−∞{aα, 2} denotes the topological dual space with respect to L2(n), so we have the following chain:W{aα,2}L2(n)W{aα,2}.

We now introduce L2(0,T;L2(n)) which we shall denote by L2(Q), where Q=n×]0,T[, denotes the space of measurable functions t → ϕ(t) such that||ϕ||L2(Q)=(0T||ϕ(t)||22dt)12<,endowed with the scalar product (f,g)=0T(f(t),g(t))L2(n)dt, L2(Q) is a Hilbert space. In the same manner we define the spaces L2(0, T ; W{aα, 2}), and L2(0, T ; W−∞ {aα, 2}), as its formal conjugate.

Finally we have the following chains:L2(0,T;W{aα,2})L2(Q)L2(0,T;W{aα,2}),Next, let us introduce the spaceW(0,T):=y;yL2(0,T;W{aα,2}),ytL2(0,T;W{aα,2}),in which a solution of a parabolic equation with infinite-order will be contained.

2.2 Definitions Of cones and separation theorem

At first we recall definitions of conical approximations and cones of the same sense or of the opposite sense [Citation29,Citation32,Citation41,Citation42]. Let A be a set contained in a Banach space X and F:X be a given functional. Note that we will state in this section all theorems without proofs and we refer to [Citation32] for the details of the proofs.

Definition 2.1

A set TC(A, x0) : = {h ∈ X : ∃ ϵ0 > 0, ∀ ϵ ∈ (0, ϵ0), ∃ r(ϵ) ∈ X ; x0 + ϵh + r(ϵ) ∈ A}, where r(ϵ)ϵ0 as ϵ → 0 is called the tangent cone to the set A at the point x0 ∈ A.

Definition 2.2

A set AC(A,x0):={hX:ϵ0>0,U(h),ϵ(0,ϵ0),h¯U(h);x0+ϵh¯A}, where U(h) is a neighborhood of h, is called the admissible cone to the set A at the point x0 ∈ A.

Definition 2.3

A set FC(F,x0):={hX:ϵ0>0,U(h),ϵ(0,ϵ0),h¯U(h);F(x0+ϵh¯)<F(x0)}, is called the cone of decrease of the functional F at the point x0 ∈ X.

Definition 2.4

A set NC(F,x0):={hX:ϵ0>0,U(h),ϵ(0,ϵ0),h¯U(h);F(x0+ϵh¯)F(x0)}, is called the cone of nonincrease of the functional F at the point x0 ∈ X.

All the cones defined above are cones with vertices at the origin. The cones AC(A, x0), FC(F, x0) and NC(F, x0) are open while the cone TC(A, x0) is closed. If intA ≠ ∅ , then AC(A, x0) does not exist. Moreover, if A1,,AnX,x0i=1nAi, theni=1nTC(Ai,x0)TC(i=1nAi,x0)andi=1nAC(Ai,x0)=AC(i=1nAi,x0).

If the cones TC(A, x0), AC(A, x0), FC(F, x0) and NC(F, x0) are convex, then they are called regular cones and we denote them by RTC(A, x0), RAC(A, x0), RFC(F, x0) and RNC(F, x0), respectively.

Let Ci, i = 1, …, n be a system of cones and BM be a ball with center 0 and radius M > 0 in the space X.

Definition 2.5

The cones Ci, i = 1, …, n are of the same sense if ∀M > 0 , ∃ M1, …, M2 > 0 so that xBMi=1nCi,x=i=1nxi,xiCi,i=1,,n, we have xiBMiCi,i=1,,n (or equivalently the inequality ||x|| ≤ M implies the inequalities ||xi|| ≤ Mi, i = 1, …, n).

Definition 2.6

The cones Ci, i = 1, …, n are of the opposite sense if ∃(x1, …, xn) ≠ (0, …, 0), xi ∈ Ci, i = 1, …, n so that 0=i=1nxi.

Remark 2.1

From Definitions Equation2.5 and Equation2.6 it follows that the set of cones of the same sense is disjoint with the set of cones of the opposite sense. If a certain subsystem of cones is of the opposite sense, then the whole system is also of the opposite sense.

In finite dimensional spaces only the cones of the two types mentioned above may exist while in arbitrary infinite dimensional normed spaces the situation is more complicated. In [Citation42] the conditions under which a system of cones is of the same sense are given.

Definition 2.7

Let K be a cone in X. The adjoint cone K* of K is defined asK*:={fX*;f(x)0xK},where X* denotes the dual space of X.

Definition 2.8

Let Q be a set in X, x0 ∈ Q . A functional f ∈ X* is said to be a support functional to the set Q at x0 if f(x) ≥ f(x0) ∀ x ∈ Q.

Now we are give a theorem on separation of convex cones.

Theorem 2.1

Assuming that:


the cones K1, …, kp ⊂ X are open and convex with vertices at 0,


the cones Kp+1, …, Kn ⊂ X, n > p, are closed and convex with vertices at 0,


the adjoint cones Kp+1*,,Kn* to Kp+1, …, Kn respectively are either of the same sense or of the opposite sense,

theni=1nKi=if and only if there exist linear continuous functionals fi, i = 1, …, n not all equal to zero simultaneously; so that(2.1) i=1nfi=0(thesocalledEulerLagrangeEquation)(2.1) where fiKi*,i=1,,n.

2.3 Statement of Pareto optimal problems

Let X be Banach space, Qk ⊂ X, intQk ≠ ∅ , k = 1, …, p represent inequality constraints, Qk ⊂ X, intQk = ∅ , k = p + 1, …, n represent equality constraints, Ii:=X,i=1,,s are given functionals I = (I1, …, Is)T i.e. I:Xs be vector performance index. We are interested in the following problem:

Problem (P): find x0 ∈ Q such that

(2.2) ParetominxQU(x0)I(x)=I(x0),(2.2) where Q=k=1nQk and U(x0) is some neighborhood of x0.

If we define equality constraints in the operator form:Qk:={xX:Fk(x)=0}where Fk : X → Yk are given operators, Yk are Banach spaces, k = p + 1, …, n, then we obtain Problem (P1) instead of Problem (P).

Definition 2.9

A point x0 ∈ X is called global (local) Pareto optimal for Problem (P) or (P1) if x0 ∈ Q and there is no x0 ≠ x ∈ Q(Q ∩ U(x0)) with Ii(x) ≤ I(x0) for i = 1, …, s with strict inequality for at least one i, 1 ≤ i ≤ s.

2.4 Necessary conditions for local Pareto optimum generalized Dubovitskii–Milyutin theorem

In the sequel we denote by Ki, i = 1, …, s, Dj, j = 1, …, s, Ck, k = 1, …, p any nonempty open cone contained in the cones FC(Ii, x0), NC(Ij, x0), and AC(Qk, x0), respectively. Ck, k = p + 1, …, n stands for a nonempty cone contained in the cone TC(Qk, x0) and C˜ is a nonempty cone contained in TC(k=p+1nQk,x0). All these cones are those with vertices at zero.

For problem (P) or (P1) we have the following necessary condition for Pareto optimality:

Lemma 2.1

If x0 ∈ Q is a local Pareto optimum for problem (P) or (P1), Then

(2.3) kij=1,jisDj(k=1pCk)C˜=,i=1,,s.(2.3)

Condition Equation(2.3) in Lemma 2.1 can be formulated in a more convenient form:

Theorem 2.2

Generalized Dubovitskii–Milyutin Theorem

We assume for problem (P) that:


the cones Ki, i = 1, …, s, Dj, j = 1, …, s, Ck, k = 1, …, p, are open and convex,


the cones Ck, k = p + 1, …, n are convex and closed,


the cone C˜=k=p+1nCk is contained in the cone tangent to the set k=p+1nQk,


the cones Ck*,k=p+1,,n are either of the same sense or of the opposite sense,


x0 ∈ Q is a local Pareto optimum for problem (P),

then the following “s” equations (the so-called Euler-Lagrange equations) must hold:(2.4) fi+j=1,jifj(i)+k=1nφk(i)=0,i=1,2,,s,(2.4) where fiKi*, fj(i)Dj*,j=1,,s,ji,φk(i)Ck*,k=1,,n, with not all functionals equal to zero simultaneously.

From Theorem 2.2 as a particular case follows

Theorem 2.3

We assume for problem (P)that:


there exists cones: RAC(Qk, x0), k = 1, …, p, RTC(Qk, x0), k = p + 1, …, n,

RFC(Ii, x0), i = 1, …, s, and




the cones [RTC(Qk,x0)]* are either of the same sense or of the opposite sense,


x0k=1nQk is a local Pareto optimum to the problem (P),

then the following “s” equations (the so-called Euler-Lagrange equations) must hold:(2.5) fi+j=1,jifj(i)+k=1nφk(i)=0,i=1,2,,s,(2.5) where fi[RFC(Ii,x0)]*, fj(i)[RNC(Ij,x0)]*,j = 1, …, s, j ≠ i, φk(i)[RAC(Qk,x0)]*,k=1,,p,and φk(i)[RAC(Qk,x0)]*,k=p+1,,n and all functionals are not equal to zero, simultaneously.

To find conditions ensuring the equality [RFC(Ii,x0)]*=[RNC(Ii,x0)]* we need.

Definition 2.10

A functional F:X will be called Ponstein convex ifF(x2)F(x1)ightarrowF(λx1+νx2)<F(x1),x1x2,λ,ν>0,λ+ν=1.Strictly convex functionals are also Ponstein convex but not every convex functional is Ponstein convex.

The example below shows that the notations of convexity and Ponstein convexity generally are independent of each other.

Example 2.1

Let us consider the functionals:f1,f2,f3:, f1(x) = 0, f2(x) = − x2 − x and f3(x) = − x, x ∈ [0, 1]. The function f1 is convex but not Ponstein convex, f2 is Ponstein convex, but not convex, while f3 is both convex and Ponstein convex.

3 Mixed Neumann infinite-order parabolic problem

The aim of this section is to give some definitions of the infinite-order operator and the bilinear forms with its coerciveness. Also we formulate the mixed Neumann problem.

Definition 3.1

We define our infinite-order operator with finite dimension in the form:(3.1) AΦ(x,t)=|α|=0(1)|α|aαD2αΦ(x,t).(3.1) The operator A is a bounded self-adjoint elliptic operator with infinite order mapping W{aα, 2} onto W−∞{aα, 2}.

Mixed Neumann problem: We consider the following mixed Neumann evolution equation:(3.2) yt+Ay=f,xn,t(0,T),(3.2) (3.3) y(x,0)=yp(x),xn,(3.3) (3.4) ωy(x,t)νAω=0,xΓ,t(0,T),(3.4) wherefL2(0,T;W{aα,2}(n)),ypL2(n),are given functions and ωνAω is the co-normal derivatives with respect to A, i.e.ωνAω=ωνωcos(ν;xk); cos(ν ; xk) = k - th direction cosine of ν ; ν being the normal to the boundary Γ of Rn for |ω| = 0, 1, 2, …, |ω| ≤ α − 1, A is given by Equation(3.1).

Definition 3.2

The bilinear form

For each t ∈]0, T[, we define the following bilinear form on W{aα, 2}:π(t;ϕ,ψ)=(Aϕ,ψ)L2(n),ϕ,ψW{aα,2}.Then


i.e.(3.5) π(t;ϕ,ψ)=n|α|=0(1)|α|Dαϕ(x)Dαψ(x)dx(3.5)

Lemma 3.1

The bilinear form Equation(3.5) is coercive on W{aα, 2} that is, there exists η, such that:(3.6) π(t;ϕ,ϕ)=η||ϕ||W{aα,2}2,η>0.(3.6)


It is well known that the ellipticity of A is sufficient for the coercitivness of π(t ; ϕ, ψ) on W{aα, 2}. In fact,π(t;ϕ,ϕ)=|α|=0(1)|α|aαD2αϕ(x,t),ϕ(x,t)|α|=0(1)|α|aα||Dαϕ(x)||L2(n)2=η||ϕ(x)||W{aα,2}2.

Also we have:


ϕ, ψ ∈ W{aα, 2}, the function t → π(t ; ϕ, ψ) is continuously differentiable in ]0, T[ and π(t ; ϕ, ψ) is symmetric i.e.(3.7) π(t;ϕ,ψ)=π(t;ψ,ϕ).(3.7)


The operator t+A is parabolic operator with an infinite order which maps L2(0, T ; W{aα, 2}) onto L2(0, T ; W−∞{aα, 2}) .

Under the above consideration, using the theorems of [Citation39], we can formulate the following mixed Neumann problem, which define the state of our control problem.

4 Pareto optimal control problem

This section is devoted to state the distributed mixed Neumann Pareto optimal control problem and to give several mathematical examples for derived the optimality conditions as follows:

The state equations:(4.1) yt+Ay=u,xn,t(0,T),(4.1) (4.2) y(x,0)=yp(x),xn,(4.2) (4.3) ωy(x,t)νAω=0,xΓ,t(0,T).(4.3)

Then the state is given by the solution of mixed Neumann problem for infinite-order parabolic system and the control u being exercised through in the distributed domain n.

The performance index (The cost function):

(4.4) I(y,u)=I1(u)I2(y)=0Tnu2dxdtn(y(T,x)zd(x))2dxPareto min.(4.4)

Control constraints.

We assume the following constraints on controls:

(4.5) uUadU:=L2(0,T;W{aα,2}),Uadis closed and convex.(4.5)

State constraints.

We assume the following constraints on states:

(4.6) yYadY:=L2(0,T;W{aα,2}),Yadis closed convex with a non-empty interior inY(4.6) where yp,zdL2(n) are given. A is the same operator defined in Section 3. The control time T is assumed to be fixed in our problem.

We also assume that there exists (y˜,u˜) such as u˜Uad,y˜intYad and (y˜,u˜) satisfy equations (4.1)–(4.3) (Slater's condition).

The solution of the stated Pareto optimal control problem (4.1)–(4.6) is equivalent to seeking of a pair (y0,u0)E:=Y×U, which satisfies Eqs. (4.1)–(4.3) and minimizes in the Pareto sense the vector functional Equation(4.4) under constraints (Equation4.5Equation(4.6).

We formulate the necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality for the problem (4.1)–(4.6) in the following optimization theorem.

Theorem 4.1

For every λ1, λ2 > 0 such as λ1 + λ2 = 1 there is the unique solution (y0, u0) to the Pareto optimal control problem (4.1)–(4.6). Moreover, there are two adjoint states p and ξ such as p ∈ W(0, T), and ξ ∈ L2(0, T ; W−∞{aα, 2})). Besides, p and u0 satisfy (in the weak sense) the adjoint equations given below. The necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality are characterized by the the following system of partial differential equations and inequalities:

State equations:

(4.7) y0t+Ay0=u0,xn,t(0,T),(4.7) (4.8) y0(x,0)=yp(x),xn.(4.8) (4.9) ωy0(x,t)νAω=0,xΓ,t(0,T),(4.9)

Adjoint equations:

(4.10) pt+A*p=0,xn,t(0,T),(4.10) (4.11) p(x,T)=λ2[y0(x,T)zd],xn,(4.11) (4.12) ωp(x,t)νAω=0,xΓ,t(0,T).(4.12) (4.13) u0t+A*u0=ξ,xn,t(0,T),(4.13) (4.14) u0(x,T)=1λ1p(x,T),xn,(4.14) (4.15) ωu0(x,t)νAω=0,xΓ,t(0,T).(4.15)

Maximum conditions:

(4.16) 0Tn(p+λ1u0)(uu0)dxdt0uUad,(4.16) (4.17) 0Tnξ(yy0)dxdt0yYad.(4.17)


Note that the conditions inf(y,u)Ii(y,u)<Ii(y0,u0),i=1,2 hold, I1, I2 are strictly convex, hence they are Ponstein convex (strict convexity implies the Ponstein convexity). I1, I2 are also Frèchet differentiable.

The stated Pareto optimal control problem (4.1)–(4.6) is equivalent to the one with the scalar performance functional I = λ1I1 + λ2I2, λ1, λ2 > 0, λ1 + λ2 = 1. To this scalar problem we apply Theorem 1.8.1 in [Citation32]. We approximate the set Uad by the admissible cone, the set Yad and the constraints given by equations (4.1)–(4.3) by the tangent cones and the scalar functional by the cone of decrease.

(a.) Analysis of constraints on controls.

The set Q1=Y×UadE represents equality constraints. Using Theorem 10.5 [Citation29] we find the functional belonging to the adjoint tangent cone i.e.f1(y¯,u¯)[RTC(Q1,(y0,u0))]*.The functional f1(u¯,u¯) can be expressed as followsf1(u¯,u¯)=f11(y¯)+f12(u¯)where f11(y¯)=0y¯Y (Theorem 10.1 [Citation29]) and f12(u¯) is the support functional to the set Uad at the point u0 (Theorem 10.5 [Citation29]).

(b.) Analysis of constraints on states.

The set Q2 = Yad × Y ⊂ E represents inequality constraints. Using Theorem 10.5 [Citation29] we find the functional belonging to the adjoint regular admissible cone i.e.f2(y¯,u¯)[RAC(Q2,(y0,u0))]*.

Similarly as above we have that f2(y¯,u¯)=f21(y¯) is equal to the support functional to the set Yad at the point y0.

(c.) Analysis of state equations (4.1)–(4.3).

The setQ3:=(y,u)E;yt+Ay=u,xn,t(0,T),y(x,0)=yp(x),xn,ωy(x,t)νAω=0,xΓ,t(0,T)

represents the equality constraints. On the basis of Lusternik's theorem (Theorem 9.1 [Citation29]) the regular tangent cone has the form

RTC(Q2,(y0,u0))=(y¯,u¯)E;P(y0,u0)(y¯,u¯)=0=(y¯,u¯)E;y¯t+Ay¯=u¯,xn,t(0,T)y¯(x,0)=0,xn,ωy¯(x,t)νAω=0,xΓ,t(0,T)where P(y0,u0)(y¯,u¯) is the Frèchet differential of the operatorP(y,u):=yt+Ayu,y(x,0)yp(x)mapping from the space:=L2(0,T;W{aα,2})×L2(0,T;W{aα,2})into the spaceZ:=L2(0,T;W{aα,2})×L2(n).Knowing that there exists a unique solution to the equation (4.2)–(4.3) for every u and yp it is easy to prove that P′(y0, u0) is the mapping from the space ℑ onto Z as required in the Lusternik theorem.

(d.) Analysis of the performance functional.

Applying Theorem 7.5 [Citation29] we find the coneRFC(I,(y0,u0))=(y¯,u¯)E;i=12λiIi(y0,u0)(y¯,u¯)<0,where Ii denotes the Frèchet differential of Ii.

It is easily seen thatI1(y¯,i¯)=20Tnu0u¯dxdt,I2(y¯,u¯)=2n(y0(T)zd)y¯(T)dx.From Theorem 19.2 [Citation29] we find the functional belonging to the adjoint cone. It has the formf4(y¯,u¯)=μλ10Tnu1u¯dxdtμλ2n(y0(T)zd)y¯(T)dx,where μ ≥ 0. From Remark 1.5.1 [Citation32] it follows that μ ≠ 0 .

To write down the Euler-Lagrange Equation, we need to check the assumption (v) of Theorem 1.8.1 [Citation32].

It is known that the tangent cones are closed [Citation38]. Following the idea of [Citation41], we shall show that:-RTC(Q1Q3,(y0,u0))=RTC(Q1,(y0,u0))RTC(Q3,(y0,u0)).We only need to show the inclusion ″ ⊂ ″, because we always have ″ ⊃ ″ [Citation38].

It can be easily checked that in the neighborhood V1 of the point (y0, u0) the operator P satisfies the assumptions of the implicit function theorem [Citation41]. Consequently, the set Q3 can be represented in the neighborhood V0 in the form(4.18) (y,u)E;y=φ(l),(4.18) where φ : U → Y is an operator of the class C1 satisfying the condition P(φ(u), u) = 0 for u such as (φ(u), u) ∈ V0. From this we know that(4.19) RTC(Q3,(k0,u0))=(y¯,u¯)E;y¯=φu(u6)u¯.(4.19)

Let (y¯,u¯) be any element of the setRTC(Q1,(y0,u4))RTC(Q3,(y0,u0)).

From the definition of the tangent cone we can see that there exists the operator ru1:=1U such as ru1(ϵ)ϵ0 with ϵ → 0+ and(4.20) (y0,u2)+ϵ(y¯,u¯)+(ry1,ru1)Q1(4.20) for a sufficiently small ϵ and with any ry4(ϵ).

From Equation(4.18) follows that for sufficiently small ϵ, we haveφ(u0+ϵu¯+ru1(ϵ)),u0+ϵu¯+ru1(ϵ)Q3.Since φ is a differentiable operator, thereforeφ(u0+ϵu¯+ru1(ϵ))=φ(u0)+ϵφu(u9)u¯+ry3(ϵ)for some ry3(ϵ) such as ry3(ϵ)ϵ0 with ϵ → 0+.

Taking into account (Equation4.18) and Equation(4.19), we get(4.21) (y0,u2)+ϵ(y¯,u¯)+(ry3(ϵ),ru1(ϵ))Q3.(4.21)

If in Equation(4.20) we have ru1(ϵ)=ry3(ϵ), then it follows from (Equation4.20) and Equation(4.21) that (y¯,u¯) is an element of the cone tangent to the set Q1 ∩ Q3 at (y0, u0). It completes the proof of the inclusion ″ ⊃ ″. Further applying Theorem 3.3 [Citation32] we can prove that the adjoint cones [RTC(Q1,(y0,u0))]* and [RTC(Q3,(y0,u0))]* are of the same sense.

(e.) Analysis of the Euler-Lagrange Equation.

The Euler-Lagrange Equation for our optimization problem has the form(4.22) i=14fi(y¯,u¯)=0.(4.22)

Taking into account the form of functionals in Equation(4.22), we get(4.23) f12(u¯)+f21(y¯)=μλ10Tnu0u¯dxdt+μλ2n(y0(T)zd)y¯(T)dx,(y¯,u¯)RTC(Q3,(y0,u0)).(4.23)

Wa transform the component with y¯(T) in Equation(4.23) using the adjoint equations (4.10)–(4.12) and the fact that (y¯,u¯)RTC(Q3,(y0,u0)).

In turn, we get(4.24) 0=0Tnpt+A*py¯dxdt=0Tny¯t+Ay¯pdxdt+np(0)y¯(0)dxnp(T)y¯(T)dx=0TRnpu¯dxdtnp(T)y¯(T)dx.(4.24)

From (Equation4.24) and Equation4.11), we obtainλ2n(y0(T)zd)y¯(T)dx=0Tnpu¯dxdt.Transforming the component with u¯ in Equation(4.23) with the help of the adjoint equations (4.13)–(4.15) and having in mind that (y¯,u¯)RTC(Q3,(y0,u0)), we get(4.25) 0Tnu0u¯dxdt=0Tnu0y¯t+Ay¯dxdt=0Tnu0t+A*u0y¯dxdtnu0(0)y¯(0)dx+nu0(T)y¯(T)dx=0Tnξy¯dxdt+nu0(T)y¯(T)dx=1Tnξy¯dxdtλ2λ1n(y0(T)zd)y¯dx.(4.25)

Replacing the right-hand side of Equation(4.23) by (Equation4.24) and Equation(4.25), we get(4.26) f12(u¯)+f21(y¯)=12μ0Tn(p+λ1u0)u¯dxdt+12μ0Tnξy¯dxdt.(4.26)

Further from Equation(4.26) and the definition of the support functional to Uad and Yad, respectively at the point u0 or y0, we obtain maximum conditions (4.16)–(4.17). This last remark ends the proof of necessity.

The conditions Equation(4.16)Equation4.17) are also sufficient for the Pareto optimality for the problem (4.1)–(4.6). It follows immediately from the fact that the stated optimization problem is convex, I1, I2 are convex, continuous and so the Slater condition is fulfilled. The uniqueness of the optimal pair y0, u0 follows from the strict convexity of the scalar performance index.▪


The main result of the paper contains necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality (of Pontryagin's type) for infinite order parabolic system that give characterization of Pareto optimal control. But it is easily seen that obtaining analytical formulas for optimal control is very difficult. This results from the fact that state equations (4.7)–(4.9), adjoint equations (4.10)–(4.15) and maximum conditions (4.16)–(4.17) are mutually connected that cause that the usage of derived conditions is difficult. Therefore we must resign from the exact determining of the optimal control and therefore we are forced to use approximations methods. Those problems need further investigations and form tasks for future research.

Also it is evident that by modifying:

the boundary conditions, (Dirichlet, Neumann, mixed, etc.),

the nature of the control (distributed, boundary, etc.),

the nature of the observation (distributed, boundary, etc.),

the initial differential system,

the time delays (constant time delays, time-varying delays, multiple time-varying delays, time delays given in the integral form, etc.),

the number of variables (finite number of variables, infinite number of variables systems, etc.),

the type of equation (elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic, etc.),

the order of equation (second order, Schrödinger, infinite order, etc.),

the type of control (optimal control problem, time-optimal control problem, etc.), many infinity of variations on the above problems are possible to study with the help of [Citation39] and Dubovitskii–Milyutin formalisms see [Citation1Citation19,Citation37]. Those problems need further investigations and form tasks for future research. These ideas mentioned above will be developed in forthcoming papers.


The research presented here was carried out within the research programme of the Taibah University-Dean of Scientific Research under project number 6006/1435 H. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for their very valuable remarks.


Peer review under responsibility of Taibah University.


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