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An Elementary Proof of Takagi’s Theorem on the Differential Composition of Polynomials

Pages 381-384 | Received 31 Dec 2020, Accepted 20 Sep 2021, Published online: 01 Apr 2022


I give a short and completely elementary proof of Takagi’s 1921 theorem on the zeros of a composite polynomial f(d/dz)g(z).

Many theorems in the analytic theory of polynomials [Citation2, Citation8, Citation10, Citation11] are concerned with locating the zeros of composite polynomials. More specifically, let f and g be polynomials (with complex coefficients) and let h be a polynomial formed in some way from f and g; under the assumption that the zeros of f (respectively, g) lie in a subset S (respectively, T) of the complex plane, we wish to deduce that the zeros of h lie in some subset U. The theorems are distinguished by the nature of the operation defining h, and the nature of the subsets S, T, U under consideration.

Here we shall be concerned with differential composition: h(z)=f(d/dz)g(z), or h=f(D)g for short. In detail, if f(z)=i=1maizi and g(z)=j=1nbjzj, then h(z)=i=1maig(i)(z); and D denotes the differentiation operator, i.e., Dg=g. The following important result was found by Takagi [Citation13] in 1921, subsuming many earlier results:Footnote1

Theorem 1

(Takagi). Let f and g be polynomials with complex coefficients, with degf=m and degg=n. Let f have an r-fold zero at the origin ( 0rm), and let the remaining zeros (with multiplicity) be α1,,αmr0. Let K be the convex hull of the zeros of g. Then either f(D)g is identically zero, or its zeros lie in the set K+i=1mr[0,nr]αi1.

Here we have used the notations A+B={a+b:aA and bB} and AB={ab:aA and bB}.

Takagi’s proof was based on Grace’s apolarity theorem [Citation3], a fundamental but somewhat enigmatic result in the analytic theory of polynomials.Footnote2 This proof is also given in the books of Marden [Citation8, Section 18], Obrechkoff [Citation10, pp. 135–136], and Rahman and Schmeisser [Citation11, Sections 5.3 and 5.4]. Here I give a short and completely elementary proof of Takagi’s theorem.

The key step—as Takagi [Citation13] observed—is to understand the case of a degree-1 polynomial f(z)=zα:

Proposition 2

(Takagi). Let g be a polynomial of degree n, and let K be the convex hull of the zeros of g. Let α, and define h=gαg. Then either h is identically zero, or all the zeros of h are contained in K if α = 0, and in K+[0,n]α1 if α0.

The case α = 0 is the celebrated theorem of Gauss and Lucas [Citation8, Section 6], [Citation10, Chapter V], and [Citation11, Section 2.1], which is the starting point of the modern analytic theory of polynomials. My proof for general α will be modeled on Cesàro’s [Citation1] 1885 proof of the Gauss–Lucas theorem [Citation11, pp. 72–73], with a slight twist to handle the case α0.

Proof of Proposition 2.

Clearly, h is identically zero if and only if either (a) g0 or (b) g is a nonzero constant and α = 0. Moreover, if g is a nonzero constant and α0, then the zero set of h is empty. So we can assume that n1.

Let β1,,βn be the zeros of g (with multiplicity), so that g(z)=bni=1n(zβi) with bn0. If zK, then g(z)0, and we can considerh(z)g(z)=g(z)αg(z)g(z)=i=1n1zβiα.

If this equals zero, then by taking complex conjugates we obtain0=i=1n1z¯β¯iα¯=i=1nzβi|zβi|2α¯,which can be rewritten as z=i=1nλiβi+κα¯ whereλi=|zβi|2j=1n|zβj|2,κ=1j=1n|zβj|2.

Then λi>0 and i=1nλi=1, so i=1nλiβiK; and of course κ>0. Moreover, by the Schwarz inequality we have|α|2=|i=1n1zβi|2ni=1n|zβi|2=nκ,

so κn|α|2. This implies that κα¯[0,n]α1 and hence that zK+[0,n]α1. ■

We can now handle polynomials f of arbitrary degree by iterating Proposition 2:

Proof of Theorem 1.

From f(z)=am(i=1mr(zαi))zr it is easy to see that f(D)=am(i=1mr(Dαi))Dr. We first apply Dr to g, yielding a polynomial of degree nr whose zeros also lie in K (by the Gauss–Lucas theorem); then we repeatedly apply (in any order) the factors Dαi, using Proposition 2. ■


When α = 0, the zeros of h=g lie in K; so one might expect that when α is small, the zeros of h=gαg should lie near K. But when α is small and nonzero, the set K+[0,n]α1 arising in Proposition 2 is in fact very large. What is going on here?

Here is the answer: Suppose that degg=n. When α = 0, the polynomial h=g has degree n – 1; but when α0, the polynomial h=gαg has degree n. So, in order to make a proper comparison of their zeros, we should consider the polynomial g corresponding to the case α = 0 as also having a zero “at infinity.” This zero then moves to a value of order α1 when α is small and nonzero.

This behavior is easily seen by considering the example of a quadratic polynomial g(z)=z2β2. Then the zeros of gαg arez=1±1+α2β2α=β22α+O(α3),2α1+O(α).

So there really is a zero of order α1, as Takagi’s theorem recognizes.

In the context of Proposition 2, one expects that gαg has one zero of order α1 and n – 1 zeros near K (within a distance of order α). More generally, in the context of Theorem 1, one would expect that h has mr zeros of order α1, with the remaining zeros near K. It is a very interesting problem — and one that is open, as far as I know — to find strengthenings of Takagi’s theorem that exhibit these properties. There is an old result that goes in this direction [Citation8, Corollary 18.1], [Citation11, Corollary 5.4.1(ii)], but it is based on a disc D containing the zeros of g, which might in general be much larger than the convex hull K of the zeros.

Postscript. A few days after finding this proof of Proposition 2, I discovered that an essentially identical argument is buried in a 1961 paper of Shisha and Walsh [Citation12, pp. 127–128 and 147–148] on the zeros of infrapolynomials. I was led to the Shisha–Walsh paper by a brief citation in Marden’s book [Citation8, pp. 87–88, Exercise 11]. So the proof given here is not new; but it deserves to be better known.


This research was supported in part by U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/N025636/1.

Additional information


This research was supported in part by U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant EP/N025636/1.


1 See Honda [Citation4], Iyanaga [Citation5, Citation6], Kaplan [Citation7], and Miyake [Citation9] for biographies of Teiji Takagi (inlinefigure, Takagi Teiji, 1875–1960). Takagi’s papers published in languages other than Japanese (namely, English, German, and French) have been collected in [Citation14].

2 For discussion of Grace’s apolarity theorem and its equivalents—notably Walsh’s coincidence theorem and the Schur–Szegő composition theorem—see Marden [Citation8, Chapter IV], Obrechkoff [Citation10, Chapter VII], and especially Rahman and Schmeisser [Citation11, Chapter 3].
