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Pages 501-510 | Received 08 Dec 2022, Accepted 09 Aug 2023, Published online: 29 Mar 2024


Let f=X63X21Q[X] and let Lf be the splitting field of f over Q. We show by hand that the Galois group Gal(Lf/Q) of the Galois extension Lf/Q is isomorphic to the alternating group A4. Moreover, we show that the six roots of f correspond to the six edges of a tetrahedron and that the four roots of the polynomial X4+18X272X+81 correspond to the four faces of a tetrahedron, which allows us to determine all eight proper intermediate fields of the extension Lf/Q.

1 Introduction

Teaching Galois theory, one often has the problem that the Galois group of a field extension of Q is either quite simple or too difficult to be computed by hand. An example of a Galois group which is isomorphic to the dihedral group of order 8 can be found in Stewart [Citation1, Ch. 13]. Introducing this example, Stewart writes that this Galois group has an “archetypal quality, since a simpler example would be too small to illustrate the theory adequately, and anything more complicated would be unwieldy” [Citation1, p. 155]. Moreover, it is usually rather tedious to compute the Galois group along with the intermediate fields and their relations.

The aim of this note is to provide a worked out field extension over Q whose Galois group is isomorphic to the alternating group A4 (i.e., to the symmetry group of the tetrahedron), and to compute by hand all intermediate fields and their relations. If we do not require that the ground field is Q, a canonical way to obtain a field extension L/K with Gal(L/K)A4 for some fields L⊋K⊋Q, is to start with a polynomial fQ[X] of degree 4 such that the Galois group of the field extension L/Q—where L is the splitting field of f over Q—is isomorphic to the symmetry group S4. Then, since A4S4, by the Galois correspondence we find a quadratic extension K of Q such that Gal(L/K)A4 (see also Osofsky [2, p.222]). However, since the ground field K of the field extension L/K is already a field extension of Q, it is quite exhausting to compute Gal(L/K) and the intermediate fields of L/K by hand.

Before we present our example in the next section, we set up the terminology (according to [Citation1, Citation3]), where we assume that the reader is familiar with the basic facts of Galois theory with respect to field extensions over Q.

If fQ[X] is a polynomial, then the smallest subfield of C containing all of the roots of f is called the splitting field of f over Q. The splitting field of f over Q is unique up to isomorphism. If L/Q is a field extension and QML is a field, then M is called an intermediate field of L/Q. If ML are fields, then the group of all automorphisms of L which fix M point-wise is the Galois group of the field extension L/M, denoted Gal(L/M). Let fQ[X] be a polynomial, Lf its splitting field over Q, and M an intermediate subfield, so QMLf. Let gM[X] and let KgLf be its splitting field over M. Then Kg/M is a Galois extension. We will only consider Galois extensions of this type.

Now we can state the main theorem of Galois theory.

The Galois Correspondence. Let L/Q be an arbitrary Galois extension. Then the following holds:

  • To each subgroup H Gal(L/Q) there exists an intermediate field LH, such that


  • For each intermediate field QML we have Gal(L/M) Gal(L/Q) and


  • Let M1 and M2 be intermediate fields of some field extension L/Q, and let H1:=Gal(L/M1). If, for some σGal(L/Q), we have Gal(L/M2)=σH1σ1, then the fields M1 and M2 are conjugate.

  • If QML is such that Gal(L/M) is a normal subgroup of Gal(L/Q) (i.e., the conjugate class of M contains only M), then the field extension M/Q is Galois and


2 A field extension L/Q with Gal(L/Q)A4

We start with the polynomial f=X63X21 and consider its splitting field Lf over Q. The goal is to show that Gal(Lf/Q)A4, where A4 is the alternating group of degree 4, which is isomorphic to the symmetry group of the tetrahedron.

In order to compute the roots of f, we replace X2 by ξ and first compute the roots of the irreducible polynomial g=ξ33ξ1. To see that g is irreducible, consider the polynomial g˜:=(ξ2)33(ξ2)1=ξ36ξ2+9ξ3.

By the Eisenstein-Schönemann Criterion (with p = 3), we see that g˜ is irreducible over Q, and so is g.

Observe that every complex number ξ0 can be written as ξ=α+β with α3+β3=1. Indeed, for β=ξα we have β3=ξ33ξ2α+3ξα2α3 and hence 1=α3+β3=ξ(ξ23ξα+3α2).

This is a quadratic equation for αC with a solution if ξ0. In particular, a root ξ of g can be written in the form ξ=α+β with α3+β3=1. Then g=(α+β)33(α+β)1=α3+3α2β+3αβ3+β33α3β1=0.

So, since α3+β3=1, we have 3αβ(α+β)3(α+β)=0and since α+β0, we obtain αβ=1,β=1α,andα3+1α3=1.

If we set z:=α3, then z+1z=1 and hence z2z+1=0. We choose the solution z1=12+i32=eπi/3.

Now α is a third root of z1 and we choose α=eπi/9. Since β=1α=α¯, we obtain ξ1:=ξ=α+α¯=2cos(π/9).

Then ξ13=(α+α¯)3=α3+3α2 α¯=α+3α α¯2=α¯+α¯3=3(α+α¯=ξ1)+α3+α¯3=1=3 ξ1+1which shows that ξ1 is indeed a root of g=ξ33ξ1. The two remaining third roots of z1 are e2πi/3·eπi/9=e7πi/9=α7,e4πi/3·eπi/9=e13πi/9=α13.

Hence the roots of g are given by ξ1=α+α¯=2cos(π/9),ξ2=α7+α¯7=2cos(7π/9),ξ3=α13+α¯13=2cos(13π/9).

Thus, g=ξ33ξ1=(ξξ1)(ξξ2)(ξξ3), which shows that ξ1 ξ2 ξ3=1, ξ1 ξ2+ξ2 ξ3+ξ3 ξ1=3, and ξ1+ξ2+ξ3=0.

Notice that ξ2=eπi(e7πi/9+e7πi/9)=e16πi/9+e2πi/9=e2πi/9+e2πi/9=α2+α¯2,

and similarly we have ξ3=α4+α¯4. Thus we have 2ξ12=2(α+α¯)2=2(2α α¯=1+α2+α¯2=ξ2)=2(2ξ2)=ξ2.

Similarly we get 2ξ22=ξ3 and 2ξ32=ξ1. This shows that Q(ξ1)=Q(ξ2)=Q(ξ3). In particular, Q(ξ1) is the splitting field of g over Q. So, for Lg:=Q(ξ1), the field extension Lg/Q is Galois.

For convenience in later arguments, we rewrite the three roots of g as follows: ξ1=α+α¯=2cos(π/9)ξ2=2cos(7π/9)=2cos(7π/9+π)=2cos(2π/9)ξ3=2cos(13π/9)=2cos(13π/9+π)=2cos(4π/9).

Then by construction we obtain the six pairwise distinct roots of f as ±ξk for 1k3. In particular, we define ζ1:= 2cos(π/9)ζ4:=ζ1ζ2:=i2cos(2π/9)ζ5:=ζ2ζ3:=i2cos(4π/9)ζ6:=ζ3.

This shows that f=(Xζ1)(X+ζ1)(Xζ2)(X+ζ2)(Xζ3)(X+ζ3).

Notice that since ξ1 ξ2 ξ3=1, we have ζ12 ζ22 ζ32=1, which implies that the product (±ζ1)(±ζ2)(±ζ3)=±1. Moreover, by definition of ζ1,ζ2,ζ3 we have ζ1 ζ2 ζ3=1.

Now, let us show that f is irreducible over Q. For this, assume on the contrary that f=p·q for some nonconstant polynomials p,qQ[X]. If deg(p)=1, e.g., p=(Xζ1), then ζ1Q, which is obviously a contradiction. Assume now that deg(p)=2, e.g., p=(Xζ1)(X+ζ1)=X2ξ1 or p=(Xζ1)(Xζ2)=X2(ζ1+ζ2)X+ζ1 ζ2. Then, in the former case this would imply ξ1Q, and in the latter case this would imply ζ1 ζ2=1ζ3Q. Thus in both cases we arrive at a contradiction. If deg(p)=3 and p is of the form p=(Xζ1)(X+ζ1)(Xζ2)=X3ζ2X2+,then ζ2Q, which is again a contradiction. Finally, if deg(p)=3 and p is of the form p=(Xζ1)(Xζ2)(Xζ3)=1+bX+cX2+X3,

then q is of the form q=(X+ζ1)(X+ζ2)(X+ζ3)=1+bXcX2+X3.

Since f=p·q=X63X21, we must have 2bc2=0 and b22c=3. In particular, b=c22 and therefore c442c+3=0, but since c442c+3>1 for all cR, we conclude that pQ[X]. Thus, there are no nonconstant polynomials p,qQ[X] such that f=p·q, which shows that f is irreducible over Q. In particular, since fQ[X] is a monic, irreducible polynomial of degree 6 with the six roots ζ1,,ζ6, we have ζmQ(ξk) for 1m6 and 1k3.

Let Gf:=Gal(Lf/Q) and Gg:=Gal(Lg/Q), where Lf and Lg are the splitting fields of f and g, respectively. Then, since deg(g)=3 and Lg=Q(ξ1), we have |Gg|=3 and therefore GgC3, where Cn denotes the cyclic group of order n. Furthermore, since the field extension Lg/Q is Galois, Gal(Lf/Lg)Gf and Gf/Gal(Lf/Lg)C3. Since ζmQ(ξk), Gal(Lf/Lg) is not the trivial group.

Now, we consider Gal(Lf/Lg). Let σGal(Lf/Lg). Then σ(ξk)=ξk for 1k3. Thus σ(ζm)=±ζm for all 1m6. To see this, consider, for example, ξ1=σ(ξ1)=σ(ζ1·ζ1)=σ(ζ1)·σ(ζ1). Therefore Gal(Lf/Lg)C2×C2×C2.

If we adjoin to the field Lg a root ζm (for 1m6), then we obtain the intermediate field LgLg(ζm)Lf, where Gal(Lg(ζm)/Lg)C2. Since ζm2=ξk for some 1k3 and Q(ξ1)=Q(ξ2)=Q(ξ3), we have Lg(ζm)=Q(ζm). Since each of the fields Q(ζk) (for 1k3) is the splitting field of a quadratic polynomial of the form Z2ζk2 for 1k3, each of the field extensions Q(ζk)/Lg (for 1k3) is Galois with Gal(Q(ζk)/Lg)C2.

Now, there are three possible intermediate fields of the form Q(ζm), namely Q(ζ1),Q(ζ2), and Q(ζ3). To see that these three intermediate fields are pairwise distinct, notice first that, since ζ1=2cos(φ)R, we have Q(ζ1)R, and therefore ζ2,ζ3Q(ζ1). Furthermore, if ζ1Q(ζ2), then, since R(ζ2)=0, we can write ζ1=a+b ζ22+c ζ24=a+b ξ2+c ξ22with a,b,cQ.

Thus, ζ1Q(ξ2), which is not the case. Similarly, ζ1Q(ξ3). Furthermore, if ζ2Q(ζ3), then with ζ2 ζ3=1ζ1 we would have ζ1Q(ζ3), which is not the case.

To summarize, for 1k3 we have Lg(ζk)Lf, Gal(Lg(ζk)/Lg)C2, and from Gal(Lf/Lg)C2×C2×C2 we obtain that C2×C2Gal(Lf/Lg). In particular we have that Gal(Lf/Q) is not cyclic.

Finally, we show that Lf=Q(ζi,ζj) for any distinct i and j with 1i,j3. To see this, recall that (±ζ1)(±ζ2)(±ζ3)=±1, which implies that we can compute, for example, ζ2 from ζ1 and ζ3. Now, since Q(ζi2)=Q(ξi), which implies ξiQ(ζi), and since Q(ξi)=Q(ξj) for all 1i,j3, we conclude that ξjQ(ζi) for all 1i,j3. Furthermore, since ζj is a root of Z2ξjQ(ζi)[Z] and ζjQ(ζi), we have Gal(Lf/Q(ζi))C2. In particular, Gal(Lf/Lg)C2×C2.

Now, we are ready to show that Gal(Lf/Q)A4. Since Lf=Q(ζ1,,ζ6), every element πGal(Lf/Q) corresponds to a permutation of ζ1,,ζ6, where the elements ξ1,ξ2,ξ3 (i.e., the elements ζ12,ζ22,ζ32) are permuted cyclically. By the observations above, every πGal(Lf/Q) can be written as π=σlm°ρn for l{1,2,3}, m{0,1}, and n{0,1,2}, where, in cycle notation, ρ=(ζ1 ζ2 ζ3)(ζ4 ζ5 ζ6),and for 1j6, σl(ζj)={ ζjif j{l,l+3},ζjotherwise.

Since ρ corresponds to a cyclic permutation of ξ1,ξ2,ξ3, we have ρGal(Lg/Q), and since for 1i3 we have σl(ξi)=ξi,σlGal(Lf/Lg). So, since Gal(Lf/Lg)C2×C2, we get that for any pairwise distinct i,j,k{1,2,3}, if σl(ζi)=ζi and σl(ζj)=ζj, then σl(ζk)=ζk (i.e., l = k), which corresponds to the fact that ζk=1ζi·ζj.

Let us now consider a tetrahedron T with the six edges ①, ②, ③, ④, ⑤, ⑥, where the pairs of edges (①, ④), (②, ⑤), and (③, ⑥) are opposite edges of T. If we identify the six edges ①, …, ⑥ with the six roots ζ1,,ζ6 of f, then every element πGal(Lf/Q) corresponds to an element of the symmetry group of the tetrahedron T, i.e., to an element of the alternating group A4 (this fact is visualized by at the end of the next section).

3 Subgroups and Intermediate Fields

illustrates all subgroups of A4. For some of these subgroups of A4, we already found the corresponding intermediate fields. In particular, we found that the field that corresponds to C2×C2 is Lg=Q(ξ1), and since C2×C2 is a normal subgroup of A4, we obtain that Gal(Lg/Q)A4/(C2×C2)C3. Furthermore, the three fields which correspond to the subgroups C2 are Q(ζ1),Q(ζ2), and Q(ζ3). Notice that these three fields are pairwise conjugate. To see this, let σGal(Lf/Q(ζ1)) and let, for example, πGal(Lf/Q) be such that π(ζ1)=ζ2, π(ζ2)=ζ3,π(ζ3)=ζ1. Then π°σ°π1(ζ2)=π°σ(ζ1)=π(ζ1)=ζ2,which shows that the automorphism π°σ°π1 fixes ζ2, i.e., π°σ°π1 is an element of Gal(Lf/Q(ζ2)).

Fig. 1 Subgroup Diagram of Gal(Lf/Q)A4. For two groups H and G, an arrow HG or HG indicates that H is a subgroup or a normal subgroup of G; and ι denotes the identity automorphism of Lf.

Fig. 1 Subgroup Diagram of Gal(Lf/Q)≅A4. For two groups H and G, an arrow H→G or H↠G indicates that H is a subgroup or a normal subgroup of G; and ι denotes the identity automorphism of Lf.

In order to find the four intermediate fields Mi (for 1i4) with Gal(Lf/Mi)C3, we proceed as follows. First, we identify ζ1,,ζ6 with the numbers 1,,6 and the elements of the group A4 with a subgroup of S6 (i.e., the symmetry group of {1,,6}). Furthermore, let, again in cycle notation, H1:=(123)(456),H2:=(156)(423),H3:=(345)(612),H4:=(264)(531),be the four subgroups of A4 which are isomorphic to C3. Then, the four intermediate fields Mi are the four fixed-fields Mi:=LfHi={aLf:σHi,σ(a)=a}.

Let ϑ1,ϑ2,ϑ3,ϑ4, be defined as follows: ϑ1:=ξ1(ζ2+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ5)ϑ2:=ξ1(ζ5+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ2)ϑ3:=ξ1(ζ5+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ2)ϑ4:=ξ1(ζ2+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ5).

It is not hard to verify that for each 1i4,Mi=Q(ϑi). For example, consider the element σ:=(132)(465)=((123)(456))2H1. Then σ(ϑ1)=ξ3(ζ1+ζ5)+ξ1(ζ2+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ4)=ϑ1which shows that σGal(Lf/M1). Furthermore, we can verify that for σ2:=(25)(36),σ3:=(14)(25),σ4:=(14)(36),

we have Lfσ2H1σ21=M2,Lfσ3H1σ31=M3,Lfσ4H1σ41=M4,

which shows that the four intermediate fields M1,,M4 are pairwise conjugate. For example, let τ:=(132)(465)H1. Then π:=σ2°τ°σ21=(165)(243) and we have π(ϑ2)=ξ3(ζ1+ζ2)+ξ1(ζ5+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ4)=ϑ2which shows that πGal(Lf/M2). Moreover, we get that π(ϑ1)=ξ3(ζ4+ζ5)+ξ1(ζ2+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ1)=ϑ4,π(ϑ4)=ξ3(ζ4+ζ2)+ξ1(ζ5+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ1)=ϑ3,π(ϑ3)=ξ3(ζ1+ζ5)+ξ1(ζ2+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ4)=ϑ1, which shows that π is a cyclic permutation of ϑ1,ϑ4, and ϑ3.

illustrates all intermediate fields of the field extension Lf/Q.

Fig. 2 Diagram of intermediate fields. For two fields K and M, an arrow KM or KM indicates that K is a subfield of M, and KM indicates that the field extension is Galois.

Fig. 2 Diagram of intermediate fields. For two fields K and M, an arrow K→M or K↠M indicates that K is a subfield of M, and K↠M indicates that the field extension is Galois.

Finally, we consider the polynomial h:=(Xϑ1)(Xϑ2)(Xϑ3)(Xϑ4). To keep the notation short, we introduce the following function: For integers a, b we define a(Mod b) by stipulating b(Mod b):=b and a(Mod b):=a(Mod b) for ab. Then, since for 1j6, ζj=ζj+3(mod6) and ζj2=ξj(mod3), and bearing in mind the identities ζ1·ζ2·ζ3=1, ξ1·ξ2·ξ3=1,ξ1+ξ2+ξ3=0,ξ12·ξ22+ξ12·ξ32+ξ22·ξ32=9,and for 1i3, ξi2+ξi+1(Mod3)2=4+ξi,ξi2=2ξi+1(Mod3),ξi3=3ξi+1,ξi4(ξi+1(Mod3)2+ξi+2(Mod3)2)=179ξi+1(Mod3),

we obtain h=X4+18X272X+81.

Since ϑ1,,ϑ4 belong to Lh, where Lh is the splitting field of hQ[X] over Q, Lh is a subfield of Lf, and since Lh/Q is a Galois extension, Gal(Lf/Lh)A4 and therefore Gal(Lh/Q)A4/Gal(Lf/Lh), which implies that Gal(Lh/Q) is isomorphic to either {ι}, C3, or A4. We have seen above that there is a πGal(Lh/Q) which is a cyclic permutation of ϑ1,ϑ3,ϑ4, and similarly, we find a πGal(Lh/Q) which is a cyclic permutation of ϑ2,ϑ3,ϑ4. Hence Gal(Lh/Q) must be isomorphic to A4. In particular, the fields Lf and Lh are isomorphic.

Let us consider again the tetrahedron T with the six edges ζ1,,ζ6, where the pairs of edges ζi,ζi+3 (for 1i3) are opposite edges of T. We already know that the group Gal(Lf/Q) is isomorphic to the symmetry group of the tetrahedron acting on its six edges. We show now that Gal(Lh/Q) is isomorphic to the symmetry group of the tetrahedron acting on its four faces. For this, we identify the four faces of the tetrahedron with the four roots ϑ1,,ϑ4 of h as illustrated in .

Fig. 3 The elements of Gal(Lf/Q) and Gal(Lh/Q) act as congruence transformations of the tetrahedron on its edges and faces, respectively.

Fig. 3 The elements of Gal(Lf/Q) and Gal(Lh/Q) act as congruence transformations of the tetrahedron on its edges and faces, respectively.

In order to see that the elements of the symmetry group of the tetrahedron correspond simultaneously to the elements of Gal(Lf/Q) and Gal(Lh/Q), respectively, we consider two elements of the symmetry group of the tetrahedron.

First, let ρ1 be the rotation by the angle π about the axis joining the midpoints of the edges ζ1 and ζ4. Then ρ1 acts on the edges and the faces of the tetrahedron as follows: ζ1ζ1ζ4ζ4    ζ3ζ6ζ2ζ5

and ξ1(ζ2+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ5)ϑ1ξ1(ζ5+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ2)ϑ2ξ1(ζ5+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ2)ϑ3ξ1(ζ2+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ5)ϑ4.

Notice that the intermediate field which corresponds to ρ1 is Q(ζ1).

Second, let ρ2 be the rotation by the angle 2π/3 about the axis joining the center of the face ϑ1 with the opposite vertex. Then ρ2 acts on the edges and the faces of the tetrahedron as follows: ζ1ζ2ζ2ζ3ζ3ζ1    ζ4ζ5ζ5ζ6ζ6ζ4and ξ1(ζ2+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ5)ϑ1ξ2(ζ3+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ5)+ξ1(ζ2+ζ6)ϑ1ξ1(ζ5+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ2)ϑ2ξ2(ζ6+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ5)+ξ1(ζ2+ζ3)ϑ4ξ1(ζ2+ζ3)+ξ2(ζ6+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ5)ϑ4ξ2(ζ3+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ2)+ξ1(ζ5+ζ6)ϑ3ξ1(ζ5+ζ6)+ξ2(ζ3+ζ1)+ξ3(ζ4+ζ2)ϑ3ξ2(ζ6+ζ4)+ξ3(ζ1+ζ2)+ξ1(ζ5+ζ3)ϑ2.

Notice that the intermediate field which corresponds to ρ2 is Q(ϑ1).


What we have achieved is a visualization of a Galois group in terms of the edges and faces of a tetrahedron. In particular, we found two polynomials f and h of degree six and four, respectively, such that the roots of f correspond to the six edges and the roots of h correspond to the to the four faces (or vertices) of the tetrahedron. Moreover, since we were able to carry out all the calculations by hand, we obtained a complete understanding of the field extension Lf/Q, and in addition, we have an illustrative example of a Galois extension that shows the power and beauty of Galois theory.


We would like to thank the referees for their valuable remarks and comments.

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Notes on contributors

Lorenz Halbeisen

LORENZ HALBEISEN received his Ph.D. in mathematics from ETH Zürich in 1994. He has been a lecturer at Queen’s University Belfast and at the University of Zürich, and since 2022 he is professor at the ETH Zürich. He likes all kinds of puzzles and mathematical problems with a combinatorial flavor.

Department of Mathematics, ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

[email protected]

Norbert Hungerbühler

NORBERT HUNGERBÜHLER received his Ph.D. in mathematics from ETH Zürich in 1994. He has been a professor at UAB in Birmingham, Alabama, at the University of Fribourg, and since 2010 at ETH Zürich. He likes to combine different areas of mathematics and to look at familiar things from a new viewpoint.

Department of Mathematics, ETH Zentrum, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

[email protected]


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