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Applicable Analysis
An International Journal
Volume 92, 2013 - Issue 3
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Convergence of adaptive FEM for some elliptic obstacle problem

Pages 595-615 | Received 23 Aug 2011, Accepted 11 Oct 2011, Published online: 14 Nov 2011


In this work, we treat the convergence of adaptive lowest-order FEM for some elliptic obstacle problem with affine obstacle. For error estimation, we use a residual error estimator from [D. Braess, C. Carstensen, and R. Hoppe, Convergence analysis of a conforming adaptive finite element method for an obstacle problem, Numer. Math. 107 (2007), pp. 455–471]. We extend recent ideas from [J. Cascon, C. Kreuzer, R. Nochetto, and K. Siebert, Quasi-optimal convergence rate for an adaptive finite element method, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 46 (2008), pp. 2524–2550] for the unrestricted variational problem to overcome the lack of Galerkin orthogonality. The main result states that an appropriately weighted sum of energy error, edge residuals and data oscillations satisfies a contraction property within each step of the adaptive feedback loop. This result is superior to a prior result from Braess et al. (2007) in two ways: first, it is unnecessary to control the decay of the data oscillations explicitly; second, our analysis avoids the use of some discrete local efficiency estimate so that the local mesh-refinement is fairly arbitrary.

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1. Introduction

1.1. Prior work on convergence of adaptive FEM

Adaptive finite element methods for partial differential equations based on various types of a posteriori error estimators have been intensively studied and are now a standard tool in science and engineering (see, e.g. the monographs Citation1,Citation2 and the references therein). As far as a posteriori error analysis for elliptic obstacle problems is concerned, we refer to Citation3–11.

In the case of elliptic boundary value problems, convergence of adaptive mesh-refining algorithms has first been proven in Citation12, followed by Citation13. The latter works considered the residual error estimator for a P1-finite element discretization of the Poisson problem. In Citation13, the convergence analysis is based on reliability and the so-called discrete local efficiency of the residual error estimator, which relies on an interior node property for the local mesh-refinement. The main idea of the convergence proof then is to show that the error is contractive up to the data oscillations. This concept attracted quite some attention in the literature for various applications, e.g. the p-Laplacian Citation14, edge elements Citation15, mixed methods Citation16, nonconforming elements Citation17, and obstacle problems Citation18,Citation19.

For the Poisson problem, optimality of the adaptive algorithm from Citation13 was first shown in Citation20. Recently, Cascon et al. Citation21 presented a new convergence proof under weaker conditions. They showed that a weighted sum of error and error estimator satisfies a contraction property without requiring (discrete local) efficiency of the estimator. In particular, their proof avoided the interior node property of the local mesh-refinement, and they even proved optimality.

1.2. Contributions of current work

We consider the framework in Citation18, i.e. adaptive P1-finite elements for some elliptic obstacle problem with affine obstacle. The obstacle problem is a classic introductory example to study variational inequalities which represent a whole class of problems that often arise in physical and economical context. One major application is the oscillation of a membrane that must stay above a certain obstacle. Other examples are filtration in porous media or the Stefan problem (i.e. melting solids) (see, e.g. Citation22 and the references therein).

In order to explain the differences to Citation18, we first recall their main result: Let ϵ = 𝒥(U ) − 𝒥(u) ≥ 0 denote the energy error, where u is the exact solution of the obstacle problem and U is the finite element approximation in the ℓ-th step of the adaptive algorithm. Based on a residual error estimator ϱ consisting only of edge jumps and inspired by Morin et al. Citation13, Braess et al. Citation18, Theorem 3] states that the ϱ-steered adaptive mesh-refinement leads to

with osc being the data oscillations (essentially across edges, cf (Equation13)–(Equation14) below) and with 0 < κ < 1 and C > 0 being ℓ-independent constants. It is thus a consequence of elementary calculus that osc → 0 implies convergence ϵ → 0 as ℓ → ∞. In Citation13,Citation18, however, the convergence osc → 0 of the data oscillations has to be guaranteed by the implementation. This is usually done by performing additional local refinements until for some fixed constant 0 < ϑ < 1. We stress, however, that Citation18 provides no mathematical foundation on this step since the edge oscillations osc are non-local. It is a technical byproduct of this work that edge oscillations satisfy a contraction property (Lemma 3.3), and thus the aforementioned algorithm from Citation18 is well-defined (cf Section 3.3).

Moreover, the main ingredients of the proof of (Equation1) in Citation18 are the reliability of the error estimator, its discrete local efficiency and the marking strategy introduced by Dörfler Citation12 ensuring an appropriate selection of edges and elements for refinement. The discrete local efficiency, however, strongly relies on the interior node property of the local mesh-refinement, and thus the validity of the convergence analysis is constrained by the refinement strategy.

We follow a different convergence approach, inspired by Citation21: our main result (Theorem 3.4, Corollary 3.5) states that the adaptive algorithm steered by , i.e. steered by edge jumps plus data oscillations, leads to

with a weighted sum and with 0 < γ, κ < 1 being ℓ-independent constants. Note that the choice of our combined estimator has another advantage compared to Citation18: from the linear case (cf [Citation21, Section 6.2]), one knows that separate marking and refinement might lead to suboptimal convergence rates, whereas the combined marking strategy does not. Moreover, our result is fairly independent of the chosen mesh-refinement and does not need the interior node property as does the analysis in Citation18.

The first step for our proof of (Equation2) is to show that the sequence of the estimators η is contractive in the sense that

where C > 0 and q ∈ (0, 1) are certain ℓ-independent constants and |||·||| denotes the energy norm (Proposition 3.1). To show this, we exploit the definition of the error estimator η, the marking strategy used, and basic properties of the local mesh-refinement. In addition and contrary to Citation21, our elementary analysis avoids to dominate the data oscillations osc by the element residuals and is thus much more accurate if f is smooth but quantitatively large.

1.3. Outline of current work

In Section 2, we formulate the continuous and discrete obstacle problem, stated as energy minimization problems. Moreover, we recall the error estimator η from Citation18 which is later on used to steer our adaptive algorithm, and state its reliability (Proposition 2.2). In Section 3.1, we recall the marking strategy and the local mesh-refinement used. As a consequence, we prove that the estimator η satisfies an estimator reduction property (Proposition 3.1) (cf (Equation3)). One major part of our proof is to show that the edge data oscillations are, in fact, contractive (Lemma 3.3). Finally, Section 3.2 states our version of the η-steered adaptive mesh-refining algorithm (Algorithm 1) and proves the contraction result (Equation2). In particular, the generated sequence of discrete solutions U converges, in fact, to the continuous solution u (Theorem 3.4). A short Section 3.3 considers the algorithm of Citation18 and comments on improvements which are byproducts of our analysis (Theorem 3.8). A numerical experiment in Section 4 concludes this work.

2. Model problem

2.1. Continuous formulation of model problem

Let Ω be a bounded domain in ℝ2 with polygonal boundary Γ ≔ ∂Ω. We define an obstacle on by the affine function χ with χ ≤ 0 on ∂Ω. By , we denote the set of admissible functions

which is convex, closed and non-empty. For given f ∈ L 2(Ω), we consider the energy functional
where the energy scalar product reads
and where
denotes the L 2-scalar product. By |||·|||, we denote the energy norm on induced by ⟨⟨·, ·⟩⟩. The minimization problem then reads as follows: find u ∈ 𝒜 such that
The following well-known abstract lemma, found e.g. in Citation23, Theorem II.2.1], states unique solvability of this problem and equivalence to some variational inequality.

Lemma 2.1

Letbe a Hilbert space overwith scalar product ⟨⟨·, ·⟩⟩ and induced norm |||·|||. For any closed, convex and non-empty subset 𝒜 ofand any linear functional f ∈ ℋ*, there is a unique minimizer u ∈ 𝒜 of (Equation8). This minimizer is equivalently characterized in terms of the following variational inequality: find u ∈ 𝒜 such that

for all v ∈ 𝒜.

2.2. Conforming discretization

For the numerical solution of (Equation8), we consider conforming and shape regular triangulations 𝒯 of Ω and denote the standard P1-finite element space of globally continuous and piecewise affine functions by 𝒮1(𝒯). The finite-dimensional minimization problem then reads as follows: find U  ∈ 𝒜 ≔ 𝒜 ∩ 𝒮1(𝒯) such that

Note that 𝒜 is a non-empty, convex and closed subset of 𝒮1(𝒯). With the same arguments as for the continuous problem, (Equation10) admits a unique solution U  ∈ 𝒜.

Throughout all sections, the set of all interior edges E = T + ∩ T for certain elements T +, T  ∈ 𝒯 is denoted by ℰ. The set of all edges of 𝒯 is denoted by . In particular, contains all boundary edges and provides some partition of Γ.

2.3. Reliable error estimator

Now, let u ∈ 𝒜 denote the continuous solution of (Equation8) and U  ∈ 𝒜 be the discrete solution of (Equation10) for some fixed triangulation 𝒯. To steer the adaptive mesh-refinement, we use some residual-based error estimator

from Citation18: first, ϱ(E)2 denotes the weighted L 2-norms of the normal jump
with h E  = diam(E) the length of E and [·] the jump over an interior edge E = T + ∩ T  ∈ ℰ. Second, osc(E)2 denotes the data oscillations of f over E
with Ωℓ,E  = T + ∪ T the patch associated with E and the corresponding integral mean of f. Finally, for edges E on the boundary, η involves the weighted element residuals
where T ∈ 𝒯 is the unique element with E = ∂T ∩ Γ. The following proposition has essentially been shown in Citation18, where osc(E) for boundary edges E ∈ ℰℓ,Γ is, however, weighted by diam(T)2 ∼ |T|. We will discuss this, up to shape regularity, equivalent definition later on (cf Corollary 3.5 in Section 3.2).

Proposition 2.2

The estimator η from (Equation11) is reliable in the sense that there holds

The constant C 1 > 0 depends only on Ω and the shape of the elements in 𝒯.


The upper bound is stated in Citation18, Theorem 1] and hinges on the fact that the obstacle is affine. To see the lower bound, we use the variational inequality (Equation9). For v = U , this gives

and concludes the proof.▪

Remark 1

Before proceeding we want to comment quickly on other error estimators for obstacle problems in the literature. In some works (see, e.g. Citation7,Citation10, estimators that only contribute within the non-contact set are used. This has some advantages since, for example, obstacles with kinks can be treated. The analysis in this case, however, becomes much more involved. In particular, it is unclear how to show an estimator reduction, or a contraction property in the sense of Proposition 3.1 or Theorem 3.4, respectively. As a consequence, for those kinds of estimators, only a weaker convergence result Citation10 can be shown, but not a contraction which is a crucial ingredient for a possible optimality analysis.

3. A convergent adaptive algorithm

3.1. Estimator reduction

As usual, we employ the local contributions of η from (Equation12)–(14) to steer the adaptive algorithm. For marking, we use the marking strategy introduced by Dörfler Citation12. Contrary to Citation12,Citation13,Citation18, we mark simultaneously for ϱ(E) and data oscillations osc(E): given some parameter θ ∈ (0, 1), we seek a set of usually minimal cardinality such that

For the mesh-refinement, we use newest-vertex bisection, where we mark all edges E ∈ ℳ for refinement. The refinement rules are shown in , and the reader is also referred to Citation1, Chapter 4]. Besides uniform shape regularity of 𝒯ℓ+1, there is a certain decay of the mesh-widths:

Marked edges E ∈ ℳ are split into two edges of half length.

If at least one edge E of an element T ∈ 𝒯 is marked, T is refined into up to four son elements T′ ∈ 𝒯ℓ+1 with |T|/4 ≤ |T′| ≤ |T|/2 (cf ).

Figure 1. For each triangle T ∈ 𝒯, there is one fixed reference edge, indicated by the double line (left, top). Refinement of T is done by bisecting the reference edge, where its midpoint becomes a new node. The reference edges of the son triangles are opposite to this newest vertex (left, bottom). To avoid hanging nodes, one proceeds as follows: we assume that certain edges of T, but at least the reference edge, are marked for refinement (top). Using iterated newest vertex bisection, the element is then split into 2, 3 or 4 son triangles (bottom).

Figure 1. For each triangle T ∈ 𝒯, there is one fixed reference edge, indicated by the double line (left, top). Refinement of T is done by bisecting the reference edge, where its midpoint becomes a new node. The reference edges of the son triangles are opposite to this newest vertex (left, bottom). To avoid hanging nodes, one proceeds as follows: we assume that certain edges of T, but at least the reference edge, are marked for refinement (top). Using iterated newest vertex bisection, the element is then split into 2, 3 or 4 son triangles (bottom).

These observations are essential to prove the following result.

Proposition 3.1

Suppose that the set satisfies (Equation16) and marked edges are refined as stated before. Then, there holds

with some contraction constant q ∈ (0, 1) which depends only on θ ∈ (0, 1). The constant C 2 > 0 additionally depends on the shape of the elements in 𝒯0.

For the convenience of the reader, the proof of Proposition 3.1 is split into two lemmas which estimate the decay of the different contributions of η if the mesh 𝒯 is locally refined.

Lemma 3.2

According to the refinement of marked edges E ∈ ℰ ∩ ℳ, there holds


We define the set containing all edges obtained by refinement of marked edges. Then, one observes

where we have used that the jump [∂ n U ] is zero on all edges E′ ∈ ℰℓ+1 which lie inside an element T ∈ 𝒯.▪

Lemma 3.3

Suppose that 𝒯ℓ+1 is obtained by newest vertex bisection of 𝒯. Then, independent of the set of marked edges, it holds that


The proof of (Equation19) is considerably longer than for the prior contributions in (Equation18). The reason is that local mesh-refinement leads to additional edges inside the refined elements T ∈ 𝒯. This provides additional contributions to oscℓ+1, which have to be controlled. For each edge and each element T ∈ 𝒯 with |T ∩ Ωℓ+1,E | > 0, we define the quantity

For a boundary edge , this definition is understood with Ωℓ+1,E  ≔ T′ and , where T′ ∈ 𝒯ℓ+1 is the unique element with E = ∂T′ ∩ Γ. Throughout the proof, f ω = (1/|ω|) ∫ωf dx denotes the integral mean of f over the measurable set ω. Note that the L 2-best approximation property of f ω yields
For each element A ∈ 𝒯, only four cases occur: A is either not refined, i.e. A ∈ 𝒯 ∩ 𝒯ℓ+1, or refined by either one, two or three bisections (cf ).

First, assume that an element A ∈ 𝒯 ∩ 𝒯ℓ+1 is not refined. Let b, c, d ∈ ℰ ∩ ℰℓ+1 denote its three edges. We then define

By definition, we obtain
even with equality.

Second, assume that an element A ∈ 𝒯 with edges is refined by one bisection (cf ), where the edge c is split into and one additional edge is created. Moreover, A is split into elements A 1, A 2 ∈ 𝒯ℓ+1 with area |A 1| = |A 2| = |A|/2. Let B, C, D ∈ 𝒯 be the neighbours of A along the edges , where for instance B = ∅ if is a boundary edge. Then,

The last term belongs to the new edge . We define
and observe that, by definition, (Equation20) holds with equality.

Third, assume that an element A ∈ 𝒯 with edges is refined by two bisections (cf ), where the edges c, d are split into , respectively, and two new edges are created. Moreover, A is split into elements A 1, A 2, A 3 ∈ 𝒯ℓ+1 with area |A 1| = |A|/2 and |A 2| = |A 3| = |A|/4. Let b, c, d and B, C, D be the same as in the previous case. Then,

The last two terms belong to the new edges and are roughly estimated by
We define
By definition, we again obtain (Equation20).

Fourth, assume that an element A ∈ 𝒯 with edges is refined by three bisections (cf ), where the edges b, c, d are split into , respectively, and three new edges are created. Moreover, A is split into elements A 1, A 2, A 3, A 4 ∈ 𝒯ℓ+1 with area |A j | = |A|/4. For b, c, d and B, C, D, we use the notation from the previous cases. Then,

we again guarantee (Equation20).

Now, it only remains to show that for non-refined edges holds

whereas for edges which are refined, there holds
Of course, there are quite some cases to be considered. Since all follow by direct calculation, we only consider some particular examples shown in , while we refer to Citation24, Lemma 3.3.6] for the consideration of all possible cases.

We first consider b ≔ A ∩ B ∈ ℰ. According to our definitions, there holds

This implies
Next, we consider d ≔ A ∩ D ∈ ℰ. We have
This implies
Finally, we consider the boundary edge . In this case, there holds
and we also observe the contraction property.

Having obtained (Equation21)–(Equation22), we may proceed as follows: we note that (Equation20) provides

Therefore, (Equation21)–(Equation22) show
and conclude the proof.▪

Figure 2. Refinement of an element A by one (a), two (b) or three (c) bisections and notation used in the proof of Lemma 3.3.

Figure 2. Refinement of an element A by one (a), two (b) or three (c) bisections and notation used in the proof of Lemma 3.3.

Figure 3. The element A ∈ 𝒯 is refined by two bisections. It has two neighbouring elements B, D ∈ 𝒯, whereas the third edge is on the boundary.

Figure 3. The element A ∈ 𝒯ℓ is refined by two bisections. It has two neighbouring elements B, D ∈ 𝒯ℓ, whereas the third edge is on the boundary.

Proof of Proposition 3.1

First, the triangle inequality in the sequence space ℓ2 proves

In particular, the Young inequality yields for arbitrary δ > 0
Second, recall that . Using the estimates (Equation18) and (Equation19), we thus see
Third, the Dörfler marking (Equation16) is used to obtain
Fourth, according to uniform shape regularity of the generated family (𝒯)ℓ∈ℕ, there holds
Plugging the last two estimates into (Equation23), we prove (Equation17), where we finally choose δ > 0 sufficiently small to guarantee q ≔ (1 + δ)(1 − θ/4) < 1.▪

Remark 1

Clearly, Lemma 3.2 also holds if certain elements T ∈ 𝒯 are refined by five bisections, as is done in Citation18, or by the so-called red-refinement. We refer to Citation1, Chap. 4] for details on different local mesh-refinements.

The same holds for Lemma 3.3 as well. In case of bisec5-refinement this is easily seen as follows: we theoretically build an intermediate mesh 𝒯ℓ+1/2, where elements marked for bisec5 are only refined by three bisections. Then, Lemma 3.3 applies for the refinement from 𝒯 to 𝒯ℓ+1/2. To finally obtain 𝒯ℓ+1, certain elements T′ ∈ 𝒯ℓ+1/2 have to be refined by one bisection. Note that this guarantees since only certain interior edges E′ ∈ ℰℓ+1/2\ℰ are effected. Since (Equation19) states, in particular, monotone decay of the oscillations, we conclude

where oscℓ+1/2 denotes the oscillation term associated with the only theoretically constructed mesh 𝒯ℓ+1/2.

Finally, if certain elements of 𝒯 are refined by red-refinement, the proof of (Equation19) is obtained by similar calculations as in the proof of Lemma 3.3. We refer to Citation24 for details.

3.2. Convergent adaptive algorithm

In this section, we formally state our version of the adaptive algorithm and prove that it generates a sequence of discrete solutions U which converge to the continuous minimizer u.

Algorithm 1

Fix 0 < θ < 1 and let 𝒯 with ℓ = 0 be the initial triangulation. For each ℓ = 0, 1, 2, … , do:


Compute discrete solution U  ∈ 𝒜 ≔ 𝒜 ∩ 𝒮1(𝒯)


Compute indicators η(E) for all .


Determine set which satisfies (Equation16).


Mark all edges E ∈ ℳ for refinement.


Obtain new mesh 𝒯ℓ+1 by newest vertex bisection and increase counter ℓ ↦ ℓ + 1.

Theorem 3.4

Algorithm 1 guarantees that the combined error quantity

satisfies the contraction property
The constants 0 < γ, κ < 1 depend only on the parameter θ and the shape of the elements in 𝒯0. In particular, there holds as well as .


According to Proposition 3.1, we have

with certain constants 0 < q < 1 and C 2 > 0. Therefore,
Using the variational inequality (Equation9) applied for U ℓ+1, we proceed as in the proof of Proposition 2.2 to see
Choosing γ sufficiently small to guarantee γC 2 − 1/2 ≤ 0, we then obtain
According to Proposition 2.2, there holds
For ϵ > 0, we thus observe
with . Since q < 1, we may choose ϵ > 0 sufficiently small to guarantee q + ϵ < 1. This choice leads to κ < 1, and we finally end up with (Equation25). By induction, this implies
With reliability |||u − U ||| ≲ η, we thus conclude the proof.▪

In Citation18, the weighting instead of |T| is used in the definition (Equation14) of osc(E), i.e.

and T ∈ 𝒯 is the unique element with E = ∂T ∩ Γ. Note that this definition does not necessarily yield a contraction h T < h T if an edge E ∈ ℰℓ,Γ ∩ ℳ is refined and T′ ∈ 𝒯ℓ+1 is one of the resulting sons of T. Nevertheless, leads to a convergent adaptive FEM in the sense of Theorem 3.4.

Corollary 3.5

Suppose that instead of η is used in Algorithm 1 for marking. Then, the modified algorithm still guarantees the contraction property (Equation25). In particular, there holds as well as .


Note that there holds

with some constant C 3 ≥ 1 which depends only on the shape regularity of the mesh 𝒯. Since newest vertex bisection leads to uniformly shape regular meshes, C 3 may be chosen independently of ℓ. The Dörfler marking (Equation16) for thus implies
Put differently, the set ℳ satisfies the Dörfler marking (Equation16) for as well as the Dörfler marking (Equation16) for , where . Therefore, Theorem 3.4 applies and (Equation25) holds. In particular, and the equivalence (Equation29) also concludes .▪

Remark 2

The estimator reduction (Equation17) already implies convergence lim η = 0, whence lim𝒥(U ) = 𝒥(u) as well as lim|||u − U ||| = 0 according to Proposition 2.2. To see this, it remains to verify that the obstacle problem leads to a priori convergence limU  = u with a certain limit u  ∈ ℋ. For linear problems, such a result is found in Citation25–27, and we refer to [Citation24, Lemma 3.3.8] for the proof of the a priori convergence in our non-linear setting. Then, (Equation17) takes the form

with the zero sequence α = C 2 |||U ℓ+1 − U |||2 ≥ 0. Therefore, elementary calculus concludes limη = 0 (cf Citation25). We stress that, contrary to Citation27, the estimator reduction concept from Citation25 avoids any use of discrete efficiency. It is only based on the precise definition of the error estimator, a uniform decay of the mesh-width locally on marked elements, and the observation that any kind of mesh-refinement will lead to a convergent sequence of discrete solutions. We stress, however, that the convergence results in Theorem 3.4 and Corollary 3.5 are stronger since they include even a contraction of some error quantity Δ ≥ ϵ = 𝒥(U ) − 𝒥(u).

3.3. Convergence analysis for the adaptive algorithm from Citation18

In this section, we aim to comment briefly on the adaptive algorithm in Citation18 and improve their convergence result in several aspects.

Algorithm 2

Fix 0 < θ, ϑ < 1 and let 𝒯 with ℓ = 0 be the initial triangulation. For each ℓ = 0, 1, 2, … , do:


Compute discrete solution U  ∈ 𝒜 ≔ 𝒜 ∩ 𝒮1(𝒯)


Compute indicators ϱ(E)2 as well as oscillation terms osc(E) for all .


Determine set ℳ ⊆ ℰ which satisfies


Mark all edges E ∈ ℳ for refinement and obtain intermediate mesh 𝒯ℓ+1/2 by newest vertex bisection of 𝒯.


Refine additional elements of 𝒯ℓ+1/2 and update 𝒯ℓ+1/2 until the corresponding oscillations satisfy oscℓ+1/2 ≤ ϑ osc.


Finally, set 𝒯ℓ+1 ≔ 𝒯ℓ+1/2 and increase counter ℓ ↦ ℓ + 1.

In Braess et al. Citation18, the authors do not give further information on step (v) besides their choice θ = ϑ. In particular, it is not obvious how many levels of refinement have to be done until oscℓ+1 ≤ ϑ osc is satisfied. In the following, we comment on a practical realization of (v) and derive a convergence result similar to Theorem 3.4. Our recommendation reads as follows:

(v.a) If , define 𝒯ℓ+1 ≔ 𝒯ℓ+1/2

(v.b) Otherwise determine such that

(v.c) mark all edges E ∈ ℳℓ+1/2 for refinement,

(v.d) and obtain new mesh 𝒯ℓ+1 by newest vertex bisection.

We first prove that this part guarantees contraction of the data oscillations.

Lemma 3.6

The proposed realization of step (v) in Algorithm 2 guarantees oscℓ+1 ≤ ϑ osc with ϑ = (1 − θ/4)1/2.


We may assume that since otherwise oscℓ+1/2 = oscℓ+1 by definition. Using Lemma 3.3 and arguing as in the proof of Proposition 3.1 (but only for the oscillation terms), we see that the marking criterion (Equation31) guarantees . Since 𝒯ℓ+1/2 is a refinement of 𝒯, the monotonicity oscℓ+1/2 ≤ osc of the edge oscillations concludes the proof.▪

Next, we prove an estimator reduction similar to Proposition 3.1.

Proposition 3.7

The extended Algorithm 2 from Citation18 guarantees

with constants q ∈ (0, 1) and C 4 > 0 which depend only on θ ∈ (0, 1) and the shape of the elements in 𝒯0.


Note that 𝒯ℓ+1 is a refinement of 𝒯ℓ+1/2, and 𝒯ℓ+1/2 is a refinement of 𝒯. Arguing as in the proof of Proposition 3.1 (but only for the edge jumps), we see that the modified marking criterion (Equation30) yields

for all δ > 0. As above, the constant C > 0 stems from inverse-type estimates and depends only on the uniform shape regularity of the meshes involved. In view of the contraction from Lemma 3.6, we choose δ > 0 sufficiently small such that (1 + δ)2(1 − θ/2) ≤ (1 − θ/4). Adding the estimate of Lemma 3.6, we conclude the proof with q = (1 − θ/4).▪

Finally, we argue as in the proof of Theorem 3.4 to obtain the following convergence result whose proof is omitted for brevity. We stress that our result is superior to the convergence result from Citation18 for several reasons: First, we only need one bisection instead of five per refined element. Second, our recommendation of ϑ = (1 − θ/4)1/2 satisfies ϑ ≥ θ for practical choices of θ, namely θ < 0.88. Third, our modification of their algorithm guarantees that at most one additional step of newest vertex bisection has to be performed to guarantee contraction of the oscillations.

Theorem 3.8

The extended Algorithm 2 from Citation18 guarantees

The constants 0 < γ, κ < 1 depend only on the parameter θ and the shape of the elements in 𝒯0. In particular, there holds as well as .

4. Numerical experiment

In this section, we consider a numerical experiment from Citation18. The conforming and shape regular mesh is adaptively generated by Algorithm 1. For the solution of the discrete obstacle problem at each level, the primal-dual active set strategy from Citation28 has been used. For the initial mesh 𝒯0, we choose for the primal dual pair as initial guesses for the iterative solver. For 𝒯, we choose the prolongated discrete solutions associated with the previous mesh, i.e. as well as . We stop the iterative solver if the difference of two consecutive solutions satisfies

for some tolerance τ > 0, where N = #𝒯 denotes the number of elements. We then define our discrete solution at 𝒯 by and .

While the numerical results are quite similar to those in Citation18, we stress that our approach theoretically includes the data oscillations into the estimator η.

We consider the obstacle problem with constant obstacle χ ≡ 0 on the L-shaped domain Ω ≔ (−2, 2)2∖ [0, 2) × (−2, 0]. The right-hand side is given in polar coordinates by

where (·)′ denotes the radial derivative d/dr. Moreover, and
Then, the exact solution reads in polar coordinates
and exhibits a corner singularity at the origin. We compare uniform and adaptive mesh-refinement, where we vary the adaptivity parameter θ ∈ {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8} in Algorithm 1. The quantities of interest are the energy error
as well as the error estimator η from (Equation11) which includes oscillations and edge jumps. Since the oscillations are, however, expected to be of higher order, the values of osc are explicitly given.

In , we plot , η and osc over the number N = #𝒯 of elements for uniform and adaptive mesh-refinement with θ = 0.6. Uniform mesh-refinement leads to a suboptimal convergence behaviour with respect to the number N = #𝒯 of elements. Contrary, adaptive mesh-refinement regains the optimal order of convergence . We stress that the given data are smooth so that uniform as well as adaptive mesh-refinement leads to osc = 𝒪(N −1), which corresponds to second-order convergence with respect to a uniform mesh-width. For both mesh-refinements, we see that the curves of η and are parallel. This experimentally confirms the reliability of η from Proposition 2.2 and indicates that η is also efficient.

Figure 4. Numerical results for uniform and adaptive mesh-refinement with θ = 0.6, where ϵ = 𝒥(U ) − 𝒥(u), η and osc are plotted over the number N = #𝒯 of elements.

Figure 4. Numerical results for uniform and adaptive mesh-refinement with θ = 0.6, where ϵℓ = 𝒥(U ℓ) − 𝒥(u), ηℓ and oscℓ are plotted over the number N = #𝒯ℓ of elements.

provides the experimental comparison for different values of θ ∈ {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8}. We see that each choice of θ leads to optimal order of convergence and that the corresponding curves essentially coincide. Since achievement of a prescribed precision takes much longer with uniform refinement, the benefits of adaptive refinement are clearly visible. Additionally, we stress that also the convergence rate itself is improved.

Figure 5. Numerical results for for uniform and adaptive mesh-refinement with θ ∈ {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8}, plotted over the number N = #𝒯 of elements.

Figure 5. Numerical results for for uniform and adaptive mesh-refinement with θ ∈ {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8}, plotted over the number N = #𝒯ℓ of elements.

displays the adaptively generated meshes 𝒯5 and 𝒯11, respectively for θ = 0.6. As expected, refinement is basically restricted to the inactive zone. Due to the data oscillation terms in the estimator η, we also observe certain refinement within the active zone. Note that the corresponding figures in Citation18 do not show any refinement inside the active zone. We stress, however, that those figures are somewhat misleading in the following sense: the right-hand side f is non-zero along the boundary in this example. Therefore, the contraction of the overall oscillations (as it is postulated by Citation18) can only be achieved if (sooner or later) refinements take place also within the active zone. The algorithm from Citation18 will thus eventually lead to the very same refinement along the boundary that we observe here.

Figure 6. Adaptively generated meshes 𝒯5 (a) and 𝒯11 (b) with N = 568 and N = 22140 elements, respectively, for θ = 0.6.

Figure 6. Adaptively generated meshes 𝒯5 (a) and 𝒯11 (b) with N = 568 and N = 22140 elements, respectively, for θ = 0.6.

Finally, the numerical solutions after eight steps of refinement is shown in .

Figure 7. Galerkin solution U 8 on adaptively generated mesh 𝒯8 with N = 3524 elements for θ = 0.6.

Figure 7. Galerkin solution U 8 on adaptively generated mesh 𝒯8 with N = 3524 elements for θ = 0.6.


The authors acknowledge support of the Viennese Science and Technology Fund (WWTF) through the research project MA09–029 Micromagnetic Simulation and Computational Design of Future Devices. The second author (D.P.) acknowledges support of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through the project Adaptive Boundary Element Method under grant P21732.


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