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Applicable Analysis
An International Journal
Volume 99, 2020 - Issue 7
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On Green's functions in generalized axially symmetric potential theory

Pages 1171-1180 | Received 09 Aug 2017, Accepted 09 Sep 2018, Published online: 24 Sep 2018


Fundamental solutions and Green's functions of the operator t2+(1+2α)t1t+Δn, αC, are calculated in the half-space t>0.


1. Introduction and notation

The goal of this paper consists in deriving, in the framework of Schwartz' distribution theory [Citation1], fundamental solutions and Green's functions of the operator of ‘generalized axially symmetric potential theory’ (GASPT), i.e. of (1) Pα()=t2+(1+2α)t1t+Δn,=(t,1,,n),Δn=12++n2,αC.(1) Fundamental solutions of Pα() were presented first by Weinstein (see [Citation2,Citation3]). His method of derivation was based on classical analysis and did not involve distribution theory, which at that time was not yet state of the art. Weinstein's method ran along the following five steps:

  1. assume first that 1+2α is a natural number;

  2. use the known fundamental solution of the Laplacean operator in 2+2α+n variables;

  3. introduce polar coordinates with respect to the first 2+2α variables;

  4. integrate with respect to the sphere S1+2α;

  5. replace 1+2αN by 1+2αC.

Finally , Weinstein checked the ‘nature of singularity’ of the function found by the procedure in (a) to (e). The resulting fundamental solutions are expressed by definite integrals, and as customary until 1951, they are defined only up to multiplicative constants.

However ingenious Weinstein's approach may be, it does not seem satisfactory from the view-point of modern analysis. In the literature, there are two further treatments of the GASPT operator we know of. In [Citation4, Ch. VIII: Degenerate elliptic operators], a formulation of existence and uniqueness results for a class of operators including the one in GASPT is given. However, the approach is based on Sobolev spaces and Green's functions are not expressed by special functions but only as definite integrals.

A different attempt at constructing fundamental solutions of Pα() in a distributionally correct way is contained in the studies [Citation5,Citation6]. Therein, fundamental solutions are set up as infinite series motivated by the derivation of the fundamental solution of the EPD-operator in [Citation7] (see also [Citation8]). However, no effort is made of deriving uniqueness results or Green's functions; furthermore, the result in the case n=1 [Citation6, Theorem 3.4, Equation (3.27), p.507] seems to be incorrect.

For the reasons explained above, we have taken up anew the study of fundamental solutions and Green's functions of the operator in (Equation1). In Definition 2.1, we define the notions of temperate fundamental solutions and Green's functions of the Dirichlet problem and the Neumann problem in the half-space H={(t,x)Rn+1;t>0,xRn} for the singular operator Pα() in (Equation1). The uniqueness of Green's functions is investigated in Proposition 2.2, and we represent Green's functions and temperate fundamental solutions of Pα() by hypergeometric functions in Theorem 2.3. In the case of even n, we represent these fundamental solutions by elementary transcendental functions in Corollary 2.4. Of course, some of our formulas can be found already in [Citation2–6] (see the remarks following Theorem 2.3).

We derive our results by employing the partial Fourier transform with respect to the x-variables and by using suitable identities for the hypergeometric function. We also make use of the theory of distribution-valued analytic functions as expounded in [Citation9].

Let us introduce some notation. Besides the spaces D(U), URn open, and §(Rn) of distributions and temperate distributions, respectively, we also use the space S(H)={TD(H);T1S(Rn+1):T=T1|H} of temperate distributions on the half-space H defined above. Note that the partial Fourier transform Fx:S(Rn+1)S(Rn+1), which is extended by continuity from (Fxφ)(t,ξ)=Rnφ(t,x)eixξdx,φS(Rn+1), yields also an isomorphism on S(H). The Heaviside function is denoted by Y, and we write δ(tτ)S(Rt1), τ>0, for the delta distribution with support in τ, i.e. for the derivative of Y(tτ).

2. Temperate fundamental solutions and Green's functions in GASPT

As mentioned already in the introduction, the operator Pα()=t2+((1+2α)/t)t+Δn arises in the so-called GASPT (see [Citation2] for historical remarks and connections to physics). Let us first introduce the notions of temperate fundamental solution and Green's functions for Pα().

Definition 2.1

Set H=(0,)×Rn and fix τ>0 and αC.

  1. ES(H) is called temperate fundamental solution of Pα() if and only if Pα()E=δ(tτ)δ(x) holds in H.

  2. E§(H) is called Green's function of the Dirichlet problem for Pα() if and only if E is a temperate fundamental solution of Pα() that satisfies limtE(t,x)=limt0E(t,x)=0 in S(Rxn).

  3. E§(H) is called Green's function of the Neumann problem for Pα() if and only if E is a temperate fundamental solution of Pα() that satisfies limtE(t,x)=limt0(tE)(t,x)=0 in S(Rxn).

Remark 2.1

Note that a fundamental solution E of Pα() is C in H{(τ,0)} due to [Citation10, Theorem 13.4.1, p.191]. Hence we can fix t in E(t,x) for tτ. For example, the hypothesis limtE(t,x)=0 in S(Rn) in Definition 2.1 then means that E(t,x) belongs, for fixed large t, to S(Rxn) and converges therein to 0 if t.

The next proposition will show that the Green functions of the Dirichlet problem and the Neumann problem, respectively, for Pα() are uniquely determined in those cases where they exist.

Proposition 2.2

Fix αC and let TS(H) fulfill Pα()T=0 in H and limtT(t,x)=0 in S(Rn). If, additionally, either limt0T(t,x)=0 or limt0(tT)(t,x)=0 hold in S(Rn), then T vanishes identically.


The partial Fourier transform U=FxT of T satisfies the ‘ordinary’ differential equation (2) t2+1+2αtt|x|2U=0inH.(2) For x0, let V(t,x)=U(t/|x|,x). Then VD(H0) where H0={(t,x)H;x0}. Since V fulfills (t2+((1+2α)/t)t1)V=0 in H0, we conclude that V=tαIα(t)V1(x)+tαKα(t)V2(x),V1,V2D(Rn{0}). Therefore, U=tαIα(t|x|)W1(x)+tαKα(t|x|)W2(x) holds in H0 for Wj(x)=|x|αVj(x)D(Rn{0}), j=1,2.

Let us use now the boundary conditions for T. The assumption limtT(t,x)=0 in S(Rn) implies limtU(t,x)=0 in S(Rn), and therefore W1 vanishes and U=tαKα(t|x|)W2(x) holds in H0. On the other hand, either of the limits limt0U(t,x)=0 or limt0(tU)(t,x)=0 implies W2=0. Hence U|H0 vanishes and suppU(0,)×{0}H, i.e. U=|β|mfβ(t)βδ(x),mN0,fβD((0,)),βN0n. (Note that U is a distribution of finite order due to US(H).)

Let us assume that βN0n is such that |β|=m and that fβ does not vanish identically. Then (Equation2) implies that (t2+(1+2α)t1t)fβ=0 and hence fβ=C1+C2t2α for αC{0} or fβ=C1+C2logt if α=0. In both cases, the conditions limtU(t,x)=limt0U(t,x)=0 or limtU(t,x)=limt0(tU)(t,x)=0 then imply that fβ vanishes and that leads to a contradiction. Therefore U=0 and thus also T=0 and the proof is complete.

Theorem 2.3

As before, set H=(0,)×Rn. Let αC((n/2)N0), τ>0 and (t,x)H{(τ,0)} and set (3) z=τ2+t2+|x|22τt,r=(tτ)2+|x|2.(3) The functions (4) Eα,τN(t,x)=(2π)(n+1)/2ei(n1)π/2τn/2+1+αtn/2+α(z21)(n1)/4Q1/2+α(n1)/2(z)=12πn/2Γn2+αΓ(1+α)τ1+2αrn+2α2F1n2+α,12+α;1+2α;4τtr2(4) are C in H{(τ,0)} and locally integrable in H. For even n, the mapping αEα,τN extends to an entire function CS(H):αEα,τN; for odd n, this mapping is meromorphic on C with simple poles in the set n/2N0. Furthermore, we set Eα,τD(t,x)=(τ/t)2αEα,τN(t,x) for αC if n is even and for αC((n/2)+N0) if n is odd, respectively.

For those αC for which Eα,τN,Eα,τD, respectively, are defined, they are temperate fundamental solutions of Pα()=t2+1+2αtt+Δn. Furthermore, Eα,τN is the uniquely determined Green function of the Neumann problem for Pα() if Reα>n/2, and Eα,τD is the uniquely determined Green function of the Dirichlet problem for Pα() if Reα<0.

(In (Equation4) Qνμ denotes an associated Legendre function and 2F1 denotes Gauß' hypergeometric function. If α is a negative entire number not belonging to n/2N0, then Γ(α+1)12F1() in (Equation4) has to be interpreted as a limit.)


(a) Let us first assume Reα>n/2 and represent Eα,τN by a partial Fourier transform with respect to x. From t2+1+2αtt+ΔnEα,τN=δ(tτ)δ(x)andSα,τ=Fx(Eα,τN), we obtain t2+1+2αtt|x|2Sα,τ=δ(tτ). From Sα,τS(H) and limt0(tSα,τ)(t,x)=0 by the Neumann boundary condition, we infer, for x0 fixed, that Sα,τ(t,x)=C1(x)tαKα(t|x|):tτ,C2(x)tαIα(t|x|):0<tτ with the jump conditions C1(x)ταKα(τ|x|)C2(x)ταIα(τ|x|)=0,C1(x)τ(ταKα(τ|x|))C2(x)τ(ταIα(τ|x|))=1. The ‘Wronskian’ determinant W(τ,x)=detταKα(τ|x|)ταIα(τ|x|)τ(ταKα(τ|x|))τ(ταIα(τ|x|)) of this linear system of equations fulfills W(τ,x)=D(x)τ12α (see [Citation11, A, 17.1, p.72]), and employing the series expansions of Kα and Iα yields D=1. Thus C1=τ1+αIα(τ|x|), C2=τ1+αKα(τ|x|) and Sα,τ(t,x)=τ1+αtα[Y(tτ)Iα(τ|x|)Kα(t|x|)+Y(τt)Y(t)Kα(τ|x|)Iα(t|x|)]. The inequalities |Kα(u)|Cmin{1,u}|Reα|(1+log2u)eu,|Iα(u)|Cmin{1,u}Reαeu,u>0, imply that Sα,τS(H) and Sα,τ(t,x)L1(Rxn) for fixed positive tτ due to the hypothesis Reα>n/2. These inequalities also imply that the limits limt0(tSα,τ)(t,x)=0 and limtSα,τ(t,x)=0 hold in L1(Rxn)S(Rxn) by Lebesgue's theorem on dominated convergence. Hence Eα,τN=Fx1(Sα,τ) is indeed the Green function of the Neumann problem for Pα() and limt0(tEα,τN)(t,x)=0 and limtEα,τN(t,x)=0 hold even uniformly in x.

(b) In order to calculate Eα,τN for Reα>n/2, we apply the classical Poisson–Bochner formula (see [[Citation1, (VII, 7; 22), p.259],[Citation12, Satz 56, p.186],[Citation8, (1.1)]]). For 0<t<τ, Equation 6.578.11 in [Citation13] then implies (5) Eα,τN(t,x)=(2π)n/2τ1+αtα|x|n/2+10ρn/2Kα(τρ)Iα(tρ)Jn/21(|x|ρ)dρ=(2π)(n+1)/2ei(n1)π/2τn/2+1+αtn/2+α(z21)(n1)/4Q1/2+α(n1)/2(z)(5) with z as in (Equation3). Equation (Equation5) also holds for t>τ, either by the real analyticity of Eα,τN in H{(τ,0)}, or by using Equation 6.578.11 in [Citation13] again with t and τ interchanged. Eventually, we employ formula [Citation14,] for Q1/2+α(n1)/2 in order to derive the representation in (Equation4) of Eα,τN by the hypergeometric function. (Note that Sα,τ and hence also Eα,τN are continuous functions of t with values in S(Rxn), and hence Eα,τN is already determined by its restriction to tτ.)

(c) Let us next investigate the analytic continuation of Eα,τN with respect to α. If αC(n/2N0), then formula (Equation4) yields limt0Eα,τN(t,x)=12πn/2Γn2+αΓ(1+α)τ1+2α(τ2+|x|2)n/2α. Similarly, for (t,x), we have tr20 and hence Eα,τN converges to 0 if Reα>n/2 and else grows like a multiple rn2α.

In order to analyze the behavior of Eα,τN(t,x) near (τ,0), we employ Equation 9.131.1 in [Citation13]. This furnishes (6) Eα,τN=12πn/2Γn2+αΓ(1+α)τ1+2αrn1[(t+τ)2+|x|2]1/2+α×2F1(12+α,1n2+α;1+2α;4τt(t+τ)2+|x|2).(6) Formula (Equation6) clearly implies, for each αC(n/2N0), that Eα,τN is well defined and depends C on (t,x)H{(τ,0)}. Furthermore, if (t,x)(τ,0), then 4τt/((t+τ)2+|x|2) converges to 1 from below and Equation 9.122.1 in [Citation13] yields that limu1Γn2+αΓ(1+α)2F1(12+α,1n2+α;1+2α;u)=22αΓn12π if n>1. Hence formula (Equation6) shows that Eα,τN(t,x) is bounded by a constant multiple of [(tτ)2+|x|2](1n)/2 near (τ,0) for n>1. If n=1, we use [Citation14,] and obtain that Eα,τN grows like (4π)1log[(tτ)2+|x|2] near (τ,0). In particular, we see that Eα,τN is locally integrable, depending holomorphically in S(H) on αC(n/2N0), and by analytic continuation, we conclude that Eα,τN is a temperate fundamental solution of Pα() for such α.

(d) Let us consider now the behavior of Eα,τN if α converges to n/2k, kN0. If n is even, then Γ(α+n/2)/Γ(α+1) is holomorphic, and hence Eα,τN is an entire function of α. In contrast, if n is odd, then Eα,τN has simple poles at n/2k, kN0. In fact, [Citation13, Equation 9.134.1] yields the representation Eα,τN=12πn/2Γ(n/2)+αΓ(1+α)τ1+2α(2τtz)n/2+α2F1n4+α2,n4+1+α2;1+α;z2. Due to Resu=kΓ(u)=(1)k/k!, this implies (7) Resα=n/2kEα,τN=(1)(n+1)/2Γn2+k2πn/2+1τn+2k1k!(2τtz)k2F1k2,1k2;1kn2;z2(7) upon using the complement formula of the gamma function. Note that the residue R=Resα=n/2kEα,τN is a polynomial in x since the hypergeometric series in (Equation7) terminates, and that Pn/2k()R=0.

(e) Let us finally discuss Eα,τD=(τ/t)2αEα,τN. Clearly, Eα,τDS(H). From the equation Pα()t2α=0, we infer Pα()Eα,τD=2tτt2αtEα,τN+τt2αPα()Eα,τN=4ατ2αt2α1tEα,τN+τt2αPα()+4αttEα,τN=τt2αδ(tτ)δ(x)=δ(tτ)δ(x). Hence Eα,τD is a temperate fundamental solution of Pα() for each αC(n/2+N0). Furthermore, (Equation4) shows that limt0Eα,τD(t,x)=0 and limtEα,τD(t,x)=0 hold uniformly with respect to xRn if Reα<0. Thus Eα,τD is the Green function of the Dirichlet problem for Pα() if Reα<0. This completes the proof.

Remark 2.2

(1) By analyzing the partial Fourier transform FxE similarly as in the proof of Proposition 2.2, one readily sees that Green's functions E of the Neumann problem and the Dirichlet problem, respectively, for Pα() can exist only if Reα>n/2 and Reα<0, respectively.

(2) The Green function Eα,τD of the Dirichlet problem for Pα() could, albeit more laboriously, also be derived by the partial Fourier transform. Setting Sα,τN=Fx(Eα,τN) and Sα,τD=Fx(Eα,τD) yields, first for n/2<Reα<0, the equation Sα,τD=Sα,τN2sin(απ)πτ1+αtαKα(τ|x|)Kα(t|x|). Since αKα(τ|x|)Kα(t|x|)S(H) is meromorphic with simple poles in ±(n/2+k), kN0, we can conclude from this that Eα,τN=Eα,τD if and only if α is entire and [n is odd or |α|<n/2].

(3) Let us point out that the finite parts Pfα=n/2kEα,τN and Pfα=n/2+kEα,τD, n odd, kN0, respectively, are not, in general, temperate fundamental solutions of Pn/2k() and of Pn/2+k(), respectively. In fact, if, e.g. R=Resα=n/2kEα,τN, then Pn/2k()Pfα=n/2kEα,τN=limαn/2k(Pn/2k()Pα()+Pα())Eα,τNRn2+k+α=limαn/2kn+2k+2αttEα,τN+δ(tτ)δ(x)=2ttR+δ(tτ)δ(x). Hence Pfα=n/2kEα,τN is a temperate fundamental solution of Pn/2k() if and only if R is constant with respect to t.

For example, if k=0, then this is the case (see (Equation7)) and therefore Pfα=n/2Eα,τN and (τ/t)nPfα=n/2Eα,τN, respectively, are temperate fundamental solutions of Pn/2() and of Pn/2(), respectively. For example, if n=1, we obtain from [Citation14,] that T1=Pfα=1/2Eα,τN=14π[log(r2)+log((t+τ)2+x2)]12πlog(4τ2), which of course fulfills the two-dimensional Laplace equation (t2+x2)T1=δ(tτ)δ(x) in H=(0,)×R. Similarly, T2=(τ/t)T1 fulfills (t2+2t1t+x2)T2=δ(tτ)δ(x) in H.

(4) Let us now refer to the literature. The relation E=(τ/t)2αF connecting two fundamental solutions E of Pα() and F of Pα(), respectively, can be found in [Citation2, (2.11), p.106], where it is traced back to G. Darboux. Furthermore, the Green function Eα,τN of the Neumann problem is given (up to a multiplicative constant) in the form of Euler's definite integral of the hypergeometric function in [Citation2, (3.4), p.108], and some hints regarding uniqueness are also given at the bottom of page 108. The Green function Eα,τD of the Dirichlet problem appears in [Citation2, (4.1), p.109] and is referred to M. Olevskii. Green's functions for Pα() also appear in [Citation4, (8.4), p.217, and Theorem 8.2, p.219].

As discussed in the introduction, the paper [Citation6] already contains some of the above results, albeit in a less systematic way. First note that the notation in [Citation6] slightly differs from ours: there, s,s0,α,Qα are written for our t,τ,α+12,P1/2+α. In [Citation6, Theorem 3.1, Equation (3.2), p.503], in the case of even n, a fundamental solution ‘Fαev’ of Qα is given by a hypergeometric function, which is verified by termwise differentiation of the series expansion. In our notation, ‘Fαev’ corresponds to the fundamental solution 12(Eα,τN+Eα,τD) and Equation (3.2) in [Citation6] follows from formula (Equation4) by using [Citation13, 9.132.2]: 12(Eα,τN+Eα,τD)=14πn/2Γn2+αΓ(1+α)τ1+2αrn+2α2F1n2+α,12+α;1+2α;4τtr214πn/2Γn2αΓ(1α)τt2αrn2α2F1(n2α,12α;12α;4τtr2)=Γ(n12)4π(n+1)/2τt1/2+αr1n2F112+α,12α;3n2;r24τt.

In [Citation6, Theorems 3.2, 3.3], the case of odd n3 is treated and the representation of ‘Fαod’ in [Citation6, Theorem 3.3, Equation (3.21), p.506] corresponds to the one of Eα,τN in (Equation4) above. (Note that the values α{12,1,32,} are excluded in [Citation6, Theorem 3.3, p.506] although Eα,τN has poles only for α{(n/2),(n/2)1,} and is a fundamental solution of Pα() for all other complex values of α.)

Finally, in [Citation6, Theorem 3.4], the case n=1 is considered. We observe that the fundamental solution ‘Fα1’ in [Citation6, Theorem 3.4, Equation (3.27), p.507] does not seem to be correct. For example, for P0()=t2+t1t+x2, Equation (Equation4) in Theorem 2.3 yields (8) E0,τN=E0,τD=τπ(τ+t)2+x2K2τt(τ+t)2+x2,(8) whereas ‘F1/21’ in [Citation6, Theorem 3.4, Equation (3.27), p.507] would furnish the function f(t,x)=τπ(τ+t)2+x2E2τt(τ+t)2+x2. However, f cannot be a fundamental solution of P0() since it is finite at (τ,0) due to E(1)=1. (The letters K, E denote, as usually, complete elliptic integrals.)

Note that the fundamental solution E0,τN=E0,τD for n=1 in (Equation8) coincides, up to a multiplicative constant, with the expressions given in [Citation15, Equation (5.35), p.149],[Citation16, Equation (2.2.16), p.9],[Citation17, p.1655]. For n=1,α=1, see [Citation18, Equation (17), p.146].

Let us finally express Eα,τN by elementary transcendental functions if the dimension n is even. That this is impossible in the case of odd dimensions is plainly shown by the example in (Equation8).

Corollary 2.4

Let fn(α,τ,t,z), αC, τ>0, t>0, z>1, nN0, be the function given by Equation (Equation5), which represents Eα,τN(t,x) according to Theorem 2.3 for (t,x)H=(0,)×Rn, nN. Then the recursion formula (9) fn+2=12πτtfnz,nN0,(9) holds. Furthermore, for even n=2m, mN0, αC{0}, we have (10) f2m(α,τ,t,z)=(1)m1τ1m+α21+α(2π)mαtm+αddzm(z+1z1)2α.(10) In particular, with the notation r=(tτ)2+|x|2 and s=(t+τ)2+|x|2, we obtain (if αC and (t,x)H{(τ,0)}) (11) for n=2, Eα,τN(t,x)=τ(sr)2α21+2απt2αrs,and for n=4, Eα,τN(t,x)=τ(sr)2α22+2απ2t2α(rs)3(r2+2αrs+s2).(11)

More generally, for even n=2m, mN, αC and (t,x)H{(τ,0)}), we have (12) Eα,τN(t,x)=(m1)!τ(sr)2α2n1+2απmt2α(rs)n1×j=0m1m1αjm1+αm1jm1j1(sr)2j(s+r)2(m1j).(12)


(a) The integral representation in [Citation13, Equation 8.712] for the associated Legendre function Qνμ implies that ddz[(z21)μ/2Qνμ(z)]=(z21)(μ+1)/2Qνμ+1(z),z>1. From this and the representation of fn in (Equation5), we infer that fn+2(α,τ,t,z)=(2π)(n+3)/2ei(n+1)π/2τn/2+αtn/2+1+α(z21)(n+1)/4Q1/2+α(n+1)/2(z)=(12πτtz)fn(α,τ,t,z) holds for nN0, and this is the recursion relation (Equation9).

According to [Citation13, Equation 8.777.2], we have (z21)1/4Q1/2+α1/2(z)=iπ2α(z+z21)α,z>1, and hence f0=i2πτ1+αtα(z21)1/4Q1/2+α1/2(z)=τ1+α21+ααtα(z+1z1)2α. Together with (Equation9), this implies formula (Equation10) for f2m, mN0. The equations in (Equation11) follow from (Equation10) taking into account that z+1=s2/(2τt) and z1=r2/(2τt).

(b) Obviously, the general formula for n=2m in (Equation12) could be proven by induction over m by employing the recursion formula (Equation9). We prefer to give a direct proof based on one of Kummer's transformation formulas for the hypergeometric function.

Let us apply [Citation13, Equation 9.134.3] to formula (Equation6). If we set 4ζ/(1+ζ)2=4τt/s2 and assume |ζ|1, we obtain ζ=(sr)/(s+r) and 1+ζ=s(sr)/(2τt) and hence (13) Eα,τN(t,x)=123n+2απn/2Γ(n2+α)Γ(1+α)τn1(sr)2n+2αt2n+2α(rs)n1×2F1(1n2+α,1n2;1+α;(srs+r)2).(13) If n=2m is even, then the hypergeometric series in (Equation13) terminates, and it readily yields the finite sum in Equation (Equation12). This completes the proof.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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