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Applicable Analysis
An International Journal
Volume 102, 2023 - Issue 3
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Research Article

Collectively coincidence-type results and applications

Pages 890-901 | Received 30 Jul 2021, Accepted 01 Aug 2021, Published online: 15 Aug 2021


Based on the well-known Brouwder fixed-point theorem in this paper we will present a variety of collectively coincidence-type results for general classes of maps. Our theory will automatically generate analytic alternatives and minimax inequalities.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:

1. Introduction

In this paper, we present a collection of collectively coincidence-type results for very general classes of maps. These maps are usually multivalued and include the admissible maps of Gorniewicz, the maps of Park and also multivalued maps which may have continuous selections (i.e. the DKT maps). Our theory considers multivalued maps in both the compact and coercive cases. The theory presented here was motivated in part from the papers [Citation1–6] and the references therein. Our collectively coincidence results will then generate analytic alternatives and minimax inequalities of Neumann–Sion type.

Now we describe the maps considered in this paper. Let H be the C˘ech homology functor with compact carriers and coefficients in the field of rational numbers K from the category of Hausdorff topological spaces and continuous maps to the category of graded vector spaces and linear maps of degree zero. Thus H(X)={Hq(X)} (here X is a Hausdorff topological space) is a graded vector space, Hq(X) being the q-dimensional C˘ech homology group with compact carriers of X. For a continuous map f:XX, H(f) is the induced linear map f={fq} where fq:Hq(X)Hq(X). A space X is acyclic if X is nonempty, Hq(X)=0 for every q1, and H0(X)K.

Let X, Y and Γ be Hausdorff topological spaces. A continuous single-valued map p:ΓX is called a Vietoris map (written p:ΓX) if the following two conditions are satisfied:

  1. for each xX, the set p1(x) is acyclic

  2. p is a perfect map, i.e. p is closed and for every xX the set p1(x) is nonempty and compact.

Let ϕ:XY be a multivalued map (note for each xX we assume ϕ(x) is a nonempty subset of Y). A pair (p,q) of single-valued continuous maps of the form XpΓqY is called a selected pair of ϕ (written (p,q)ϕ) if the following two conditions hold:

  1. p is a Vietoris map


  2. q(p1(x))ϕ(x) for any xX.

Now we define the admissible maps of Gorniewicz [Citation7]. A upper semicontinuous map ϕ:XY with compact values is said to be admissible (and we write ϕAd(X,Y)) provided there exists a selected pair (p,q) of ϕ. An example of an admissible map is a Kakutani map. A upper semicontinuous map ϕ:XK(Y) is said to Kakutani (and we write ϕKak(X,Y)); here K(Y) denotes the family of nonempty, convex, compact subsets of Y.

The following class of maps will play a major role in this paper. Let Z and W be subsets of Hausdorff topological vector spaces Y1 and Y2 and G a multifunction. We say GDKT(Z,W) [Citation4, Citation5] if W is convex and there exists a map S:ZW with co(S(x))G(x) for xZ, S(x) for each xZ and the fibre S1(w)={zZ:wS(z)} is open (in Z) for each wW.

Now we consider a general class of maps, namely the PK maps of Park. Let X and Y be Hausdorff topological spaces. Given a class X of maps, X(X,Y) denotes the set of maps F:X2Y (nonempty subsets of Y) belonging to X, and Xc the set of finite compositions of maps in X. We let F(X)={Z:FixFfor allFX(Z,Z)}where FixF denotes the set of fixed points of F.

The class U of maps is defined by the following properties:

  1. U contains the class C of single-valued continuous functions;

  2. each FUc is upper semicontinuous and compact valued; and

  3. BnF(Uc) for all n{1,2,.}; here Bn={xRn:x1}.

We say FPK(X,Y) if for any compact subset K of X there is a GUc(K,Y) with G(x)F(x) for each xK. Recall PK is closed under compositions.

For a subset K of a topological space X, we denote by CovX(K) the directed set of all coverings of K by open sets of X (usually we write Cov(K)=CovX(K)). Given two maps F,G:X2Y and αCov(Y), F and G are said to be α-close if for any xX there exists Uxα, yF(x)Ux and wG(x)Ux.

Let Q be a class of topological spaces. A space Y is an extension space for Q (written YES(Q)) if for any pair (X,K) in Q with KX closed, any continuous function f0:KY extends to a continuous function f:XY. A space Y is an approximate extension space for Q (written YAES(Q)) if for any αCov(Y) and any pair (X,K) in Q with KX closed, and any continuous function f0:KY there exists a continuous function f:XY such that f|K is α–close to f0.

Let V be a subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space E. Then we say V is Schauder admissible if for every compact subset K of V and every covering αCovV(K) there exists a continuous functions πα:KV such that

  1. πα and i:KV are α–close;

  2. πα(K) is contained in a subset CV with CAES(compact).

X is said to be q-Schauder admissible if any nonempty compact convex subset Ω of X is Schauder admissible.

Theorem 1.1

[Citation8, Citation9]

Let X be a Schauder admissible subset of a Hausdorff topological vector space and ΨPK(X,X) a compact upper semicontinuous map with closed values. Then there exists a xX with xΨ(x).

Remark 1.2

Other variations of Theorem 1.1 can be found in [Citation10].

2. Coincidence results

In this section, we present a variety of collectively coincidence-type results in both the compact and coercive case. We begin with the compact case.

Theorem 2.1

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei. For each i{1,,N0} suppose Fi:Xi=1NXiYi and FiDKT(X,Yi) and for each j{1,,N} suppose Gj:Yi=1N0YiXj and GjDKT(Y,Xj). In addition assume for each i{1,,N0} there exists a compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi. Then there exists a xX and a yY with xiGi(y) for i{1,,N} and yjFj(x) for j{1,,N0} (here xi(respectively, yj) is the projection of x (respectively, y) on Xi (respectively, Yj)).


For i{1,,N0} let Ti:XYi with Ti(x) for xX, co(Ti(x))Fi(x) for xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi. For i{1,,N} let Si:YXi with Si(y) for yY, co(Si(y))Gi(y) for yY and Si1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXi. Let K=i=1N0Ki(Y) and note K is compact. Let Gi (respectively, Si) denote the restriction of Gi (respectively, Si) to K. Note for i{1,,N} that GiDKT(K,Xi) since for xXi we have (Si)1(x)={zK:xSi(z)}={zK:xSi(z)}=K{zY:xSi(z)}=KSi1(x)which is open in KY=K. Now for each i{1,,N} from [Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection gi:KXi of Gi with gi(y)co(Si(y))Gi(y) for yK and also there exists a finite set Ri of Xi with gi(K)co(Ri)Qi. Let Q=i=1NQi(X) and note Q is compact. Now let Fi (respectively, Ti) denote the restriction of Fi (respectively, Ti) to Q. Note for i{1,,N0} that FiDKT(Q,Yi) since for yYi we have (Ti)1(y){zQ:yTi(z)}={zQ:yTi(z)}=Q{zX:yTi(z)}=QTi1(y)which is open in QX=Q. Now for each i{1,,N0} from [Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection fi:QYi of Fi and note fi(Q)Fi(Q)Fi(X)Ki. Let f(x)=i=1N0fi(x)andg(y)=i=1Ngi(y)and note f:QY,g:KX are continuous and since fi(Q)Ki for i{1,.,N0} and gi(K)Qi for i{1,.,N} we have f(Q)K and g(K)Q. Consider the continuous map h:QQ given by h(x)=g(f(x)) for xQ. Note Q is a compact convex subset in a finite-dimensional subspace of E=i=1NEi so Brouwer's fixed-point theorem guarantees that there exists a xQ with x=h(x)=g(f(x)). Let y=f(x) so x=g(y). Then since xQ and y=f(x)f(Q)K we have yj=fj(x)Fj(x)=Fj(x) for j{1,,N0} and xi=gi(y)Gi(y)=Gi(y) for i{1,,N}.

We now consider Theorem 2.1 in a more general setting.

Theorem 2.2

Let I and J be index sets and let {Xi}iI, {Yi}iJ be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei. For each iJ suppose Fi:XiIXiYi and FiDKT(X,Yi) and for each jI suppose Gj:YiJYiXj and GjDKT(Y,Xj). In addition assume for each iJ there exists a compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi. Also suppose X is a q-Schauder admissible subset of the Hausdorff topological vector space E=iIEi. Then there exists a xX and a yY with xiGi(y) for iI and yjFj(x) for jJ.


For iJ (respectively, iI) let Ti (respectively, Si) be as in Theorem 2.1, K=iJKi(Y) and Gi the restriction of Gi to K. The same reasoning as in Theorem 2.1 guarantees that GiDKT(K,Xi) for iI so from [Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection gi:KXi of Gi and also a finite set Ri of Xi with gi(K)co(Ri)Qi Let Q=iIQi(X) and let Fi denote the restriction of Fi to Q. The same reasoning as in Theorem 2.1 guarantees that FiDKT(Q,Yi) for iJ so from [Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection fi:QYi of Fi and note fi(Q)Fi(Q)Fi(X)Ki. Let f(x)=iJfi(x)andg(y)=iIgi(y)and note f(Q)K and g(K)Q. Let the continuous map h:QQ be given by h(x)=g(f(x)) for xQ. Now Theorem 1.1 guarantees that there exists a xQ with x=h(x)=g(f(x)) and as in Theorem 2.1 we immediately have the result.

Remark 2.3

Note in the statement of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 we could replace FiDKT(X,Yi) with FiDKT(X,Ki); here let Ti:XKi with Ti(x) for xX, co(Ti(x))Fi(x) for xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wKi.

Other classes of maps could also be considered. We illustrate this in our next results.

Theorem 2.4

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei. For each i{1,,N0} suppose Fi:Xi=1NXiYi and FiAd(X,Yi) and in addition assume there exists a compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi. For each j{1,,N} suppose Gj:Yi=1N0YiXj and GjDKT(Y,Xj). Then there exists a xX and a yY with xiGi(y) for i{1,,N} and yjFj(x) for j{1,,N0}.


Let Si,K,Gi and Si be as in Theorem 2.1 and the same reasoning as in Theorem 2.1 guarantees that GiDKT(K,Xi) for i{1,,N} and from [Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection gi:KXi of Gi and also a finite set Ri of Xi with gi(K)co(Ri)Qi Let Q=i=1NQi(X). Let Fi denote the restriction of Fi to Q and let F(x)=i=1N0Fi(x)forxQ.Since a finite product of admissible maps of Gorniewicz is an admissible map of Gorniewicz [Citation7] then FAd(Q,Y). Now Fi(Q)Fi(X)Ki for each i{1,,N0} so F(Q)K. Let g(y)=i=1Ngi(y) for yK and note since gi(K)Qi for i{1,,N} that g(K)Q. Thus gFAd(Q,Q) and note Q is a compact convex subset in a finite-dimensional subspace of E=i=1NEi. Now Theorem 1.1 guarantees that there exists a xQ with xg(F(x)). Now let yF(x) with x=g(y). Note yF(Q)K and yjFj(x)=Fj(x) for j{1,,N0} and xi=gi(y)Gi(y)=Gi(y) for i{1,,N}.

Theorem 2.5

Let I and J be index sets and let {Xi}iI, {Yi}iJ be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei. For each iJ suppose Fi:XiIXiYi and there exists a compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi. For each jI suppose Gj:YiJYiXj and GjDKT(Y,Xj). Let F(x)=iJFi(x) for xX and suppose FPK(X,Y). Also suppose X is a q-Schauder admissible subset of the Hausdorff topological vector space E=iIEi. Then there exists a xX and a yY with xiGi(y) for iI and yjFj(x) for jJ.


Let Si,K,Gi and Si be as in Theorem 2.2 and the same reasoning as in Theorem 2.2 guarantees that GiDKT(K,Xi) for iI and from [Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection gi:KXi of Gi and also a finite set Ri of Xi with gi(K)co(Ri)Qi. Let Q=iIQi(X) and let F denote the restriction of F to Q. Now since the composition of PK maps is a PK map then FPK(Q,Y). Also note since Fi(X)Ki for iJ that F(Q)F(X)K. Let g(y)=iIgi(y) for yK and note since gi(K)Qi for iI that g(K)Q. Thus gFPK(Q,Q) (note F(X)K and g(K)Q). Now Theorem 1.1 guarantees that there exists a xQ with xg(F(x))=g(F(x)) and the conclusion follows as before.

Remark 2.6

  1. If I and J are finite sets then the assumption that X is a q-Schauder admissible subset of E is satisfied.

  2. Note in the statement of Theorems 2.4 and 2.5 we do not need to have the sets Yi convex.

Now we will replace the compactness condition on Fi with a coercive type condition [Citation2, Citation3]. We will consider a subclass of the DKT maps (see [Citation2, Citation4]). Let G be a multifunction and we say GΦ(Z,W) [Citation2] if W is convex and there exists a map S:ZW with S(x)G(x) for xZ, S(x) and has convex values for each xZ and S1(w) is open (in Z) for each wW.

Theorem 2.7

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei. For each i{1,,N0} suppose Fi:Xi=1NXiYi and FiΦ(X,Yi) and for each j{1,.N} suppose Gj:Yi=1N0YiXj and in addition assume there exists a map Sj:YXj with Sj(y) and has convex values for each yY, Sj(y)Gj(y) for yY and Sj1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXj. Also suppose there is a compact subset K of Y and for each i{1,,N} a convex compact subset Zi of Xi with Si(y)Zi for yYK. Then there exists a xX and a yY with xiGi(y) for i{1,,N} and yjFj(x) for j{1,,N0}.


For i{1,,N0} let Ti:XYi with Ti(x) and has convex values for each xX, Ti(x)Fi(x) for xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi. For i{1,,N} let Gi (respectively, Si) denote the restriction of Gi (respectively, Si) to K and note GiΦ(K,Xi) since for xXi then (note KY) (Si)1(x)={zK:xSi(z)}={zK:xSi(z)}=K{zY:xSi(z)}=KSi1(x)which is open in KY=K. For each i{1,.,N} then from [Citation2, Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection gi:KXi of Gi with gi(y)Si(y)Gi(y) for yK and also there exists a finite set Ri of Xi with gi(K)co(Ri). Let Ωi=co(co(Ri)Zi)fori{1,,N}which is a convex compact subset of Xi. For i{1,,N} let Gi(y)=Gi(y)Ωi for yY and we claim GiΦ(Y,Ωi). To see this let Si(y)=Si(y)Ωi for yY and i{1,,N}. If yYK then Si(y) since Si(y)Zi and ZiΩi whereas if yK then since gi(K)Si(K) and gi(K)co(Ri)Ωi we have Si(y)=Si(y)Ωi. Next if yK then Si(y)=Si(y)ΩiGi(y)Ωi=Gi(x) and also note if xΩi then (Si)1(x)={zY:xSi(z)}={zY:xSi(z)Ωi}={zY:xSi(z)}=Si1(x)which is open in Y. Thus GiΦ(Y,Ωi) for i{1,,N}. Let Ω=i=1NΩi(X) and let Fi (respectively, Ti) denote the restriction of Fi (respectively, Ti) to Ω. Now for i{1,,N0} note FiΦ(Ω,Yi) since if yYi we have (Ti)1(y)={zΩ:yTi(z)}={zΩ:yTi(z)}=Ω{zX:yTi(z)}=ΩTi1(y)which is open in ΩX=Ω. For each i{1,.,N0} then from [Citation2, Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection fi:ΩYi of Fi with fi(x)Ti(x)Fi(x) for xΩ and also there exists a finite set Vi of Yi with fi(Ω)co(Vi)Wi (note Wi is a convex compact subset of Yi). For i{1,.,N0} let Fi(x)=Fi(x)WiandTi(x)=Ti(x)WiforxΩ.We claim FiΦ(Ω,Wi) for i{1,,N0}. Note if xΩ then Ti(x)=Ti(x)Wi since fi(Ω)Ti(Ω) and fi(Ω)Wi and also if xΩ we have Ti(x)=Ti(x)WiFi(x)Wi=Fi(x). Finally if yWi we have (Ti)1(y)={zΩ:yTi(z)}={zΩ:yTi(z)Wi}={zΩ:yTi(z)}=Ω{zX:yTi(z)}=ΩTi1(y)which is open in ΩX=Ω. For each i{1,.,N0} we have FiΦ(Ω,Wi). Now Theorem 2.1 (with Xi replaced by Ωi, X replaced by Ω, Fi replaced by Fi, Ki replaced by Wi and Gi replaced by Gi) and Remark 2.3 (note FiΦ(Ω,Wi) and GiΦ(Y,Ωi)) guarantees there exists a xΩ and a yY with xiGi(y)=Gi(y)Ωi for i{1,,N} and yjFj(x)=Fj(x)Wj for j{1,,N0}.

Essentially the same reasoning as in Theorem 2.7 (except Theorem 2.1 is replaced by Theorem 2.2) guarantees the following result.

Theorem 2.8

Let I and J be index sets and let {Xi}iI, {Yi}iJ be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei. For each iJ suppose Fi:XiIXiYi and FiΦ(X,Yi) and for each jI suppose Gj:YiJYiXj and in addition assume there exists a map Sj:YXj with Sj(y) and has convex values for each yY, Sj(y)Gj(y) for yY and Sj1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXj. Also suppose there is a compact subset K of Y and for each iI a convex compact subset Zi of Xi with Si(y)Zi for yYK. Finally assume X is a q-Schauder admissible subset of the Hausdorff topological vector space E=iIEi. Then there exists a xX and a yY with xiGi(y) for iI and yjFj(x) for jJ.

In Theorem 2.1, we assumed for i{1,.,N0} that Ti(x) for xX and for i{1,.,N} that Si(y) for yY. In our next few results we will relax this condition.

Theorem 2.9

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei with i=1NXi and i=1N0Yi paracompact. For each i{1,,N0} suppose Fi:Xi=1NXiYi and there exists a map Ti:XYi with Ti(x)Fi(x) for xX, Ti(x) has convex values for each xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi. In addition assume for each i{1,,N0} there exists a convex compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi. For each j{1,.N} suppose Gj:Yi=1N0YiXj and there exists a map Sj:YXj with Sj(y)Gj(y) for yY, Sj(y) has convex values for each yY and Sj1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXj. Finally suppose for each xX there exists a i{1,,N0} with Ti(x) and suppose for each yY there exists a j{1,,N} with Sj(y). Then there exists a xX, a yY, a j0{1,,N0} and a i0{1,,N} with yj0Fj0(x) and xi0Gi0(y).


Note Ai={xX:Ti(x)},i{1,,N0} is an open covering of X (recall the fibres of Ti are open). Now from [Citation11, Lemma 5.1.6, p.301] there exists a covering {Bi}i=1N0 of X where Bi is closed in X and BiAi for all i{1,,N0}. Also Ci={yY:Si(y)},i{1,,N} is an open covering of Y and from [Citation11, Lemma 5.1.6, p.301] there exists a covering {Di}i=1N of Y where Di is closed in Y and DiCi for all i{1,,N}. Now for each i{1,,N0} let Hi:XYi and Ji:XYi be given by Hi(x)={Fi(x),xBiYi,xXBiandJi(x)={Ti(x),xBiYi,xXBi.For each i{1,,N} let Mi:YXi and Li:YXi be given by Mi(y)={Gi(y),yDiXi,yYDiandLi(y)={Si(y),yDiXi,yYDi.We claim for each i{1,,N0} that HiΦ(X,Yi). Note first for i{1,,N0} that Ji(x) for xX since if xBi then Ji(x)=Ti(x) since BiAi whereas if xXBi then Ji(x)=Yi. Also for xX and i{1,,N0} then if xBi we have Ji(x)=Ti(x)Fi(x)=Hi(x) whereas if xXBi we have Ji(x)=Yi=Hi(x). Also note if yYi then Ji1(y)={zX:yJi(z)}={zXBi:yJi(z)=Yi}{zBi:yJi(z)}=(XBi){zBi:yTi(z)}=(XBi)[Bi{zX:yTi(z)}]=(XBi)[BiTi1(y)]=X[(XBi)Ti1(y)]=(XBi)Ti1(y)which is open in X (note Ti1(y) is open in X and Bi is closed in X). Thus for each i{1,,N0} we have HiΦ(X,Yi). Similar reasoning yields for each i{1,,N} that MiΦ(Y,Xi).

Let K=i=1NKi (note K is compact) and let Mi (respectively, Li) denote the restriction of Mi (respectively, Li) to K. We note for i{1,,N} that MiΦ(K,Xi) since if xXi then (Li)1(x)={zK:xLi(z)}={zK:xLi(z)}=K{zY:xLi(z)}=KLi1(x)which is open in KY=K. Thus for i{1,,N} from [Citation2, Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection qi:KXi of Mi with qi(y)Li(y)Mi(y) for yK and there exists a finite subset Ri of Xi with qi(K)co(Ri)Qi. Let Q=i=1NQi(X).

Let Hi (respectively, Ji) denote the restriction of Hi (respectively, Ji) to Q. Note for i{1,,N0} that HiΦ(Q,Yi) since for yYi we have (Ji)1(y)={zQ:yJi(z)}={zQ:yJi(z)}=Q{zX:yJi(z)}=QJi1(y)which is open in QX=Q. Now for i{1,,N0} let Hi be given by Hi(x)=Hi(x)Ki for xQ and we claim HiΦ(Q,Ki). To see this let Ji be given by Ji(x)=Ji(x)Ki for xQ. First note for each i{1,,N0} that Ji(x) for xQ since if xBiQ then Ji(x)=Ti(x)Ki since BiAi and Ti(x)Fi(x)Ki whereas if xQBi then Ji(x)=YiKi. Next note if xQ then Ji(x)=Ji(x)KiHi(x)Ki=Hi(x). Also note if yKi then (Ji)1(y)={zQ:yJi(z)}={zQ:yJi(z)Ki}=Q{zX:yJi(z)Ki}=Q{zX:yJi(z)}=QJi1(y)which is open in QX=Q. Thus for i{1,,N0} we have HiΦ(Q,Ki) and recall Q is compact so from [Citation2, Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection hi:QKi of Hi with hi(x)Ji(x)Hi(x) for xQ. Let h(x)=i=1N0hi(x)forxQandq(y)=i=1Nqi(y)foryK;note h:QK and q:KQ are continuous (recall hi:QKi and qi:KQi). Consider the continuous map θ:QQ given by θ(x)=q(h(x)) for xQ. Note Q is a compact convex subset in a finite-dimensional subspace of E=i=1NEi so Brouwer's fixed-point theorem guarantees that there exists a xQ with x=θ(x)=q(h(x)). Let y=h(x) so x=q(y). Then since xQ we have yj=hj(x)Jj(x)Hj(x) i.e. yjHj(x)Kj (i.e. yjHj(x)) for j{1,,N0} and since yK we have xi=qi(y)Li(y)Mi(y) i.e. xiMi(y)=Mi(y) for i{1,,N}. Next since {Bi}i=1N0 is a covering of X there exists a j0{1,,N0} with xBj0 so yj0Hj0(x)=Fj0(x). In addition since {Di}i=1N is a covering of Y there exists a i0{1,,N} with xDi0 so xi0Mi0(y)=Gi0(y).

Remark 2.10

In the statement of Theorem 2.9, we could replace ‘there exists a map Ti:XYi with Ti(x)Fi(x) for xX, Ti(x) has convex values for each xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi’ with ‘there exists a map Ti:XKi with Ti(x)Fi(x) for xX, Ti(x) has convex values for each xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wKi’. Here we define Hi:XKi and Ji:XKi by Hi(x)={Fi(x),xBiKi,xXBiandJi(x)={Ti(x),xBiKi,xXBi.The reasoning in Theorem 2.9 guarantees that for each i{1,,N0} we have HiΦ(X,Ki). Also as in Theorem 2.9 for each i{1,,N} we have MiΦ(Y,Xi) and MiΦ(K,Xi) (here Mi and Mi are as in Theorem 2.9) and so there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection qi:KXi of Mi with qi(y)Li(y)Mi(y) for yK (here Li and Li are as in Theorem 2.9) and there exists a finite subset Ri of Xi with qi(K)co(Ri)Qi. Let Q=i=1NQi(X). Next let Hi (respectively, Ji) denote the restriction of Hi (respectively, Ji) to Q and note for i{1,,N0} that HiΦ(Q,Ki) since for yKi we have (Ji)1(y)=QJi1(y) which is open in QX=Q so from [Citation2, Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection hi:QKi of Hi with hi(x)Ji(x)Hi(x) for xQ. Let h(x)=i=1N0hi(x)forxQandq(y)=i=1Nqi(y)foryKand let θ:QQ (note h:QK since hi:QKi and q:KQ since qi:KQi) be given by θ(x)=q(h(x)) for xQ and so there exists a xQ with x=θ(x)=q(h(x)) Let y=h(x) so x=q(y) and since xQ we have yj=hj(x)Jj(x)Hj(x)=Hj(x) for j{1,,N0} and since yK we have xi=qi(y)Li(y)Mi(y)=Mi(y) for i{1,,N}. Next since {Bi}i=1N0 is a covering of X and {Di}i=1N is a covering of Y we have our result as in Theorem 2.9.

The same reasoning as in Theorem 2.9 except Theorem 1.1 is used instead of Brouwer's fixed point theorem immediately yields our next result.

Theorem 2.11

Let I and J be index sets and let {Xi}iI, {Yi}iJ be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei with iIXi and iJYi paracompact. For each iJ suppose Fi:XiIXiYi and there exists a map Ti:XYi with Ti(x)Fi(x) for xX, Ti(x) has convex values for each xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi. In addition assume for each iJ there exists a convex compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi. For each jI suppose Gj:YiJYiXj and there exists a map Sj:YXj with Sj(y)Gj(y) for yY, Sj(y) has convex values for each yY and Sj1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXj. Also assume X is a q-Schauder admissible subset of the Hausdorff topological vector space E=iIEi. Finally suppose for each xX there exists a iJ with Ti(x) and suppose for each yY there exists a jI with Sj(y). Then there exists a xX, a yY, a j0J and a i0I with yj0Fj0(x) and xi0Gi0(y).

Remark 2.12

If in Theorem 2.11 we replace ‘suppose for each xX there exists a iJ with Ti(x) and suppose for each yY there exists a jI with Sj(y)’ with ‘suppose there exists a finite subset J0 of J such that for each xX there exists a iJ0 with Ti(x) and also suppose there exists a finite subset I0 of I such that for each for each yY there exists a jI0 with Sj(y)’ then X being a q-Schauder admissible subset of the Hausdorff topological vector space E can be removed. We use the Brouwer fixed-point theorem instead of Theorem 1.1 since Ai={xX:Ti(x)},iJ is an open covering of X (respectively, Ci={yY:Si(y)},iI is an open covering of Y) can be replaced by Ai={xX:Ti(x)},iJ0 is an open covering of X (respectively, Ci={yY:Si(y)},iI0 is an open covering of Y) and proceed as in Theorem 2.9 with {1,,N} replaced by I0 and {1,,N0} replaced by J0. An example of the above situation is if XiIXi and YiJYi are compact (of course no reference to paracompactness is needed in this situation and one could restate Theorem 2.11).

Other classes of maps could also be considered. We illustrate this in our next result.

Theorem 2.13

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei with i=1N0Yi paracompact. For each i{1,,N0} suppose Fi:Xi=1NXiYi and FiAd(X,Yi) and in addition assume there exists a compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi. For each j{1,.N} suppose Gj:Yi=1N0YiXj and there exists a map Sj:YXj with Sj(y)Gj(y) for yY, Sj(y) has convex values for each yY and Sj1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXj. Finally suppose for each yY there exists a j{1,,N} with Sj(y). Then there exists a xX, a yY, a i0{1,,N} with yjFj(x) for all j{1,,N0} and xi0Gi0(y).


Let Ci, Di, Mi and Li be as in Theorem 2.9. The reasoning in Theorem 2.9 guarantees for each i{1,,N} that MiΦ(Y,Xi). Let K=i=1NKi (note K is compact) and let Mi (respectively, Li) denote the restriction of Mi (respectively, Li) to K and as in Theorem 2.9 we have for i{1,,N} that MiΦ(K,Xi) so there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection qi:KXi of Mi with qi(y)Li(y)Mi(y) for yK and there exists a finite subset Ri of Xi with qi(K)co(Ri)Qi. Let Q=i=1NQi(X) and let Fi denote the restriction of Fi to Q and let F(x)=i=1N0Fi(x) for xQ. Note FAd(Q,Y) and note since Fi(Q)Fi(X)Ki for i{1,,N0} then F(Q)K. Let q(y)=i=1Nqi(y)foryKand note q:KQ since qi:KQi for i{1,,N}. Now qFAd(Q,Q) and note Q is a compact convex subset in a finite-dimensional subspace of E=i=1NEi so Theorem 1.1 guarantees a xQ with xq(F(x)). Now let yF(x) with x=q(y). Note yF(x)F(Q)K and yjFj(x) for all j{1,,N0}. Also since xQ we have xi=qi(y)Li(y)Mi(y)=Mi(y) for i{1,,N}. Now since {Di}i=1N is a covering of Y then there exists a i0{1,,N0} with yDi0 so xi0Mi0(y)=Gi0(y).

Remark 2.14

It is easy to adjust the above argument so Ad maps can be replaced by PK maps in Theorem 2.13 once we assume FPK(X,Y) where F(x)=i=1N0Fi(x) for xX. Also there is an analogue result when {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 are replaced by {Xi}iI, {Yi}iJ where I and J are index sets.

Our next result considers the coercive case.

Theorem 2.15

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei with i=1NXi and i=1N0Yi paracompact. For each i{1,,N0} suppose Fi:Xi=1NXiYi and there exists a map Ti:XYi with Ti(x)Fi(x) for xX, Ti(x) has convex values for each xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi. For each j{1,.N} suppose Gj:Yi=1N0YiXj and there exists a map Sj:YXj with Sj(y)Gj(y) for yY, Sj(y) has convex values for each yY and Sj1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXj. In addition assume there is a compact subset K of Y and for each i{1,,N} a convex compact subset Zi of Xi such that for each yYK there exists a i{1,,N} with Si(y)Zi. Finally suppose for each xX there exists a i{1,,N0} with Ti(x) and suppose for each yY there exists a j{1,,N} with Sj(y). Then there exists a xX, a yY, a j0{1,,N0} and a i0{1,,N} with yj0Fj0(x) and xi0Gi0(y).


Let Ai, Bi, Ci, Di, Hi, Ji, Mi and Li be as in Theorem 2.9. The same reasoning as in Theorem 2.9 guarantees that HiΦ(X,Yi) for i{1,,N0} and MiΦ(Y,Xi) for i{1,,N}. Let K be as in the statement of Theorem 2.15 and let Mi (respectively, Li) denote the restriction of Mi (respectively, Li) to K. The same reasoning as in Theorem 2.9 guarantees that for i{1,,N} we have MiΦ(K,Xi) so from [Citation2, Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection qi:KXi of Mi with qi(y)Li(y)Mi(y) for yK and there exists a finite subset Ri of Xi with qi(K)co(Ri). Let Ωi=co(co(Ri)Zi)fori{1,,N}which is a convex compact subset of Xi. Let Gi(y)=Gi(y)ΩiandSi(y)=Si(y)ΩiforyYandi{1,,N}.Note for i{1,,N} and yY that Si(y)=Si(y)ΩiGi(y)Ωi=Gi(y) and if xΩi then (Si)1(x)={zY:xSi(z)}={zY:xSi(z)Ωi}={zY:xSi(z)}=Si1(x)which is open in Y. Next fix yY. We now claim there exists a j{1,,N} with Sj(y). This is immediate if yYK since from one of our assumptions in the statement of Theorem 2.15 there exists a j{1,,N} with Sj(y)Zj so Sj(y)=Sj(y)Ωj since ZjΩj. It remains to consider the case when yK. Since {Di}i=1N is a covering of Y there exists a j0{1,,N} with yDj0, and note qj0(y)Lj0(y)=Sj0(y) since yDj0 and qj0(y)co(Rj0)Ωj0, so Sj0(y)=Sj0(y)Ωj0. Combining all the above we see there exists a j{1,,N} with Sj(y).

Let Ω=i=1NΩi(X) and let Hi (respectively, Ji) denote the restriction of Hi (respectively, Ji) to Ω. Now for i{1,,N0} since HiΦ(X,Yi) then it is immediate that HiΦ(Ω,Yi) (note for yYi we have (Ji)1(y)={zΩ:yJi(z)}={zΩ:yJi(z)}=ΩJi1(y)) so from [Citation2, Citation4] there exists a continuous (single-valued) selection hi:ΩYi of Hi with hi(x)Ji(x)Hi(x) for xΩ and also there exists a finite set Vi of Yi with hi(Ω)co(Vi)Wi (note Wi is a convex compact subset of Yi). For i{1,.,N0} let Fi(x)=Fi(x)WiandTi(x)=Ti(x)WiforxΩ.Note for i{1,,N0} and xΩ that Ti(x)=Ti(x)WiFi(x)Wi=Fi(x) and if yWi then (Ti)1(y)={zΩ:yTi(z)}={zΩ:yTi(z)Wi}={zΩ:yTi(z)}=ΩTi1(y)which is open in Ω. Next fix xX. We now claim there exists a i{1,,N0} with Ti(x). Note since {Bi}i=1N0 is a covering of X and ΩX there exists a i0{1,,N0} with xBi0, and note hi0(Ω)co(Vi0)=Wi0 and hi0(x)Ji0(x)=Ti0(x) since xBi0 and so Ti0(x)=Ti0(x)Wi0.

Now Theorem 2.9 (with Xi replaced by Ωi, X replaced by Ω, Fi replaced by Fi, Ti replaced by Ti, Ki replaced by Wi, Gi replaced by Gi and Si replaced by Si) and Remark 2.10 (note Fi:ΩWi and Gi:YΩi) guarantees that there exists a xΩ, a yY, a j0{1,,N0} and a i0{1,,N} with yj0Fj0(x)=Fj0(x)Wj0 and xi0Gi0(y)=Gi0(y)Ωi0.

Remark 2.16

There is an analogue Theorem 2.15 type result when {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 are replaced by {Xi}iI, {Yi}iJ where I and J are index sets.

Our coincidence results will generate analytic alternatives. To illustrate this, we will obtain an analytic alternative off Theorems 2.9 and 2.15 which will then generate a minimax inequality.

Theorem 2.17

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei with X=i=1NXi and Y=i=1N0Yi paracompact. For each i{1,,N0} let fi,ti:X×YiR with ti(x,yi)fi(x,yi) for (x,yi)X×Yi. For each i{1,,N} let gi,si:Xi×YR with gi(xi,y)si(xi,y) for (xi,y)Xi×Y. Let λR and let Fi(x)={yiYi:ti(x,yi)<λ},Ti(x)={yiYi:fi(x,yi)<λ}forxX,i{1,,N0}Gi(y)={xiXi:si(xi,y)>λ},Si(y)={xiXi:gi(xi,y)>λ}foryY,i{1,,N}and assume supj{1,.,N}sj(xj,y)infi{1,,N0}ti(x,yi) for (x,y)X×Y where xj (respectively, yi) denote the projection of x (respectively, y) on Xj(respectively, Yi). Suppose for each i{1,.,N0} that Ti(x) has convex values for each xX and Ti1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi and also for each i{1,.N} that Si(y) has convex values for each yY and Si1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXi. In addition suppose either

  1. for each i{1,,N0} there exists a convex compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi,


  2. there is a compact subset K of Y and for each i{1,,N} a convex compact subset Zi of Xi such that for each yYK there exists a i{1,,N} with Si(y)Zi,

    hold. Then either

  1. there exists a yY with supi{1,,N}supxiXigi(xi,y)λ,


  2. there exists a xX with infi{1,,N0}infyiYifi(x,yi)λ,



Now either there exists a xX with Ti(x)= for i{1,,N0} or it does not hold. Similarly either there exists a yY with Si(y)= for i{1,,N} or it does not hold. So basically we have there cases to consider.

Suppose first that there exists a yY with Si(y)= for i{1,,N}. Then gi(xi,y)λ for all xiXi and i{1,,N} so supi{1,,N}supxiXigi(xi,y)λ (i.e. (A1) occurs).

Suppose next that there exists a xX with Ti(x)= for i{1,,N0}. Then fi(x,yi)λ for all yiYi and i{1,,N0} so infi{1,,N0}infyiYifi(x,yi)λ (i.e. (A2) occurs).

Finally consider the case that for each xX there exists a i{1,,N0} with Ti(x) and for each yY there exists a j{1,,N} with Sj(y). Note Si is a selection of Gi and Ti is a selection of Fi so Theorem 2.9 (if (1) occurs)) or Theorem 2.15 (if (2) occurs) guarantees a xX, a yY, a j0{1,,N0} and a i0{1,,N} with yj0Fj0(x) and xi0Gi0(y) i.e. tj0(x,yj0)<λ<si0(xi0,y). This contradicts supj{1,.,N}sj(xj,y)infi{1,,N0}ti(x,yi) for (x,y)X×Y.

Now we present a minimax inequality of Neumann–Sion-type from Theorem 2.17.

Theorem 2.18

Let {Xi}i=1N, {Yi}i=1N0 be families of convex sets each in a Hausdorff topological vector space Ei with X=i=1NXi and Y=i=1N0Yi paracompact. For i{1,,N0} let fi,ti:X×YiR with ti(x,yi)fi(x,yi) for (x,yi)X×Yi. For i{1,,N} let gi,si:Xi×YR with gi(xi,y)si(xi,y) for (xi,y)Xi×Y. For each λR let Fi,λ(x)={yiYi:ti(x,yi)<λ},Ti,λ(x)={yiYi:fi(x,yi)<λ}forxX,i{1,,N0}Gi,λ(y)={xiXi:si(xi,y)>λ},Si,λ(y)={xiXi:gi(xi,y)>λ}foryY,i{1,,N}and assume supj{1,.,N}sj(xj,y)infi{1,,N0}ti(x,yi) for (x,y)X×Y where xj (respectively, yi) denote the projection of x (respectively, y) on Xj (respectively, Yi). For each λR suppose for each i{1,.,N0} that Ti,λ(x) has convex values for each xX and Ti,λ1(w) is open (in X) for each wYi and also for each i{1,.N} that Si,λ(y) has convex values for each yY and Si,λ1(w) is open (in Y) for each wXi, and in addition suppose either

  1. for each i{1,,N0} there exists a convex compact set Ki with Fi(X)KiYi,


  2. there is a compact subset K of Y and for each i{1,,N} a convex compact subset Zi of Xi such that for each yYK there exists a i{1,,N} with Si,λ(y)Zi,

    hold. Then αinfyYsupi{1,,N}supxiXigi(xi,y)supxXinfi{1,,N0}infyiYifi(x,yi)β.


Let β< and α> (otherwise we are finished). Suppose β<α. Then there exists a λ with β<λ<α. We will now apply Theorem 2.17. If there exists a yY with supi{1,,N}supxiXigi(xi,y)λ then α=infyYsupi{1,,N}supxiXigi(xi,y)λ and this contradicts λ<α. On the other hand if there exists a xX with infi{1,,N0}infyiYifi(x,yi)λ then β=supxXinfi{1,,N0}infyiYifi(x,yi)λ and this contradicts β<λ. In both cases (see Theorem 2.17) we get a contradiction. Thus βα.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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