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Applicable Analysis
An International Journal
Volume 103, 2024 - Issue 1
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Research Article

The existence and dimension of the attractor for a 3D flow of a non-Newtonian fluid subject to dynamic boundary conditions

Pages 166-183 | Received 20 Sep 2022, Accepted 05 Feb 2023, Published online: 16 Feb 2023


We consider a non-Newtonian incompressible 3D fluid of Ladyzhenskaya type, in the setting of the dynamic boundary condition. Assuming sufficient growth rate of the stress tensor with respect to the velocity gradient, we establish explicit dimension estimate of the global attractor in terms of the physical parameters of the problem.


1. Introduction

The existence of a global attractor, its finite-dimensionality, and possibly even the construction of a finite-dimensional exponential attractor belong to prototypical results of the dynamical theory of nonlinear evolutionary PDEs. These goals are often attained, as long as the system is well-posed and dissipative. The literature being too extensive to quote, let us mention the basic monographs [Citation1–5]. On the other hand, an explicit dimension estimate of the attractor is a different matter, requiring additional tools from functional analysis, and considerably more demanding in view of the regularity of the underlying solution semigroup.

Focusing to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations as a model problem, one can say that in 2D, the problem of the attractor dimension is rather well understood. Reasonable upper estimates are available for various domains, even unbounded ones, and the results are known to be sharp for the torus, see recent paper [Citation6] and the references therein. For the 3D case, weak solutions exist globally, but the uniqueness remains a famous open problem even for the torus. One can still define (sort of) an attractor, but nothing can be said about its dimension. Consequently, various regularizations of the problem, more or less well-motivated physically, have been proposed, for which these problems were then successfully addressed, cf. for example [Citation7] for the so-called Euler-Bardina regularization.

In the present paper, we consider one such classical modification, going back to Ladyzhenskaya [Citation8], where additional gradient integrability is induced by a non-linear modification of the viscous stress tensor via the r-Laplacian type term |Du|r2Du. Thus, one the one hand, the problem becomes well-posed in 3D for values only slightly above the NSE-critical value r = 2. On the other hand, such a highest order nonlinearity brings additional complications to the analysis, as in particular higher regularity of weak solutions is difficult to obtain in dimensions other than two. Note that this so-called Ladyzhenskaya model is well-motivated physically [Citation9].

The problem of the attractor dimension, and more generally, the structural complexity of the dynamics, is presumable highly sensitive to the adopted boundary condition. Motivated by this, we further generalize our setting to allow for a non-linear evolution on Ω, which is driven by the normal stress force of the fluid, exerted across the boundary. Our result is new in particular by providing an explicit (asymptotic) dimension estimate for 3D fully non-linear problem, while remaining in the setting of weak solutions only.

Let us finally mention some related publications and results concerning our model, i.e. the Ladyzhenskaya r-fluid. For basic existence and uniqueness theory of weak solutions under dynamic boundary conditions, see recent paper [Citation10], cf. also [Citation11]. Existence of finite-dimensional exponential attractors was recently established in a rather general setting, but without explicit dimension estimates [Citation12]. Concerning the Dirichlet boundary conditions, explicit dimension estimates in 3D setting were previously obtained in [Citation13], to which the current paper is a direct generalization. Improved dimension estimates, based on the volume contraction method, were also obtained in the 2D setting by [Citation14], and for suitably regularized problem again in 3D setting [Citation15].

2. Formulation of the problem and the main result

We consider generalized Navier-Stokes equations with dynamic boundary condition on a bounded domain ΩR3,ΩC0,1 and bounded time interval (0,T). We denote space-time domain by Q:=(0,T)×Ω, and by Γ:=(0,T)×Ω the space-time boundary. We further denote unknown velocity by v:QR3 and unknown pressure of the fluid by π:QR. The quantity S is called the extra stress tensor and here it is assumed to be a function of the symmetric velocity gradient 2Dv=v+(v)T. The external body force f:QR3 is independent of time.

An essential feature of our model is that we incorporate the so-called dynamic boundary condition, so that the tangential velocity component is subject to a certain non-linear response s=s(v) on Γ. Our system thus reads (1a) tvdiv S+div (vv)+π=fin Q,(1a) (1b) div v=0in Q,(1b) (1c) vn=0on Γ,(1c) (1d) (Sn)τ=αs+βtvon Γ,(1d) (1e) v(0)=v0in ΩΩ.(1e) Concerning the constitutive functions S=S(Dv) and s=s(v), we assume polynomial growth in terms of certain r and q2. More precisely: for all D1,D2Rsym3×3 (2) S(0)=0,|S(D1)S(D2)|c1(ν1+ν2(|D1|+|D2|)r2)|D1D2|,(S(D1)S(D2)):(D1D2)c2(ν1+ν2(|D1|+|D2|)r2)|D1D2|2.(2) Furthermore, it is assumed that S has a potential, (3) S(D)=DΦ(|D|2),c3(ν1+ν2|D|r2)|D|2Φ(D)c4(ν1+ν2|D|r2)|D|2.(3) Typical example is the so-called Ladyzhenskaya fluid (4) S(D)=ν1Dv+ν2|Dv|r2Dv.(4) Regarding the boundary nonlinearity s, we require that for all v1, v2R3 (5) s(0)=0,|s(v1)s(v2)|c5|v1v2|,(s(v1)s(v2))(v1v2)c6|v1v2|2,s(v)vc7(|s|q¯+|v|q),where 1/q+1/q¯=1.(5) Here, we also impose the existence of a potential, i.e. (6) s(v)=vS(v).(6) Without loss of generality, let S(0)=0. It is obvious that S obeys upper and lower q-growth bounds, in view of (Equation5).

Our main result, stated somewhat informally, reads as follows.

Main Theorem: Let r>12/5 and fL2(Ω). Then the system (Equation1a)–(Equation1e) has a global attractor in L2(Ω)×L2(Ω). Moreover, its dimension can be explicitly estimated in terms of the data.

See Theorem 4.1 below for a precise statement and proof. We note that the solutions are not uniquely determined by initial conditions in L2 only. Yet they immediately become more regular (and hence unique), as follows from Theorems 3.2 and 3.3. This issue of initial nonuniqueness is easily avoided in our setting of short trajectories.

As a by-product of the time regularity, we obtain that the attractor is bounded in W1,r, and the solutions on attractor are 1/2-Hölder continuous with values in L2. One can expect that additional, i.e. spatial regularity is also available, so that the solutions would be in fact strong. We leave this problem to the forthcoming paper.

3. Well-posedness and additional time regularity

We carry out our analysis with dynamical boundary condition which includes the time derivative of the velocity v of the fluid weighted by the parameter β. This set up demands a specific type function spaces. First we introduce such function spaces and later we define the Gelfand triplet. We essentially follow the functional set up used in [Citation10, Section 3].

For Ω a Lipschitz domain in Rd, i.e. ΩC0,1, β0 and r(0,), we define VC0,1(Ω¯)×C0,1(Ω) as V:={(v,g)C0,1(Ω¯)×C0,1(Ω):div v=0 in Ω, vn=0, and v=g on Ω}.With the help of V, we define (7) Vr:=V¯Vr,where (v,g)Vr:=vW1,r(Ω)+vL2(Ω)+gL2(Ω),(7) (8) H:=V¯H,where (v,g)H2:=vL2(Ω)2+βgL2(Ω)2(8) Note that H is a Hilbert space with respect to the above norm and Lr-norm on Ω will be denoted by r. We also remark that if (v,g)Vr, then necessarily g=tr v. With some abuse of notation, Vr can thus be identified with its first component v.

Theorem 3.1

Let v0H, fLr(0,T;Vr), T>0 be given, and let r11/5. Then there exists at least one weak solution v to (1), (9) vL(0,T;H)Lr(0,T;Vr),tvLr(0,T;Vr).(9) The solution satisfies energy equality, and the initial condition v(0)=v0 holds for the representative vC([0,T];H).


We only sketch the proof, referring to [Citation10] for details. Take the scalar product of (Equation1a) with an arbitrary φVr, integrate the result over Ω, and use integration by parts to obtain (10) Ω[tvφ+(Svv):φπdivφ]dx+Ω[πI+vvS]nφdS=Ωfφdx.(10) By utilizing the symmetry of S, (Equation1c), (Equation1d), and the properties of φ (divφ=0 in Ω, φn=0 on Ω), we deduce the weak formulation (11) Ωtvφdx+βΩtvφdS+Ω[S(Dv)vv]:φdx+αΩs(v)φ dS=Ωfφdx(11) Formally, we set φ:=v in (Equation11), and use (12) Ω(vv):vdx=Ωi,j=1dvivjivjdx=12Ωi,j=1dvii|vj|2dx,(12) (13) =12(Ωdivv|v|2dx+Ωvn|v|2dS)=0,(13) where we have used (Equation1b), (Equation1c). Thus we obtain, (14) 12ddt(Ω|v|2dx+βΩ|v|2dS)+ΩS(Dv):Dvdx+αΩs(v)vdS=f,vVr,Vr.(14) For the right hand side of (Equation14), we obtain by utilizing Korn's and Young's inequalities, f,vVr,VrfVrvVrc1fVrvW1,rc2(ϵ)fVrr+ϵc3vW1,rr(ϵ>0),c2(ϵ)fVrr+ϵDvrr+ϵvHr.Then by (Equation2) and (Equation5), we deduce, (15) 12ddtvH2+c4[ν1Dv22+ν2Dvrr]+c5αvLq(Γ)qc2(ϵ)fVrr+ϵvHr.(15) We combine compactness and monotonicity arguments to obtain the existence of a solution as a limit of a suitable approximate problem, e.g. the Galerkin scheme. Remark that r=11/5 is the critical value which ensures that the convective term belongs to the proper dual space. Hence in particular, any weak solution is an admissible test function and the energy equality (Equation14) holds. See [Citation11] or [Citation10].

Weak solutions are non-unique in general, unless additional regularity is assumed. In particular, analogously to [Citation13, Theorem 3.2], one proves:

Theorem 3.2

Let u,v be weak solutions with u(0)=v(0), and furthermore, let vL2r2r3(0,T;Vr). Then u=v.


Test the equation for w:=uv by w. Using the identity (16) Ω(uuvv):w=Ω(uwwv):w=Ω(wv)w(16) (in view of div(uu)=(u)u+(u)u) as well as (Equation2), one obtains (17) 12ddt(w22+βwL2(Ω)2)+c2ΩI2(Du,Dv)dx+αΩ(s(u)s(v))wdSΩ|w|2|v|dx,(17) where (18) I2(Du,Dv):=(ν1+ν2(|Du|+|Dv|)r2)|Dw|2.(18) By monotonicity we have αΩ(s(u)s(v))wdS0.This yields (19) 12ddt(w22+βwL2(Ω)2)+c2ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxΩ|w|2|v|dx.(19) By Korn inequality (Lemma A.5 in the Appendix), we have (20) ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxν1Ω|Dw|2dx+ν2Ω|Dw|rdxcν1(wW1,2(Ω)2wL2(Ω)2).(20) We further estimate, using (EquationA19), cf. the Appendix, Ω|w|2|v|dxvrw2rr12c3vrw22r3rwW1,2(Ω)3r,c24ν1wW1,2(Ω)2+c4ν132r3vr32r3w22.Then with (Equation20) we obtain, (21) ddtwH2+c5ν1wW1,2(Ω)2+c5ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxc4ν132r3vW1,r(Ω)32r3w22+c6wL2(Ω)2,c4ν132r3vW1,r(Ω)32r3w22+c6wL2(Ω)2,c7(ν132r3vW1,r(Ω)32r3+1)wH2.(21) Finally we apply Grönwall's lemma to deduce (22) w(t)22Kw(s)22,0stT.(22) In particular, we have uniqueness.

Now, we obtain additional time regularity of the solutions, together with an explicit estimate of the relevant norms, cf. [Citation13, Theorem 3.3]. Symbol means an inequality up to some generic (i.e. independent of the data) constant ci>0.

Theorem 3.3

Let r>12/5, fL2(Ω). Then the weak solution has additional time regularity vL(τ,T;Vr),tvL2(τ,T;L2(Ω)).Here τ(0,T) is arbitrary, and one can take τ=0 if v(0)Vr.

Proof: Now let φ=tv in (Equation11) Ω|tv|2dx+βΩ|tv|2dS+Ω[S(Dv)]:tvdx+αΩs(v)tvdS=Ωftvdx,tvH2+Ω[S(Dv)]:tDvdx+Ω(vv)tvdx+αΩs(v)tvdS=Ωftvdx.We estimate, (23) Ω(vv)tvdxv2rr22vW1,r(Ω)2+14tv22.(23) Now by (Equation6), we obtain, Ωs(v)tvdS=ddt(ΩS(v)dS).Then we obtain the following inequality, (24) 12tvH2+ddtΩΦ(Dv)dx+ddt(ΩS(v)dS)c8v2rr22vW1,r(Ω)2+f22.(24) This can be more compactly written as (25) 12tvH2+ddtUc8v2rr22vW1,r(Ω)2+f22,(25) where (26) U=U(t):=1+ΩΦ(Dv)dx+ΩS(v)dS,and henceU1+ν1Dv22+ν2Dvrr+S(v)L1(Ω),(26) by (Equation3) and Korn's inequality (A.5). Now we distinguish two cases:

  1. case r(12/5,3]. We claim (27) v2rr2c9v2avW1,r(Ω)1a,a=5r125r6.(27) Note that a>0 as r>12/5. Then for r3, the embedding W1,r(Ω)L3r3r(Ω) holds. We obtain (28) v2rr2v2av3r3r1ac9v2avW1,r(Ω)1a.(28) Then we estimate the first term on the right hand side of (Equation25) and obtain v22(5r12)5r6vW1,r(Ω)10r5r6ν2105r6v22(5r12)5r6[ν2vW1,r(Ω)r]105r6,ν2105r6v22(5r12)5r6[ν2Dvrr+ν2v2r]105r6,ν2105r6v22(5r12)5r6U105r6+v24.This yields (29) ddtUc10ν2105r6v22(5r12)5r6U105r6+v24+f22.(29) Dividing by U1μ, where μ=2(5r12)5r6 yields, (30) ddtUμc10ν2105r6v22(5r12)5r6U+v24+f22.(30) Then we apply Grönwall's lemma to obtain the necessary bounds on U. It is worthwhile to note that [v24+f22]Uμ1=[v24+f22]U5r165r6v24+f22.The above property holds true because U1 and for r3, we have 5r165r6<0.

  2. case r>3. Since 2rr2(2,6), we use the interpolation Lemma A.4 to obtain, (31) v2rr2v2r3rv63r.(31) Again by Lemma A.6 we obtain, (32) v2rr2v2r2rvW1,3(Ω)2rc11v2r2rvW1,r(Ω)2r.(32) Then right hand side of (Equation25) can be estimated as (33) v22(r2)rvW1,r(Ω)2r+4rv22(r2)r[Dvrr+v2r]2r+4r2,ν2r22r+4v22(r2)rU2r+4r2+v24.(33) This yields (34) ddtUc12ν2r22r+4v22(r2)rU2r+4r2+v24+f22.(34) Take μ=2r+4r21. Then we consider two cases.

    If 2r+4r2>1, i.e. μ>0, we divide (Equation34) by Uμ. Thus we obtain ddtU1μc12ν2r22r+4v22(r2)rU+v24+f22.Similar to the previous case where r(12/5,3], we observe that [v24+f22]Uμv24+f22.If 2r+4r21, i.e. μ0, we obtain by (Equation34), (35) ddtUc12ν2r22r+4v22(r2)rU+v24+f22.(35) Then in both cases, we invoke Grönwall's lemma to obtain bounds on U.

4. Dimension of the attractor

We follow the general scheme of method of trajectories presented in [Citation16]. The main modification here is that we explicitly keep track of all a priori estimates.

Lemma 4.1

There exists an absorbing, positively invariant set BˆH such that (36) B0:=supvBˆvHc1min{κ11f2,[κ21f2]1s1},(36) where s=min{r,q}, and κ=min{ν2,α}.


As in Theorem 3.1, we obtain (37) ddtvH2+c2[ν1Dv22+ν2Dvrr+αvLq(Γ)q]c3f2vH.(37) Then by dropping the term Dvrr, we compute by Korn's inequality in Lemma A.5, (38) ddtvH2+c2κ1vH2c3f2vH,where κ1=min{ν1,α}.(38) Thus ddtvH2γvH2 if vH>c4κ11f2 for some γ>0. Now we drop the term Dv22 and obtain, (39) ddtvH2+c2[ν2Dvrr+αvLq(Γ)q]c3f2vH.(39) Then we use the following estimate for vH1, ν2Dvrr+αvLq(Γ)qc5κvHs,where s=min{r,q},andκ2=min{ν2,α}.Thus we obtain ddtvH2γvH2 if vH>c6[κ1f2]1s1 for some γ>0. Hence the conclusion follows.

Lemma 4.2

There exists an absorbing, positively invariant BBˆ such that B is closed in H, and (40) Br:=supvBˆvW1,r{c12B05(5r6)2(5r11),r(12/5,3],c12B05,r>3.(40)


Set B:={v(2T);v is a weak solution on [0,2T], and v(0)Bˆ},and we take T=B0. Recalling (Equation38) and taking U=ν1Dv22+ν2Dvrr (41) 0TU(t)dt0T[f2vH+ddtvH2]dt,B02+TB02c1B02.(41) By the mean value theorem of integrals, we obtain for τ(0,T) such that (42) U(τ)c2B0.(42) Assume r3. Integrating (Equation30) over (τ,2T) yields Uμ(2T)c3ν2105r6B02(5r12)5r6τ2TU(t)dt+τ2T[v24+f22]dt+Uμ(τ),c4ν2105r6B04(5r9)5r6+c5B0μ+c6B05+c7B0f22.Here μ=2(5r11)5r6. It is reasonable to assume that B0>1, and ν1,ν2<1, hence the largest term is B05/μ-term. The above estimate only gives an upper bound for Dvr. But by adding v2 to both sides we obtain an upper bound for vW1,r. Then the desired estimate for Br holds.

Then we compute for r>3. Integrating U(2T)c7ν2r22r+4B02(r2)rτ2TU(t)dt+τ2T[v24+f22]dt+U(τ),c8ν2r22r+4B04(r1)r+c9B05+c10B0f22+c11B0.The largest term is the B05-term. Hence the estimate follows. The closedness of B follows from the compactness of the set of weak solutions, which is part of the existence theory. See the reference for Theorem 3.1.

4.1. Attractors and method of trajectories

Observe that by Theorems 3.2 and 3.3, the solution operator S(t):v0v(t) is well-defined for v0B. It follows that (43) A=ω(B)=τ0tτS(t)B¯H(43) is the so-called global attractor. Our ultimate goal is to estimate its fractal dimension, defined as (44) dfH(A)=lim supϵ0+lnNH(A,ϵ)lnϵ(44) where NH(A,ϵ) is the smallest number of ε-balls in the space H that cover A. We employ the method of trajectories. Since the argument is very similar to [Citation13], we only briefly sketch the main points. We refer to [Citation16] for a more detailed description of the method; see also the introduction for other related references.

Let >0 be fixed; the exact value will specified in (Equation47) below. The space of trajectories is defined as (45) B={χH;χ is a weak solution on [0,],χ(0)B},(45) with the underlying metric of H=L2(0,;H). Note however that any trajectory χ has additional regularity, cf. Theorem 3.1. In particular, we always work with the representative χC([0,];H), so that the value χ(t) is well-defined for any t[0,]. The operators L:BB, b:BB and e:BB are defined via the conditions L(χ)=ψχ()=ψ(0),e(χ)=χ(),b(v0)=χχ(0)=v0.Observe that S()=eb and be=L, hence L is an equivalent (discrete) description of the dynamics of S(t) on B=b(B). In particular, one has A=b(A), A=e(A), where A is the global attractor for the dynamical system (Ln,B).

In view of the Lipschitz continuity of operators e, b (see for example [Citation16, Lemma 2.1], [Citation16, Lemma 1.2]) (46 ) dfH(A)=dfL2(0,;H)(A).(46 ) Thus, it suffices to estimate the last quantity. This will be done using the so-called smoothing property, see [Citation16, Lemma 1.3]; see also [Citation13, Theorem 4.1]. It remains to explicitly estimate the appropriate Lipschitz constants, which is done in the following lemma. Finally, the asymptotics of covering numbers is investigated in the Appendix.

Lemma 4.3

Set (47) :=[ν132r3Br2r2r3+1]1.(47) Then for all χ,ψA (48) LχLψL2(0,;V2)L1χψH,(48) (49) tLχtLψL2(0,;Vr)L2χψH,(49) where (50) L1=c1ν11212,(50) (51) L2=U+W+Q,(51) (52) U=c2ν1L1(1+Mr),(52) (53) Mr=ν112ν212Brr22,(53) (54) W={c4B05r125r6Br65r6,r(12/5,3],c4B0r2rBr2r,r>3.(54)


Let u,v be two weak solutions on [0,2] such that u|[0,]=χ,u|[0,]=ψ, and set w:=uv. In view of (Equation47), (Equation21) is rewritten as ddtwH2+c5ν1wW1,2(Ω)2+c5ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxc7[ν132r3Br2r2r3+1]wH2.We replace norm of the second term of the left hand side with the equivalent norm V2. This yields, ddtwH2+c8ν1wV22+c8ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxc7[ν132r3Br2r2r3+1]wH2.Then by (Equation47) we obtain, (55) ddtwH2+c8ν1wV22+c8ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxc71wH2.(55) Neglecting the positive terms of the left hand side, we obtain from Grönwall's Lemma (56) w(t)H2c9w(s)H2,0<s<t<2,(56) where c9=exp((ts)1)exp(2c7). In other words, the smallness of ℓ eliminates the (exponential) dependence of the Lipschitz constant of S(t) on the viscosities.

Integrating (Equation55) over (s,2), where s(0,) is fixed, one further derives c8ν1s2w(t)V22dt+c8s2ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxdtw(s)H2+c71s2w(t)H2dt.By (Equation56), we obtain s2w(t)H2dt2c9w(s)H2. By substituting this back in the above inequality, we obtain, c8ν1s2w(t)V22dt+c8s2ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxdtc10w(s)H2.Integrating over s(0,) yields, ν1s2w(t)V22dt+s2ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxdtc110w(s)H2ds.This proves (Equation48). We also note here that (57) [s2ΩI2(Du,Dv)dxdt]1/2c12ν112L1[0w(s)H2ds]1/2.(57) To prove (Equation49), (1) is used to get twL2(,2;Vr)=supφ2tw,φdt,=supφ[2Ω(S(Du)S(Dv)):DφdxdtI1+2Ω(uuvv):φdxdtI2+α2Ω(s(u)s(v))w:φdSdtI3]where the supremum is taken over φL2(,2;Vr) with φ=1. By Hölder inequality I1[2S(Du)S(Dv)r2dt]1/2.Then by (Equation2), (Equation18) we obtain |S(Du)S(Dv)|I(Du,Dv)(ν1+ν2(|Du|+|Du|)r2)1/2,hence S(Du)S(Dv)r=[Ω|S(Du)S(Dv)|rdx]1/r,[ΩIr(Du,Dv)(ν1+ν2(|Du|+|Du|)r2)r/2dx]1/r,[ΩIsr(Du,Dv)dx]1/sr[Ω(ν1+ν2(|Du|+|Du|)r2)sr/2dx]1/sr.We choose s,s such that 1/s+1/s=1,rs=2 and rs=2r/r2. Then we obtain S(Du)S(Dv)r[ΩI2(Du,Dv)dx]1/2[Ω(ν1+ν2(|Du|+|Du|)r2)r/r2dx]r2/2rM.Now we compute, M=ν11/2[Ω(1+ν11ν2(|Du|+|Du|)r2)r/r2dx]r2/2r,c13ν11/2[1+ν11ν2Ω(|Du|r+|Du|r)dx]r2/2r,c14ν1(1+Mr),cf. (Equation53). Note that the integral above cannot be bounded directly by Br in (Equation40). But U in Lemma 4.2 is bounded by Br. Combining (Equation50), (Equation57) I1UχψH.Now we proceed to the estimate I22Ω|w|(|u|+|v|)|φ|dxdt[2|w|(|u|+|v|)dt]1/r.Then we compute |w|(|u|+|v|)r=[Ω|w|r(|u|+|v|)rdx]1/r,c15w2(u2rr2+v2rr2).We consider two cases

  1. case r(12/5,3]. Using (Equation27), (Equation40), we obtain I2c16[2w22dt]1/2supt(,2)[u2rr2+v2rr2],c17B05r125r6Br65r6[2w22dt]1/2,WχψH.satisfying the first part of (Equation54).

  2. case r>3. Using (Equation32), (Equation40), we obtain I2c16[2w22dt]1/2supt(,2)[u2rr2+v2rr2],c18B0r2rBr2r[2w22dt]1/2,WχψH.satisfying the second part of (Equation54). Finally, we estimate I3QχψH,with (Equation5). This concludes the proof of the Lemma.

Now we formulate the main result.

Theorem 4.1

Let the stress tensor satisfy (Equation2), (Equation3) with r>12/5. Then (1) has a global attractor A, and its dimension can be estimated as (58) dfH(A)c19(L14+L12(11r6)3rL2)lnL1,(58) where L1,L2 and ℓ are given in Lemma 4.3.


Follows exactly along the arguments of [Citation13, Theorem 4.1], using the estimates of Lemma 4.3 above and Lemma A.3 below.


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The authors were supported by the project No. 20-11027X financed by Czech Science Foundation (GAČR).


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Appendix 1.

Coverings and fractal dimension

Now we present an elementary description of a class of Sobolev and Bochner spaces with fractional derivatives. These formulations will be used to obtain covering numbers for compact embeddings. We follow a similar technique used in [Citation13, Section 7: Appendix], or [Citation17, Secion 4]. Consider the following inhomogeneous Stokes problem, tvdiv Dv+π=f, div v=0in Q,vn=0, (Dv)n+αv=βtvon Γ,v(0)=v0in Ω¯.Then the above dynamical system defines the operator A which generates a strongly continuous analytic semigroup on H with a compact resolvent with domain D(A)⊂⊂V, see [Citation18, Theorem 1, p. 7]. We thus have linear (unbounded) operator A:D(A)H satisfying, (A2) (u,φ)V=(Au,φ)H, uD(A),  φV.(A2) Moreover, from the same reference we have that A is surjective, and is also symmetric on its domain, i.e. for any u,vD(A) we have (A3) (Au,v)H=(u,Av)H.(A3) Then by virtue of [Citation19, Section 5, p. 168], we can define the domains fractional powers of the operator A. Then by [Citation20, Theorem 1.15.3, p. 114] for 0θ1, (A4) D(Aθ)[L2(Ω)×L2(Ω),H2(Ω)×L2(Ω)]θH2θ(Ω)×L2(Ω),(A4) where Hs(Ω)=Ws,2(Ω), sR. For more details on domains of fractional powers of matrix-valued operators, we refer to [Citation21] and references therein. Let wj,λj=1,2, be the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the operator A respectively. (A5a) divDwj=λjwjin Ω,(A5a) (A5b) div wj=0in Ω,(A5b) (A5c) Dwjn+αwj=λjβwjon Ω.(A5c) Note that we have taken tv=λiv for λi to be nonnegative. One can show that {wj}jN is a basis for V and H, it is orthogonal in V and orthonormal in H. Moreover, we have limiλi=+. See [Citation11, Lemma 3.1]. We also have (A6) Cj1/2λjC~j2/3,(A6) for dimension d = 3 by [Citation18, Section 3.2], and Lemma A.7 for some positive constants C, C~. For bR, one introduces the space Hb:=Hb(Ω)×L2(Ω) as (A7) Hb=Hb(Ω)×L2(Ω).(A7) Let us define, Hb:=(Hb(Ω))×L2(Ω), with the duality given by the generalized scalar product in H. Further, we define Hb as a class of interpolation spaces in the sense that [Hb1,Hb2]α=Hb, where b=(1α)b1+αb2. To relate Hb to classical Sobolev spaces (product), observe that (u,g)H02=(u,g)H2=u22+βgL2(Ω)2,(Au,u)H=A1/2uH2=jaj2λj,=vH1(Ω)2+βtr uL2(Ω)2uH12uV2,andcompute Au=jajAwj=jajλjwj,henceAuH2=uH22.Similarly, an orthonormal basis for L2(0,) will be defined as (A8) φ0(t)=1/2,φk(t)=21/21/2cos(kπt1),k1.(A8) One sets μ0=2, μk=k2π22. The space Ha(0,) is defined as ϕHa(0,)2=kak2μka,ak=0ϕ(t)φk(t)dt.The seminorm H˙a(0,) will also be used, ϕH˙a(0,)2=k0ak2μka,and the space H0a(0,), in the definition of which φk(t)s are replaced by ψk(t)=21/21/2sin(kπt1),k0.Note that (A9) μkk22,|φk(t)|,|ψk(t)|c11/2.(A9) The dependence on ℓ has to be carefully traced down, since <<1 in the applications.

Now we combine wj,φk to describe certain norms of fractional Bochner spaces. For u(x,t):Ω×(0,)R3, one sets uHa(0,;Hb)2=j,kaj2λjbμka,uH˙a(0,;Hb)2=j,k0aj2λjbμka,whereajk=Ω×Ω×(0,)v(x,t)wj(x)φk(t)dxdt.As above, there is the introduction H0a(0,;Hb) using ψk in place of φk. It is straightforward to verify that (A10) uL2(0,;Hb)=uH0(0,;Hb)=uH00(0,;Hb).(A10) In the following Lemma from [Citation13, Lemma 7.1], it is proven that the seminorm H˙1(0,) can be estimated in terms of the time derivative. The value of b given in (EquationA11) is obtained by (EquationA20).

Lemma A.1

Let r2 and let b be given by (A11) b=5r62r,i.e. b1.(A11) Then uH˙1(0,;Hb)c1tuL2(0,;Vr).Here t stands for the distributional derivative in Ω×(0,).

Then we obtain the following two Lemmas from [Citation13, Lemma 7.2, Lemma 7.3] by devising similar computations.

Lemma A.2

Let r2,>0 and C1,C2>>1. Denote M={u:uL2(0,;V2)C1, tuL2(0,;Vr)C2}.There exists orthonormal projection P in L2(0,;H) such that (A12) dist(M,P(M))18,(A12) and (A13) rankPc2(C14+C12(11r6)3rC2).(A13)


The proof of this lemma follows similar argumentation as [Citation13, Lemma 7.2]. By virtue of (EquationA10) and Lemma A.1, M can described by H0(0,;H1) and H0(0,;Hb), where b=(5r6)/2r. Then the Fourier coefficients of uM satisfy (A14) j,kajk2λjc3C12,j,k0ajk2λjbμkc4C22.(A14) Hence it is enough to take P as the projection to the span of {wjφk:λj8c3C12 and μk8c4λjbC22}.First, we show that (EquationA12) holds. First observe that, for uM, u=j,kajkwjφk,andPu={λj8c3C12, μk8c4λjbC22}ajkwjφk.Now we estimate uPuH2={λj>8c3C12, or μk>8c4λjbC22}ajk2.We further estimate above two different cases separately, uPuH2={λj>8c3C12}ajk2,or uPuH2={μk>8c4λjbC22}ajk2.Furthermore, uPuH2={λj>8c3C12}ajk2λj1λj,or uPuH2={μk>8c4λjbC22}ajk2λjbμkλjbμk,combining both cases, we obtain (A15) uPuH218.(A15) Hence (EquationA12). Now we recall (EquationA6) and (EquationA9), we estimate (A16) rank P{j  c5C14}(1+C2jb/3)c6(C14+C2C14(b+3)3),=c6(C14+C12(11r6)3rC2),(A16)

Lemma A.3

The set M from Lemma A.2 can be covered by K balls of radii 1/2 in L2(0,;H), where (A17) lnKc7(C14+C12(11r6)3rC2)lnC1.(A17)

Remark A.1

The difference between the estimate obtained in [Citation13, Lemma 7.2] and (EquationA13) is due to the difference between the lower and upper bounds of the eigenvalues in two cases. In the former, the authors had λjc1j2/3, and in our case we have Cj1/2λjC~j2/3. This difference is also evident in the estimate (EquationA17).

Appendix 2.

Lemma A.4

[Citation22, Lemma II.2.33, p. 66]

Let Ω be any open set of Rd and let uLp(Ω)Lq(Ω) with 1p,q. Then for all r such that 1r=θp+1θq,0<θ<1,we have uLr(Ω), and (A18) urupθuq1θ.(A18)

Theorem A.2

[Citation22, p. 173]

Let Ω be a Lipschitz domain in Rd with compact boundary. Let p[1,] and q[p,pddp]. There exists a C>0 such that (A19) φLq(Ω)CφLp(Ω)1+d/qd/pφW1,p(Ω)d/pd/q,for all φW1,p(Ω).(A19)

Lemma A.5

[Citation23, Lemma 1.11, p. 63]

Let ΩC0,1 and q(0,+). Then there exists a positive constant C, depending only on Ω and q, such that for all vW1,q(Ω) which has the trace tr vL2(Ω), the following inequality hold, wW1,q(Ω)C(DvLq(Ω)+tr vL2(Ω)),wW1,q(Ω)C(DvLq(Ω)+vL2(Ω)).

Theorem A.3

[Citation20, p328]

Let Ω be an arbitrary bounded domain, ΩRd. Let 0ts< and >qq~>1. Then, the following embedding holds true: (A20) Ws,q~(Ω)Wt,q(Ω),sdq~tdq.(A20)

Lemma A.6

Let ΩR3 be a bounded domain. Then (A21) u6c0u213uW1,3(Ω)23,(A21) for any function uW1,3(Ω).


By interpolation result (EquationA19), we obtain (A22) u6c1u312uW1,3(Ω)12.(A22) Then by (EquationA18), we obtain (A23) u3u212u612.(A23) By combining above two inequalities, we obtain the result.

Lemma A.7

Let the dimension of Ω be d. Then the eigenvalues {λj} of the problem (A5) are bounded above by cj2/d where c>0.


The asymptotic behavior of the eigenvalues λj as j can be estimated using the Rayleigh quotient (A24) R(u)=Ω|Du|2dx+αΩ|u|2dSΩ|u|2dx+βΩ|u|2dS.(A24) With this notion we have (A25) λj=infMXj(V)supuM{0}R(u),(A25) where Xj(V) is the j-dimensional subspaces of the space V with divergence free condition and zero normal component. Then we estimate (A26) R(u)cuW1,2(Ω)2u22.(A26) Therefore (A27) λjcinfMXj(W)supuM{0}uW1,2(Ω)2u22=cμk,(A27) where space W with divergence free and zero boundary conditions, i.e. WV. Now this upper-bound cμk is related to the following Stokes-eigenvalue problem Δu+π=μkuin Ω,div u=0in Ω,u=0on Ω.It is shown in [Citation24] that μkk2/d. Hence we have λjcj2/d.