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Stability analysis and stabilisation in linear continuous-time periodic systems by complex scaling

Pages 2053-2065 | Received 20 Apr 2018, Accepted 22 Oct 2018, Published online: 02 Nov 2018


By scaling in the complex domain (namely, complex scaling) the return difference relations of linear continuous-time periodic (LCP) feedback systems, we generalise the 2-regularised stability criteria for asymptotic stability in this paper. The stability conditions of the generalised criterion are necessary and sufficient, and involve neither contour and locus orientation specification, nor open-loop Floquet factorisation and its eigenvalues distribution. Finite-dimensional implementation of the suggested criteria is considered via a two-step truncation approach. The finite-dimensional criteria are implementable either graphically with locus plotting, or numerically without locus plotting, besides retaining the aforementioned technical advantages. Furthermore, also exploiting the complex scaling technique, stabilisation of LCP systems with static state feedback is worked out in the internal or external stability sense, whose alternative interpretations in terms of the small-gain theorem and the Gronwall inequality are explicated. To illustrate the main results, the lossy Mathieu differential equation is investigated.

1. Introduction

Stability analysis and stabilisation are inevitably more difficult when linear continuous-time periodic (LCP) systems (Bittanti & Colaneri, Citation2001; Farkas, Citation1994; Halanay, Citation1966; Montagnier, Spiteri, & Angeles, Citation2004; Zhou & Hagiwara, Citation2005; Zhou, Hagiwara, & Araki, Citation2002) are considered, due to issues in transition matrix computing and Floquet factorisation for Floquet-Lyapunov coordinates transformation. We are frequently confronted with LCP models in engineering applications such as modelling flapping dynamics of helicopter rotor blades (Dugundji & Wendelll, Citation1983) and describing rolling motion of ships in waves (Allievi & Soudack, Citation1990). Miscellaneous stability terminologies and techniques for LCP systems are discussed. For example, absolute stability of LCP systems with nonlinearities subject to integral quadratic constraints is dealt with in Kao, Megretski, and J&quote;onsson (Citation2001) and Yakubovich (Citation1988) by the cutting plane algorithm and the Hamiltonian approach, respectively, while input/output stability and Youla-style parametrization of stabilising controllers are discussed in Cantoni and Glover (Citation2000) via the graph representation. The Fredholm theory is adopted in stability testing and H2 computation by Lampe and Rossenwasser (Citation2010Citation2011). As is well known, the Floquet theorem reflects asymptotic stability in LCP systems by eigenvalues distribution of the so-called monodromies that can only be calculated generally via numerical integral. Asymptotic stability in LCP systems has also been attacked by the Lyapunov method (Bolzern & Colaneri, Citation1988) and the harmonic analysis (Zhou et al., Citation2002). Perturbation methods to study stability in LCP systems can be found in Nayfeh and Mook (Citation1979); Zhou and Qian (Citation2017a). Indeed, LCP systems belong to a big class of complicated systems nearest to LTI ones, which have been investigated quite intensively via the harmonic analysis (Zhou & Hagiwara, Citation2005; Zhou et al., Citation2002; Zhou, Lu, & Qian, Citation2016).

In feedback configurations with LCP plants, a stability criterion is suggested in Hall and Wereley (Citation1990), which is integral-operator-based (namely, integral operator modelling of periodic systems). Regarding infinite-dimensionality and truncation convergence issues in the Hill-determinant, the result validity in Hall and Wereley (Citation1990) was not given. Recently, a generalised Nyquist criterion in 2-regularised determinant is reported in Zhou and Hagiwara (Citation2005). Although implementation algorithms are also contrived in Zhou and Hagiwara (Citation2005), the algorithms entail Floquet factorizations for providing open-loop poles distribution and guarantee numerical convergence in truncating infinite-dimensional Toeplitz operators during locus plotting. As is well known, transition matrices in LCP systems are hard to fix and so are their Floquet factorizations. Since irreducible/reducible Floquet factorizations may yield controllability/observability discrepancies (Zhou et al., Citation2016), internal stability may not be reflected appropriately and rigorously.

To surmount various algebraic and structural obstacles in stability analysis and stabilisation (Zhou, Qian, & Lu, Citation2017), the complex scaling technique is suggested and brings us with fruitful results in complicated feedback systems, say fractional-order (Zhou, Citation2017), sampled-data (Zhou & Qian, Citation2017b), time-delayed (Zhou, Gao, & Lu, Citation2018) and even nonlinear systems (Zhou, Citation2018). It must be stressed that although the same mathematical tool is adopted in the studies, different types of return difference relations with essentially different properties must be dealt with. This is also the case in LCP systems, whose complex-domain relations are infinite-dimensional.

In this paper, the feedback connections with LCP plants and controllers are attacked via complex scaling. More precisely, the harmonic return difference relation (Zhou & Hagiwara, Citation2005) is re-written into a complex scaling manner by separating the open- and closed-loop characteristic polynomials, with respect to prescribed scaling comparators. Based on the argument principle of complex analysis, we validate rigorously the complex scaling 2-regularised criteria for asymptotic stability in LCP systems (Zhou, Citation2013). The suggested stability conditions are necessary and sufficient. Different from the criteria of (Zhou & Hagiwara, Citation2005; Zhou et al., Citation2002), however, the complex scaling ones involve no open-loop Floquet factorisation and are stated with self-defined contour and locus orientation conditions. Implementation algorithms are proposed via truncating the harmonic transfer operators, in terms of finite-dimensional LTI system approximations. Moreover, the finite-dimensional criteria can be employed graphically with locus plotting, or numerically by computing complex argument incremental; the latter makes the approach be numerically tractable so that it is suitable for stabilisation as well.

Outline. Section 2 gives preliminaries to Toeplitz transformation of periodic functions and harmonic transfer operators. In Section 3, the complex scaling return difference relation is created, and the complex scaling stability criteria are claimed. Finite-dimensional implementation and its numerical convergence are considered in Section 4. Stabilization design for LCP systems is examined in Section 5. The lossy Mathieu equation is examined to illustrate the main results in Section 6. Conclusions are summarised in Section 7.

2. Notations and preliminaries to LCP systems

2.1. Notations and terminologies

In the paper, || denotes the absolute value of a scalar, the Euclidean vector norm and the induced matrix norm. l2 is the set of all infinite-dimensional vectors x_ with +|xm|2<, where xm is the m-th entry of x_. ||l2/l2 denotes the l2-induced norm for an operator ():l2l2. L2[0,h] is the linear space of all measurable functions x(t) defined on [0,h] with 0h|x(t)|2dt<. C is the field of all complex numbers and Z is the ring of all integers. λ() denotes the set of all eigenvalues of (), while the k-th one is meant by λk(). We denote the subsets LPCD[0,h]L2[0,h], LPCC[0,h]L2[0,h], and LAC[0,h]L2[0,h]. PCD implies f(t)LPCD[0,h] is piecewise continuous and differentiable a.e. (almost everywhere); PCC implies that f(t) is piecewise continuous and its Fourier series is convergent a.e., and AC means that the Fourier series of f(t) is absolutely convergent.

To understand the 2-regularised determinant, let λi(A) denote the i-th eigenvalue of a linear compact operator A:l2l2 and si(A):=(λi(AA))1/2 be its i-th singular value. For p=1,2, the set of all compact operators satisfying |A|p:=(isi(A)p)1/p< is denoted by C1 and C2, respectively. The operators in C1 are trace class while those in C2 are Hilbert-Schmidt (Böttcher & Silbermann, Citation1990; Gohberg, Goldberg, & Krupnik, Citation2000). Clearly, C1C2. For AC1, the operator trace and determinant tr(A):=λi(A), det(I+A)=(1+λi(A)) are well-defined if the infinite summation and product converge. For AC2, let R2(A)=(I+A)exp{A}IC1. Thus, det2(I+A):=det(I+R2(A)) is the 2-regularised determinant of I+A.

Expand X(t)L2[0,h] to its Fourier series m=+Xmejmωht with ωh:=2π/h. The Toeplitz transformation of X(t), denoted by T{X(t)}, maps X(t) into a doubly infinite-dimensional block Toeplitz operator (or block Laurent operator (Gohberg, Goldberg, & Kaashoek, Citation1993, p. 564)) as T{X(t)}:=[X0X1X2X1X0X1X2X1X0]=:X

2.2. Preliminaries to LCP systems

Firstly, consider the LCP system (1) G:{x˙=A(t)x+B(t)uy=C(t)x(1) where A(t),B(t) and C(t) are h-periodically time-varying. Let Φ(t,t0) be the transition matrix. By the Floquet theorem (Lukes, Citation1982), if A(t)L2[0,h], then Φ(t,0) is absolutely continuous in t and has Floquet factorisation Φ(t,0)=P(t,0)eQt, where P(t,0) is absolutely continuous, nonsingular and h-periodic in t, and Q is a constant (probably complex) matrix. The system is asymptotically stable if and only if all eigenvalues of Q lie in the open left-half plane.

Secondly, we define A:=T{A(t)}, B:=T{B(t)}, C:=T{C(t)}, P:=T{P(t,0)}, Q:=T{Q}=diag[,Q,Q,Q,] and E(s):=diag[,ϕ1(s)I,ϕ0(s)I,ϕ1(s)I,], where ϕm(s):=s+jmωh,mZ,sC and I is the n×n identity matrix. In addition, lE:={x_l2:E(j0)x_l2}, which is dense in l2. It is easy to see that P(E(j0)Q)P1 and E(j0)A are unbounded and densely defined on l2 and satisfy (2) P(E(j0)Q)P1=E(j0)A(2) Moreover, the system is asymptotically stable if and only if all eigenvalues of QE(j0) lie in the open left-half plane. Also, λ(QE(j0))={λ(Q)+jmωh:mZ}=λ(AE(j0)):=Λ.

Thirdly, we introduce the harmonic transfer operator of (Equation1) by (3) G(s):=C(E(s)A)1B(3) To ensure well-definedness of E1(s) and G(s), let us define a domain ΩC to satisfy: (A1). Ω is simply connected and has a simple closed boundary Ω~; also, |Im(s)|ωh over sΩ. (A2). For each sΩΛ, E(s)Q is an invertible mapping from lE to l2. (A3). For each sΩ, E(s) is an invertible mapping from lE to l2 with E1(s) being bounded.

When the domain Ω is meant as above, for all sΩΛ, we have (4) P(E(s)Q)1P1=(E(s)A)1(4) which says that G(s):l2l2 is well-defined for all sΩΛ.

Finally, for each sΩ, it holds that (5) det2[IE1(s)A]=g(s)det2[IE1(s)Q](5) where g(s) is analytic and vanishes nowhere over sΩ. Also, IE1(s)A is invertible for each sΩΛ and the inverse is bounded on l2. In other words, asymptotic stability of (Equation1) is reflected by the zeros of det2[IE1(s)A]. This is the starting point of the study.

3. Complex scaling stability criterion

In this section, we develop a complex scaling criterion for stability of LCP feedback connections. More precisely, let A(t), B(t), C(t)LAC[0,h]LPCD[0,h], to which an h-periodic output feedback u=K(t)y+v is installed. This yields us the closed-loop LCP system (6) Gc:{x˙=Ac(t)x+B(t)vy=C(t)x(6) Here v is a new reference and assume that K(t)LAC[0,h]LPCD[0,h]. Clearly, Ac(t):=A(t)B(t)K(t)C(t)LAC[0,h]LPCD[0,h]. Gc can also be formed with a dynamic controller. Such cases bring no essential problems. For simplicity, we only address asymptotic stability of (Equation6) by examining stability conditions in term of the 2-regularised determinant.

3.1. Cauchy contour and 2-regularised determinant return difference relation

We recall by the block diagonal expression of E(j0)Q : (i) all eigenvalues of E(j0)Q are located in a vertical strip region; (ii) all the eigenvalues in the horizontal fundamental strip (7) Cf:={sC:ωh/2<Im(s)ωh/2}(7) unfold themselves vertically to j and j with period jωh. Thus, if we know the eigenvalues distribution of E(j0)Q in Cf, the whole eigenvalues distribution of E(j0)Q is clarified. Based on these facts, let the Cauchy integral contour be the boundary of the right-half portion of Cf, namely the bold-line curve Ω~ in Figure , whose interior is denoted by Ω. By Figure , we have Ω~:=Ω~abΩ~bcΩ~cdΩ~da Since G(s) may not be well-defined for some sΛΩ~ if ΛΩ~ is not empty (namely, QE(j0) has eigenvalues on Ω~), Ω~ must detour these points in ΛΩ~. If ΛΩ~ is not empty, the contour will be slightly shifted as Ω~s=:Ω~+α+jβ, where α and β are small constants. Since Λ is the set of isolated points, Ω~s always exists. In the sequel, we do not specify which contour is meant by Ω~.

As is known by Zhou and Hagiwara (Citation2005), the return difference relation between the open-loop and closed-loop characteristic polynomials is rigorously established and quoted as follows. (8) det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]det2[IE1(s+ρ)(A+ρI)]=exp{Δ(s+ρ)}det2[I+KG(s)](8) where K=:T{K(t)} and (9) Δ(s+ρ)=tr(E1(s+ρ)(A+ρI)(E(s)A)1BKC)(9) In (Equation8) and (Equation9), ρ0 is introduced to guarantee that E1(s+ρ) exists when s is running over the imaginary axis portion of the Cauchy contour. Independent of ρ0, the zeros of det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)] and those of det2[IE1(s+ρ)(A+ρI)] are nothing but the zeros of the closed-loop and open-loop characteristic polynomials, respectively.

Figure 1. Cauchy contour for asymptotic stability in LCP systems.

Figure 1. Cauchy contour for asymptotic stability in LCP systems.

3.2. Complex scaling stability locus

To define the complex scaling locus, we re-write (Equation8) as (10) det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]β(s+ρ)=f(s,ρ)=:det2[IE1(s+ρ)(A+ρI)]β(s+ρ)×exp{Δ(s+ρ)}det2[I+KG(s)](10) Thus, we can re-write the open- and closed-loop characteristic polynomials in (Equation8) into a separate fashion with the complex scaling comparator β(s+ρ). The comparator satisfies

  • β(s+ρ) is meromorphic and Hurwitz. Factor cancellations between β(s+ρ) and det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)], if any, are related only to stable eigenvalues.

  • β(s+ρ) has the same countably infinite many zeros as that of det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]. This ensures that (Equation10) is numerically bounded so that the corresponding complex scaling locus can be plotted within a bounded area around the origin.

  • Zeros of β(s+ρ) are jωh-periodic vertically and of the same distribution pattern as those of det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]. This is convenient for us to plot the complex scaling locus.

Indeed, we can simply define (11) β(s+ρ)=:det2(IE1(s+ρ)(ρI+T(F)))(11) where FRn×n can be any Hurwitz matrix. Obviously, the above conditions are satisfied by this scaling comparator. In the sequel, β(s+ρ) of (Equation11) is always meant.

Now, let us see how a complex scaling locus is yielded according to (Equation10) along Ω~. We segment Ω~ into Ω~ab, Ω~bc, Ω~cd and Ω~da as in Figure  and do the following observations.

  • Since det2[IE1(s+ρ)(A+ρI)], β(s+ρ), det2[I+KG(s)] and Δ(s+ρ) are jωh-periodic conjugate, in the sense that f(s~,ρ)=f(s,ρ)¯ for any sC and s¯=sjωh. In particular, for each sΩ~bc, s~=sjωhΩ~da such that s~=s¯. It follows that f(s~,ρ)=f(s¯,ρ)=(f(s,ρ)), where () denotes the complex conjugate. Hence, the curve portion of f(s,ρ) for sΩ~bc and that for sΩ~da are symmetric with respect to the real axis.

  • If Re(s)>0 is large enough for each sΩ~cd, then f(s,ρ)limsdet2[I+KG(s)].

In summary, the locus f(s,ρ):Ω~daΩ~abΩ~bcC forms a closed curve. To investigate its encirclement around the origin with respect to the whole Ω~, it is enough to see only the segments corresponding to Ω~ab, Ω~cd and Ω~da. In the sequel, the closed curve of piecing together the segments corresponding to Ω~bc, Ω~cd and Ω~da is called the complex scaling locus.

3.3. Complex scaling stability criterion

Now we are ready to state and show the complex scaling stability criterion.

Theorem 3.1

Assume that A(t),B(t),C(t) of the LCP system (Equation1) and the feedback matrix K(t) belong to LAC[0,h]LPCD[0,h]. Then, the closed-loop system (Equation6) is asymptotically stable if and only if the complex scaling locus f(s,ρ):ΩˇC, or simply f(s,ρ)|sΩˇ, vanishes nowhere over sΩˇ, and the number of the clockwise encirclements around the origin is equal to that of the counter-clockwise encirclements around the origin. In the above, f(s,ρ) and β(s+ρ) are defined in (Equation10) and (Equation11), respectively, and Ωˇ:=Ω~daΩ~abΩ~bc.


Apply the argument principle (Stein & Shakarchi, Citation2003, p. 90) to (Equation10). It follows that (12) Z(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]β(s+ρ))P(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]β(s+ρ))=nc(f(s,ρ)|sΩˇ)nc¯(f(s,ρ)|sΩˇ)(12) where Z() and P() denote the zeros and poles numbers of (), respectively, in Ω, while nc() and nc¯() mean the clockwise and counter-clockwise encirclement numbers of a locus (), respectively.

Further, by the definitions of β(s+ρ) and det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)], they have the same denominator polynomial, which is the nominator of β(s+ρ). Hence, it is easy to see that (13) {P(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)])=P(β(s+ρ))Z(β(s+ρ))=0(13) and (14) {Z(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]β(s+ρ))=Z(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)])P(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)]β(s+ρ))=Z(β(s+ρ))=0(14) The relations in (Equation14) must be interpreted before removing all reducible factors between β(s+ρ) and det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)] as appropriately.

Substituting the above results for (Equation12), we can write (15) Z(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)])=nc(f(s,ρ)|sΩˇ)nc¯(f(s,ρ)|sΩˇ)(15) It follows immediately that if nc()=nc¯(), and thus Z(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)])=0. This tells us exactly that the closed-loop LCP system has no poles in Ω. This leads to asymptotical stability, and the sufficiency is proved.

To see the necessity, assume that the closed-loop system is asymptotically stable. Thus, Z(det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)])=0. Based on (Equation14) and (Equation15), we notice that 0=nc(f(s,ρ)|sΩˇ)nc¯(f(s,ρ)|sΩˇ), which says that the complex scaling locus has the same clockwise and counter-clockwise encirclements around the origin. This accomplishes the proof.

Some remarks about Theorem 3.1:

  • Clearly, the complex scaling 2-regularised determinant return difference relation (Equation10) is expressed still in terms of the open-loop and closed-loop modified harmonic state operators. However, when applying the argument principle to (Equation10), we no longer need to check whether det2[IE1(s+ρ)(A+ρI)] has any zeros in Ω.

  • Reducible factors between det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)] and β(s+ρ) exist, if the LCP system is uncontrollable and/or unobservable (Zhou et al., Citation2016). Factor cancellations do not affect our zeros distribution testing of det2[IE1(s+ρ)(Ac+ρI)] since β(s+ρ) is Hurwitz.

  • Stability in Theorem 3.1 is meant in asymptotical stability. If the state decreasing ratio is examined, the conditions should be interpreted in exponential stability. It is simple to see that such stability analysis can be achieved by replacing the contour Ωˇ with some ε-shifted one, that is Ωˇϵ. with ϵ>0 being an expected decreasing ratio.

4. Finite-dimensional versions of Theorem 3.1

Since the 2-regularised determinant and trace of infinite dimensionality operators are involved, we must consider how to implement Theorem 3.1 by operator matrix truncations. Then, stability analysis is reduced to that of finite-dimensional LTI systems.

4.1. Two-step truncation on Toeplitz operators

Firstly, let us truncate A to A[N,M]:=diag[,ANM,ANM,ANM,] with MN+1 and (16) ANM=[A0AN0ANA0AN0ANA0]C(2M+1)n×(2M+1)n(16) We similarly define B[N,M] (resp., BNM), C[N,M] (resp., CNM) and K[N,M] (resp., KNM)

Secondly, based on the two-step truncation, G(s)=C(E(s)A)1B is approximated by (17) G[N,M](jϕ)=block diag×[,G1NM(s),G0NM(s),G1NM(s),](17) where (18) GmNM(s):=CNM(EmM(s)ANM)1BNM,mZ(18) with EmM(s)=diag[ϕm(2M+1)M(s)I,,ϕm(2M+1)+M(s)I].

Finally, we apply the two-step truncation on Δ(s+ρ) to obtain (19) Δ[N,M](s+ρ)=:Σmtr(ΔmNM(s+ρ))(19) where (20) ΔmNM(s+ρ):=EmM1(s+ρ)(ANM+ρIM)×(EmM(s)ANM)1BNMKNMCNM(20)

4.2. Convergence lemma about the two-step truncation

We collect convergence relations for the two-step truncations in the 2-regularised determinant and trace, which can be shown by the proof techniques in Zhou and Hagiwara (Citation2005).

Lemma 4.1

Assume in the FDLCP system (Equation1) that A(t)LPCD[0,h] and B(t),C(t)LAC[0,h], and the domain ΩC satisfies (A1). Then for any μ>0 and each fixed N>0, there exists an integer M0(N,μ)>0 such that for all MM0(N,μ) and uniformly over sΩ~, it holds {|det2[I_+K_[N,M]G_[N,M](s)]det2[I_+K_[N]G_[N](s)]|<μ|det2[I_E_1(s+ρ)(A_[N,M]+ρI_)]det2[I_E_1(s+ρ)(A_[N]+ρI_)]|<μ|Δ[N,M](s+ρ)Δ(s+ρ)|<μ

Now we show that the truncated version can actually be reduced to finite-dimensional computations with convergence being ensured. Indeed, by definition, we have (21) det2[I_E_[N,M]1(s+ρ)(A_[N,M]+ρI_)]β[M](s+ρ)exp{Δ[N,M](s+ρ)}det2[I_+K_[N,M]G_[N,M](s)]=mk(1λk(EmM1(s+ρ)(ANM+ρIM)))exp{λk(EmM1(s+ρ)(ANM+ρIM))}×exp{mtr(ΔmNM(s+ρ))}β[M](s+ρ)mk(1+λk(KNMGmNM(s)))×exp{λk(KNMGmNM(s))}(21) where β[M](s+ρ)=:mcmM(s+ρ)=β(s+ρ) in which cmM(s+ρ)=:det2(IMEmM1(s+ρ)(ρIM+FM))).

Under the assumptions of Lemma 4.1, for any fixed N>0, it holds uniformly over sΩ~ that {limMm0cmM(s+ρ)=1limMm0tr(ΔmNM(s+ρ))=0limMm0k(1λk(EmM1(s+ρ)(ANM+ρIM)))exp{λk(EmM1(s+ρ)(ANM+ρIM))}=1limMm0k(1+λk(KNMGmNM(s)))exp{λk(KNMGmNM(s))}=1 The above convergence relations, together with (Equation21), imply that for any μ>0 sufficiently small and fixed N>0 sufficiently large, it holds as M that (22) |det2[IME0NM1(s+ρ)(ANM+ρIM)]β0,M(s+ρ)exp{Δ0NM(s+ρ)}det2[IM+KNMG0NM(s)]det2[I_E_1(s+ρ)(A_+ρI_)]β(s+ρ)exp{Δ(s+ρ)}det2[I_+K_G_(s)]|<μ(22)

4.3. Finite-dimensional complex scaling stability criterion

Summarizing the above discussions, we are led to the following theorem, which reduces the infinite-dimensional criterion of Theorem 3.1 to a finite-dimensional version.

Theorem 4.1

Suppose in the LCP system (Equation1) that A(t), B(t), C(t)LAC[0,h]LPCD[0,h]. Let the feedback matrix K(t) belong to LAC[0,h]LPCD[0,h]. Then, the closed-loop system (Equation6) is asymptotically stable if and only if there exist sufficiently large integers N>0 and MN+1 such that the finite-dimensional complex scaling locus (23) f(s,ρ,M,N)|sΩˇ=:det2[IME0NM1(s+ρ)(ANM+ρIM)]β0,M(s+ρ)exp{Δ0NM(s+ρ)}det2[IM+KNMG0NM(s)]:ΩˇC(23) vanishes nowhere over sΩˇ, and the number of the clockwise encirclements around the origin is equal to that of the counter-clockwise encirclements.

In the above, ρ>0 is arbitrarily taken, and G0NM(s) and Δ0NM(s+ρ) are defined in (Equation18) and (Equation20), respectively, with m=0. Also (24) β0,M(s+ρ)=:det2(IME0,M1(s+ρ)(ρIM+FM))(24) where FM=diag[F,F,,F]Cn(2M+1)×n(2M+1) with FCn×n being some arbitrary Hurwitz matrix, and IM is the n(2M+1)×n(2M+1) identity matrix. Ωˇ is defined in Theorem 3.1.


The stability assertion follows from Theorem 3.1 if we notice the truncation convergence is guaranteed when N>0 and MN+1 are sufficiently large by Lemma 4.1. This gives the convergence properties between the infinite- and finite-dimensional complex scaling loci as in (Equation22). From this, we can assert that the finite-dimensional complex scaling locus defined by (Equation23) must lie in a narrow neighbourhood along the infinite-dimensional complex scaling locus of Theorem 3.1. This in turn implies that the finite-dimensional locus vanishes nowhere, and has the same number of clockwise and counter-clockwise encirclements around the origin of the complex plane, if and only if the infinite-dimensional one does so. Based on this and applying the argument principle to f(s,ρ,M,N) along sΩˇ, together with the fact that the comparator β(s+ρ) have no eigenvalues in Ω, we can say that the closed-loop characteristic polynomial det2[IE1(s)Ac] has no eigenvalues in Ω, either. Thus, asymptotic stability in the closed-loop system is confirmed.

Some remarks about Theorem 4.1:

  • Since no open-loop poles are involved, the stability conditions can be implemented without locus plotting. That is, we can implement the criterion by computing the argument incremental ∇∠f(s,ρ,M,N)|sΩˇ of f(s,ρ,M,N) along Ωˇ and checking if |∇∠f(s,ρ,M,N)|sΩˇ|η (where η>0 is a small number as tolerance error).

5. Stabilization in LCP systems

In this section, we propose several design algorithms in term of static state feedback for stabilising LCP systems that have h-periodic state matrices but the input matrices are constant. That is, we consider the following LCP system (25) x˙(t)=A(t)x(t)+B0u(t)(25) where A(t)Rn×n is h-periodic and B0Rn×m is constant. To (Equation25), we introduce a state feedback (26) u(t)=K0x(t)+v(t)(26) where K0Rm×n is constant and v(t) is a new reference. The closed-loop LCP system is (27) x˙(t)=(A(t)B0K0)x(t)+B0v(t)(27) Our problem hereafter is: fix possible constant feedback gain matrix K0 such that the closed-loop LCP system is asymptotically stable.

5.1. Stabilization design via the complex scaling approach

To facilitate our statements, let us define the closed-loop characteristic polynomial as pc(s+ρ)=det2(IE1(s+ρ)[A+ρIB0K0])=det2(IE1(s+ρ)[Aˆ+A0+ρIB0K0]) where A0=:T{A0}, B0=:T{B0} and K0=:T{B0}, while Aˆ=:T{Σi=,i0Aiejiωht}; that is, Aˆ is the infinite- dimensional matrix after removing all the block-diagonal terms from A. Let us write Ac,0=A0B0K0 and then we observe that pc(s+ρ)=:det2{IE1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0]E1(s+ρ)Aˆ}=det2{(IE1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0])(I(E(s+ρ)[ρI+A0])1Aˆ)}=det2{(IE1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0])(I(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ)}=det2{IE1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0]}det2{I(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ}exp{tr(E1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0](E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ)}=det2{IE1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0]}det2{I(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ} The last equation follows from the fact that E1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0](E(s)Ac,0)1 is block-diagonal, and all the diagonal blocks in Aˆ are zero. Then, tr(E1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0](E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ)=0.

Now let us further choose the complex scaling comparator (28) β(s+ρ)=det2{IE1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0]}(28) where is a Hurwitz polynomial if all the eigenvalues of A0B0K0 can be assigned to have negative real parts by choosing K0 appropriately.

Using β(s+ρ), we define the complex scaling function (29) g(β,s)=pc(s,τ)β(s+ρ)=det2{I(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ}(29) Now let us examine what happens in g(β,s)|sΩˇ as the variable s travels along the Cauchy contour Ωˇ. We observe the following facts:

  • If (A0,B0) is controllable, the eigenvalues of A0B0K0 can be assigned arbitrarily on the left half-plane such that det2{IE1(s+ρ)[ρI+A0]}=β(s+ρ) is Hurwitz;

  • With respect to the expected eigenvalues of A0B0K0 that are sufficiently far left to the imaginary axis, it is always possible to determine K0 such that (30) |(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ|l2/l20, sΩˇ(30)

Based on the above observations, we claim the following results for stabilisation.

Theorem 5.1

Consider the LCP system (Equation25) with A(t)LAC[0,h) under the static state feedback (Equation26). Let the pair (A0,B0) be controllable. If there is a feedback gain K0 satisfying (Equation30) and A0B0K0 is Hurwitz, then the closed-loop LCP system (Equation27) is asymptotically stabilised.


Under the assumptions, let β(s+ρ) be (Equation28), which is Hurwitz due to our pole assignment with K0. Then, by (Equation29), we can investigate the following stability locus with respect to Ωˇ. (31) g(β,s)|sΩˇ=det2{I(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ}|sΩˇ(31) Therefore, stabilisation is attainable if we can assert that the locus does not encircle the origin under the feedback gain K0. Or equivalently, K0 exists such that all roots of pc(s+ρ)=0 are assigned to the left half-plane.

To this end, let us note that the operator (E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ:l2l2 is compact, which has infinitely countable eigenvalues. By Theorem 4.4 of (Conway, Citation1990, p. 41), we see that there exists an operators sequence {Tk(s)} of finite rank such that for each fixed s, |Tk(s)(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ|l2/l20 as k. Actually, we can define Tk(s)=(E[k](s)Ac,0[k])1Aˆ[k]:l2l2 where ()[k] denotes an infinite-dimensional matrix defined on l2, whose block-wise (2k+1)×(2k+1) sub-matrix at its centre is that of () and all other blocks are zero matrices. By this definition, Tk(s) is of finite rank and compact. This says that the eigenvalues of Tk(s) are well-defined, and the i-th one is denoted by λi(s)=:λi(Tk(s)) with i=1,2,,(2k+1)n. That is, the set {λi(s):i=1,,(2k+1)n} contains all eigenvalues of Tk(s).

Next, it is also clear by (Equation30) that for any specific sΩˇ lim|K0|(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ=0 Together with Tk(s), we see that lim|K0|λi(s)=0. Note that (E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ is continuous in K0 and s. Thus, we can conclude from (Equation30) that |λi(s)|<κ uniformly over sΩˇ for some 0<κ<1 sufficiently small.

Using {λi(s):i=1,,(2k+1)n}, we notice by the 2-regularised determinant theory that gk(β,s):=det2(ITk(s))=i=1(2k+1)n(1λi(s))exp{Σi=1(2k+1)nλi(s)}=i=1(2k+1)n(1λi(s)) The last relation follows from the fact that Σi=1(2k+1)nλi(s)=tr(Tk(s))=0. This is a direct result of the specific zero-diagonal expression of Aˆ.

From the definition formula of gk(β,s), the following points follow readily.

Firstly, since (1λi(s))0 for each i over sΩˇ, thus gk(β,s)0 for all sΩˇ. Thus, the locus of gk(β,s)|sΩˇ vanishes nowhere; or equivalently, we write gk(β,s)0 over sΩˇ.

Secondly, limRe(s)±gk(β,s)=1 and lim|K0|gk(β,s)=1 for each fixed sΩˇ. This implies that for any sΩˇ, each (1λi(s)) forms a complex phaser from (0,j0) to a point in some closed κ-related neighbourhood around the point (1,j0). The complex argument (1λi(s)), namely the angle subtended by the phaser and the positive real axis, satisfies |(1λi(s))|<π/[(2k+1)n] uniformly over sΩˇ as |(E(s)Ac,0)1Aˆ|0 for all sΩˇ. Then, we conclude that |Σi=1(2k+1)n(1λi(s))|<π, sΩˇ This in turn implies that |gk(β,s)|=|Σi=1(2k+1)n(1λi(s))|<π,sΩˇ Bearing this in mind, after plotting gk(β,s)|sΩˇ that consists of the locus portion in s and that in s¯, which is symmetric with respect to the real axis, the total complex argument of the locus at s and s¯ is strictly less than 2π so that the locus cannot encircle the origin (0,j0). This says exactly nothing but that the entire locus gk(β,s)|sΩˇ is within a bounded range around the point (1,j0) that excludes (0,j0). It follows that under the given assumptions, the entire locus gk(β,s)|sΩˇ has no encirclements around the origin.

Thirdly, after trivial algebras based on (Equation30), we obtain that |g(β,s)gk(β,s)|0, sΩˇ as k>0 is sufficiently large. This says that the locus g(β,s)|sΩˇ must be within a narrow neighbourhood of the locus gk(β,s)|sΩˇ. Therefore, what we have claimed on the latter can also be retrieved on the former; in particular, the locus g(β,s)|sΩˇ has no encirclements around the origin. Based on the argument principle, it follows that the closed-loop characteristic polynomial pc(s+ρ) has no zeros in the closed right half-strip of the fundamental strip Cf.

Stabilization design procedures based on Theorem 5.1:

  1. Step 1.Compute Σi=,i0|Ai|;

  2. Step 2.Prescribe expected eigenvalues {λl}l=1,,n for Ac,0=A0B0K0 with Re(λl)<0;

  3. Step 3.Fix K0 by pole assignment so that Ac,0 possesses the expected eigenvalues and (32) supsΩˇ|(E(s)Ac,0)1|l2/l2{Σi=,i0|Aˆ|}1(32)

Clearly, the inequality (Equation30) is satisfied as long as (Equation32) is true. In addition, it is well known that supsΩˇ|(E(s)Ac,0)1|l2/l2 can be manipulated arbitrarily by the H norm performance optimisation technique (Zhou & Doyle, Citation1998). In fact, by the block-diagonal expression of (E(s)Ac,0)1, it is simple to see that supsΩˇ|(E(s)Ac,0)1|l2/l2=supω(,)|(jωInAc,0)1|.

5.2. Stabilization design via the small-gain theorem

In this subsection, we show that stabilisation can be achieved by working with the small-gain theorem (Haddad & Chellabonina, Citation2008; Khalil, Citation2000) under the inequality condition (33) supω(,)|(jωInA0+B0K0)1|(Σi=,i0|Ai|)<1(33) To this end, let us note that the closed-loop LCP system (Equation27) can be equivalently intrepreted as a feedback configuration in the state-space equation form of (34) {x˙(t)=[A0B0K0]x(t)+z(t)+B0v(t),y(t)=x(t)z(t)=Σi=,i0Aiejiωhty(t)(34) where z(t) is viewed as a harmonic feedback combination term.

We observe by the Parseval theorem that |z()|L2[0,)=|Σi=,i0Aiejiωhty(t)|L2[0,)Σi=,i0|Aiejiωhty(t)|L2[0,)=Σi=,i0(0|Aiejiωhσy(σ)|2dσ)1/2=Σi=,i0(12π|AiY(j(ωiωi))|2dω)1/2Σi=,i0(12π|Ai|2|Y(j(ωiωh))|2dω)1/2=Σi=,i0|Ai|(0|y(σ)|2dσ)1/2=(Σi=,i0|Ai|)|y()|L2[0,) In the above, |z()|L2[0,) denotes the L2-norm of z(t).

Now let us assume in (Equation34) that v(t)0 for all t. It follows that (35) sup|y()|L2[0,)0{|z()|L2[0,)|y()|L2[0,)}Σi=,i0|Ai|<(35) The upper bounded-ness in (Equation35) follows from the assumption that A(t)LAC[0,h). Furthermore, note that the LTI system (Equation34) with v(t)0 satisfies (36) sup|z()|L2[0,)0{|y()|L2[0,)|z()|L2[0,)}=supω(,)|(jωInAc,0)1|(36) which is the H norm between z() and y(t) of (Equation34); or the L2-gain from z() to y() is equivalent to its operator norm induced by the L2-norm (Zhou & Doyle, Citation1998).

Based on (Equation33), (Equation35) and (Equation36), the small-gain theorem (Haddad & Chellabonina, Citation2008; Khalil, Citation2000) produces us with the following stabilisation but in the L2-stability sense.

Theorem 5.2

Consider the LCP system (Equation25) with A(t)LAC[0,h) under the static state feedback (Equation26). Let (A0,B0) be controllable. If there is a feedback gain K0 satisfying (Equation33) and A0B0K0 is Hurwitz, then the closed-loop LCP system (Equation27) is L2-stabilised.

Some remarks about Theorem 5.2:

  • Note that (Equation32) yields (Equation33). Interpreting this in light of Theorem 5.2, we see that the stabilisation procedure of Theorem 5.1 can also be adopted in the L2-stability sense.

  • The inequality (Equation32) implies (Equation33) readily; however, the reverse may not be true. In view of this, the small-gain condition may be less conservative.

  • Since the measured output of (Equation34) is exactly the state vector x(t), therefore L2-stability implies that |x(t)|0 as t. That is, asymptotical stability in (Equation27) can be asserted if L2-stability is confirmed.

5.3. Stabilization design via the gronwall inequality

By the variation-of-constants formula (Lukes, Citation1982) for solutions to differential equations, the zero-input state solution to (Equation27) is given by x(t)=eAc,0tx(0)+0teAc,0(tτ)Σi=,i0Aiejiωhτx(τ)dτ which yields that |x(t)||eAc,0t||x(0)|+0t|eAc,0(tτ)|(Σi=,i0|Ai|)|x(τ)|dτ If Ac,0 is Hurwitz, there exist constants α>0 and K>0 satisfying |eAc,0t|Keαt,  t0 (Bernstein, Citation2009; Lukes, Citation1982). Indeed, α>0 can be any positive number satisfying α<|Re(λk(Ac,0)| for all k, and K>0 is a positive number depending on α>0 and Ac,0. Then, it is true that |x(t)|Keαt|x(0)|+K(Σi=,i0|Ai|)0teα(tτ)|x(τ)|dτ Or equivalently, it holds that eαt|x(t)|K|x(0)|+K(Σi=,i0|Ai|)0teατ|x(τ)|dτ which leads by the Gronwall inequality (Lakshmikantham, Leela, & Martynyuk, Citation1989, p. 2, Theorem 1.1.1) that |x(t)|K|x(0)|exp{αt+K(Σi=,i0|Ai|)t}, t0 Thus, |x(t)|0 as t if α+K(Σi=,i0|Ai|)<0, or the system is asymptotically stable. This is attainable as A0B0K0 is Hurwitz by choosing K0 with |K0| being sufficiently large.

6. Numerical illustrations

The lossy Mathieu differential equation is frequently encountered in studies like rolling motion of ships (Allievi & Soudack, Citation1990) and pendulum motions with periodically excited support (Guckenheimer & Holmes, Citation1983). Comprehensive studies can be found in Richards (Citation1983). x¨(t)+2ξx˙(t)=[12βcosωht]u(t),ωh=2(i.e.,h=π) from which we construct the following state-space model ζ˙(t)=A(t)ζ(t)+B(t)u(t),y(t)=C(t)ζ(t) where ζ(t)=[x(t)x˙(t)],A(t)=[0102ξ]=A0B(t)=[012βcosωht],C(t)=[10] Note that A(t) and C(t) are constant but the Fourier series of B(t) has nonzero terms only up to the first-order harmonic wave, whose entries are continuous and differentiable on [0,h).

Now introduce the static output feedback u(t)=ky(t), where k is a scalar constant to the lossy Mathieu equation, and then the closed-loop LCP system is formed. In this subsection, we illustrate stability analysis of the closed-loop LCP system.

Note again that A(t), C(t) are constant and the Fourier series of B(t) has nonzero terms up to the first-order harmonic wave. Therefore, any first-step truncation of N2 yields truncated matrices with the same nonzero entries as those of N=1. In view of this, the two-step truncation can be defined by N=1 and M=5 reasonably. Indeed, our numerical simulations with N=1 and M>5 show no obvious difference. ρ=1 is taken in all simulations. The open-loop system has a zero eigenvalue, and thus a shifting factor α=0.01 is used. The comparator β(s+ρ) in (Equation11) is constructed with F=diag[0.7,0.7].

In the following figures, the dashed curves denote the complex scaling loci that have non-zero net encirclements around the origin, while the solid curves denote those that have zero net encirclements. The thick curves stand for those with respect to k=0. In the legends boxes, the number N means the net encirclements number, which is computed numerically (independent of the loci) through complex argument incremental integral as explained about Theorem 4.1.

6.1. Stability analysis illustration

Figure  presents us the complex scaling loci about the k-related cases when β=0.35 and ξ=0.2 are specified.The closed-loop LCP system is stable when k>0 is relatively small, if we notice that all loci with k>0 (plotted with solid lines) neither pass through nor encircle the origin. When k<0, the closed-loop LCP system is unstable, since all the complex scaling loci (plotted with dashed lines) encircle the origin once. The assertions with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2 coincide with what we have seen by the harmonic approach (Zhou et al., Citation2002), and the 2-regularised determinant method (Zhou & Hagiwara, Citation2005).

Figure  presents the stability loci about the k-related cases when β=0.35 and ξ=0.2 are specified. Clearly, each and all the loci have one or two net encirclement(s) around the origin. Thus, in each case the closed-loop system is unstable by Theorem 4.1.

Figure 2. Complex scaling loci with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 2. Complex scaling loci with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 3. Complex scaling loci with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 3. Complex scaling loci with β=0.35 and ξ=−0.2.

Indeed, the closed-loop state matrix of the example LCP system is Ac(t)=A(t)B(t)kC(t)=[01k(12βcosωht)2ξ] Therefore, according to the Floquet theorem, asymptotical stability of the closed-loop LCP system can be tested by forming the so-called monodromy of Ac(t), computing its eigenvalues and checking whether or not all eigenvalues are within the unit circle.

Figures  and  plot the monodromy eigenvalue loci of Ac(t) under k[0.2,1] by the dotted lines with ξ=0.2 and ξ=0.2, respectively, whereas β=0.35 is fixed. In these figures, the dashed-line curves illustrate the unit circle. Due to the inequitable scaling in the x- and y-axes, the unit circles turn out to be ovals in shape. The crosses, namely ×'s, denote the eigenvalues at k=−1, and the tiny circles, namely °'s, stand for those at k=1.

Figure 4. Monodromy eigenvalue loci of Ac(t) for k[0.2,1] with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 4. Monodromy eigenvalue loci of Ac(t) for k∈[−0.2,1] with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 5. Monodromy eigenvalue loci of Ac(t) for k[0.2,1] with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 5. Monodromy eigenvalue loci of Ac(t) for k∈[−0.2,1] with β=0.35 and ξ=−0.2.

Comparing Figure  (resp, Figure ) to Figure  (resp., Figure ), one can quickly find that the monodromy eigenvalue loci validate the stability assertions.

6.2. Stabilization illustration

Figure  says that when ξ<0, the lossy Mathieu equation cannot be stabilised via static output feedback, due to uncontrollability (Zhou et al., Citation2016). To address this problem, we additionally install a static state feedback v(t)=[0,1]TKζ(t) with K=[k1,k2], beside the static output feedback u(t)=ky(t), and the closed-loop system is described by ζ˙(t)=[A(t)[0,1]TKB(t)kC(t)]ζ(t) Clearly, the closed-loop state matrix is still h-periodic. In the sequel, we illustrate that by pole assignment about the eigenvalues of A0[0,1]TK, stabilisation of the closed-loop LCP system is attainable even if ξ<0.

The characteristic polynomial for A0[0,1]TK is det(sInA0+[0,1]TK)=s2+(2ξ+k2)s+k1 Then, the closed-loop eigenvalues are λ1,2=12[(2ξ+k2)±(2ξ+k2)24k1] Hence, by choosing k1 and k2 appropriately, the eigenvalues of A0[0,1]TK can be assigned arbitrarily. This is not surprising since (A0,[0,1]T) is controllable.

In particular, if we let k1 and k2 satisfy 2ξ+k2>0 and 4k1>(2ξ+k2)2, then the eigenvalues of A0[0,1]TK can be a pair of complex conjugates with negative real parts. Moreover, if stability robustness is concerned, the bigger k2>0 is, the better. For example, when K=[3.40,3.25] that assigns the eigenvalues at 1.4250±1.1702j, the complex scaling loci are given in Figure  as the output feedback gain varies over k[0.2,1.0]. Clearly, in each k, the complex scaling locus neither passes through nor encircles the origin. Theorem 4.1 says that the closed-loop LCP system is stabilised. This can also be verified simply by Theorem 5.1 as well as Theorem 5.2.

The monodromy eigenvalue loci of the closed-loop LCP system are given in Figure . It must be pointed out that since the unit circle is far beyond the plotting range of Figure , the eigenvalue loci are entirely located within the unit circle. This coincides with the results of Figure .

As comparison with some existing stability analysis methods for LCP systems, stability analysis about the same lossy Mathieu differential equation were reported in Zhou et al. (Citation2002) and Zhou and Hagiwara (Citation2005), where Floquet factorisation and Fourier series are heavily relied upon and thus the numerical implementation is a hard task. What is more, stabilisation is hampered simply due to Floquet factorisation and harmonic analysis. In view of these facts, it is reasonable to say that the suggested approaches are promising in analysis and synthesis of LCP control systems.

Figure 6. Complex scaling loci of stabilisation under the feedback gain K=[3.40,3.25] with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 6. Complex scaling loci of stabilisation under the feedback gain K=[3.40,3.25] with β=0.35 and ξ=−0.2.

Figure 7. Monodromy eigenvalue loci of Ac(t) for k[0.2,1] under K=[3.40,3.25] with β=0.35 and ξ=0.2.

Figure 7. Monodromy eigenvalue loci of Ac(t) for k∈[−0.2,1] under K=[3.40,3.25] with β=0.35 and ξ=−0.2.

7. Conclusions

In this study, we establish an alternative 2-regularised stability criterion for LCP systems by means of complex scaling. The main results are summarised in Theorem 3.1 in term of infinite-dimensional Toeplitz operators, which has a finite-dimensional version as in Theorem 4.1. These criteria make it possible to test asymptotic stability in feedback LCP systems through frequency-domain features without open-loop structural knowledge and Floquet factorizations. How to exploit these advantages for stabilisation in the LCP setting is also scrutinised in the paper. The main results are summarised in Theorems 5.1 and 5.2.

Technical significance of the study is that without Floquet-Lyapunov transformation, Nyquist-like criteria can still be developed in LCP feedback systems for stability analysis and stabilisation, even if no open-loop structural features are available. Such technical advantages do not exist if working with numerical monodromy computation. This is especially the case when the concerned LCP systems are high-dimensional and with multiple feedbacks.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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This study was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61573001.


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