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Review articles

Fish physiology and ecology: the contribution of the Leigh Laboratory to the collision of paradigms

Pages 392-408 | Received 29 Jan 2013, Accepted 07 May 2013, Published online: 26 Jul 2013


The often pragmatic division of studies of function (physiology), and the regulation of distribution and abundance of organisms (ecology), as laboratory and field studies respectively, can create an unhelpful intellectual division that runs the risk of ignoring the interaction of physiology, behaviour and environment that regulates the lives of animals in the wild. This review examines the historical and current contribution of ecophysiological research conducted from the University of Auckland's Leigh Laboratory in bridging these paradigms, and generating new insights into animal function and community organisation. The assessment focuses on endocrine control processes, and metabolic and behavioural responses of fish to artificial and natural stressors, and examines tracks of future research needed to underpin understanding of likely effects of predicted environmental change on individuals and populations.


The study of the integrated hierarchy of molecular, cellular, tissue, individual, population and system-level processes in biology has often been further complicated, in not always helpful ways, by the relatively arbitrary definition of discipline or study boundaries at various levels of organisation. Classically this has been most strongly typified by the separation of function (investigation of plant and animal physiology) from the biological setting in which this function has to occur (the broad field of ecology). Definitions of physiology and ecology in turn vary, but those provided by Withers (Citation1992) and Krebs (Citation1994) illustrate the point. Physiology can be defined as ‘the study of the biological processes that enable [organisms] to exist and function’ (Withers Citation1992, p. 2) and Krebs (1994, p. 3) presents ecology as ‘the scientific study of the interactions that determine the distribution and abundance of organisms’. The difficulty is that both broad disciplines require assessment and understanding of the other to properly contextualise the integrated processes that connect the hierarchy described above. This concern was behind the genesis of a stream of biological research that developed most rapidly in the last decades of the twentieth century, in an attempt to bring the two ways of thinking about biological processes together through a new discipline of ecophysiology. Rankin and Jensen (Citation1993, p. xvii) define ecophysiology as ‘how the physiology of [organisms] is affected by and regulated in response to environmental changes … the limits of environmental factors within which animals can function and populations be sustained’. An important aspect of ecophysiology is that it also allows assessment of behaviour as part of an animal's repertoire in responding to that change.

The ecology–physiology dichotomy is, in many respects, delineated by pragmatism as much as philosophy. The study of animal function typically involves experiment under controlled conditions, whereas ecology is, by definition, fundamentally a field science. The study of animal function in the natural environment requires a base level of understanding derived from laboratory studies, the capacity to manipulate or measure aspects of animal function in the wild, and some comfort that the measurement processes themselves do not distort the outcomes. These requirements generate a subset of limiting conditions that mean ecophysiological investigations need a number of conditions precedent to be practical and relevant.

This review discusses the role of the University of Auckland's Leigh Laboratory in contributing to the development of this approach for fish in the near-shore marine context, and also examines some of the impacts that this has had on the field more broadly, and the opportunities that these present for research against a global framework of environmental change and challenge.

The Leigh Laboratory offered a unique opportunity for examining animal function through the lens of ecophysiology, and this opportunity had several facets. The first was the decision by the University of Auckland, in 1962, to establish a field station at Goat Island and, over time, to develop this into a substantial and well-equipped marine research facility. The second was the development of scuba-based underwater research and a long-term underwater habitat mapping and assessment programme (Ayling et al. Citation1981) on establishment, in 1975, of the adjacent Cape Rodney to Okakari Point (Leigh) Marine Reserve – the first of New Zealand's network of no-take marine preservation areas. One effect of this preservation was the reappearance of a range of large demersal fish species and, with this, the development of diver-neutral and, in some cases, diver-positive fish behaviour (Cole Citation1994; Babcock et al. Citation1999). A final ingredient was provided through the presence of champions of physiology motivated by the question of how closely the laboratory paradigms of physiology actually represented the way that animals function in the wild (e.g. Ling & Wells Citation1985a, Citationb; Wells Citation1987, Citation2009). Some of these questions evolved into related parallel tracks of investigation of fish metabolism, and the control processes managed through the fish endocrine system; these are considered further here.

Environmental responses modulated by the endocrine system


There is now extensive literature on the physiological and endocrine basis of stress in fish, largely constructed from studies of captive or cultured fish, and within this, largely examining the effects on teleost fishes (see reviews by Wells Citation1987; Barton & Iwama Citation1991; Sumpter Citation1997; Wendelaar Bonga Citation1997; Pickering Citation1998; Barton Citation2002). The stress response in teleosts is biphasic, with an initial short latency increase in plasma levels of catecholamines released from stores in the chromaffin tissue of the kidney, followed by a longer latency but usually more prolonged elevation in plasma cortisol levels following de novo synthesis by interrenal tissue (reviewed in Pankhurst Citation2011). Rapid increases in plasma levels of the catecholamines adrenaline and noradrenaline occur in response to severe acute stress, especially if this involves significant reductions in blood oxygen content. Effects of increased plasma levels of catecholamines include increased haemoglobin oxygen affinity, increased arterial blood pressure and release of stored hepatic glycogen to the plasma as glucose (Pankhurst Citation2011). Activation of the corticosteroid stress response occurs via the stimulation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis, through serial activation of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) from the hypothalamus in the brain, adrenocorticoptrophic hormone (ACTH) by the pituitary gland, and steroidogenesis in the interrenal tissue, resulting in the release of cortisol to the circulation (Pankhurst Citation2011). The timecourse for the appearance of elevated cortisol levels in the plasma following stress varies among species but typically has a latency of about 10 min, and this response is relatively independent of temperature (Pankhurst Citation2011). This means that, provided fish are at a resting or basal level at the time of sampling, there is a window in which capture and sampling (itself a stressful procedure) can occur with reasonable certainty that the sampling procedure is not affecting the measurement variables.

Because there was initially very limited data on stress responses from fish in the wild, it was not known how closely the laboratory or aquaculture facility-based experiments represented the situation in the wild. The capacity to approach naturally-behaving fish in the Leigh Marine Reserve on scuba offered the opportunity to test this. Early experiments showed that it was possible for divers to hand-net fish (in this case New Zealand snapper, Pagrus auratus) off the reef and, within 30–60 s of capture, extract a blood sample underwater (Pankhurst & Sharples Citation1992; ). An interesting outcome of this work was that, while snapper in captivity showed a rapid increase in plasma cortisol levels following capture, confinement and blood-sampling similar to that displayed by other species, (Pankhurst et al. Citation1992; Lowe & Wells Citation1996), the same treatment in the field using a small, weighted keep-net took as long as 30 min to elicit an increase in plasma cortisol (i.e. the stress response was highly context-specific). A similar effect of context has been described in ecophysiological studies of stress in free-living birds (Cockrem Citation2013). Underwater sampling of an additional seven species from Leigh using scuba, four species sampled underwater from a large public aquarium and six rapidly-angled species, showed that baseline levels of plasma cortisol were typically less than 10 ng ml-1, and very often below 2 ng ml-1 (Pankhurst Citation2011). This confirmed the suspicion that the often much higher basal levels reported from studies on captive stock (Pankhurst et al. Citation1992; Lowe & Wells Citation1996) were most likely artefacts of husbandry or experimental conditions. Notable exceptions (e.g. migrating salmonids, Pankhurst & Dedual Citation1994; some warm water species, Magee et al. Citation2006) were then able to be validated against sampling strategies known not to produce capture artefacts. An additional observation was that captive fish recovered and returned to baselines of plasma cortisol, but these levels were always higher than those of fish in the wild (i.e. recovery under laboratory conditions was incomplete, even after extended periods of holding; Pankhurst et al. Citation1992), suggesting that many laboratory investigations of stress may actually begin with fish that are in a chronically stressed state.

Figure 1 The development of simple tools for managing underwater blood sampling. A, The capacity to capture and sample diver positive fish in the Leigh Marine Reserve, B, allowed real-time association between behaviour and plasma hormone levels.

Figure 1  The development of simple tools for managing underwater blood sampling. A, The capacity to capture and sample diver positive fish in the Leigh Marine Reserve, B, allowed real-time association between behaviour and plasma hormone levels.

The fact that plasma cortisol levels in a large number of individuals, of a range of species across different seasons and reproductive states, are typically low does raise the question of whether fish in the natural environment actually experience stress in the way it has been characterised from studies of captive fish. As discussed in Pankhurst (Citation2011), the capture and confinement regimes typically used to elicit stress in laboratory situations might only equate in the wild to extreme events, such as pursuit and capture by a predator, where the outcomes are more proximate and, as a result, stress responses of the type seen in the laboratory may, in consequence, be quite rare. This question still remains to be examined but it is a perspective that would have been unlikely without the underwater-based studies conducted through the Leigh Laboratory.


Stress and reproduction

Imposition of both acute and chronic stress had been shown to have a largely inhibitory effect on growth and reproduction, based on evidence largely drawn from captive or domesticated stocks (reviewed in Pankhurst & Van Der Kraak Citation1997). What was less clear was the relationship between stress and reproduction in wild stocks of fish. The capacity through the Leigh Laboratory and the associated marine reserve to assess endocrine correlates of stress and reproduction in wild fish, both before and after exposure to stress, provided the opportunity to address this question.

The fish reproductive endocrine pathway or cascade mirrors that of the stress pathway, with changes in environmental variables being transduced into effects on reproductive processes through the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, with hypothalamic synthesis and synaptic release of peptide gonadotropin releasing hormones (GnRH) to the pituitary gland stimulating the synthesis and release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH). FSH is involved in stimulating the early stages of gamete development, and LH in the control of maturational events, with both exercising their effects at the gonadal level through de novo synthesis and release of gonadal steroids. Male fishes typically produce the androgens, testosterone (T) and 11-ketotestosterone (11KT), and females also produce T which is then metabolised to the estrogen 17β-estradiol (E2). Both sexes also produce a progesterone-like maturational steroid (17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one [17,20βP] or 17,20β,21-trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one [20β-S]) in response to gonadal stimulation by LH (reviewed in Pankhurst & Munday Citation2011). Early studies had shown that T, 11KT and E2 were all inhibited by stress, with consequent suppression of a range of reproductive functions (reviewed in Schreck Citation2010).

Investigation of stress effects on New Zealand snapper and red gurnard (Chelidonichthys kumu) showed that the inhibitory effect of stress was rapid and profound, with falls of T and E2 to undetectable levels within a day of capture (Carragher & Pankhurst Citation1991; Clearwater & Pankhurst Citation1997). Falls in plasma steroid levels were followed soon after in females by the development of follicular atresia and the loss of vitellogenic follicles from the ovary (vitellogenic or yolk-forming follicles represent the oocyte stock that will mature and be spawned in the current reproductive event or season). The primary basis for this effect lies in the role of E2 in stimulating the hepatic synthesis of the yolk precursor vitellogenin for uptake into the growing oocytes (Pankhurst & Munday Citation2011). Subsequent laboratory maintenance of snapper and other species showed that while there is recovery from stress under suitable holding conditions, there is generally no subsequent recovery of reproductive function (Pankhurst Citation1998). The practical implication of this is that wild stocks seldom acclimate to captivity in reproductive terms, and hormonally-induced maturation of wild broodstock works best when fish are treated with exogenous hormones immediately after capture, before the inhibitory effects of stress are expressed (Haddy & Pankhurst Citation2000; Cleary et al. Citation2002). Subsequent cultured generations also show stress suppression of reproduction but greater capacity to recover following the resolution of stress (Pankhurst Citation1998), consistent with evidence that stress responses are heritable and that culture probably selects for stress-resistant individuals (reviewed in Pankhurst Citation2011). A developing understanding of stress-reproduction dynamics in fish defined sampling approaches that, in turn, gave confidence to subsequent field studies of reproductive endocrine correlates in a range of species (Dedual & Pankhurst Citation1992; Carragher & Pankhurst Citation1993; Clearwater & Pankhurst Citation1994; Hobby & Pankhurst Citation1997; Poortenaar et al. Citation2001, Citation2004).

Reproductive behaviour

Examination of a range of aquarium or cultured fish species had demonstrated a strong relationship between reproductive behaviour and plasma levels of reproductive hormones, and as in terrestrial vertebrates much of this attention had been directed at the role of androgens in mediating territorial and aggressive behaviours (Stacey Citation1984). There was, at this time, considerably less information available on hormone-behaviour interactions in free-living populations and this tended to be restricted to spawning migrations or events where fish could be captured and sampled from the shore (e.g. Scott et al. Citation1984; Stacey et al. Citation1984). There was very little known about these relationships in marine species. The capacity to capture and sample fish underwater developed through the Leigh Laboratory allowed the real-time correlation of plasma hormone levels with coincident behaviours.

A series of investigations of the northern New Zealand pomacentrid (Chromis dispilus) showed the expected relationship between spawning and nesting behaviour of territorial males and plasma levels of T and 11KT, but also of the maturational steroid 17,20βP (Pankhurst Citation1990). Previously, this hormone had been thought to be primarily associated with stimulation of spermiation in males. Examination of both territory-holding and non-territorial males revealed that all males showed cyclic changes in plasma androgens (albeit at higher levels during spawning among territory-holders), but only territory-holders ever showed elevated 17,20βP levels (i.e. this hormone was strongly implicated in the mediation of spawning behaviour; Barnett & Pankhurst Citation1994). Elevations in gonadal steroids during spawning were also accompanied by elevated plasma LH levels, suggesting that behavioural alterations of reproductive endocrine status are mediated through the action of GnRH (Pankhurst & Peter Citation2002).

Sampling of populations across an increasing density gradient from the Leigh Laboratory to the outer islands of the adjacent Hauraki Gulf demonstrated another aspect to this relationship. At higher densities, nest sites became more closely spaced and this resulted in a higher frequency of both spawning events and territorial encounters among males in these territories. This was accompanied by density-driven elevations in plasma levels of 17,20βP and, to a lesser extent, 11KT (Pankhurst & Barnett Citation1993; Barnett & Pankhurst Citation1996). These studies, combined with underwater manipulation of plasma hormone levels and nest status (Pankhurst & Carragher Citation1995), allowed the modelling of hormone-behaviour interactions in male C. dispilus, and demonstrated that hormone levels could both modulate and be modulated by reproductive behaviour under various conditions (Pankhurst Citation1995; ). These relationships have been confirmed across a range of species and settings using similar approaches to those pioneered here, in other studies at Leigh (Pankhurst & Kime Citation1991) and elsewhere (e.g. Kindler et al. Citation1989; Cardwell & Liley Citation1991; Sikkel Citation1993; Pankhurst et al. Citation1999, Citation2008a, Citationb; Magee et al. Citation2006).

Figure 2 A model summarising the interaction of social factors, behaviour and endocrine condition in territorial male demoiselles Chromis dispilus. T, testosterone; 11KT, 11-ketotestosterone; 17,20βP, 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. Reproduced with the kind permission of Allen Press from Pankhurst Citation1995.

Figure 2  A model summarising the interaction of social factors, behaviour and endocrine condition in territorial male demoiselles Chromis dispilus. T, testosterone; 11KT, 11-ketotestosterone; 17,20βP, 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one. Reproduced with the kind permission of Allen Press from Pankhurst Citation1995.

Underwater sampling and/or hormone manipulation with associated scope for behavioural observation, has been particularly effective in the tropical setting at locations where the Leigh Laboratory conditions also apply through the juxtaposition of laboratory and diving support facilities, and close access to the natural environment. Some examples include: the demonstration of hormone-behaviour interactions among territorial males of tropical pomacentrids (Pankhurst et al. Citation1999) and the role of population density in determining reproductive performance (Pankhurst et al. Citation2008a, Citationb); the effect of maternal cortisol profiles on larval and juvenile performance, and stress and maternal effects in pomacentrids (McCormick Citation1998, Citation2006; Pankhurst Citation2001); endocrine correlates of bi-directional sex change in gobies (Kroon et al. Citation2003, Citation2009); and the effects of ectoparasite load on stress status of wrasses (Grutter & Pankhurst Citation2000).

The metabolic response of fish to handling and capture stress

Energy is the fundamental currency of life, so the impact of stress on the subsequent day-to-day activity of fish (or even flesh quality of angled fish) is influenced strongly by the manner in which useable energy (adenosine triphosphate [ATP]) is created and consumed through aerobic and anaerobic metabolic pathways (Wells Citation1987; Lowe et al. Citation1993). The coastal waters around Leigh are host to a wealth of sport fishes, so the early efforts of physiologists at the Leigh Laboratory were dedicated to understanding the metabolic effect of stress from line capture and associated handling (Ling & Wells Citation1985a, Citationb; Wells Citation1987). These findings were at the forefront of stress physiology research in the 1980s and continued with the integration of endocrinology in the early 1990s (e.g. Ling & Wells Citation1985b; Bollard et al. Citation1993; Lowe & Wells Citation1996). This research confirmed that, as in the laboratory, the primary stress response of fish to angling/handling involved sequential increases of catecholamines and then corticosteroids (Lowe et al. Citation1993; Lowe & Wells Citation1996), serving to modulate the metabolite status, the blood oxygen carrying capacity, blood viscosity and even cell maintenance function of fish to satisfy and protect against the sudden increase in energy demand (Ling & Wells Citation1985b; Pankhurst et al. Citation1992; Lowe et al. Citation1993; Ryan et al. Citation1995; Lowe & Wells Citation1996). Of particular interest are the manipulative experiments of Bollard et al. (Citation1993) that artificially raised plasma cortisol levels in snapper and showed, for the first time, that cortisol in fish retains lactate in circulation which, through follow-up research, is now believed to be a mechanism providing metabolic fuel post-exercise (Eros & Milligan Citation1996). Stress research at Leigh subsequently developed into a more applied arena of work, showing that physiological stress (acidified tissues and depleted energy reserves) has a marked negative impact on the flesh quality of snapper (Wells Citation1987; Lowe et al. Citation1993) but, interestingly, novel ‘hypnotic’ techniques could alleviate stress if applied correctly (Wells et al. Citation2005).

Metabolic physiology and the adaptive radiation of New Zealand fishes

True to a core goal of ecophysiology of resolving physiological features that de-limit the ecological and biogeographical distributions of fish, a number of notable studies have benefited from the Leigh Laboratory and its field facilities. For example, the oxygen binding properties inherent of the multiple haemoglobins found among different triplefin species and herbivorous marine teleosts from the Leigh area provide examples that associate phenotype with environment. The functional properties of fish haemoglobin isoforms appear to match species’ physiological requirements to function in thermally stable (deep) or unstable (shallow) habitats (Brix et al. Citation1998, Citation1999). The triplefin assemblage provides a particularly useful model because the triplefin phylogeny has largely been resolved, and this permits the attribution of phenotypic differences among species to that of adaptation, or simple phylogeny (Hickey & Clements Citation2005). The PhD theses of Hickey (Citation2004) and Hilton (Citation2010) from the University of Auckland's School of Biological Sciences used this endemic fish assemblage to test whether the triplefin radiation is an adaptive radiation, where each species has harnessed particular physiological traits to secure its niche. Evidence of trait utility with respect to the structure of swimming musculature and metabolic enzyme activity (Hickey & Clements Citation2003) as well as temperature and low O2 tolerances in mitochondrial function and whole animal metabolism (Hilton et al. Citation2008, Citation2010) has indeed been suggested by these studies. All these studies provide accumulating evidence that physiological adaptation has played a role in the radiation of this fascinating group of fishes.

The metabolic and behavioural response of fish to environmental stressors

In addition to how energy is made available to fish during handling stress, environmental extremes have a strong influence over ATP production and thus govern where fish can and cannot live (Cucco et al. Citation2012; Teal et al. Citation2012). For example, the energy demand of ectotherms increases with temperature so excessive elevation from ‘global warming’ threatens to extend the ATP production rate of fishes to its limit (Pörtner Citation2001). Without some degree of thermal tolerance or acclimation capacity that alleviates the energy demand of elevated temperature, poor ecological performance in the form of reduced rates of growth, reproductive dysfunction or even death will inevitably occur as ATP supply fails to meet demand at upper thermal limits (Pörtner & Knust Citation2007). However, environmental stressors rarely occur in isolation, so other forms of environmental change are likely to interact and strain the metabolic performance of fish. Low O2 availability (hypoxia) presents a particular challenge because oxygen plays a key role in the electron transport chain, and therefore indirectly influences the yield of ATP from oxidative phosphorylation. Exposure to warming waters and associated hypoxia, and the likelihood that this will intensify in marine ecosystems (Diaz & Rosenberg Citation2008), poses a major threat to ATP supply–demand dynamics and will ultimately affect the ecological performance of many aquatic organisms. Understanding the physiological and behavioural response of fish to rising temperature and low O2 (amongst other stressors such as ocean acidification) is thus very important to predict and manage fish populations as they respond to future environmental change (Jørgensen et al. Citation2012).

Whilst environmental stressors, such as temperature and low O2, impose physiological limitations, fish are often mobile and do have the choice of moving away from deleterious conditions. The behavioural avoidance and preference reactions of fish may therefore be just as important as physiology in allowing fish to survive and cope with environmental challenge (Herbert et al. Citation2011). In the event that escape is futile, fish can employ other behavioural strategies (such as a reduction in swimming activity) to delay the manifestation of stress under environmentally adverse conditions (Herbert & Wells Citation2001; Herbert & Steffensen Citation2005; Domenici et al. Citation2013). Whilst physiology and behaviour have historically been considered in isolation, the Leigh Laboratory continues to provide a physical address for research that meld these traditionally separate fields with a simultaneous assessment of physiological and behavioural responses to environmental change.

The metabolism and behaviour of fish in low O2

Measures of physiological low O2 tolerance and behavioural avoidance have been developed at the Leigh Laboratory to provide a wider assessment of fish low O2 response. The value of integrating physiology and behaviour in low O2 challenge tests was originally highlighted by Herbert et al. (Citation2011) who examined the low O2 avoidance behaviour of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in different streams of oxygenated seawater. Avoidance behaviour was then compared against the known physiological threshold limit of the species (i.e. P crit which reflects the critical O2 level where fish can no longer regulate O2 uptake). Surprisingly, cod allowed to swim in water that was either 100% O2 saturated or reduced to a critical (20% level) of saturation did not avoid the dangerously low O2 level. However, in a secondary follow-up test, cod given an initial low O2 stress challenge avoided the critical 20% level of O2 saturation very strongly, suggesting that internal systemic stress rather than the absolute level of external low O2 triggers avoidance behaviour. Therefore, to further investigate the physiological basis of hypoxia avoidance behaviour in New Zealand fish, it was questioned whether the snapper (Pagrus auratus) would behaviourally avoid low O2 before or after physiological low O2 thresholds had been surpassed (in terms of P crit and stress) and whether long-term low O2 acclimation would improve their low O2 performance. To address these questions, the P crit limit of P. auratus was identified according to the sudden drop in standard metabolic rate (i.e. SMR or minimum maintenance rate; Schurmann & Steffensen Citation1997; Cook et al. Citation2011; Cook & Herbert Citation2012a) and the avoidance behaviour of P. auratus in different streams of O2-manipulated seawater was assessed using a large choice tank equipped with behavioural tracking software () (Cook et al. Citation2011, Citation2013; Cook & Herbert Citation2012a, Citationb).

Figure 3 Diagrammatic representation of the low O2 choice test tank used by Cook et al. at the Leigh laboratory. Water passing through gassing towers (GT) was either aerated or deoxygenated (with nitrogen gas) before passing through the inflow into the choice box. Oxygen sensors (DOS) enabled control of inflow O2. Water was passed initially through coarse diffusers before flowing through two fine honeycomb baffles (HcB) creating strictly laminar flow within the behavioural arena (BA). Water would drain to sumps (S) before being pumped (P) back to the gassing towers. A video camera (V) enabled observation and SwisTrack behavioural tracking software was used to record fish movement and choice within the experimental apparatus. Sc indicates the presence of a cloth screen. See Cook et al. (Citation2012a) for more detail. Image reproduced with kind permission from Elsevier.

Figure 3  Diagrammatic representation of the low O2 choice test tank used by Cook et al. at the Leigh laboratory. Water passing through gassing towers (GT) was either aerated or deoxygenated (with nitrogen gas) before passing through the inflow into the choice box. Oxygen sensors (DOS) enabled control of inflow O2. Water was passed initially through coarse diffusers before flowing through two fine honeycomb baffles (HcB) creating strictly laminar flow within the behavioural arena (BA). Water would drain to sumps (S) before being pumped (P) back to the gassing towers. A video camera (V) enabled observation and SwisTrack behavioural tracking software was used to record fish movement and choice within the experimental apparatus. Sc indicates the presence of a cloth screen. See Cook et al. (Citation2012a) for more detail. Image reproduced with kind permission from Elsevier.

Whilst fish would be expected to avoid stress by leaving low O2 areas quickly, Leigh Laboratory experiments reveal that P. auratus only avoids low O2 at levels well below its physiological P crit limit, and always in a state of major physiological stress (see ) (Cook et al. Citation2011; Cook & Herbert Citation2012b). Pagrus auratus therefore appears to adopt a relatively high risk low O2 strategy and would probably not fare well if low O2 ever became frequent or widespread in coastal marine environments. Moreover, by reducing the O2 carrying capacity (i.e. anaemia state) of P. auratus with phenylhydrazine, two additional insights have been made (Cook et al. Citation2011):


Anaemic fish reach their P crit limit at higher O2 levels and also initiate avoidance at an earlier stage, indicating that additional stressors would probably sensitise the overall low O2 reaction of P. auratus (see ).


Anaemic and normocythaemic fish avoid hypoxia at different levels but, interestingly, they leave low O2 with similar levels of physiological perturbation suggesting that ‘stress’, rather than the absolute level of low O2, serves to trigger their avoidance reaction (Cook et al. Citation2011).

Figure 4 The physiological (metabolic) and behavioural avoidance response of A, normocythaemic and B, anaemic snapper (P. auratus) at 18 °C. Heavy dashed lines represent the SMR extrapolated across the relevant range of O2 availability denoted in terms of O2 partial pressure (PO 2 in kilopascals), with light dashed lines representing the 95% confidence intervals. Circular symbols indicate points of MMR±95% CI at the measured level of PO2. The vertical solid red line represents the behavioural avoidance PO2 of the treatment with dashed red lines representing the 95% CI. Symbols denoted with * indicate significant differences from the corresponding normocythaemic value. See Cook et al. (Citation2011) for extra detail. Reproduced with kind permission from the Company of Experimental Biologists.

Figure 4  The physiological (metabolic) and behavioural avoidance response of A, normocythaemic and B, anaemic snapper (P. auratus) at 18 °C. Heavy dashed lines represent the SMR extrapolated across the relevant range of O2 availability denoted in terms of O2 partial pressure (PO 2 in kilopascals), with light dashed lines representing the 95% confidence intervals. Circular symbols indicate points of MMR±95% CI at the measured level of PO2. The vertical solid red line represents the behavioural avoidance PO2 of the treatment with dashed red lines representing the 95% CI. Symbols denoted with * indicate significant differences from the corresponding normocythaemic value. See Cook et al. (Citation2011) for extra detail. Reproduced with kind permission from the Company of Experimental Biologists.

From these experiments, it is concluded that P. auratus does not avoid low O2 safely and will probably struggle to survive extensive areas of hypoxia, especially if those areas are primed with additional stressors that reduce O2 carrying capacity (e.g. heavy metal exposure etc; Cook et al. Citation2011; Cook & Herbert Citation2012a, Citation2012b).

Recognising that environmental change is not always a rapid process, the ability of P. auratus to improve its low O2 response after long-term hypoxia acclimation has also been addressed (Cook et al. Citation2013). Hypoxia acclimated snapper were seen to select lower levels of O2 but did not show greater levels of blood and muscle disturbance (i.e. stress), showing that long-term hypoxia can improve the low O2 tolerance of P. auratus. However, based on the response of other fish in the literature, improved tolerance is not necessarily unexpected (Richards Citation2009), but the mechanism by which tolerance is achieved in snapper does appear unique. Whilst most fish generally show improved O2 extraction capacity (i.e. high haemoglobin-O2 binding affinity and blood O2 carrying capacity; Wood & Johansen Citation1972; Wells Citation2009) snapper do not conform to the standard paradigm of low O2 adaptation because they show a surprising drop in Hb-O2 affinity and O2 carrying capacity. This shift does not, however, compromise the O2 consumption rate of snapper so long-term hypoxia possibly conveys improved low O2 tolerance to snapper through a prioritisation of O2 delivery and/or utilisation over O2 uptake (Cook et al. Citation2013).Therefore, if we are to equip environmental management plans with a complete understanding of functional responses, more research will definitely be required to resolve the low O2 response of other non-exceptional coastal species because we clearly cannot rely on what is considered a ‘normal’ response from the literature.

The metabolic and behavioural response of fish in a warming world

Climate change in the form of rising temperature affects individual organisms as well as the size, structure and distribution of their populations. Major biogeographical shifts have been observed in recent years (Perry et al. Citation2005; Dulvy et al. Citation2008) but the cause and effect of such change remains poorly understood. For example, a poleward shift in North Sea fishes appears to occur at subcritical temperatures (Perry et al. Citation2005), but it is still not known whether biogeographical shifts occur as a result of behavioural redistributions (behavioural thermoregulation), localised extinctions or community-level interactions. It is therefore relevant to ask whether New Zealand fish will actively seek out thermal environments that optimise their aerobic physiology and organismic performance or whether they will simply choose to stay and make the best of suboptimal temperatures?

To address the likely response of fish to warming waters, a common coastal fish was allowed to select its preferred temperature (Tpref) according to its choice of movement in a behavioural shuttle tank at the Leigh Laboratory. Behavioural Tpref was then compared against the temperature at which its aerobic metabolic scope (AMS) was maximised (Khan & Herbert Citation2012). Interestingly, the common triplefin (Forsterygion lapillum) revealed a Tpref of 20–21 °C, which sits within the range of temperatures where AMS was optimised (15–21 °C), suggesting that F. lapillum can track its thermal optimum. However, since this territorial species has such a wide range of AMS optimisation and appears to prefer high water temperatures, F. lapillum would probably not abandon a territory to move polewards or deeper to find more optimal temperature conditions, at least for the foreseeable future. Furthermore, because the broad level of AMS optimisation implies that F. lapillum is highly eurythermic, more work is required to resolve the response of different ecotypes before generalisations can be drawn on the likely response of New Zealand fishes to warming waters. Further experiments are therefore underway to resolve the AMS and preference response of more mobile stenothermic species, such as the wreckfish groper (Polyprion oxygeneios) and snapper (Pagrus auratus).

Implications of metabolism and behaviour research for finfish aquaculture

Understanding the physiology and behaviour of coastal marine fishes has potential spin-off benefits for aquaculture, as it also allows an optimisation of production processes. For example, AMS sets a limit to ecological performance by limiting the energy available for processes such as growth, reproduction and swimming activity (Claireaux & Lefrançois Citation2005; Chabot & Claireaux Citation2008); it therefore also serves as a good indicator of culture performance, as optimal growth is a basic ingredient for sustainable aquaculture (Frisk et al. Citation2012). There are two examples that illustrate how the metabolic scope framework was first applied to ecophysiology research at the Leigh Laboratory and then introduced successfully to aquaculture. The first example concerns the phenomenon of exercise-induced growth where fish show accelerated rates of growth as a result of sustained exercise at optimal swimming speeds (Herbert Citation2013; Davison & Herbert Citation2013). Exercise and growth obviously compete for energetic resources, but enhanced rates of growth are permitted at elevated swimming speeds if environmental conditions are sufficient to support a satisfactory level of AMS (Davison & Herbert Citation2013). This point was demonstrated by Brown et al. (Citation2011) who identified that exercise could boost the growth and feed conversion efficiency of cultured kingfish (Seriola lalandi), but only at temperatures that do not constrain AMS. The second example concerns the application of respirometry and thermal shuttle box techniques to resolve the response of coastal marine fish to climate change (i.e. global warming; Khan & Herbert 2012). This research has proved useful because physiology and behaviour tests are now underway to establish the best temperature for optimal rearing by identifying the behavioural Tpref and AMS thermal optima of the wreckfish groper (Polyprion oxygeneios)—a novel high value species for aquaculture in New Zealand. As aquaculture production processes are under continual pressure to improve the productivity, quality and welfare of their stock, an improved understanding of fish physiology and behaviour is becoming an increasingly vital area of aquaculture research.

Questions arising from the Leigh Laboratory contribution to ecophysiology

Tracks of study developed through cycles of research conducted over 40 years raise a number of interesting questions with respect to all studies of near-shore marine systems and the animals living in them. A fundamental one might be around the capacity of the environment to impose stress on free-living animals. If, as the above discussion suggests, physiological stress is a rare event, we might only expect detectable or sustained stress responses in wild fish in response to sustained environmental challenge or change. This effect is present in other vertebrates, particularly birds where unpredictable environmental changes such as extreme weather or storms initiate stress-mediated changes in behaviour (reviewed in Wingfield Citation1994; Wingfield & Ramenofsky Citation1999; Cyr & Romero Citation2009). Interestingly, extreme but predictable events do not have the same effect. Our capacity to test for effects of this type will become increasingly important in the face of predicted global climate shifts and our need to know what the impacts of these changes will be at the population and individual level.

Similarly, the demonstration of the importance of behaviour in modulating (and being modulated by) physiological processes is an element that is essentially missing from the majority of laboratory studies, but necessary for real understanding of biological processes. In all of these, the developmental research conducted at the Leigh Laboratory around a theme of ecophysiology has made a significant contribution to our understanding of how we should view the marine world from a physiological perspective. Future research should therefore harness what we have learned to date and take steps to refine and exploit the technological advances of recent years. For example, with the recent revolution of telemetry techniques, the laboratory is not the only setting in which physiological and behavioural investigations can be made. Indeed, traditional acoustic tracking techniques (e.g. Hartill et al. Citation2003) could theoretically be coupled with new biologging technology to provide insight to the physiology and energetics of free-swimming fishes (e.g. Clark et al. Citation2010) as they engage in reproduction and/or selectively move between environmental gradients (e.g. oxygen; Svendsen et al. Citation2006) in the wild.

With respect to climate change there is accumulating evidence that global warming is a real threat (IPCC Citation2007), so all marine and terrestrial species will face a slow but significant rise in temperature with an associated shift in ecosystem function as flora and fauna meet their upper thermal limits. New Zealand is not exempt from the forecast rise in temperature but, whilst climate change research is not yet a priority research area for this country, we still have a lot to learn about how our unique fauna will respond. It is already clear that rising temperatures will have significant consequences for fish reproduction and recruitment (Pankhurst & Munday Citation2011), but other forms of stress, such as low O2, are set to exacerbate the problem through constrained metabolism (Claireaux & Lefrançois Citation2005; Chabot & Claireaux Citation2008). Aquatic hypoxia has increased globally and expanded in many areas in recent years (Diaz & Rosenberg Citation2008), but low O2 episodes still appear to be relatively isolated in New Zealand (Larkin Citation2005; Patel Citation2011). However, with proposed shifts in land use, and a continuance of human pressure, relatively enclosed water bodies, such as estuaries, harbours and even the Firth of Thames (which sits at the southern end of the Hauraki Gulf and receives nutrients from the Waikato farming region), are probably not immune to the future threat of severe low O2 through eutrophication (Larkin Citation2005; Hauraki Gulf Forum Citation2008, Citation2011; Patel Citation2011). In light of the possible combined threat of elevated temperature and low O2, a precautionary approach would be to resolve the response of keystone species, such as the snapper P. auratus, in advance of any environmental change, and to have management plans equipped with a full understanding of the responses expected from as many species as possible (Jørgensen et al. Citation2012). This is an important new line of research for the Leigh Laboratory because studies examining the physiology and behaviour of fish to low O2 and elevated temperature will almost certainly provide vital information for the models that forecast the abundance and distribution of fish in a changing world (Jørgensen et al. Citation2012).


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