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Research Article

The progress of Indonesian law enforcement reform after 25 years of the reform movement

Pages 28-54 | Received 18 Jan 2023, Accepted 03 Oct 2023, Published online: 10 Oct 2023


This study aims to examine the development of law enforcement reform in Indonesia, which has become very relevant after the economic crisis in Asia in 1997, which led to political turmoil and legal reform in Indonesia. This research is normative legal research, with primary data sourced from decisions of the Supreme Court and courts under the Supreme Court, regulations from the Attorney General’s Office and the National Police Chief, and decisions on case settlements by law enforcement officials; Secondary data obtained from books, journals, and the Internet. The study found that investigators and public prosecutors often settle cases out of court in criminal law enforcement with a restorative justice approach through peace and reconciliation. Judges sometimes act in violation of the rules of procedural law to achieve substantive justice. In enforcing civil law, courts only intervene when the parties involved fail to settle their disputes outside of court. This finding also indicates a high degree of acceptability of court decisions. In conclusion, law enforcement agencies and officials in Indonesia have made significant progress in implementing progressive law, as evidenced by the settlement of cases through mediation using a restorative justice approach.


The author is grateful to Dr. Paul Chambers, Executive Editor of Asian Affairs: An American Review, and two anonymous reviewers for providing feedback to improve the quality of this manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information

The author did not receive funding from external parties.


1 #Satjipto Rahardjo. “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang, December 15, 2007).

2 #Satjipto Rahardjo, “Customary Law in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Sociological Law Perspective)” (paper presented at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia on Customary Law Workshop), Jakarta, June 4–6, 2005).

3 Hikmahanto Juwana, ”Reform of Economic Laws and Its Effects on the Post-crisis Indonesian Economy.” The Developing Economies XLIII No.1 (2007). https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1746-1049.2005.tb00253.x

4 Lawrence M. Friedman, The Legal System, A Social Science Perspective (New York: Russel Sage Foundation, 1975), 17.

5 Widya Lestari Ningsih, “The 1997 Asian Monetary Crisis: Causes, Impact, and Role of the IMF,” Kompas.com, 2022. https://www.kompas.com/stori/read/2022/07/03/100000379/krisis-moneter-asia-1997–penyebab-dampak-dan-peran-imf?page=all

6 Philippe Nonet, Philip Selznick, Law and Society in Transition: Toward Responsive Law (New York: Harper Colophon Books, 1978).

7 Reza A.A. Wattimena, Beyond the Classic Rule of Law, Locke-Rousseau-Habermas (Yogyakarta: Publisher Kanisius, 2007), xvii-xviii.

8 #Esmi Warassih, “The Community Empowerment in Realizing Legal Goals, Law Enforcement Processes and Justice Issues” (paper presented at the Diponegoro University Faculty of Law on Law enfocement, Semarang, November 29, 2001).

9 Chachapon Jayaphorn, “Reformation of The Thai Legal System at The Beginning of The 20th Century: Context and Origin”, Thailand Law Forum, http://thailawforum.com/articles/reformation1.html

10 Rahardjo, Progressive Law: Exploration of an Idea (Jakarta: Legal Studies Center Foundation, 2004), 1–14.

11 Brian Z Tamanaha, A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), 139.

12 #Satjipto Rahardjo. “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang, December 15, 2007).

13 Ansori Lutfil, “Progressive Law Enforcement Reform”, Jurnal Yuridis 4 No 2, December (2017), 148–63, https://ejournal.upnvj.ac.id/Yuridis/article/view/244

14 Virginia Garcia, Hari Sutra Disemadi, Barda Nawawi Arief, “The enforcement of restorative justice in Indonesia criminal law”, Legality Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum, 28 No.1 (2020), 22–35. https://ejournal.umm.ac.id/index.php/legality/article/view/10680/0

15 Satjipto Rahardjo, Progressive Law: Exploration of an Idea, (Jakarta: Legal Studies Center Foundation, 2004), 1–14.

16 Ibid., 7

17 Rahardjo. “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang,December 15, 2007).

18 Ronald Dworkin, Talking Right Seriously (London: Gerald Duckworth & Co.Ltd, 1977), 1.

19 John Griffiths, “What Is Legal Pluralism?”, The Foundation For Journal of Legal Pluralism, The Journal of Pluralism And Unofficial Low 24 (1986): 1–56.

20 Satjipto Rahardjo, Law Enforcement, A Sociological Review (Yogyakarta: Genta Publishing, 2009), 78.

21 #Satjipto Rahardjo, “Customary Law in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Sociological Law Perspective)” (paper presented at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia on Customary Law Workshop, Jakarta, June 4–6, 2005).

22 #Satjipto Rahardjo, “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang, December 15, 2007).

23 Werner Menski, Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006), 89.

24 The Criminal Procedure Code 1981 of Indonesia, in article 1 (1), explains that Investigators are officers of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia or certain civil servants who are given special authority by law to conduct investigations.

25 The Criminal Procedure Code1981 of Indonesia in article 284 (2) junction Government Regulation Number 27 of 1983 in article 17 stipulates that the prosecutors’ office has the authority to investigate certain criminal acts (according to special provisions based on statutory regulations). The prosecutor’s authority as an investigator is also regulated in Law Number 16 of 2004 concerning the Prosecutor’s Office in Article 30 (1).

26 The Criminal Procedure Code 1981 of Indonesia, in article 84 (1), stipulates that the district court has the authority to try all cases concerning criminal acts committed within its jurisdiction, Law Number 48 of 2009 concerning Judicial Power, in article 18 stated that judicial power has exercised by the Supreme Court and judicial bodies under it in the general court environment, religious court environment, military court environment, state administrative court environment; and by the Constitutional Court. The District Court is a court of first instance within the general court environment. The high courts are the courts of appeal, and the Supreme Court is the Court of Cassation.

27 The Attorney Law 2004 in article 30 (1).

28 The Republic of Indonesia Criminal Procedure Code 1981, Article 7 Paragraph (1) (a-i).

29 The Law on the Juvenile Criminal Justice System of 2012 of the Republic of Indonesia provides an opportunity to settle cases outside the court for children who are perpetrators of crimes by making peace with the victim.

30 “The Psychosocial Condition of Children in Conflict with the Law”, Research center of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified June 3, 2017. http://puslit.kemsos.go.id/hasil-penelitian/390/kondisi-psikososial-anak-berhadapan-dengan-hukum-(abh)-selama-menjalani-proses-diversi#sthash.j6SVNTvU.dpbs (accessed November 8, 2021).

31 The Republic of Indonesia National Police Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling of Crimes Based on Restorative Justice, article 1 (3).

32 “Police Resolve 15,811 Cases through Restorative Justice, Prevent Prison Overcapacity,” Indonesian National Police, last modified July 6, 2022. https://polri.go.id/berita-polri/239 (accessed October 10, 2022).

33 “The Psychosocial Condition of Children in Conflict with the Law”, Research center of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified June 3, 2017. http://puslit.kemsos.go.id/hasil-penelitian/390/kondisi-psikososial-anak-berhadapan-dengan-hukum-(abh)-selama-menjalani-proses-diversi#sthash.j6SVNTvU.dpbs (accessed November 8, 2021).

34 The Prosecutor’s Office Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution based on restorative justice.

35 “The Attorney General’s Office has stopped 1,334 cases based on restorative Justice,” Kumparan.com, last modified July 16, 2022. https://kumparan.com/kumparannews/kejaksaan-sudah-hentikan-1-334-perkara-berdasarkan-restorative-justice-1yTWzYCrhKw/full (accessed August 5, 2022).

36 Ahmad Rifai, “Legal Findings by Judges in a Progressive Law Perspective”, 2014. https://www.hukumonline.com/berita/a/kisah-icontra-legem-i-pasal-244-kuhap-lt54a1d82fe8974

37 “The Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No.2547K/PID.SUS/2011,” Directory of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified March 7, 2012. https://putusan3.mahkamahagung.go.id/direktori/putusan/9518b59ebc3611fe50524a7201370f23.html (accessed July 23, 2021).

38 “The Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1891 K/Pid/2011,” Directory of Decisions of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified March 7, 2012. https://putusan3.mahkamahagung.go.id/direktori/putusan/9518b59ebc3611fe50524a7201370f23.html (accessed July 23, 2021).

39 The Criminal Procedure Code 1981 in article 244 stipulates that for decisions in criminal cases handed down at the final level by a court other than the Supreme Court, the accused or public prosecutor may submit a cassation request to the Supreme Court, unless the accused is acquitted.

40 “Constitutional Court: Cassation can be filed against acquittal of criminal cases,” last modified March 28, 2013. https://www.mkri.id/index.php?page=web.Berita&id=8280# (accessed March 23, 2021).

41 The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Summary Annual Report. https://www.mahkamahagung.go.id/id/summary-laporan-tahunan-mahkamah-agung-ri

42 "Summary Annual Report of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia," the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified July 24, 2022. https://www.mahkamahagung.go.id/id/summary-laporan-tahunan-mahkamah-agung-ri (accessed October 6, 2022).

43 The Decree of the Director General of the General Courts Agency Number 1691/DJU/SK/PS.00/12/2020 concerning Guidelines for implementing restorative justice in the general court environment. https://badilum.mahkamahagung.go.id/index.php?option=com_attachments&task=download&id=811

44 “The Directory of decisions of the Supreme Court of Indonesia”, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified July 24, 2022. https://putusan3.mahkamahagung.go.id/search.html?q=restoratif&jenis_doc=putusan&tp=0&t_put=2021 (accessed October 9, 2022).

45 “Sumary Annual Report of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia,” the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified July 24, 2022. https://www.mahkamahagung.go.id/id/summary-laporan-tahunan-mahkamah-agung-ri (accessed October 6, 2022).

46 Supomo, Legal System in Indonesia before World War II, (Jakarta: Noordhoff-Kolff N.V.,1953). https://lib.ui.ac.id/file?file=digital/20379702-Sistim%20hukum%20indonesia%20(sebelum%20pernag%20dunia%20II),%201953.pdf

47 The Religious Courts Law 2006 in article 49 stipulates that the Religious Courts have the authority to examine, decide and settle cases between people who are Muslim in the fields of: marriage, inheritance, wills, grants, waqf, zakat, infaq, shadaqah, and sharia economics.

48 The general judiciary law 2004 in article 2 stipulates that the general judiciary is one of the executors of judicial power for people seeking justice in general.

49 “Sumary Annual Report of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia,” the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified July 24, 2022. https://www.mahkamahagung.go.id/id/summary-laporan-tahunan-mahkamah-agung-ri (accessed October 6, 2022).

50 “Sumary Annual Report of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia,” the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, last modified July 24, 2022. https://www.mahkamahagung.go.id/id/summary-laporan-tahunan-mahkamah-agung-ri (accessed October 6, 2022).

51 Rahardjo. “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang, Indonesia, December 15, 2007); Dworkin, Talking Right Seriously, (London: Gerald Duckworth & Co.Ltd, 1977), 1.

52 Rahardjo, Progressive Law: Exploration of an Idea (Jakarta: Legal Studies Center Foundation, 2004), 1–14.

53 Rahardjo, “Customary Law in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Sociological Law Perspective)” (paper presented at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia on Customary Law Workshop), Jakarta, June 4–6, 2005).

54 The Regulation of the Head of State Police Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling of criminal acts based on restorative justice, Article 5 (a-f).

55 The Regulation of the Head of State Police Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling of criminal acts based on restorative justice, Article 8–10.

56 The Attorney General's Regulation of Indonesia Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice, Article 5 (1), (3), (4), (5).

57 Attachment to the Director General of General Justice Decision at the Supreme Court Number 1691/DJU/SK/PS.00/12/2020 regarding the Guidelines for the Implementation of Restorative Justice in the General Court Environment, Chapter II letter B (2).

58 Tamanaha, A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society,139; Rahardjo, “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang, December 15, 2007); Griffiths, “The Foundation For Journal of Legal Pluralism, The Jurnal of Pluralism And Unofficial Low, 1–56; Rahardjo, “Customary Law in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Sociological Law Perspective)” (paper presented at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia on Customary Law Workshop), Jakarta, June 4–6, 2005).

59 Tamanaha, A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society,139; Rahardjo, “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang, Indonesia, December 15, 2007).

60 The Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2016 regarding mediation procedures in court, article 2(1), 3(3),(4),(5).

61 Rahardjo, “Customary Law in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Sociological Law Perspective)” (paper presented at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia on Customary Law Workshop), Jakarta, June 4–6, 2005).

62 Nonet, Selznick, Law and Society in Transition: Toward Responsive Law; Tamanaha, A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society, 139; Rahardjo, “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progresive Law, Semarang, December 15, 2007); Griffiths, The Foundation For Journal of Legal Pluralism, the Jurnal of Pluralism and unofficial Low, 1–56.

63 M Friedman, The Legal System, A Social Science Perspective, 17.

64 Wattimena, Beyond the Classic Rule of Law, Locke-Rousseau-Habermas, xvii-xviii; Warassih, “The Community Empowerment in Realizing Legal Goals, Law Enforcement Processes and Justice Issues” (paper presented at the Diponegoro University Faculty of Law on Law enforcement, Semarang, November 29, 2001).

65 Rahardjo, Progressive Law: Exploration of an Idea, 1-14; Rahardjo, “The Concepts and Characteristics of Progressive Law” (paper presented at the Faculty of Law Diponegoro University on Progressive Law, Semarang, December 15, 2007).

66 Menski,, Comparative Law in a Global Context: The Legal Systems of Asia and Africa, 89.

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