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Multiple comparisons of mean vectors with large dimension under general conditions

Pages 1044-1059 | Received 25 Jun 2018, Accepted 16 Jan 2019, Published online: 28 Jan 2019


Multiple comparisons for two or more mean vectors are considered when the dimension of the vectors may exceed the sample size, the design may be unbalanced, populations need not be normal, and the true covariance matrices may be unequal. Pairwise comparisons, including comparisons with a control, and their linear combinations are considered. Under fairly general conditions, the asymptotic multivariate distribution of the vector of test statistics is derived whose quantiles can be used in multiple testing. Simulations are used to show the accuracy of the tests. Real data applications are also demonstrated.

1. Introduction

The objective of this work is to present multiple comparisons for mean vectors in a multi-sample problem where the populations need not necessarily be normal, sample sizes and covariance matrices may be unequal, and the dimension of the vectors may exceed the sample sizes. Precisely, let Xik=(Xik1,,Xikp)Fi, k=1,,ni, be iid random vectors with E(Xik)=μiRp, Cov(Xik)=ΣiR>0p×p, i=1,,g2, where R>0p×p denotes the space of real, symmetric, positive-definite, p×p matrices and Fi denotes the distribution function for ith population.

We are interested to develop multiple comparison procedures (MCP) or, correspondingly, simultaneous confidence intervals (SCI), for difference of mean vectors, by relaxing the usual linear model assumptions, e.g. normality and homoscedasticity. Thus, Fi may be non-normal and Σi may be unequal which, along with ni also allowed to be unequal (unbalanced design), implies a complete multi-sample Behrens-Fisher problem. Further, we allow p to be large, even pni. These comparisons are of interest as a first post hoc investigation after a global MANOVA hypothesis of equality of all mean vectors is rejected; see Seber [Citation1] or Johnson and Wichern [Citation2].

The multivariate theory offers a number of solutions to this problem for the classical case, p<ni, particularly assuming normality and homoscedasticity. The global MANOVA hypotheses are mostly tested by the likelihood-ratio criterion such as Wikls' Λ and its rejection follows by finding out the mean vectors responsible for the global rejection. It commonly begins with a general strategy for a set of comparisons defined as linear combination, aδij, aRp, where δij=μiμj, ij. A case of particular interest is of pairwise differences δij themselves which includes all possible differences as well as special cases such as comparisons with a control.

The classical case of such comparisons has been extensively investigated; see e.g. Krishnaiah [Citation3,Citation4], Wijsman [Citation5], Kropf [Citation6], Kropf and Läuter [Citation7], Westfall et al. [Citation8], Läuter et al. [Citation9], Conneely and Boehnke [Citation10], Westfall and Troendle [Citation11], Bretz et al. [Citation12], Dickhaus [Citation13], Goeman and Finos [Citation14], Goeman and Solari [Citation15], Guilbaud [Citation16,Citation17], where Dickhaus [Citation18] is a modern, comprehensive book length reference with exhaustive bibliography.

The classical methods for MCP or SCI do not work when pni and need to be modified. The recent wave of high-dimensional data has motivated a thorough inquiry into new avenues for simultaneous inference which, already complicated enough as compared to global testing, is further exacerbated by the largeness of dimensionality. Of particular concern are the fields like genetics, microarray, agriculture, fMRI, psychology where analysing umpteen amounts of data has become a norm rather than exception; see e.g. Nichols and Hayasaka [Citation19] and Dickhaus [Citation18].

The multiple comparisons introduced in this paper are applicable for such high-dimensional data which, additionally, do not depend on usual assumptions such as normality and homoscedasticity. In fact, concerning normality, the tests can be used for any distribution with finite fourth moment across p-dimensional vector. A distinguishing feature of the proposed tests is that we exclusively derive asymptotic joint distribution of the entire vector of preliminary tests whose quantiles can be directly used to test any number of comparisons of g man vectors. Under a few, mild assumptions, the asymptotic covariance matrix turns out be of very simple form and particularly sparse, not only making the derivation of the limit distribution convenient but also enhancing the applicability of the proposed tests under fairly general conditions.

We begin in the next section with a concise notational set up, to be used throughout the paper, followed by the main tests and their properties. A simulation based evaluation is given in Section 3 and applications are given in Section 4. Section 5 summarizes the main points.

2. Test statistics and their properties

2.1. Notations and preliminary set up

Let the vectors XikRp, k{1,,ni}, i{1,,g}, as defined above, be generated by a probability space (X, A, Pθ) where the probability measure Pθ is indexed with parameter θΘ and Θ is the parameter space, not necessarily finite. Then Xi=(X1Xni)Rni×p is the data matrix for ith sample and X=(X1,,Xng)Rn×p, n=i=1gni, with parameter space {Γ,Ξ}, where Γ=E(X)=(1n1μ1||1ngμg), Ξ=Cov(X)=i=1g(IniΣi) with Cov(Xi)=IniΣi using Cov(Xik)=Σi  i, where ⊕ and ⊗ are the Kronecker sum and Kronecker product, respectively. Let X¯i=k=1nXik/ni and Σˆi=k=1nX~ikX~jk/(ni1) be the usual unbiased estimators of μi and Σi with X~ik=XikX¯i, or, using the ith data matrix, i=1,,g, (1) X¯i=1niXi1ni,Σˆi=1ni1XiCniXi,(1) where Cni=IniJni/ni is centering matrix, I is identity matrix, J=11 and 1 a vector of 1 s.

Let H={HI:II} be a family of hypotheses, finite or infinite, with card{I}=G, corresponding to families of distributions {Pθ:θΘI} with parameter space ΘI bifurcated into Θ0,I and Θ1,I=ΘIΘ0,I, according to HI being null ((H0,I) or alternative (H1,I) hypothesis, where Θ0Θ1=Θ, Θ0Θ1=. A (non-randomized) test for each HI is carried out using a test statistic TI with its space TI, which similarly bifurcates the sample space into X0,I and X1,I, with a binary decision φ: TI{0,1} where φ = 1 (0) when HI is rejected (accepted).

As usual, the power function β(θI|ΘI) = α (size) if ΘI=Θ0,I and 1β (power) if ΘI=Θ1,I. For a sample XX, pI=supθΘ0,IP(Tocα) is the p-value of TI with observed value To and critical value cα. The problem of MCP pertains to simultaneously testing a set of G hypotheses H0,I:θΘ0,I vs. H1,I:θΘ1,I,II,card{I}=G. For pairwise comparisons of μi, we have θ=δij=μiμj, ij, with G=g2=g(g1)/2, and for comparisons with a control, θ=δ1j=μ1μj with G=g−1, j=2,,g, assuming, without loss of generality, sample 1 as control. In either case, we essentially deal with a vector of test statistics TRG and corresponding vector of observed p-values, p(0,1)G.

With several tests being carried out simultaneously, the most serious issue in multiple testing is to effectively control α, i.e. reduce the chance of false positives (FP). Let I0I be the subset corresponding to the true null hypotheses, H0={H0,I:II0}, with card{I0}=G0G, and RI be the subset for which H0,I is rejected. Then fm = card{RI0} refers to the set of FPs (rejected true hypotheses or type I errors), so that rm = card{RI0} is the index of true positives or TPs (rightly rejected null hypotheses or power of test). We, therefore, are interested to keep fm (rm) as small (large) as possible. Several error control procedures can be adopted, subject to research questions. For details, see e.g. Hochberg and Tamhane [Citation20], Bretz et al. [Citation12], Dickhaus [Citation18], Goeman and Solari [Citation15], Hemerik and Goeman [Citation21].

In practice, family-wise error control (in the strong sense), FWEs, is the most desired error control and will be our main target in the sequel. It is the proportion of all FPs, i.e. P(fm>0). The simplest way to control FWEs is through Bonferroni inequality which ensures P(fm>0)G0α/Gα, where equality holds in most cases since G0=G, i.e. each of G tests has α/G chance for FP. It offers an efficient control for small to moderate G but is obviously conservative (or has less power) as G becomes large. An alternative option is the false discovery rate, FDR = E[{fm/(fm+rm)}1{fm+rm1}] with 1{} as indicator function; see e.g. Dickhaus [Citation18, Ch. 1].

Among other notations used in the sequel, a vector aRp is a column vector with norm a2 = a,a and a matrix norm is Frobenius A2=tr(A2). The test statistics are formulated as linear combinations of second-order U-statistics of symmetric (product) kernels, h():RpR, defined as bilinear forms of independent vectors. With h() a measurable, possibly degenerate, square-integrable, h2dP<, function, the set up conforms to a Hilbert space L2(H) equipped with inner product ,:RpR, so that h(), with an orthonormal decomposition, is a Hilbert-Schmidt kernel; see van der Vaart [Citation22] or Lee [Citation23]. This helps us study the properties of test statistics under flexible conditions, the subject of next section.

2.2. Test statistics and their properties

For the data set up in Section 2.1, let TI=Tij be the test statistic for a (preliminary) hypothesis H0,I=H0ij:δij=0 with δGRG the vector of all hypotheses to be simultaneously tested. Thus, for all pairwise differences, δij:μiμj, i<j, with G=g(g1)/2, δG=(δ11,,δg1,g) where (2) TG=(T1,,Tg1)=(T12,,T1g,T23,,T2g,,Tg2,g,Tg1,g),(2) is the vector of test statistics, a set of simultaneous tests for H0:δG=0, with Ti=(Ti,i+1,,Tig), i=1,,g1. Our strategy begins by defining Tij, a test statistic for H0ij, valid for pni where Fi may be non-normal and Σi may be unequal. The limit of Tij is derived under flexible conditions since the multiple tests heavily rest on the properties of Tij. Using these properties, we derive the joint distribution of TG to be used for MCP for any G. The most salient feature is that the effect of high-dimensionality, p, is taken care of in Tij, so that the limit of TG is mainly influenced by g or G. Now, to define Tij, consider Qij0=Ui+Uj2Uij where (3) Ui=1ni(ni1)k=1nir=1nikrh(Xik,Xir),Uij=1ninjk=1nil=1njh(Xik,Xjl),(3) are one- and two-sample U-statistics, respectively, with symmetric kernels h(Xik,Xir)=XikXir/p, h(Xik,Xjl)=XikXjl/p, k,r=1,,ni, kr, l=1,,nj, i,j=1,,g, ij, nij=ni+nj. Now E(Qij0)=δij2=0 under H0ij, δij=μiμj, so that Qij0 can be used to test H0ij. For scaling and appropriate limit, also consider Qij1=Qi1+Qj1, Qi1=(EiUi)/ni, Ei=k=1niXikXik/ni. Note that, Qi1=tr(Σˆi)/niQij1=tr(Σˆij0), Σˆij0=Σˆi/ni+Σˆj/nj so that E(Qij1)=tr(Σij0), which is same under H0ij and H1ij, where Σij0=Σi/ni+Σ/nj. Thus, writing Qij=Qij1+Qij0, it follows that [see also Citation24] E(Qij)=δij2+tr(Σij0)=tr(Σij0)underH0ij. We thus define the two-sample test statistic for H0ij as (4) Tij=1+nijQij0[nijQij1/p].(4) Tij is location-invariant so that we can assume μi=0 i without loss of generality. Tij is defined in Ahmad [Citation25] as a modification of the Hotelling's two-sample T2 statistic to test H0ij for high-dimensional data under non-normality and heteroscedasticity. Recall T2 = (ninj/nij)δˆijΣˆij1δˆij where δˆij=X¯iX¯j and Σˆ=[(ni1)Σˆi+(nj1)Σˆj]/(ni+nj2) is pooled estimator of Σi=Σj=Σ [Citation1, see e.g.]. The modification pertains to removing Σˆ1, which does not exist when p>ni, and writing δˆij2=Qij1+Qij0=Qij since X¯i2=k,r=1niXikXir/ni2=(EiUi)/ni+Ui. Properties of Tij are studied under the following assumptions.

Assumption 2.1

E(Xiks4)γ<, i=1,,g,  s=1,,p, γR+.

Assumption 2.2

As ni, ni/nρi(0,), i=1,,g.

Assumption 2.3

As p, tr(Σi)/p=κi=O(1), i=1,,g.

Assumption 2.4

As p, μiΣkμj/p2=ψij, 0<ψij<, i=1,,g, k=i or k=j.

The assumptions are stated for g samples for their further use in the sequel. Note that, by Assumption 2.3, Σi2/p2=O(1). If we let λiR+ be the eigenvalues of Σi, so that νi be those of Σi/p, i{1,,g}, then Assumption 2.3 and its consequence uniformly bound the first two moments of νi. Assumption 2.1 is inevitably needed to compute moments of bilinear forms when normality is relaxed. Assumption 2.4 is only needed for distribution under the alternative.

Assumptions 2.2 and 2.3 are mild and frequently used in high-dimensional testing problems. In particular, Assumption 2.3 holds for many commonly used covariance structures. Consider, e.g. Σ as compound symmetric (CS), Σ=(1ρ)I+ρJ with I as identity matrix, J=11, 1 a vector of 1s, 1/(p1)ρ1. Then tr(Σr)=O(pr), r = 1, 2. Note that, unlike common practice in the literature, we need not assume similar bound for higher moments of the eigenvalues of Σ, e.g. tr(Σ2)/p=O(1) which may collapse for many useful structures, including CS. Note also that CS belongs to spiked structures where a few eigenvalues dominate the rest, so that the proposed procedures hold for such structures as well. See also discussion after Assumption 2.6 below.

Under these assumptions, the limit of Tij, for n,i,p, is given in Ahmad [Citation25]. First, nijQij1/pPρi1κi+ρj1κj=s=1(ρi1νsi+ρj1νsj)=Kij, as ni,p. The limit obviously approximates E(Qij1)=tr(Σij0) and holds both under H0ij and H1ij. As E(Qij0)=δij2=0 under H0ij, the kernels of Ui and Uij are degenerate, so that [Citation22] niUiDs=1νis(zis21), ninjUijDs=1νisziszjs, where zisN(0,1), iid. Then nijQij0Ds=1(ρi1νiszis2+ρj1νiszjm22ρi1/2ρj1/2νijsziszjs)Kij and, by Slutsky's lemma, (5) TijD1Kijm=1(ρi1/2νim1/2zimρj1/2νjm1/2zjm)2,(5) where the limiting moments, E(Tij)1, Var(Tij)2m=1(ρ11ν1m+ρ21ν2m)2/Kij2, approximate the first two moments of χfij2/fij, fij=[tr(Ω0ij)]2/tr(Ω0ij2), Ω0ij=nΣij0/p. Thus TijDχfij2/fij. The normal limit follows by an application of Hájek-Šidák Lemma [Citation26, p. 183]. The limit under H1ij follows by the projection theory of U-statistics. We estimate Var(Tij)=σTij2 by using unbiased, consistent estimators of traces in fij, i.e. tr(Σi2), [tr(Σi)]2, tr(ΣiΣj), defined as E2i = ηi{(ni1)(ni2)tr(Σˆi2) + [tr(Σˆi)]2niQi}, E3i=ηi{2tr(Σˆi2)+(ni23ni+1)[tr(Σˆi)]2niQi} and tr(Σˆ1Σˆ2), where Qi=k=1ni(X~ikX~ik)2/(ni1), X~i=XikX¯i, ηi=(ni1)/[ni(ni2)(ni3)]. The consistent estimator Varˆ(Tij) can replace Var(Tij) in Tij. Following theorem summarizes the limit. For proof and an extension to multi-sample case, see Ahmad [Citation25].

Theorem 2.5

For Tij in Equation (Equation4), (TijE(Tij))/σTijDN(0,1), ni,nj,p, under Assumptions 2.1–2.4. The limit remains valid by replacing σTij2 with its consistent estimator defined above.

A few remarks concerning Theorem 2.5 will help us proceed further. First, the limit of Tij holds for any distribution with finite fourth moment. Second, the composition of Tij in terms of U-statistics helps us relax normality and obtain the limit conveniently as the kernels are simple bilinear forms of independent components. The accuracy of Tij for small or moderate ni and large p is shown through simulations in Ahmad [Citation25]. This also implies that the dimension p is taken care of in the limit of Tij, so that the extension to multiple comparisons will not be much influenced by p. Finally, as Qij1 converges to E(Qij1)=tr(Σij0) in probability, the limit of Tij mainly follows from Qij0. Thus, in extending the limit to TG, we mainly focus on Qij0. For this, note that (6) Var(Qij0)=2Σij02+4δijΣij0δij(6) (7) Cov(Qij0,Qij0)=2ni2Σi2+4niδijΣiδij(7) (8) Cov(Qij0,Qij0)=2nj2Σj2+4njδijΣjδij(8) with Cov(Qij0,Qij0)=0 for ii, jj (see Appendix) where, under H0ij, (9) Var(Qij0)=2Σij02,Cov(Qij0,Qij0)=2ni2Σi2,Cov(Qij0,Qij0)=2nj2Σj2,(9) independent of μi. Now, with Qi0=(Qij0,,Qig0), i=1,,g1, consider the vector (10) Q0=(Q10,,Qg1,0),(10) where E(Q0)=0, Cov(Q0)=Λ=2(Λij/p2)i,j=1GRG×G, a partitioned matrix with diagonal and off-diagonal blocks Cov(Qi0) = Λii/p2R(gi)×(gi), Cov(Qi0,Qj0)=Λij/p2R(gi)×(gj), i.e. (11) Λii=1ni2Σi2(JI)gi+j=i+1gΣij02,Λij=0 1ni2Σi21gi 1nj2j=i+2gΣj2(11) i=1,,g1, j=i+1,,g, 1 is vector of 1s, J=11, I is identity matrix, ⊕ is Kronecker sum and 0 in Λij is of order (ji1)×(gj) with no zero row if ji−1=0. A closer look at the structure of Λ reveals several aspects which will simplify the computations that follow. Ignoring p2 for simplicity, and denoting ai=Σi2/ni2, aij=Σij02, we can write (12) Λii=ai,i+1aiaiaiai,i+2aiaiaiai,g.(12) For any given i, Λii has same off-diagonal element, ai, with diagonal elements aij, where Σij0 = Σi/ni+Σj/nj = Cov(δˆij), j=i+1. For off-diagonal blocks Λij, Λ12=a2a2a2a3000a4000ag,Λ13=000a3a3a3a40000ag,Λ1,g2=0000ag2ag2ag100ag,Λ1,g1=00ag1agΛ23=a3a3a3a4000a5000ag,Λ2,g2=0000ag2ag2ag100ag,Λ2,g1=00ag1ag,Λg2,g1=ag100ag

The off-diagonal elements in Λij are mostly 0 and the number of (rows with) zeros increases with increasing j for every i, making Λ an increasingly sparse matrix. However, the distinct non-zero elements in Λ consist of a much smaller set (13) tr(Σi2), tr(ΣiΣj), i, j=1,,g, i<j,(13) with cardinality Ce=g(g+1)/2. Thus, for any g, we only need to estimate Ce out of CT=G(G+1)/2 elements in order to estimate Λ. For example, for g = 6, 9, 12, 15, 20 samples, Ce = 21, 66, 78, 120, 210 whereas CT = 120, 1540, 2211, 5565, 18145, respectively. The consistent estimators of these traces are given before Theorem 2.5. Used as plug-in estimators, they lead to a consistent estimator, Λˆ, of Λ. A further simplification follows from weak (mostly zero) off-diagonal elements as compared to diagonal ones, so that the following assumption holds trivially.

Assumption 2.6

limpΣi2/[{tr(Σi+Σj)}{tr(Σi+Σk)}]γ[0,1), ijk=1,,g.

Although, Assumption 2.6 is kept flexible to adjust many covariance structures, it can be shown that the ratio indeed vanishes for most covariance structures, so that Assumption 2.6 encompasses many practical cases, including trivial ones e.g. ΣI; see also Section 4. For the distribution of TG, consider the moments of Qij0 in Equations (Equation6)–(Equation9). Using the projection theory of U-statistics (Appendix), the projection of Qij0 can be shown as Qˆij0=2δij(X¯iμi)(X¯jμj)/p=2δij(X¯iX¯j)δij/p, see [Citation25, Appendix B.2]. As Qˆij0 is composed of independent components and holds for any pair (i,j), the projection of Qi0, hence of Q0, consists of sums of these independent components. Further, with Qij1 converging to a constant in probability, the limit for TG follows conveniently by the Cramér-Wold device and Slutsky's lemma [Citation22]. Finally, using the plug-in consistent estimators of the elements of Λ, the limit also extends to Λˆ. We have the following theorem.

Theorem 2.7

For TG, the limit in Equation (Equation14) holds under Assumptions 2.1–2.6, as ni,p. Further, the limit remains valid by replacing Λ with its consistent estimator defined above.

As mentioned above, the off-diagonal elements in Λ vanish under Assumption 2.6 for most covariance matrices, leaving Λ diagonal. This makes the limit in Theorem 2.7 much easier to prove and simpler to use. In particular, with fˆij as the estimator of fij, as discussed after Equation (Equation5), we can use the Chi-square limit with Cov(TG)diag(2/f12,,2/fg1,g) with fij estimated as fˆij. Alternatively, the corresponding normal limit may be used. In fact, given the structure of the test statistics, and also because the normal limit follows through Chi-square limit, it has been observed that the Chi-square approximation mostly performs relatively better that the normal limit, and is thus strongly recommended for practical applications.

Note that, Theorem 2.7 implies that the limit also holds for any linear combination aTG, aRG{0}. With E(TG)1G, we have, for ni,p, (14) aTGDN(a1,aΛa),(14) so that we can also test any linear combination H0:aδG=0, particularly including any single δij=0, using 2/fij(Tij1)DN(0,1). The corresponding 100(1 - α)% simultaneous confidence interval (SCI) for aδG follows as (15) aTˆGzα/2aΛˆa,(15) where zα/2 is 100(α/2)% quantile of N(0,1)-distribution. Note that, the observed length of this confidence interval is Lˆ=2zα/2(aΛˆa)1/2. By the consistency of Λˆ (Theorems 2.5-2.7) and the continuous mapping theorem, E(Lˆ) converges to aΛa which, under the assumptions, is a finite value, assuming a2< which holds conveniently.

The comparison of treatments with a control is a special case of all pairwise comparisons presented above. Let Sample 1 be treated as control, and the interest is to test it against all other samples, i.e. Hi0:δ1i=0, δ1i=μ1μi, i=2,g. The vector of tests is (16) T1=(T12,,T1g),(16) which is the first sub-vector of TG in Equation (Equation2). Using the related computations, we get E(Q01)=0g1, Cov(Q01)=Λ11, the first diagonal block of Λ, so that under the assumptions, E(T1)1g1 and, assuming zero off-diagonals, Cov(T1)=diag(2/f12,,2/f1g). The multiple tests and corresponding confidence intervals follows from those given for TG above, without much changes.

3. Simulations

We do a simulation study to assess the performance of the proposed tests, in terms of their size control and power, and also their robustness to the violation of assumptions. We consider g = 3 and 6 samples and generate p-dimensional iid vectors from normal, uniform and exponential distributions. For g=3, we use (n1,n2,n3)=(10,15,20), (20, 30, 40), (10, 30, 60) and (50, 75, 100), with p{50,300,500,1000}, where the last sample size triplet corresponds to large samples and penultimate triplet amounts to very unbalanced design. The other two triplets are used to show the accuracy of the tests for small to moderate sample sizes. We use three covariance structures, Compound Symmetry (CS), Autoregressive of order 1, AR(1), and unstructured (UN), defined, respectively, as κI+ρJ, Cov(Xi,Xj)=κρ|ij|,  k,l and Σ=(σij)i,j=1d with σij=1(1)d (i=j), ρij=(i1)/d (i>j), where I is identity matrix and J=11 is matrix of 1 s.

To include violation of homoscedasticity assumption, we combine the structures as (CS, AR(1, 0.5), AR(1, 0.7)), (AR(1, 0.5), AR(1, 0.7), UN), where 0.5 and 0.7 are ρ values used. We use κ=1 for all cases. For g=6, we use (n1,n2,,n6)=(10,10,10,20,20,20), (30, 40, 50, 30, 40, 50), (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80), with same covariance matrix combinations as used for g=3, repeated for first three and next three populations. Due to the close similarity of the results, we restrict the presentation of power to (CS, AR, AR) combination for g=3 and to normal and exponential distributions, with first two sample size sextuples, for g=6.

For both size and power, we use α=0.05. For g=3, we test all (three) pairwise hypotheses δij=0, i<j, i,j=1, 2, 3, where for g=6, we do comparisons with (sample 1 as) control, that is, H0:δ1j=0, j=2,,6. Moreover, for power, we add non-centrality parameter, defined as ϑ=0.2(0.2)1q with q=(1/p,,p/p), to population 1 for both g = 3 and 6. This, for g = 3, affects tests for δ12 and δ13, whereas for g = 6 and comparisons with control, it affects all tests. The p-values and power are estimated using the asymptotic distribution in Theorem 2.7, averaged over 1000 simulation runs.

For comparison, we also compute, under the same set up, size and power for the most commonly used multiple test procedure, namely max test, Tmax, with Bonferroni error control. We thus compute Tmax=max{Tij:i,j=1,G, i<j} and use α/G as nominal level to exercise Bonferroni control. Note that, both types of error control pertain to family-wise in the strong sense (FWEs); see Section 1. The estimated quantiles, 1αˆ and power, 1βˆ, are reported in Tables , respectively, for g=3 and 6.

Table 1. Estimated size of pairwise comparisons for g = 3: all distributions.

Table 2. Estimated size of comparisons with a control for g=6: All distributions.

Table 3. Estimated power of pairwise comparisons for g=3: All distributions.

Table 4. Estimated power of comparisons with a control for g=6: All distributions.

We observe an accurate size control by the proposed tests for both 3 and 6 samples, under all covariance structures and for all populations. The accuracy for exponential distribution as a serious non-normal case is particularly noticeable. Likewise is the case for the covariance structures involving CS, being highly spiked covariance matrix, with only two distinct eigenvalues. These results depict strong robustness of the tests against several violations of usual assumptions. Similar situation appears for power which steadily increases not only for increasing sample sizes but also for increasing dimension. Note the power converging quickly to 1 for sample sizes as small as 10 or 20, even for exponential distribution. Due to this, we reduce ϑ values for each p as soon as the power approaches its maximum value. For example, for p=500, power was already observed 1 for ϑ=0.4, hence not reported. We also note, in comparison, that Tmax often moves between being conservative to liberal and looses its stability, although it generally shows nice power.

To conclude, the proposed tests can be generally considered for most of practically used distributions and covariance structures, where the dimension may far exceed the sample size, and for a moderate number of independent samples. Note that, theoretically, the asymptotic covariance matrix of the vector of tests, Λ, holds for any g, hence any G, but a large g is practically a rare phenomenon. In most cases, g is a moderate values like g 6 or 7, as compared to p which may run into thousands. In this context, the tests may find applicability in a wide array of practical problems. On the other hand, the largeness of g may, at least in a few special contexts, be of interest and is therefore being considered for a future work. It indeed needs a different sort of asymptotics to allow for g simultaneously with p.

4. Applications

We apply the proposed procedures to two data sets, heretofore called SRBCT and Species data, with g=4 and 5 samples, respectively. The first data set consists of small, round blue cell tumors (SRBCT) observed over four independent groups, including a normal group, with sizes n1=29, n2=25, n3=11, n4=18, with dimension p=2308 gene expressions. The second, species, data set consists of p=809 species counts of macrobenthos, observed from n=101 independent sites in five different regions, with sample sizes n1=16, n2=21, n3=25, n4=19, n5=20, along a long transact of the Norwegian continental shelf.

We have X=(X1,,X5)Rn×p as complete data matrix with Xi=(Xi1,,Xini)Rni×p for ith sample, where ni and p are given above. Both data sets represent unbalanced one-way MANOVA designs with g=4 and 5 independent samples, with dimensions p=2308 and 809, and total sample size n=i=15ni=83 and 101, respectively.

We begin by testing global hypotheses, i.e. H0g:μ1==μg vs H15:μiμj for at least one pair ij, i, j = 1,,g, with g=4 and 5, respectively. We use MANOVA test statistic proposed, under identical general conditions as used here, in Ahmad [Citation25]. The observed values of the test statistic, Tg (see Equation 8 in the reference), for SRBCT data are 378.1604 and 45.7850, respectively, for Chi-square and normal approximations, with p-value virtually zero in each case. A detailed analysis of species data is already provided in Ahmad [Citation25, Sec. 5], by which Tg = 180.4 and 40.61 for Chi-square and normal approximations, respectively, with p-values again zero. With global hypotheses strongly rejected, we expect to find vectors responsible for this rejection.

For multiple comparisons, we consider sample 1 as control and compare it with the remaining samples for Species data, i.e. we test H01j:δ1j=0, j=2, 3, 4, 5, with G=4, whereas we do all G=6 pairwise comparisons for SRBCT data, i.e. Hij0:δij=0, i,j=1, 2, 3, 4, i<j. The vectors of test statistics for Species and SRBCT data, respectively, are computed as T5=(5.15,12.24,10.98,10.36),T6=(5.17,3.76,5.32,6.25,5.43,5.07), with the corresponding vectors of p-values (0.004,0,0,0) and 06. The results indicate all means, statistically, discernably different from each other at any reasonable nominal size. For further assessment, we also compute the Λ matrix (see Equation Equation11) for the two data sets, respectively, of order 4×4 and 5×5, shown in Equations (Equation17) and (Equation19). It may be mentioned that the analysis reported above is based on Chi-square approximation which, as already discussed, has relatively better performance than the normal one, and the ratio in Assumption 2.6 is assumed to vanish, so that Λˆ are used as diagonal matrices. This can be easily witnessed from the matrices computed for the two data sets. It is clear that ignoring the off-diagonal elements does not cause much loss of information concerning the comparisons.

To expand more on this, and to highlight an additional important property of the proposed tests, Λˆ1 is also reported in each case; Equations (Equation18) and (Equation20). First, we observe that, estimated Λ is a non-singular matrix, hence can be inverted, something that in fact can be shown for ΛˆG in general. Second, this in turn implies that the tests can be defined as affine-invariant, using Λˆ1. As we have not proved this inverse for the general case explicitly, it is left for a later work. Finally, we notice that the off-diagonal elements virtually vanish in the inverses. Thus, in affine-invariant form, the tests may be used even more safely under Assumption 2.6. (17) Λˆ=2.3260.0320.0680.0550.0323.4590.1630.1310.0680.1632.8460.2750.0550.1310.2754.177(17) (18) Λˆ1=0.4300.0030.0090.0050.0030.2900.0160.0080.0090.0160.3550.0230.0050.0080.0230.241(18) (19) Λˆ=15.5590.0140.0220.0190.0280.0000.0147.2720.0160.0900.0000.0960.0220.0165.7480.0000.0360.0260.0190.0900.0008.3580.0180.0140.0280.0000.0360.0186.6950.0230.0000.0960.0260.0140.0235.655(19) (20) Λˆ1=0.0640.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.1380.0000.0020.0000.0020.0000.0000.1740.0000.0010.0010.0000.0020.0000.1200.0000.0000.0000.0000.0010.0000.1490.0010.0000.0020.0010.0000.0010.177(20)

5. Discussion and conclusions

In the context of multi-sample multivariate problem, multiple comparisons of mean vectors with very large dimension, possibly much larger than the number of vectors in any sample, are considered. The case is of frequent interest, for example, as a first post hoc assessment of mean vectors after a global MANOVA hypothesis is rejected. All possible pairwise differences and comparisons with a control are treated. In particular, the joint asymptotic distribution, under ni,p, is derived whose tail probabilities can be directly used to carry out the multiple tests. Simulations results are used to show the accuracy of the tests, and a comparison with max test is also given.

Following the objectives of the present work, as stated in Section 1, the proposed tests can be used in applied problems requiring simultaneous inference for two or more large mean vectors which might have been sampled from a non-normal distribution and may have unequal covariance matrices as well as the sample sizes. Whereas the test statistics are asymptotically approximated with Chi-square and Normal distributions, it is observed that the former provides relatively better accuracy than the later and is thus highly recommended for practical use.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


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Appendix. Some basic moments

Consider Ui with symmetric kernel h(Xik,Xir) and conditional expectation (projection) hc()=E[h()|X1k,Xc), c=1,2 so that h1(Xik)=E[h()|Xik], h2()=h() with Var[hi()]=ξi, i=1,2. For Uij with symmetric kernel h(Xik,Xjl) with m1=1=m2 and with c1,c2=0,1, the conditional expectations are h10(Xik)=E[h()|Xik], h01(Xjl), h11()=h() with corresponding variances ξ10,ξ01, ξ11. Here, h() is used when the arguments are evident from the context. Then, the moments of U-statistics follow as given, e.g., in Koroljuk and Borovskich [Citation27] or van der Vaart [Citation22]; see also Ahmad [Citation25, Appendix A]

Using these notations, E(Ui)=μiμi, E(Uij)=μiμj, with h(Xik,Xir)=XikXir, h1(Xik)=μiXik, ξ1=Var[hi()]=μiΣiμi and ξ2=Var[h()]=tr(Σi2)+2μiΣiμi. For Uij, h(Xik,Xjl)=XikXjl, with h10=μjXik, h01=μiXjl, ξ10=Var[h10()]=μjΣiμj, ξ10=Var[h10()]=μiΣjμi, h11()=h(), ξ11=Var[h11()]=μiΣjμi+μjΣiμj+tr(ΣiΣj). Now Var(Ui) = 2[2(ni1)μiΣiμi + tr(Σi2)]/ni(ni1), Var(Uij)=[niμiΣjμi+njμjΣiμj+tr(ΣiΣj)]/ninj, Cov(Ui,Uij)=2μjΣiμi/ni, Cov(Uj,Uij)=2μiΣjμj/nj, Cov(Uij,Uij)=μjΣiμj/ni, Cov(Uij,Uij) = μiΣjμi/nj, ij, ij, ij, where the remaining covariances vanish by independence.