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Fortifications and the European Military Balance before 1914

Pages 829-859 | Received 24 Jan 2012, Accepted 15 May 2012, Published online: 06 Nov 2012


This article analyses the evolution of permanent fortifications in Europe between 1870 and 1914. Despite the introduction in the 1880s of high explosive shells, intensive construction continued until the eve of war. Fortifications figured prominently in armaments budgets and in offensive as well as defensive strategic planning, while their design changed radically. Nonetheless, the pattern of development worked against the Central Powers. Austria-Hungary concentrated against Italy at the expense of the Balkans and Galicia; Germany concentrated on Alsace-Lorraine, neglecting the east until 1912. Whereas France modernised its eastern fortresses, Belgium did little, enticing Germany into the envelopment strategy that would draw Britain into the First World War.


My thanks are due to Christopher Duffy, Marvin Fried, Paul Hederer, Michael Hemmersdorfer, Bruce Menning, Nicholas Murray, Charles Sorrie and two anonymous reviewers for advice and assistance in preparing this article.


1Richard F. Hamilton and Holger H. Herwig (eds), War Planning 1914 (Cambridge: Cambridge UP 2010) for the most recent survey. On armaments, David G. Herrmann, The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War (Princeton: Princeton UP 1996); David Stevenson, Armaments and The Coming of War: Europe, 1904–1914 (Oxford: Oxford UP 1996).

2 Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th ed., London: Cambridge UP 1910–11), Vol. X, ‘Fortification and Siegecraft’, 680. On field fortifications, Nicholas A. Murray, ‘The Theory and Practice of Field Fortification from 1877–1914’, DPhil thesis, Oxford University 2007.

3Christopher Duffy, Fire and Stone: The Science of Fortress Warfare 1660–1860 (Newton Abbot: David & Charles 1975), 13–16; Christopher Duffy, The Fortress in the Age of Vauban and Frederick the Great 1660–1789 (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul 1985), 153–5, 291–3.

4Quentin Hughes, Military Architecture: The Art of Defence from Earliest Times to the Atlantic Wall (Liphook: Beaufort 1991), 161ff; Ian Hogg, Fortress: A History of Military Defence (London: Purnell 1975), 73ff.

5Hughes, Military Architecture, 192ff.

6Henri Ortholan, Le Général Séré de Rivières. Le Vauban de la Revanche (Paris: Bernard Giovenangeli 2003), 499–500.

7 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed., Vol. X, 696.

8Murray, ‘Field Fortification’, passim.

9Kurt Mörz de Paula, Der Österreichisch-Ungarische Befestigungsbau 1820–1914 (Vienna, Österreichische Militärgeschichte special issue 2006), 100, 146; Philippe Truttmann, La Barrière de fer. L'Architecture du Général Séré de Rivières (1872–1914) (Thionville: Gérard Klopp 2000), 50.

10Hamilton and Herwig, War Planning, 211, 217.

11Herrmann, Arming of Europe, 35.

12John Gooch, Army, State, and Society in Italy, 1870–1915 (Basingstoke: Macmillan 1989), 115, 125–7. At this period £1 = 25.221 lire = 20.429 marks = 9.45 roubles = 25.22 French francs = 24.02 Austro-Hungarian crowns, cf. Robin Bidwell, Currency Conversion Tables: A Hundred Years of Change (London: Rex Collings 1970).

13E. Rombaldi (ed.), L'Esercito Italiano dall'Unità alla Grande Guerra (1861–1918) (Rome: Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito 1980), 254.

14Gooch, Army, State, and Society, 123.

15Rombaldi (ed.), L'Esercito Italiano, 254; F. Conrad von Hötzendorff, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, 1906–1918 (5 vols: Vienna: Rikola 1921–1925), Vol. II, 64.

16[Vincennes,] S[ervice] H[istorique de l']A[rmée de Terre], 7N69, Colonel Jullian report, 18 June 1909.

17[Munich,] B[ayerisches] H[auptstaatsarchiv, Abteilung IV.] K[riegsarchiv.] Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification reports, 2 Dec. 1907, 2 Dec. 1908, 5 Dec. 1911.

18Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. II, 424; V[ienna:] A[rchiv der Republik.] K[riegsarchiv.], KMPräs 1913 (56-6/2), report on Italian Army, 25 Jan. 1913.

19VAK, Generalstab 1913 (41-1/1), CGS to Evidenzbureau, 15 Jan. 1913.

20BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification report, 15 Feb. 1913.

21BHK, Generalstab 196, report on Italian army in 1910 (n.d.); BHK, Generalstab 204 GGS 9. Abteilung annual report, 5 Dec. 1909.

22VAK, Generalstab Operationsbüro 742, Conrad to Franz Joseph, 14 Jan. 1908; Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. I, 201.

23Rombaldi, L'Esercito Italiano, 261; Herrmann, Arming of Europe, 107.

24VAK, Generalstab 1912 (45-1/13, 33), Schemua to War Minister, 30 May and 24 Oct. 1912.

25Adam Wandruszka et al. (eds), Die Habsburgermonarchie, 1848–1948, Vol. V (Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1987), 409.

26Ibid, 414; Ferdinand Käs, ‘Versuch einer zusammangefaßten Darstellung der Tätigkeit der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Generalstabes in der Zeit von 1906 bis 1914 unter besonderer Berücksichtung der Aufmarschplänen und Mobilmachungen’, doctoral dissertation, Vienna University 1962, 96–8.

27Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. I, 430.

28Mörz de Paula, Österreichisch-Ungarische Befestigungsbau, 26–7.

29Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. I, 430; Vienna, [H]aus-, [H]of-, und [St]aats [A]rchiv, 310 P.A. XL Interna, Auffenberg in Common Ministerial Council, 6 Dec. 1911.

30Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. I, 432

31Stevenson, Armaments, 6.

32Wandruszka, Habsburgermonarchie, 414.

33Hamilton and Herwig, War Planning, 42.

34VAK, KM Präs 1910 (33-8), Conrad to Franz Joseph, 5 Feb. 1910.

35VAK, KM Präs 1910 (76-51), Schönaich to Aehrenthal, 15 Jan. 1910.

36Wandruszka, Habsburgermonarchie, 414.

37VAK, KM Präs 1814 (56-6), annual reports on Serbia and Montenegro for 1913 (n.d.); VAK, KM Präs 1911 (76-83), Conrad to War Minister, 17 Mar. 1911.

38Mörz de Paula, Österreichisch-Ungarische Befestigungsbau, 23; BHK, Generalstab 208, GGS 7. Abteilung, eastern annual report, 30 Nov. 1909.

39Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. IV, 536, 601–4

40Hew Strachan, The First World War: Vol. I. To Arms (Oxford: Oxford UP 2001), 286.

41Hughes, Military Architecture, 176.

42Franz Forstner, ‘Przemysl: Geschichte der bedeutendsten Festung Österreich-Ungarns’, doctoral dissertation, Vienna University 1985, 159, 195.

43Ibid., 61.

44Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. I, 426.

45VAK, KM Präs 1910 (33-8/5), Conrad to War Minister, 19 Sept. 1910.

46Forstner, ‘Przemysl’, 156.

47VAK, KM Präs 1908 (33-8/1), Schönaich to Conrad, 29 Sept. 1908.

48VAK, KM Präs 1912 (37-9), Krobatin to Teleszky, 18 Oct. 1912; BHK, Generalstab 576, Moltke annual report, 14 Jan. 1914; VAK, Generalstab 1913 (45-1/4), Conrad to War Minister, 27 Dec. 1913.

49Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. I, 425; Vol. III, 522.

50Ibid., Vol. I, 425; VAK, Generalstab 1912 (40-7), Generalartillerieinspektor to War Minister, 23 Dec. 1911.

51Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. III, 522; VAK, Generalstab 1912 (45-1/39, 33), Auffenberg to Schemua, 28 July and Schemua to Auffenberg, 24 Oct. 1912.

52William Fuller, Strategy and Power in Russia 1600–1914 (New York: Free Press 1992), 259.

53Bruce Menning, Bayonets before Bullets: the Imperial Russian Army, 1861–1914 (Bloomington: Indiana UP 1992) 87–9; Fuller, Strategy and Power, 299.

54Menning, Bayonets before Bullets, 29.

55Ibid., 119.

56SHA, 7N1535, ‘Places fortes’, Sept. 1910.

57Vladimir Sukhomlinov, Erinnerungen (Berlin: Reimar Hobbing 1924), 218; SHA, 7N1478, Laguiche report, 16 Nov. 1912.

58Stevenson, Armaments, 153–4.

59Andrei Zaionchovski, Podgotovka Rossii k imperialisticheskoi voine (plani voini) (Moscow 1926), 148; BHK, Generalstab 208, Posadowsky despatch, 8 Apr. 1909.

60BHK, Generalstab 208, GGS 7. Abteilung annual report, 30 Nov. 1909; Berlin, [P]olitisches [A]rchiv des [A]uswärtigen [A]mtes, R10450, Moltke to Bülow, 29 May 1909.

61Arkadii Sidorov, Finansovoe Polozhenie Rossii v Godi Pervoi Mirovoi Voiny (1914–1917) (Moscow: Akademiia nauk 1960), 54–55.

62Norman Stone, The Eastern Front, 1914–1917 (New York: Scribner 1975), 31.

63BHK, Generalstab 208, GGS 7. Abteilung annual report, 30 Nov. 1909.

64Vladimir Kokovtsev, Out of My Past (Stanford: Stanford UP 1935), 233–5; Fuller, Strategy and Power, 432.

65Fuller, Strategy and Power, 432.

66SHA, 7N 1535, Wehrlin note, Apr. 1910, Matton reports, 15 Apr. and 6 July 1910, Etat-major de l'armée note, 1 Sept. 1910, ‘Places fortes’.

67Kornelii Shatsillo, Russkoi imperializm i razvitie flota nakanune pervoi mirovoi voiny (1900–1914) (Moscow 1968), 65–9.

68SHA, 7N1539, Warsaw Consul-general report, 1 Sept. 1913; SHA, 7N1535, Zhilinski in Duma, 24 June 1913; BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification reports, 14 June and 15 Oct. 1913; BHK, Generalstab 576, Moltke annual report, 14 Jan. 1914.

69VAK, Generalstab Operationsbüro 820, Evidenzbureau report, June 1913.

70Fuller, Strategy and Power, 442ff.

71SHA, 7N1535, Information from Zhilinski for Joffre, Aug. 1913; SHA, 7N1538, note on transformation of Russian army, June 1913; BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification report, 14 June 1913.

72VAK, KM Präs 1910 (47–2), Spannocchi report, 29 Mar. 1910.

73BHK, MKr 998, Moltke to Wenninger, 3 Dec. 1912; BHK, Generalstab 208, report on Russian heavy artillery, Mar. 1909.

74Marie-France Sardain, Défenses et sièges de Paris 1814–1914 (Paris: Economica 2009), 61ff; Rudi Rolf and Peter Saal, Fortress Europe (Shrewsbury: Airlife 1986), 33.

75Hogg, Fortress, 101.

76Stéphane Gaber, La Lorraine fortifiée, 1870–1940: de Séré de Rivières à Maginot (Nancy: Presses universitaires de Nancy 1994), 13; cf. Ortholan, Séré de Rivières, 355–456.

77Ibid., 493–5; Guy Pedroncini (ed.), Histoire militaire de la France. Tome III. De 1871 à 1940 (Paris: Presses universitaires de France 1992), 31.

78Allan Mitchell, Victors and Vanquished: The German Influence on Army and Church in France after 1870 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press 1984), 52ff; Gaber, Lorraine fortifiée, 13ff; Truttmann, Barrière de fer, 25ff; SHA, 7N1787, Séré report presented 26 May 1876; also <www.fortiff.sere.fr>.

79Ortholan, Séré de Rivières, 501.

80SHA, 7N1804, EMA 3rd Bureau classification note, Jan. 1899.

81Herrmann, Arming of Europe, 46, 53; Truttmann, Barrière de fer, 46.

82Truttman, Barrière de fer, 32.

83Ibid., 50.

84SHA, 7N1806, Note (n.d.) on acceleration of fortification work.

85 Bulletin des lois de la République française, 1914, vi, 7325.

86Mitchell, Victors and Vanquished, 98–9.

87BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification reports, 30 Aug. and 4 Dec. 1906, 2 Dec. 1907.

88Ibid., 2 Dec. 1908, 10 Dec. 1910, 5 Feb. 1911.

89Pierre Rocolle, 2000 ans de fortification française, 2 vols. (Limoges/Paris: Charles-Levauzelle 1973), Vol. I, 299–301; SHA, 7N1806, dossier for cabinet du ministre, 18 July 1914; SHA, 7N1804, minutes of Haute commission des places fortes, 27 Nov. 1907, and note on fortress defensive organization, 19 Apr. 1908.

90Ibid., 14 June, 15 Oct. 1913.

91BHK, Generalstab 196, Moltke on new French armaments bill, 21 Feb. 1913; BHK, Generalstab 167, Moltke on re-organisation following three-year law, Mar. 1914.

92Herrmann, Arming of Europe, 182.

93SHA, 7N 1806, ‘Place de Verdun’ (n.d.); cf. Clayton Donnell, The Fortifications of Verdun, 1874–1917 (Oxford: Osprey 2010), 14ff.

94Truttmann, Barrière de fer, 54; Gaber, Lorraine fortifiée, 37.

95SHA, 7N1806, Laffon de Ladébat report, 28 Dec. 1909.

96SHA 1N11, Report to Conseil supérieur de guerre, 15 Oct. 1913.

97Herrmann, Arming of Europe, 264; BHK, Generalstab 167, Moltke on re-organisation after three-year law, Mar. 1914.

98SHA, 7N1806, Dossier for cabinet du ministre, 18 July 1914.

99BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification report, 10 Dec. 1910.

100BHK, MKr 991, Moltke to Wenninger, 29 Nov. 1912.

101BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification report, 15 Feb. 1913; BHK, MKr 992, Moltke to Wenninger, 8 Feb. 1914.

102Ortholan, Séré de Rivières, 496–7.

103SHA, 1N11, ‘Plan XVII: Bases du Plan’, 2 May 1913, CSG minutes, 18 Apr. 1913.

104Julian Jackson, The Fall of France: The Nazi Invasion of 1940 (Oxford: Oxford UP 2003), 25–7.

105Mitchell, Victors and Vanquished, 113–16.

106Ortholan, Séré de Rivières, 502.

107SHA, 7N1812, Dury, report on Belgian fortresses (n.d.).

108Clayton Donnell, The Forts of the Meuse in World War I (Oxford: Osprey 2007), 9, 13, 17, 32, 33.

109Ortholan, Séré de Rivières, 507.

110Donnell, Forts of the Meuse, 9, 13; Hogg, Fortress, 119.

111SHA, 7N1812, Dury, report on Belgian fortresses (n.d.).

112John Keiger and David Stevenson (eds), British Documents on Foreign Affairs: Reports and Papers from the Confidential Print, Part I, Series F (Frederick, MD: University Publications of America 1987), Vol. V, 333–4, Bridges to Villiers, 19 Oct. 1911; BHK, Generalstab 224, GGS 4. Abteilung, report on Belgian and Dutch fortifications, 1908; and BHK, Generalstab 225, ‘Denkschrift Lüttich’, 1912.

113On preparatory measures in Agadir crisis, BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification report, 5 Dec. 1911.

114David Stevenson, ‘Battlefield or Barrier? Rearmament and Military Planning in Belgium, 1902–1914’, International History Review 29/2 (Sept. 2007) 492–3.

115BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification report, 30 Aug. 1906; Rolf and Saal, Fortress Europe, 27.

116BHK, Generalstab 489, GGS 4. Abteilung fortification report, 2 Dec. 1907, 2 Dec. 1908, 2 Dec. 1909, 10 Dec. 1910, 5 Feb. and 15 Oct. 1913.

117[Freiburg-im-Breisgau], B[undes] A[rchiv]-M[ilitär] A[rchiv], RH61/395, ‘Die Entwickelung [sic] des deutschen Festungssystems von 1871–1914’, p. 1.

118J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann, Fortress Third Reich: German Fortifications and Defense Systems in World War II (Cambridge, MA: Da Capo 2003), 6; Clayton Donnell, The German Fortress of Metz 1870–1944 (Oxford: Osprey 2008), 9

119Kaufmann and Kaufmann, Fortress Third Reich, 5.

120Terence Zuber, Inventing the Schlieffen Plan: German War Planning, 1871–1914 (Oxford: Oxford UP 2002), 111.

121Kaufmann and Kaufman, Fortress Third Reich, 12–13.

122Donnell, German Fortress of Metz, 13, 15ff, 27.

123Ibid., 44ff.

124Friedrich Freiherr von der Goltz, Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz, Denkwürdigkeiten (Berlin: E.S. Mittler und Sohn 1929), 195.

125Ortholan, Séré de Rivières, 570; Jack Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive: Military Decision Making and the Disasters of 1914 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 1984), 131; Reichsarchiv Der Weltkrieg, 1914–1918, Band I, Die Grenzschlachten im Westen (Berlin: E.S. Mittler und Sohn 1925), 7.

126Ibid., 146, 141.

127Ibid., 140; cf. Wilhelm Dieckmann, ‘Der Schlieffenplan', transl. in Terence Zuber (ed.), German War Planning 1891–1914: Sources and Interpretations (Woodbridge: Boydell 2004), 52.

128Ibid., 120.

129Ibid., 118; Dieckmann, ‘Schlieffenplan’, in ibid., 57–8.

130Ibid., 67, 70, 94ff.

131Zuber, German War Planning, 187–97; Hans Ehlert, Michael Epkenhans and Gerhard Groß (eds), Der Schlieffenplan: Analysen und Dokumente (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh 2007); Eric Brose, The Kaiser's Army: The Politics of Military Technology in Germany during the Machine Age, 1870–1918 (Oxford: Oxford UP 2001), 77–84.

132Pertev Dermihan, Generalfeldmarschall Colmar Freiherr von der Goltz: das Lebensbild eines großen Soldaten (Göttingen: Göttinger Verlagsanstalt 1960), 43.

133Brose, 105–7; cf. Dieckmann, ‘Schlieffenplan’, in Zuber, 82–9.

134Zuber, German War Planning, 203–4.

135BHK, MKr 990, Moltke to Einem, 4 Sept. 1906.

136Heinrich Klein, Von Geschoß zum Pfeuerpfeil: der Große Umbruch der Waffentechnik in Deutschland, 1900–1970: Eine Dokumentation (Neckargemünd: Kowinckel 1977), 24ff; Brose, Kaiser's Army, 167ff; Herrmann, Arming of Europe, 65, 158, 201.

137Hamilton and Herwig, War Planning, 221.

138Brose, Kaiser's Army, 169–72; cf. BA-MA, RH61/1928; N56/4. I am indebted to Paul Hederer for bringing this material to my attention.

139BHK, MKr 5586, Wenninger report, 21 Nov. 1912.

140Stevenson, ‘Battlefield or Barrier?’, 501.

141Ehlert et al., Schlieffenplan, 486.

142BHK, MKr 43, Moltke memorandum, approved Wilhelm II 2 Aug. 1906; Albert Grabau, Das Festungsproblem in Deutschland und seine Auswirkung auf die strategische Lage von 1870–1914 (Berlin: Junker & Dünnhaupt, 1935), 173–4.

143Grabau, Festungsproblem, 53–4.

144BA-MA, MSG/2/17789, ‘Die deutsche Festungen vor und im 1. Weltkrieg’, (n.d.), 8.

145Reichsarchiv, Der Weltkrieg, 1914–1918. Band II. Die Befreiung Ostpreußens (Berlin: E.S. Mittler und Sohn 1925), 39.

146BA-MA, RH 61/395, ‘Die Entwickelung [sic] des deutschen Festungssystems von 1871–1914’, 9–14; BA-MA, N80/17, Generalleutnant Schultheis, biography of Mudra, pp. 28ff, (Mudra memorandum, 9 Nov. 1911).

147BA-MA, RH 61/395, ‘Die Entwickelung’, 14–15; Schultheis, 36 (Moltke memorandum, 27 Nov. 1911).

148Grabau, Festungswesen, 57–8.

149Schultheis biography, 45–50; BHK, MKr 5586, Wenninger reports, 24 July 1912 and 8 Nov. 1913 detail the increase in fortress spending.

150Hamilton and Herwig, War Planning, 63.

151BA-MA, RH 61/395, ‘Die Entwickelung’, 17.

152BA-MA, MSG/2/17789, ‘Deutsche Festungen’, 8; Stuttgart, Haupstaatsarchiv, M1/2, Vol. 54, GGS intelligence reports, 31 July, 1 Aug. 1914; Ibid., Vol. 109, 27 July–4 Aug. 1914.

153SHA, 7N1806, chronology, ‘Juillet 1914’.

154Hughes, Military Architecture, 221,176.

155Conrad, Aus Meiner Dienstzeit, Vol. I, 257; Gaber, Lorraine fortifiée, 13.

156John Röhl, ‘An der Schwelle zum Weltkrieg: eine Dokumentation über den “Kriegsrat” vom 8. Dezember 1912’, Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen (1977), 77–134.

157Michael Brown, et al. (eds), Offense, Defense, and War (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2004), xvii.

158Cf. Robert Jervis, ‘Cooperation under the Security Dilemma’, World Politics 30/2 (Jan. 1978), 190–1, 199, 211.

159Snyder, Ideology, Ch. 1.

160Strachan, First World War, 241, 245, 357; Ortholan, Séré de Rivières, 518–28.

161Strachan, First World War, 357; Mörz de Paula, Österreichisch-Ungarische Befestigungsbau, 115; Stone, Eastern Front, 34, 174–5, 181, 186.

162Erich Mathias and Rudolf Morsey (eds), Die Regierung des Prinzen Max von Baden (Düsseldorf: Droste 1962), 141.

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