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The strategy of the organisation of Ukrainian nationalists in its quest for a sovereign state, 1939–1950



The armed resistance offered by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to the Soviet state was the toughest internal political challenge that the Soviet regime faced from World War II to the 1980s. However, OUN’s grand strategy was based on self-delusion and was, therefore, always irrational. It resulted in misinterpretation of the sentiments of Ukrainians and the international situation, collaboration with Nazi Germany despite incompatible goals, counterproductive ethnic violence and sweeping terror against alleged Soviet collaborators. Local civilians rather than the representatives of the Soviet regime were OUN’s primary target; this alienated most residents of Western Ukraine.


I am grateful to Ioana Mikhailova who produced a map for this article.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


1 According to Soviet police data, in 1944–46 alone, OUN-B’s guerrilla force, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) and its infrastructure lost 114,223 men and women killed. During the same period, UPA killed 16,072 soldiers, policemen and civilians. UPA also killed from 70,000 to 100,000 Polish civilians, Poliakov to Kruglov, 24 January 1947, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.709, ll.5–10; Leont’ev to Kruglov, 2 April 1945, Tsentral’nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Rossiiskoi Federatsii (hereafter GARF), f.9478, op.1, d.279, ll.4–6; Grzegorz Motyka, Ukraińska partyzantka 1942–1960 (Warsaw: RYTM 2015), 411, 412. The U.S. Army suffered 176,031 combat deaths in Europe and the Mediterranean during World War II, Statistical and Accounting Branch, Office of the Adjutant General, Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths in World War II (Department of the Army 1953), 5.

2 Those who consider OUN fascist and emphasise its participation in ethnic cleansing include Per Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust: A Study in the Manufacturing of Historical Myths’, The Carl Beck Papers (2107), 2–7; Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, ‘The “Ukrainian National Revolution” of 1941: Discourse and Practice of a Fascist Movement’, Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 12/1 (Winter 2011), 85, 87; Sol Littman, Pure Soldiers of Sinister Legion (Montreal: Black Rose Books 2003), 16, 17; Viktor Polishchuk, ‘Pravovaia i politicheskaia otsenka OUN i UPA’, Politeks 2/3 (2006), 37; Tadeusz Piotrowski, ‘Ukrainskie natsionalisticheskie organizatsii i ikh sotrudnichestvo s natsistskoi Germaniei’, Bereginia.777.Sova: Obshchestvo, politika, ekonomika 3/26 (2015), 123–145; O. Zaitsev, ‘OUN i avtorytano-natsionalistychni rukhi mizhvoennoї Evropy’, Ukraïns’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal 1 (2012), 96; Timothy Snyder, ‘Fashysts’kyi heroi u demokratychnomu Kyevi’ in Tarik Amar, Ihor Balyns’kyi and Iaroslav Hrytsak, eds., Strasti za Banderoiu (Kyїv: Hrani-T 2010), 166, 172; Ivan-Pavlo Khimka, ‘Chy ukraїnis’ki studii povynni zakhishchaty spadshchinu OUN-UPA?’ ibid., 148, 149; Deivid Marplz, ‘Stepan Bandera: heroi Ukraїny’, ibid., 131. An excellent article collection on participation of OUN in the Holocaust was published in Poland, Andrzej Zięba, ed., OUN, UPA i zagłada żydów (Krakow: Księgarnia akademicka 2016).

Those who deny that OUN was fascist and interpret ethnic cleansing as mutual ethnic violence for which both sides carried equal responsibility include mostly Ukrainian authors or those belonging to the Ukrainian diaspora in North America, such as Zenon Kohut, ‘Ukraїns’ki natsionalizm’ in Amar, Balyns’kyi and Hrytsak, Strasti za Banderoiu, 145–146; Olexandr Motyl, ‘Ukraїna, Evropa, i Bandera’, ibid., 175–194; Taras Hunczak, ‘Ukrainian-Jewish Relations during the Soviet and Nazi Occupations’ in Yuri Boshyk, ed., Ukraine during World War II: History and Its Aftermath (Edmonton: CIUS 1986), 42–45; Mykola Posivnych, Voenno-politychna diial’nist’ OUN y 1929–1939 rokakh (Lviv: NAN Ukraїny 2010).

3 P. Hai-Nyzhnyk, ‘Organizatsiia ta povnovazhennia mistsevykh orhaniv uriaduvannia vidnovlenoї Ukraїns’koї Derzhavy u 1941 r.’, Hileia: naukovyi visnyk 112 (2016), 52.

4 In 1944, UPA had between 25,000 and 30,000 fighters, Motyka, Ukraińska partyzantka, 424. Given UPA’s fairly steady numbers despite great attrition in 1944, it can be concluded that UPA’s total membership, including civilian infrastructure, should be counted in hundreds of thousands, which demonstrates the appeal of nationalist ideology in Western Ukraine and the remarkable organisational capacity of OUN leaders.

5 Most documents on which this article is based belong to an unpublished document collection assembled by Volodymyr Viatrovych and Lubomyr Luciuk under the tentative title Enemy Archives: The Ideals and Deeds of the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement (hereafter EA). This collection refers to files of the State Archive of the Ukrainian Security Service [Haluzevyi derzhavnyi arkhiv Slyzhby bezbeky Ukrainy (hereafter HDA SBU)] translated into English. The first mention of a document in this text contains full reference to the collection with document title, number and exact page number in the collection, and also to the respective archival file with its entire page span. Subsequently the same document is referred to by its number, its abbreviated title and the exact page number in the collection. I am grateful to Lubomyr Lucuik for the opportunity to explore this document collection. My conclusions in no way reflect the views of the authors of this collection.

6 Zaitsev, ‘OUN’, 96.

7 John-Paul Himka, ‘The Lviv Pogrom of 1941: The Germans, Ukrainian Nationalists, and the Carnival Crowd’, Canadian Slavonic Papers Vol. LIII, Nos. 2–3–4 (June-Sept.-Dec. 2011), 222.

8 Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera: the Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist (Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag 2014), 79.

9 Zaitsev, ‘OUN’, 90–92.

10 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 111.

11 Ibid., 33.

12 Ibid., 75, 185. See also Aleksandr Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag: OUN, UPA i reshenie ‘evreiskogo voprosa’ (Moscow: Regnum 2008), 82, 84; Document no. 44, ‘Dovidka UShPR pro posylennia vyshkolu kadriv UPA’ 21 January 1944 in P. Sokhan’, ed., Litopys UPA, Nova Seriia (Kyiv, Toronto: Natsional’na Akademiia Nauk Ukrainy, 1995–2017), 4:126; EA, Document no. 13, ‘Resolutions of the Second Conference’, Apr. 1942, 126/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4, ark.55–60.

13 Jared McBride, ‘Peasants into Perpetrators: The OUN-UPA and the Ethnic Cleansing of Volhynia, 1943–1944’ Slavic Review 75/3 (Fall 2016), 651.

14 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, Apr. 1941, 19/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4, ark.23–49. See the origin of these xenophobic ideas in the writings of Mykola Mikhnovs’kyi, Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 56.

15 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 19.

16 Heinrich Pudor, Deutschland für die Deutschen! (Munich: Hans Sachs-Verlag 1912).

17 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 25; EA, Document no.11, ‘Guidelines for the First Days of the Organization of State Life’, Apr. 1941, 116/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.6, ark.26; EA, Document no.13, ‘Resolutions of the Second Conference’, 123.

18 Posivnych, Voenno-politychna diial’nist’, 62.

19 Viktor Polishchuk, ‘Poniatie integral’nogo ukrainskogo natsionalizma’ Politeks 2/2 (2006), 66, 67. See the map of ‘ethnographic borders of Ukraine’, which includes all lands claimed by OUN beyond Ukrainian frontiers, in Mykola Lebed’, UPA: Ukrains’ka povastans’ka armiia (Suchasnist’ 1987).

20 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 15, 16, 25, EA, Document no. 11, ‘Guidelines’, 107; Iu. Poliakov et al., eds., Vsesoiuznaia perepis´ naseleniia 1939 goda (Moscow: Nauka 1992), 59–68, 70, 71.

21 ‘Resolutions of the First Congress’ in Boshyk, Ukraine during World War II, 165; OUN Leaflet, 1 March 1943, Tsentral’nyi derzhavnyi arkhiv hromads’kykh ob’ednan’ Ukraїny (hereafter TsDAHO), f.57, op.4, spr.353, ark. 106; Posivnych, Voenno-politychna diial’nist’, 79.

22 O. Lenartovych, ‘Diial’nist’ A. Mel’nyka ta OUN(M) v roky Druhoї svitovoї viiny’, Hileia: naukovyi visnyk 101 (2015), 74.

23 Zaitsev, ‘OUN’, 97. See the origin of these ideas in Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1971), 138–140.

24 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 268; Zaitsev, ‘OUN’, 98.

25 Myroslav Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism: Politics, Ideology, and Literature, 1929–1956 (New Haven: Yale University Press 2015), 18–21.

26 Posivnych, Voenno-politychna diial’nist’, 129–132; Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 38–42.

27 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 78, 79. Viktor Polishchuk, ‘Problemy etiki v doktrine D. Dontsova’, Politeks 5/1 (2009), 247. See origin of these ideas in Sergei Nechaev, ‘Catechism of the Revolutionary’ in Basil Dmytryshyn, ed., Imperial Russia: a Source Book, 1700–1917 (Gulf Breeze: Academic International Press 1999), 350–354.

28 See on the goals of Russian socialist terrorists in O. Budnitskii, Terrorizm v rossiiskom osvoboditel’nom dvizhenii (Moscow: Rosspen 2016), 64, 66, 90, 91.

29 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 66.

30 Posivnych, Voenno-politychna diial’nist’, 58.

31 V. Musienko, ‘Pozytsiia zakhidnoukraїns’kykh politychnykh syl u stosunkakh iz evropeis’kymy derzhavamy v roky druhoї svitovoї viiny’, Istorrychni i politolohichni doslidzhennia, 2/42 (2009), 296.

32 Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 8.

33 EA Document no. 2, ‘Manifesto of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists’, Dec. 1940, 12/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4. ark.17, 18; EA, Document no. 11, ‘Guidelines’, 108.

34 Hitler, Mein Kampf, 140, 655.

35 Tadeusz Piotrowski, ‘Ukrainskie natsionalisticheskie organizatsii’, 125.

36 TsDAHO, f.57, op.4, spr.338, ark. 85–93; Document no. 4 in Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 123, 124.

37 Posivnych, Voenno-politychna diial’nist’, 77.

38 Ibid., 211.

39 Ibid., 213–217.

40 Ibid., 90.

41 Ibid., 244.

42 Motyka, Ukraińska partyzantka, 71–73; Posivnych, Voenno-politychna diial’nist’, 267; Alexander Dallin, German Rule in Russia (London: Macmillan & Co., 1981), 114, 115; Alexander Prusin, ‘Revolution and Ethnic Cleansing in Western Ukraine’ in Steven Vardy and Hunt Tooley, eds., Ethnic Cleansing in Twenthieth-Century Europe (New York: Columbia University Press 2003), 521.

43 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 15, 16, 25; EA, Document no. 11, ‘Guidelines’, 107.

44 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 21.

45 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 21.

46 Dallin, German Rule in Russia, 118. Ukrainian historians presented a sanitised version of OUN documents in their multivolume collection, apparently intending to downplay the collaboration of OUN with the Germans and the crimes committed by UPA. Thus they considerably reduced the value of their publication, see, for instance, ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu O. Luts’koho’ 11 September 1945 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:379. During his presentation at the 2009 AAASS Convention, Jeffrey Burds, who had a copy of the original documents, pointed to this fact, ‘War Crimes in the Soviet Union: Past and Present’, 13 November 2009, Toronto.

47 P. Hai-Nyzhnyk, ‘Stavlennia vyshchoho kerivnytsva nimets’koho Raikhu do Aktu progoloshennia vidnovlennia Ukraїns’koї Derzhavy u 1941 r.’, Hileia: naukovyi visnyk 110, (2016), 72.

48 EA, Document no. 12, ‘Report on the National Assembly’, 30 June 1941, 119/ HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4, ark.9.

49 Lenartovych ‘Diial’nist’ A. Mel’nyka’, 74.

50 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 242.

51 EA, Document no. 11, ‘Guidelines for the First Days’, 116; Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 62; Prusin, ‘Revolution and Ethnic Cleansing’, 523.

52 P. Hai-Nyzhnyk, ‘Til’ky vpovni Suverenna Ukraїns’ka Derzhava mozhe zabezpechyty ukraїns’komu narodovi svobidne zhyttia’, Hileia: naukovyi visnyk 97 (2015), 69.

53 Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 6.

54 Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 5; Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 72–9, 82, 84.

55 Himka, ‘The Lviv Pogrom’, 222; Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 54.

56 Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 44, 45.

57 Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 9.

58 A. Bakatov, ‘Po prizyvu Ivana Klimova’, Rodina 3 (2011), 100.

59 Himka, ‘The Lviv Pogrom’, 210–43; A. Bakanov, ‘Rassledovanie zlochevskogo pogroma na L’vovshchine’, Vestnik arkhivista 1 (2011), 140–9; A. Bakanov, ‘Po prizyvu’, 99, 100; Dallin, German Rule in Russia, 119; Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 14, 24, 47, 51, 52, 55, 57; Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 8; Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 212, 214, 219, 220.

60 Himka, ‘The Lviv Pogrom’, 228, 234, 240, 243.

61 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 242.

62 Ibid,, 216, 217.

63 Hai-Nyzhnyk, ‘Stavlennia vyshchoho kerivnytsva’, 72. Members of the so-called Russian Liberation Army led by Andrei Vlasov also proposed to join Germany in the crusade against Bolshevism as equal partners arguing, exactly as both OUN factions did, that the Germans would be unable to administer the conquered territories without native allies. The Germans rebuffed both Russian and Ukrainian collaborators with equal contempt, Andrei Vlasov, ‘Obrashchenie Russkogo Komiteta’, 27 December 1942, Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History [Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv sotsial’no-politicheskoi istorii], f.17, op.125, d.165, l.46v; Wilfried Strik-Strikfeldt, Protiv Stalina i Gitlera (Frankfurt/Main: Posev 1975), 175, 188, 191, 305; Oleg Beyda, ‘Refighting the Civil War’, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 66/2 (2018), 255.

64 Hai-Nyzhnyk, ‘Stavlennia vyshchoho kerivnytsva’, 76; EA, Document no. 12, ‘Report on the National Assembly’, 119.

65 Hai-Nyzhnyk, ‘Stavlennia vyshchoho kerivnytsva’, 73, 78.

66 EA, Document no. 13, ‘Resolutions of the Second Conference’, 121.

67 O. E. Lysenko, ‘Do pytannia pro uchast’ ukraïntsiv u viiskakh derzhav-uchastnyts’ druhoi svitovoi viiny’, in M. Koval, ed., Ukraïna u druhii svitovii viini (Kiev: Institute of Ukrainian History 1995), 93.

68 ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu chlena Tsentral’nogo Provodu OUN M. Stepaniaka’, 30 August 1944 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:94; ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu O. Luts’koho’, 29 June 1945 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:320.

69 A. Kentii, Ukrains’ka povstans’ka armiia v 1942–1943 rr. (Kyiv 1999), 39, 59; ‘Informatsiia L’vivs’kogo obkomu partiї’, 27 November 1948 in P. Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 6:409.

70 EA, Document no. 14, ‘The Partisan Movement and Our Attitude to It’, Oct. 1942, 132/ HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.60, ark.94, 95.

71 EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, Aug. 1943, 45/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4, ark.62–70; EA, Document no.15, ‘Resolutions of the Third Conference’, Feb. 1943, 140/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4, ark.162–167.

72 EA, Document no. 15, ‘Resolutions of the Third Conference’, 141.

73 EA, Document no. 68, ‘Instruction of the UPA Command’, 24 December 1943, 480/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.60, ark.219.

74 Abwehr Unit 104, ‘Doklad o peregovorakh mezhdu ofitserami UPA i oberleitenantom Pützer’, 11 April 1944. TsDAHO, f. 57, op.4, d.339, l. 219; Interrogation of I. G. Pan’kiv, 28 Oct. – 2 November 1944, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.135, l. 185; Document No.60 in Volodymyr Serhiichuk, ed., OUN-UPA v roky viiny (Kyiv: Dnipro, 1996), 129; ‘OUN i UPA u druhii svitovii viini’, Ukraïns’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal 1 (1995), 94; Document No.2 in Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 114–6.

75 EA, Document no. 69, ‘Guidelines of the German Command’, 29 January 1944, 482/HDA SBU f.13, op.372, spr.36.

76 EA, Document no. 74, ‘Information of the Correspondence between Ukrainian Insurgents and the Germans’, 3 May 1944, 394, 395/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.61, ark.41.

77 A. D’iachenko, ‘Mel’nykivs’ki zbroini formuvannia ta їkh prykhyl’nyky v roky radians’ko-nimets’koї viiny’, Hileia: naukovyi visnyk 116, (2017), 52, 55; Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 61.

78 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 255, 256.

79 Motyl, ‘Ukraїna, Evropa, i Bandera’, 183. The downplay of this continuous cooperation by some scholars, such as Taras Hunczak and Alexander Motyl, either twists the notion of collaboration or contradicts OUN’s own documents, Taras Hunczak, ‘Between Two Leviathans: Ukraine during the Second World War’ in Bohdan Krawchenko, ed., Ukrainian Past, Ukrainian Present: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 (New York: St. Martin’s Press 1993), 99.

80 ‘Resolutions of the First Congress’, 165; EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 15; EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, 49; Oleg Iaroshyns’kyi, ‘Akt vidnovlennia ukraїns’koї derzhavnosti 30 chervnia 1941 r. v informatsiino-propahandyvnii diial’nosti OUN(B) v Ukraїni’, Ukraїnoznavstvo 4/61 (2016), 187.

81 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 54; Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 61.

82 ‘Protokol zatrymannia E. Basiuka’, 28–29 September 1944 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:119.

83 Interrogation of I. H. Pan’kiv, 28 Oct. – 2 November 1944, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.135, l. 202. See similar reports in Kentii, Ukrains’ka povstans’ka armiia, 90; OUN, ‘Zvit z propagandyvnoi roboty v pershomu raioni’, TsDAHO, f.1, op.23, spr.1716, ark.2v; General Timofei Strokach to Korotchenko, ‘Dokladnaia zapiska ob aktivnykh deistviiakh banderovtsev’, TsDAHO, f.1, op.23, spr.928, ark.31; Diukov, Vtorostepennyi vrag, 82; Document no. 44, ‘Dovidka UShPR pro posylennia vyshkolu kadriv UPA’ in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 4:126.

84 EA, Document no. 142, ‘Special Announcement about the Failure of NKVD Agent “Aprel’skaia”’, Mar. 1946, 922/HDA SBU f.16, op.7, spr.4, ark.6.

85 EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, 45.

86 EA, Document no. 7, ‘Universal of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council’, July 1944, 71/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.5, ark. 3, 3v.

87 EA, Document no. 16, ‘Decisions of the Conference of the OUN Leadership’ Aug.-Nov. 1945, 150/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.28, ark.139–43.

88 EA, Document no. 115, Yaroslav Starukh, ‘Will the Atomic Bomb Save England?’ 7 April 1946, 752/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.37, ark.41.

89 EA, Document no. 106, ‘On the Combat Actions of the UPA’, Nov. 1949, 655/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.35, ark.100,101.

90 Alexander Statiev, The Soviet Counterinsurgency in the Western Borderlands (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2010), 111.

91 Che Guevara. Guerrilla Warfare (Lincoln: University of Nabraska Press, 1993), 12, 194, 195, 209–13.

92 Interrogation of V. A. Pchelianskii, 22 August 1944, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.135, l. 80v, 81.

93 EA, Document no. 19, ‘Decisions of the Conference of the OUN Leadership’, June 1947, 197.

94 EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, 48; EA, Document no. 9, ‘Declaration of the OUN Leadership’, May 1945, 87/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4, ark.83–90.

95 EA, Document no. 17, ‘Declaration of the OUN Leadership’, June 1946, 158/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.28, ark.159–174.

96 EA, Document no. 16, ‘Decisions of the Conference of the OUN Leadership’, Aug.-Nov. 1945, 149.

97 ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu O. Luts’koho’, 25 January 1945 and 5–8 Mar. in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:275, 309, 310.

98 Frederick Engels, ‘The Principles of Communism’ in Selected Works (Moscow: Progress Publishers 1969), 1:81–97.

99 EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, 60; EA, Document no. 13, ‘Resolutions of the Second Conference’, 121.

100 EA, Document no. 9, ‘Declaration of the OUN Leadership’, May 1945, 95.

101 EA, Document no. 20, ‘Decisions of the Conference of the OUN Leadership’, June 1948, 211/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.29, ark.230–241.

102 EA, Document no. 118, ‘Report on a Raid by an UPA Unit’, Summer 1947, 765/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.66, ark.222–226; EA, Document no. 120, ‘Report on a Raid by an UPA Unit into Romanian territory’, 12 October 1949, 784–802/ HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.66, ark.227–236.

103 EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, 50.

104 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 42; EA, Document no. 120, ‘Report on a Raid by an UPA Unit into Romanian territory’, 799.

105 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 19.

106 EA, Document no. 123, ‘Appeal of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council’, 1953, 813/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.5, ark.44–48.

107 EA, Document no. 90, ‘Report on a Meeting between Representatives of the UPA and the AK’, 31 October 1945, 432–542/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.61, ark.119–121.

108 EA, Document no. 114, ‘Concerning Some Political-Propaganda Errors’, 28 January 1946, 740/HDA SBU f.13, op.372, spr.51.

109 EA, Document no. 15, ‘Resolutions of the Third Conference’, 135.

110 ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu chlena Tsentral’nogo Provodu OUN M. Stepaniaka’, 25 August 1944 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:85.

111 EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, 55, 56.

112 EA, Document no. 16, ‘Decisions of the Conference of the OUN Leadership’, Aug.-Nov. 1945, 146.

113 ‘OUN i UPA u druhii svitovii viini’, UIZh 4 (1994), 90. See the origin of these ideas in Vladimir Lenin, ‘Imperializm kak vysshaia stadiia kapitalizma’ in Polnoe sobranie sochinenii, 5th Edition (Moscow: Izdatel’stvo politicheskoi literatury 1967), 27:303, 304, 374, 381, 419; Vladimir Lenin, ‘Voina i rossiiskaia sotsial-demokratiia’, ibid., 26: 22.

114 Interrogation of M. D. Stepaniak, 20–30 August 1944, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.136, l.56.

115 EA, Document no. 4, ‘Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly’, 54–9; EA, Document no. 16, ‘Decisions of the Conference of the OUN Leadership’, Aug.-Nov. 1945, 151.

116 EA, Document no. 9, ‘Declaration of the OUN Leadership’, May 1945, 85; EA, Document no. 20, ‘Decisions of the Conference of the OUN Leadership’, June 1948, 201.

117 EA, Document no. 125, ‘Appeal Issued by Vasyl Kuk’, 1952, 838/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.61, ark.198–205.

118 EA, Document no. 10, ‘Clarification and Addenda to the Decisions of the Third Extraordinary Assembly’, June 1950, 98/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.4, ark.121–123.

119 Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 42.

120 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 25.

121 ‘Protokol zatrymannia E. Basiuka’, 7 September 1944 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:133, 134; Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 63.

122 Taras Bul’ba-Borovets, Armiia bez derzhavy (Winnipeg: Volyn 1981), 256, 257, 272; Interrogation of A. A. Iarosh, 23 January 1944, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.133, l. 23.

123 D’iachenko, ‘Mel’nykivs’ki zbroini formuvannia’, 51, 52, 54.

124 Statiev, The Soviet Counterinsurgency, 246.

125 EA, Document no. 60, ‘Information on UPA Actions in Volyn in the Spring of 1943’, May 1943, 456/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.75, ark.1. According to this document, clashes with Germans began in April 1943.

126 EA, Document no. 64, ‘Report of the Battles between the “Trembita” Training Camp of the Ukraine’s People Self-Defence and German Police Units’, 25–27 September 1943, 465, 466/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.61, ark.94.

127 Document no. 61, ‘Report on the Raid by “Hordienko” UPA Unit into Zhytomyr Region’, 29 July 1943, 459, 460/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.66, ark.4; Document no. 67, ‘Report on the Battle between the “Chorni Chorty” Unit and the Germans’, 27 November 1943, 478/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.66, ark.12.

128 The UPA reports on the so-called ‘battle of Hurby’ from 23 to 27 April 1944 and several other engagements in three of the 16 districts (Sarny, Kostopil and Zdolbuniv) of the Rivne province state that UPA killed over 1,700 NKVD soldiers from 23 to 27 April 1944, Document no. 95, ‘Report on the Battle of Hurby’, 1944, 567–570/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.66, ark.44–46; Document no. 96, ‘Information on the Soviet Home Front’, 19 June 1944, 573, 574/ HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.66, ark.53, 54. NKVD reported only 18 of its men killed and 55 wounded from 20 to 30 April 1944 in Rivne, Ternopil, and Volyn provinces, which had, in total, 49 districts, Sergei Kruglov to Lavrentii Beria, 1 May 1944, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.130, l.160.

129 Timothy Mulligan, ‘Reckoning the Cost of People’s War’, Russian History 9/1 (1982), 44.

130 V. Zolotarev, ed., Russkii arkhiv (Moscow: Terra 1999), 9:480.

131 ‘OUN i UPA u druhii svitovii viini’, Ukrains’kyi istorychnyi zhurnal 2 (1995), 109; Kentii, Ukrains’ka povstans’ka armiia, 88.

132 ‘Protokol zatrymannia E. Basiuka’, 28–29 September 1944 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9: 125.

133 EA, Document no. 54, ‘Order of OUN Carpathian Krai Leader Yaroslav Mel’nyk’, 2 November 1945, 439/ HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.61, ark.56.

134 V. Starodubets’ and G. Starodubets’, ‘Natsional’ni menshyny na terenakh povstans’kogo zapillia v 1943 rotsi’, Storynki istorii 29 (2009), 234.

135 Rossoliński-Liebe, Stepan Bandera, 80, 81, 107, 108, 184, 185, 218; Zaitsev. ‘OUN’, 97; McBride, ‘Peasants into Perpetrators’, 636; EA, Document no. 121, EA ‘Jews – Citizens of Ukraine’, Mar. 1950, 804, 809/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.65, ark.283–295.

136 Motyka, Ukraińska partyzantka, 296.

137 EA, Document no. 3, ‘Resolutions of the Second Grand Assembly’, 25; EA, Document no. 11’, Guidelines’, 116; Prusin, ‘Revolution and Ethnic Cleansing’, 520, 528; Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 18.

138 EA, Document no. 82, ‘Testimony Concerning the Destruction of the Ukrainian Village of Sahryn by AK’, Mar. 1944, 511, 512/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.34, ark.90.

139 EA, Document no. 73, ‘Information about Relations between the UPA Unit Commanded by Maksym Skorupskyi “Maks” and the Germans’, 14 March 1944, 492/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.61, ark.38; EA, Document no.78, ‘Report on Combat Actions’, July 1943, 502, 503/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.66, ark.3; EA, Document no. 81, ‘Report of the Anti-Polish Action in the Village of Hanachiv’, 9 February 1944, 508/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.34, ark.107; EA, Document no. 83, ‘Report of the Anti-Polish Action in the Stanislaviv Region’, Apr. 1944, 513/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.34, ark.108; EA, Document no. 84, ‘Report of the Anti-Polish Action in the Rava Ruska Area’, Apr. 1944, 516, 517/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.34, ark.110; Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 11; Prusin, ‘Revolution and Ethnic Cleansing’, 526–8; McBride, ‘Peasants into Perpetrators’, 631.

140 V. Starodubets’ and G. Starodubets’, ‘Natsional’ni menshyny’, 233.

141 ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu chlena Tsentral’nogo Provodu OUN M. Stepaniaka’, 25 August 1944, 93; ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu O. Luts’koho’, 3 July 1945 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:325.

142 ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu Iu. Luts’koї’, 17 June 1946 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:422, 423.

143 ‘Vytiah z protokolu dopytu Iu. Stel’mashchuka’, 20 February 1945 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:442; ‘Protokol dopytu O. Savosiuka’, 1 July 1945 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 9:472.

144 Timothy Snyder, ‘The Causes of Ukrainian-Polish Ethnic Cleansing 1943’, Past and Present 179 (May, 2003), 202; Motyka, Ukraińska partyzantka, 411, 412. See also Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 12; Prusin, ‘Revolution and Ethnic Cleansing’, 526, 527; McBride, ‘Peasants into Perpetrators’, 643–7. The number of Ukrainian civilians who died in this mutual slaughter is estimated at 15,000–20,000, Shkandrij, Ukrainian Nationalism, 68.

145 Motyl, ‘Ukraїna, Evropa, i Bandera’, 185.

146 Statiev, The Soviet Counterinsurgency, 125.

147 ‘Klim Savur’, ‘Zariadzhennia v zemel’nii spravi’, 15 August 1943, TsDAHOU, f.1, op.70, d.237, l.33.

148 Prusin, ‘Revolution and Ethnic Cleansing’, 533.

149 V. I. Adamushko et al., eds., OUN-UPA v Belarusi (Minsk: Vysheishaia shkola 2012), 33.

150 Document No.149, ‘Zvit pro robotu referentury’, 3 September 1943 in Sokhan’ Litopys UPA, 2:308–310; Klim’, ‘Informatyvnyi zvit z bil’shovits’koi diinosti’, 30 August 1944, TsDAHO, f.1, op.23, d.926, ll. 50–52.

151 Colonel Saraev to Leont’ev, ‘Dolkad o sostoianii i operativno-boevoi deiatel’nosti istrebitel’nykh batal’onov’, 24 June 1946, GARF, f.9478, op.1, d.561, l.274.

152 Document No.149 in Sokhan’, Litopys UPA, 2:308–310; Klim’, ‘Informatyvnyi zvit’, 30 August 1944, TsDAHO, f.1, op.23, d.926, ll. 50–52.

153 EA, Document no. 19, ‘Decisions of the Conference of OUN leadership’, June 1947, 197.

154 EA, Document no. 9, ‘Declaration of the OUN Leadership’, May 1945, 91.

155 EA, Document no. 114, ‘Concerning Some Political-Propaganda Errors’, 736.

156 Rudling, ‘The OUN, the UPA and the Holocaust’, 18.

157 EA, Document no. 22, ‘Order of the Supreme Commander of the UPA’, 3 September 1949, 240/HDA SBU f.13, op.376, spr.60, ark.271.

158 Sergei Volkov, Chernaia kniga imen, kotorym ne mesto na karte Rossii (Moscow: Posev 2004), 188.

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