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Theory of strategic culture: An analytical framework for Russian cyber threat perception



The strategic environment is evolving rapidly with the recognition of cyberspace as a domain of warfare. The increased interest in cyber as a part of defence has heightened the need for theoretical tools suitable to assess cyber threat perceptions and responses to these threats. Drawing from previous research, we will formulate an analytical framework to study the formation of Russian thinking on cyber threats as a part of Russian strategic culture. This article identifies a sense of vulnerability, the narrative of Russia as a besieged fortress and the technological inferiority of Russia as specific factors influencing Russian cyber threat perception.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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46 Johnston 1995b.

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56 MoD 2014.

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85 UP-646 (2016).

86 Johnston 1995a: 46.

87 UP-646 (2016).

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90 Yarovaya 2013.

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92 UP-646 (2016).

93 Covington 2016.

94 Monaghan 2008.

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96 Facon 2016.

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98 Skak 2016.

99 Covington 2016.

100 Facon 2017.

101 Covington 2016.

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104 Eliseev 2013.

105 Johnston 1995a:46.

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107 Facon 2016.

108 Igumnova 2011.

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110 Johnston,1995b: ix–x, 248.

111 UP-203 (2017).

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115 Yarovaya 2013.

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117 Eliseev 2013.

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120 PP-538 (2005) Decree 538 of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27 August 2005 on Approval of the Rules for Interaction of Communication Operators with Authorized State Bodies Conducting Operational-Investigation Activities. (in Russian) http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_55326/.

121 FZ-276 (2017) Federal Law 276 of 29 July 2017 on Amendments to the Federal Law On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection. (in Russian) https://rg.ru/2017/07/30/fz276-site-dok.html.

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127 UP-646 (2016).

Additional information

Notes on contributors

Martti J. Kari

Martti J. Kari is university teacher in Jyväskylä University, Finland. He retired as colonel from Finnish Defense Intelligence in the end of year 2017. His last post was Assistant Chief of Defense Intelligence. He has MA in Russian language (1993) and literature, and MA in cyber security (2017) in Jyväskylä University. Kari has worked as a university teacher from the beginning of year 2018 In Jyväskylä University. He is specialized in intelligence, and Russian cyber and hybrid warfare.

Katri Pynnöniemi

Dr. Katri Pynnöniemi holds Master’s and Doctor’s degrees in international relations from the University of Tampere, Finland. She is as an Assistant Professor of Russian Security Policy at the National Defense University and at the University of Helsinki. Previously she has worked as a senior researcher at the Finnish Institute for International Affairs. Her research deals with Russia's security policy and strategic thinking. She has published widely about the system change in Russia and on Russian foreign and security policy. Her latest publications include: “Russia’s National Security Strategy: Analysis of Conceptual Evolution”, at the Journal of Slavic Military Studies (2018) and Information-psychological warfare in Russian strategic thinking, in Kanet E. Roger (ed.) (2019) Handbook of Russian Security Policy, London & NY: Routledge.

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