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South–EU Focus

EU fta Negotiations with sadc and Mercosur: integration into the world economy or market access for EU firms?

Pages 181-197 | Published online: 03 Dec 2007


The EU claims that its free trade agreements with regional organisations of developing countries can promote the respective regions' integration into the world economy. Taking as case studies EU negotiations with the Southern African Development Community and Mercosur, the paper argues that the EU and its partners have different conceptions of integration into the world economy. For the EU the latter simply means multilateral trade liberalisation under the wto, while, for its partners, it involves increasing industrial production and exports of manufactured products. If the latter notion is accepted, an fta with the EU should increase European foreign direct investment into the region or at least increase their trade surpluses, thus increasing the resources available for support of local firms. The paper argues that an fta with the EU will not be likely to produce these results; thus the fta will simply be an instrument to promote market access for EU firms.


1 Mercosur's original members were Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Venezuela became a member in 2005.

2 sadc's members are Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Seychelles withdrew from sadc in 2004.

3 European Commission COM(95) 219 final, (16 June 1995), European Community Support for Regional Economic Integration Efforts among Developing Countries, p 8.

4 Ibid.

5 LJ Grégoire, ‘L'insertion économique internationale de l'Afrique’, Etudes internationales, 22 (2), 1991, pp 279 – 286.

6 European Commission COM(95) 219 final, pp 5 – 7,10.

7 Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para América Latina y el Caribe, El regionalismo abierto en América latina y el Caribe: La integración regional al servicio de la transformación productiva con equidad, Santiago: cepal, 1994, p 2.

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11 By 2007 the goal had been transformed into one of achieving a customs union by 2010.

12 World Bank, ‘Data and statistics: country groups’, available at http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/DATASTATISTICS, accessed 2 June 2007.

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16 TC Lawton, Technology and the New Diplomacy: The Creation and Control of ec Industrial Policy for Semiconductors, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997, p 84.

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18 Sandholtz, ‘Institutions and collective action’, pp 258 – 259.

19 Government of Japan, ‘Japan's proposal for regulatory reform dialogue: tentative list of proposals’, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, November 2004, p 21.

20 Lawton, Technology and the New Diplomacy, pp 107 – 111.

21 Commission Regulation (EEC) No 1103/93 imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports into the Community of certain electronic weighing scales originating in Singapore and the Republic of Korea, Official Journal, No L 112 (6 May 1993), p 20.

22 N Khumalo, ‘Agricultural trade and food security in sadc’, sadc Barometer, 5, 2004, pp 8 – 12.

23 Quoted in R Gibb, ‘Southern Africa in transition: prospects and problems facing regional integration’, Journal of Modern African Studies, 36 (2), 1998, p 299.

24 F Flatters, ‘The sadc Trade Protocol: impacts, issues and the way ahead’, February 2002, available at http://www.satradehub.org/CXA_html/docs/reports, accessed 5 May 2006.

25 C Jenkins & L Thomas, ‘African regionalism and the sadc’, in M Telò (ed), European Union and New Regionalism: Regional Actors and Global Governance in a Post-Hegemonic Era, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002, p 160.

26 cnuced, Le développement économique en Afrique: repenser le rôle de l'investissement étranger direct, New York: United Nations, 2005, p 61.

27 J Morisset, ‘Foreign direct investment in Africa: policies also matter’, mimeo, International Finance Corporation, Washington, DC, 2000, p 3; M Makola, ‘The attraction of the foreign direct investment (fdi) by the African countries’, paper presented at the biennial essa conference, Cape Town, 17 – 19 September, 2003, p 14; and cnuced, Le développement économique en Afrique, p 30.

28 C Jenkins, ‘What determines investment into sadc?’, sadc Barometer, 2, pp 12 – 13; and Makola, ‘The attraction of the foreign direct investment (fdi) by the African countries’, p 13.

29 Morisset, ‘Foreign direct investment in Africa’, p 4.

30 Makola, ‘The attraction of foreign direct investment (fdi) by the African countries’, pp 6 – 8.

31 M McQueen, ‘acp – EU trade cooperation after 2000: an assessment of reciprocal trade preferences’, Journal of African Studies, 26 (4), 1998, p 689.

32 Eurostep, ‘The EU – South African Trade Development and Co-operation Agreement: an analysis of its implications in Southern Africa’, Eurostep Briefing Paper, 2000, p 9, at http://eurostep.antenne.nl/detail_pub.html?page=pubs_position.tra, accessed 19 April 2006.

33 S Karingi et al, Economic and Welfare Impacts of the EU – Africa Economic Partnership Agreements, Addis Ababa: Economic Commission for Africa, 2005, p 79.

34 Ibid, pp 78 – 79.

35 McQueen, ‘acp – EU trade cooperation after 2000’, pp 679, 681.

36 C Van Gass, ‘sadc dragging its heels’, Business Day (Johannesburg), 17 October 2005, at http://www.tralac.org/scripts/content.php?id=4178&print, accessed 22 February 2007.

37 B Kathuri, ‘Africa: continent asks for more time in EU talks’, All Africa, 14 February 2007.

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39 T Bertelsmann-Scott, ‘Difficult deadline: challenges to the sadc – epa negotiations’, Trade Negotiations Insights, 6 (4), 2007, p 9, at http://www.acp-eu-trade.org/tni, accessed 6 September 2007.

40 ‘epas: there is no plan B: an interview with Peter Mandelson’, Trade Negotiations Insights, 6 (6), 2007, p 3, at http://www.acp-eu-trade.org/tni, accessed 6 September 2007.

41 Giambiagi & Markwald, ‘A estratégia brasileria de inserção na economia mundial’, p 6.

42 intal, Mercosur Report 2005 (Second Semester) – 2006 (First Semester), Washington, DC: Inter-American Development Bank, 2006, pp 18, 41.

43 J Monteagudo & M Watanayuki, ‘Regional trade agreements for Mercosur: a comparison between the ftaa and the fta with the European Union’, Economie Internationale, 94 – 95, 2003, p 67.

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45 Chaire Mercosur de Sciences Po, Annual Report 2004 – 05, Paris: Chaire Mercosur de Sciences Po, 2005, p 18.

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48 M Castilho, ‘EU – Mercosur fta: an evaluation of the vulnerability of Mercosur imports’, in A Valladão & R Bouzas (eds), Market Access for Goods and Services in the EU – Mercosur Negotiations, Paris: Chaire Mercosur de Sciences Po, 2003, pp 15 – 16.

49 S Rios & M Doctor, ‘Scenarios for untying the knots in market access for goods’, in P Messerlin, F Peña & A Valladão (eds), Concluding the EU – Mercosur Agreement: Feasible Scenarios, Paris: Chaire Mercosur de Sciences Po, 2004, pp 109 – 110.

50 C Frischtak, ‘Multinational firms’ responses to integration of Latin American markets', Business and Politics, 6 (1), 2004, pp 5 – 6, 11, 15.

51 J Faust, ‘Blueprint for an interregional future? The European Union and the Southern Cone’, in VK Aggarwal & EA Fogarty (eds), EU Trade Strategies between Regionalism and Globalism, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp 49 – 50.

52 Chaire Mercosur de Sciences Po, Annual Report 2004 – 05, p 32.

53 Frischtak, ‘Multinational firms’ responses to integration of Latin American markets', pp 14 – 15.

54 P Nunnenkamp, ‘Foreign direct investment in Mercosur: the strategies of European investors’, in P Giordano (ed), An Integrated Approach to the European Union – Mercosur Association, Paris: Chaire Mercosur de Sciences Po, 2002, pp 232 – 233.

55 C Lara Cortés, Las negociacions para un acuerdo (servicios) entre la Unión europea y Mercosur en medio de la crisis, Santiago: Alianza chilena por un comercio justo y razonable (acjr), 2003, pp 28 – 29.

56 G Buster, ‘La Unión europea y América latina: inversions, estrategias empresariales y partenariado transatlántico’, paper presented to an International Seminar on ‘Amérique latine et Caraibe: sortir de l'impasse de la dette et de l'ajustement’, organised by the Comité para la Anulación de la Deuda del Tercer Mundo (cadtm) and the Centro Nacional de la Cooperación y el Desarrollo, Brussels, 23 – 25 May 2003, p 8.

57 S Stephenson & P Contreras, ‘An asymmetric approach to services liberalization: the European Union – Mercosur case’, in Giordano, An Integrated Approach to the European Union – Mercosur Association, p 297.

58 F Giambiagi & I Barenboim, ‘Mercosul: por uma nova estratégia brasileira’, Revista do bndes , 12 (24), 2005, pp 79, 90 – 91.

59 MS Jank et al, ‘Scenarios for untying the agricultural knots’, in Messerlin et al (eds), Concluding the EU – Mercosur Agreement, pp 35 – 81.

60 VM Valle, ‘O peso das relaç[otilde]es con a União européia en relação a outras alternativas de política externa do Mercosul’, Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 48 (1), 2005, p 115.

61 Chaire Mercosur de Sciences Po, Annual Report 2004 – 05, p 17.

62 Since 2004 various attempts have been made to revive the negotiations. In November 2006 both sides exchanged proposals once more, apparently to no avail. ‘Andinos y Mercosur complicados con UE’, La Prensa Gráfica, 1 June 2007, at http://www.bilaterals.org/article-php3?id_article=8512, accessed 4 September 2007. In May 2007 it was announced that both sides would resume negotiations in the last quarter of 2007. ‘Mercosur y Europa reinician diálogo tlc’, La Prensa Gráfica, 29 May 2007, at http://www.bilaterals.org/article-php3?id_article=8457, accessed 4 September 2007.

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