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Research Article

Existence Results for Integro-Differential Equations with Reflection

Pages 919-934 | Received 09 Feb 2020, Accepted 19 May 2021, Published online: 12 Jun 2021


We prove several important results concerning existence and uniqueness of pseudo almost automorphic (paa) solutions with measure for integro-differential equations with reflection. We use the properties of almost automorphic functions with measure and the Banach fixed point theorem, and we discuss two linear and nonlinear cases. We conclude with an example and some observations.


1. Introduction

Many authors have studied problems of existence of periodic, almost periodic and automorphic solutions for different kinds of differential and integral equations (cf. Adivar and Koyuncuoǧlu [Citation1], Baskakov et al. [Citation2], Bochner [Citation3], N’Guérékata [Citation4], and Papageorgiou et al. [Citation5, Citation6]). For example, the function tsint+sin2t is almost periodic but not periodic on R, whereas the function tsin(12+cost+cos2t) is almost automorphic but not uniformly continuous, hence not almost periodic on R.

Recently, these research directions have taken various generalizations (cf. Ait Dads et al. [Citation7–9], Ben-Salah et al. [Citation10], Blot et al. [Citation11], Chérif and Miraoui [Citation12], Diagana et al. [Citation13], Li [Citation14], Miraoui [Citation15, Citation16], Miraoui et al. [Citation17], Miraoui and Yaakobi [Citation18], and Zhang [Citation19]), as well as various applications (cf. e.g. Kong and Nieto [Citation20], and the references therein).

Let μ be positive measure on R and X a Banach space. A continuous function f:RX is said to be measure paa (cf. Ait Dads et al. [Citation7] and Papageorgiou et al. [Citation6]), if f can be written as a sum of an almost periodic function g1 and an ergodic function φ1 satisfying limz1μ([z,z])zzφ1(y)dμ(y)=0, where μ([z,z]):=zzdμ(t).

Diagana [Citation21] defined the network of weighted pseudo almost periodic functions, which generalizes the pseudo almost periodicity in Gupta [Citation22].

Motivated by above mentioned work, we investigate in the present paper measure paa solutions of differential equations involving reflection of the argument. This type of differential equations has applications in the study of stability of differential-difference equations, cf. e.g. Sharkovskii [Citation23], and such equations show very interesting properties by themselves. Therefore several authors have worked on this category of equations.

Aftabizadeh et al. [Citation24], Papageorgiou et al. [Citation25]. and Gupta [Citation26] studied the existence of unique bounded solution of equation u(y)=f(y,u(y),u(y)),yR.

They proved that u(y) is almost periodic by assuming the existence of bounded solution. Piao [Citation27, Citation28] studied the following equations (1) u(y)=au(y)+bu(y)+g(y),b0,yR,(1) and (2) u(y)=au(y)+bu(y)+f(y,u(y),u(y)),b0,yR.(2)

Xin and Piao [Citation29] obtained some results of weighted pseudo almost periodic solutions for Equationequations (1) and Equation(2). Recently, Miraoui [Citation30] has studied the pseudo almost periodic (pap) solutions with two measures of Equationequations (1) and Equation(2).

Throughout this paper, we shall assume the following hypothesis:

(M0): There exists a continuous and strictly increasing function β:RR such that for all xAA(R,R), we have x°βAA(R,R).

The key goal of our paper is to study equations which are more general than Equationequations (1) and Equation(2), and are given by the following expression (3) u(y)=au(y)+bu(y)+f(y,u(β(y)),u(β(y)))(3) (4) +y+K(sy)h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s)))ds+y+K(s+y)h(s,u(s),u(s))ds,yR,(4) where aR,bR*,f,h:R3R, and K:R+R+ are continuous functions.

Let X be Banach space. We begin by defining the notion of a measure pseudo almost automorphic function.

Definition 1.1.

(Bochner [Citation3]) Let fC(R,X). Then f is said to be almost automorphic, fAA(R,X), if for every real sequence (sn), there exists a subsequence (snk), such that the following limits limnkf(t+snk)=f(t)andlimnkg(tsnk)=f(t), exist for every tR.

Definition 1.2.

(Blot et al. [Citation11]) Let B is the Lebesque σ-field of R and μ a positive measure on B. Then μM if the following conditions are satisfied

  • μ([a,b])<, for all abR; and

  • μ(R)=+.

In this paper we shall be working with a positive measure satisfying the following two important hypotheses:

(M1) For every τR, there exist β>0 and a bounded interval I such that μ({a+τ:aA})βμ(A),wheneverABsatisfiesAI=.

(M2) There exist m,n>0 such that for all AB, μ(A)m+nμ(A).

Definition 1.3.

(Diagana et al. [Citation13]) Suppose that μM. Then fBC(R,X) is said to be μ-ergodic, fE(R,X,μ), if the following condition is satisfied: limz1μ([z,z])[z,z]f(y)dμ(y)=0.

Definition 1.4.

(Diagana et al. [Citation13]) Suppose that μM. Then fC(R,X) is said to be μ-paa, fPAA(R,X,μ), if f=g+h, where gAA(R,X) and the function h is μ-ergodic.

In the sequel, we shall also need the following hypotheses

(h0) There exists a continuous, strictly increasing function λ:RR+ such that dμβ(t)λ(t)dμ(t), where μM,μβ(O)=μ(β1(O)), for all OB(R) and limsupμ[T(r),T(r)]μ[r,r]S(T(r))<+, where T(r)=|β(r)|+|β(r)| and S(T(r))=supt[T(r),T(r)]λ(T).

(h1) Given λ:=a2b2, where a > b, the following holds P1(λ,μ):=supz>0{zzexp(λ(t+z))dμ(t)}<andP2(λ,μ):=supz>0{zzexp(λ(t+z))dμ(t)}<.

(h2) There exists Lf > 0, such that f:R×R2R satisfies the Lipschitz condition |f(t,x1,y1)f(t,x2,y2)|Lf(|x1x2|+|y1y2|),for all(x1,y1),(x2,y2)R2.

(h3) There exists Lh > 0 such that |h(t,u1,u2)h(t,v1,v2)|<Lh(|u1v1|+|u2v2|),for allu1,u2,v1,v2R.

(h4) There exists K:R+R+ such that c:=0+K(y)dy<.

Our first main result of the paper treats the case when Lf and Lh are constant.

Theorem 1.1.

Suppose that f,hPAA(R,R,μ) and that hypotheses (h0)–(h4) and (M0)–(M2) hold. Then Equationequation (3) has a unique μpaa solution if and only if |λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|λ2(Lf+2cLh)<1.

For the second main result of this paper we shall need the following hypotheses for the case when Lf and Lh are not constant.

(h’2) μM and f:R×R2R satisfy |f(t,x1,y1)f(t,x2,y2)|Lf(t)(|x1x2|+|y1y2|),for all(x1,y1),(x2,y2)R2, where p>1,LfLp(R,R,dx)Lp(R,R,dμ),and1p+1q=1.

(h’3) μM and h:R×R2R satisfy |h(t,x1,y1)h(t,x2,y2)|Lh(t)(|x1x2|+|y1y2|),for all(x1,y1),(x2,y2)R2, where p>1,LhLp(R,R,dx)Lp(R,R,dμ)and1p+1q=1.

(h’4) There exists K:R+R+, such that 0+(K(y))τdy<+,for allτ>1.

Theorem 1.2

. Suppose that f,hPAA(R×R2,R,μ) and that hypotheses (h0)-(h1), (h’2)–(h’4) and (M0)–(M2) hold. Then Equationequation (3) has a unique μ-paa solution if and only if LfLp(R,R,dx)+2(0+(K(y))q)1qLhLp(R,R,dx)<λ(qλ)1q|λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|.

We conclude the introduction by description of the structure of the paper. In Section 2, we collect some basic results needed for the proofs of the main results of this paper. In section 3, we prove both main results (Theorems 1.1 and Equation1.2). In Section 4, we give an application of the measure paa, in connection with integro-differential equations with reflection and delay. In Section 5 we discuss the results and their applications.

2. Preliminaries

Theorem 2.1.

(Diagana et al. [Citation13]) Suppose that μM satisfies hypothesis (M1). Then PAA(R,X,μ) is translation invariant and (PAA(R,X,μ),.) is a Banach space.

Lemma 2.1.

(Miraoui [Citation30]) Suppose that gPAA(R,X,μ) and that hypothesis (M2) holds. Then [tg(t)]PAA(R,X,μ).

Lemma 2.2.

(Miraoui [Citation30]) If μM satisfies hypothesis (M1), then for all p1, Lp(R,X,dμ)E(R,X,μ).

Lemma 2.3.

(Ben Salah et al. [Citation10]) Suppose that hypotheses (h0) and (M0) hold. If vPAA(R,R,μ), then [tv(β(t))]PAA(R,R,μ).

Lemma 2.4.

Suppose that hypotheses (h0),(h2) and (M0)(M2) hold. If fPAA(R3,R,μ), and vPAA(R,R,μ), then [tf(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))]PAA(R,R,μ).


Let fPAA(R3,R,μ). Then f can be written as f=h+φ, where hAAU(R3,R),φEU(R3,R,μ) (see [Citation7]). We set V(t)=v(β(t), for all tR. By Lemma 2.3, we can conclude that VPAA(R,R,μ), hence V=V1+V2, where V1AA(R,R),V2E(R,R,μ), and so we have f(t,V(t),V(t))=φ1(t,V1(t),V1(t))+f(t,V(t),V(t))f(t,V1(t),V1(t))+φ2(t,V1(t),V1(t)).

On the one hand, we shall prove that [tφ1(t,V1(t),V1(t))]AAU(R3,R). Let H(t)=φ1(t,V1(t),V1(t)). If {sn} is a sequence of real numbers, then we can extract a subsequence {τn} of {sn} such that

  1. limnφ1(t+τn,v,u)=ϕ(t,v,u), for all t,v,uR;

  2. limnϕ(tτn,v,u)=φ1(t,v,u), for all t,v,uR;

  3. limnV1(t+τn,v,u)=U1(t,v,u), for all t,v,uR;

  4. limnU1(tτn,v,u)=V1(t,v,u), for all t,v,uR.

If Φ(t):RR by Φ(t)=ϕ(t,V1(t),U1(t)), then we can show that limnH(t+τn)=Φ(t);limnΦ(tτn)=H(t),for alltR and we get ||H(t+τn)Φ(t)||||φ1(t+τn,V1(t+τn),V1(t+τn))φ1(t+τn,U1(t),U1(t))||+||φ1(t+τn,U1(t),U1(t))ϕ(t,U1(t),U1(t))||.

Since V1(t) is almost automorphic, it follows that V1(t), and U1(t) are bounded. Therefore there exists a bounded subset KR. From Equation(3) and (h2), we see that φ1(t,V1(t),V1(t)) are uniformly continuous on every bounded subset KR, hence limn||φ1(t+τn,V1(t+τn),V1(t+τn))φ1(t+τn,U1(t),U1(t))||=0 therefore limnΦ(tτn)=H(t),for all tR.

This proves that H is an almost automorphic function. On the other hand, we shall show that [tf(t,V(t),V(t))f(t,V1(t),V1(t))]E(R,R,μ).

We consider now the following function Φ(t)=f(t,V(t),V(t))f(t,V1(t),V1(t)). Clearly, Φ(t)BC(R,R). Since ||f(t,u1,u2)f(t,v1,v2)||Lf(||u1v1||+||u2v2||), we have 1μ([r,r])rr||Φ(t)||dμ(t)=1μ([r,r])rr||f(t,V(t),V(t))f(t,V1(t),V1(t))||dμ(t)1μ([r,r])rrLf1||V(t)V1(t)||+Lf2||V(t)V1(t)||dμ(t)Lfμ([r,r])rr||V2(t)||dμ(t)+Lfμ([r,r])rr||V2(t)||dμ(t), so by Lemma 2.1, limr1μ([r,r])rr||Φ(t)||dμ(t)=0.

Therefore [tf(t,V(t),V(t))=f(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))]PAA(R,R,μ).

Lemma 2.5.

Suppose that hypotheses (h0),(h2), (h4) and (M0)–(M2) hold. Then for every hPAA(R3,R,μ),vPAA(R,R,μ), [tt+K(st)h(s,v(β(s)),v(β(s)))ds]PAA(R,R,μ).


By Lemma 2.4, we know that [th(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))]PAA(R,R,μ), so h(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))=h1(t)+h2(t), where h1AA(R,R) and h2E(R,R,μ). Set Θ(t)=t+K(st)h(s,v(β(s)),v(β(s)))ds.

Then Θ(t)=t+K(st)h1(s)ds+t+K(st)h2(s)ds=θ1(t)+θ2(t), where θ1(t)=t+K(st)h1(s)dsandθ2(t)=t+K(st)h2(s)ds.

Since u1AA(R,R), it follows that for every sequence (τn)nN there exists a subsequence (τn) such that (5) h1(t)=limnu1(t+τn)(5) is well-defined for each tR and (6) limnh1(tτn)=u1(t),for eachtR.(6)

Let M(t)=t+K(st)u1(s)ds. Then |θ1(t)M(t+sn)|=|t+K(st)h1(s)dst+sn+K(stsn)u1(s)ds|=|t+K(st)(h1(s)u1(s+sn))ds|.

Using EquationEq. (5), hypotheses (h4) and the LDC Theorem, it follows that ||t+K(st)(h1(s)u1(s+sn))ds||0,asn,tR.

Therefore, we have θ1(t)=limnM(t+τn),for alltR.

Using the same argument, we also obtain limnh1(tτn)=u1(t).

Therefore, θ1AA(R,R). To prove that Θ(t)PAA(R,R,μ), we need to show that θ2E(R,R,μ). We know that limr+1μ[r,r]rr||θ2(t)||dμ(t)=limr+1μ[r,r]rrt+||K(st)h2(s)ds||dμ(t)limr+1μ[r,r]rrt+||K(st)||||h2(s)||dsdμ(t)limr+1μ[r,r]rr0+||K(y)||||h2(y+t)||dydμ(t)=limr+0+K(y)μ[r,r]rr||h2(y+t)||dμ(t)dy.

By the LDC Theorem and Theorem 2.1, we have limr+1μ[r,r]rr||θ2(t)||dμ(t)0+K(y)limr+1μ[r,r]rr||h2(y+t)||dμ(t)dy=0.

It follows that [tt+K(st)h(s,v(β(s)),v(β(s)))ds]PAA(R,R,μ).

Remark 2.1.

We have shown that (7) [tt+K(st)h(s,v(β(s)),v(β(s)))ds ]PAA(R,R,μ).(7)

From (M2) and EquationEq. (7) we can also obtain [tt+K(s+t)h(s,v(β(s)),v(β(s)))ds ]PAA(R,R,μ).

Lemma 2.6.

(Ben Salah et al. [Citation10]) Let μM,gPAA(R,R2,μ), hPAAU(R×R2,R,μ), and suppose that hypotheses (M1) and (h’3) hold. Then [th(t,g(t))]PAA(R,R,μ).

3. Proofs of main results

3.1. Proof of Theorem 1.1


By Aftabizadeh and Wiener [Citation25], for any f,hPAA(R,R,μ), a particular solution of Equationequation (1) is as follows (8) Γx(t)=12λ[exp(λt)texp(λy)((λa)f(y,x(y),x(y))+bf(y,x(y),x(y)))dy]+12λ[exp(λt)texp(λy)((λ+a)f(y,x(y),x(y))bf(y,x(y),x(y)))dy]12λ[exp(λt)texp(λy)((λa)g(y)+bg(y))dy]+12λ[exp(λt)texp(λy)((λ+a)g(y)bg(y))dy],(8) where g(y)=y+K(sy)h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s)))ds+y+K(s+y)h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s)))ds.

According to Lemmas 2.1, Equation2.4, and Equation2.5, we can conclude [yy+K(sy)h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s)))ds]PAA(R,R,μ).

Also, by Lemma 2.1, we have [yy+K(s+y)h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s)))ds]PAA(R,R,μ).

Therefore gPAA(R,R,μ). (We can also use the parity of g to see that gPAA(R,R,μ).)

So, using lemmas from Section 2, we can deduce that Γ is a mapping of PAA(R,R,μ) into itself. Set (9) F(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))=f(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))+y+K(sy)h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s)))ds+y+K(s+y)h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s)))ds.(9)

It remains to show that Γ:PAA(R,R,μ)PAA(R,R,μ) is a strict contraction. Since by hypothesis (M0), β:RR is bijective, it follows that for all u,vPAA(R,R,μ), |F(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))F(t,u(β(t)),u(β(t)))|=|f(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))f(t,u(β(t)),u(β(t)))|+t+K(st)(h(s,v(β(s)),v(β(s)))h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s))))ds+t+K(t+s)(h(s,v(β(s)),v(β(s)))h(s,u(β(s)),u(β(s))))ds|f(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))f(t,u(β(t)),u(β(t)))|+0+K(s)(h((s+t),v(β(s+t)),v(β((s+t))))h((s+t,u(β(s+t)),u(β((s+t)))))ds+0+K(s)(h(st,v(β(st)),v(β((st))))h(st,u(β(st)),u(β((st)))))ds2(Lf+2cLh)||vu||, therefore |Γv(t)Γu(t)||λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|λ2(Lf+2cLh)||vu||.

Since |λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|λ2(Lf+2cLh)<1, it follows that Γ:PAA(R,R,μ)PAA(R,R,μ) is indeed a strict contraction. Therefore Γ has a unique fixed point in PAA(R,R,μ) and Equationequation (3) has a unique measure paa solution. □

3.2. Proof of Theorem 1.2


We consider the function Γ defined in system Equation(8). Using lemmas from Section 2 and paying attention to coefficients Lf and Lh which are not constants, we can deduce that Γ is a mapping of PAA(R,R,μ) into itself. It remains to show that Γ is a strict contraction. Indeed, knowing that F is given by Equation(9), we have |F(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))F(t,u(β(t)),u(β(t)))||f(t,v(β(t)),v(β(t)))f(t,u(β(t)),u(β(t)))|+0+K(s)(h((s+t),v(β(s+t)),v(β((s+t))))h((s+t,u(β(s+t)),u(β((s+t)))))ds+0+K(s)(h(st,v(β(st)),v(β((st))))h(st,u(β(st)),u(β((st)))))ds[2Lf(t)+4(0+(K(y))qdy)1qLhLp(R,R,dx)]||vu||, where u,vPAA(R,R,μ), hence |Γv(t)Γu(t)||λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|λ(qλ)1q[LfLp(R,R,dx)+2(0+(K(y))qdy)1qLhLp(R,R,dx)]||vu||.

Since |λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|λ(qλ)1q[LfLp(R,R,dx)+2(0+(K(y))qdy)1qLhLp(R,R,dx)]<1, the operator Γ:PAA(R,R,μ)PAA(R,R,μ) is indeed a strict contraction. Therefore Γ has a unique fixed point in PAA(R,R,μ) and Equationequation (3) has a unique measure paa solution. □

4. Applications

Let a measure μ be defined by dμ(t)=ρ(t)dt, where ρ(t)=exp(sint), tR. Then μM satisfies hypothesis (M1). Since 2+sintsin(t), it follows that if I=[a,b], we have 1+e2μ(I)μ(I) and so hypothesis (M2) is also satisfied.

Consider the following integro-differential equations with reflection and delay. (10) x(t)=2x(t)+x(t)+exp(|t|)9[sinx(tp)+cosx(t+p)]+t+K(st)exp(|s|)9[sinx(sp)+cosx(s+p)]ds+t+K(s+t)exp(|s|)9[sinx(sp)+cosx(s+p)]ds,(10) where K(s)=exp(s), for all sR+ and p is a strictly positive real number which denotes the delay. If we put β(t)=tp, then hypothesis (M0) is satisfied, cf. Ben-Salah et al. [Citation10]. Then Equationequation (10) is a special case of Equationequation (3) if we take a=2,b=1,λ=a2b2=1andf(t,x,y)=h(t,x,y)=exp(|t|)9[sinx+cosy].

Let p=q=12. Then |f(t,x1,y1)f(t,x2,y2)|Lf(t)(|x1x2|+|y1y2|),forall(x1,y1),(x2,y2)R2, and |h(t,x1,y1)h(t,x2,y2)|Lh(t)(|x1x2|+|y1y2|),for all(x1,y1),(x2,y2)R2, where [tLf(t)=Lh(t)=exp(|t|)9]L2(R,R,dx)L2(R,R,dμ), since LfL2(R,R,dx)=LhL2(R,R,dx)=19andLfL2(R,R,dμ)=LhL2(R,R,dμ)19e.

This implies that hypothesis (h3) is satisfied. Since LfL2(R,R,dx)+2(0+(K(y))2dy)12LhL2(R,R,dx)=2+19<λqλ|λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|=12+2, we can deduce that all assumptions of Theorem 1.2 are satisfied and thus Equationequation (10) has a unique μ-paa solution.

5. Epilogue

In practice, the purely periodic phenomena is negligible, which gives the idea to find other solutions and consider single measure paa oscillations. Based on composition, completeness, Banach fixed point theorem, and change of variables theorems, we proved two very important results concerning the existence and uniqueness of a single measure paa solution of a new scalar integro-differential system. Compared to previous works, this is first study of oscillations and dynamics of single measure paa solutions for certain integro-differential equations with reflection for the case when β(t)t. Miraoui [Citation30] studied pap solutions with two measures for our Equationequation (3) for the case when K = 0 or h = 0 and β(t)=t. Ait Dads et al. [Citation9] described Equationequation (3) with matrix coefficients for the case when β(t)=t. On the other hand, we studied the impact of functions K, f, h and β on the uniqueness of the single measure paa solutions for Equationequation (3).

Note that in the special case when β(t) = t, hypotheses (M0) and (h0) are satisfied, therefore the following new results can be deduced from Theorems 1.1 and Equation1.2.

Corollary 5.1.

Suppose that f,hPAA(R,R,μ) and that hypotheses (h1)–(h4) and (M1)-(M2) hold. Then the following equation (11) u(y)=au(y)+bu(y)+f(y,u(y),u(y))+y+K(sy)h(s,u(s),u(s))ds+y+K(s+y)h(s,u(s),u(s))ds,yR,(11) has a unique μpaa solution if and only if |λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|λ2(Lf+2cLh)<1.

Corollary 5.2.

Suppose that fPAA(R,R,μ) and that hypotheses (h1)–(h2) and (M1)-(M2) hold. Then the following equation (12) u(y)=au(y)+bu(y)+f(y,u(y),u(y)),yR,(12) has a unique μpaa solution if and only if |λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|λ2Lf<1.

Corollary 5.3.

Suppose that f,hPAA(R×R2,R,μ) and that hypotheses (h1), (h’2)–(h’4) and (M1)-(M2) hold. Then Equationequation (11) has a unique μ-paa solution if and only if LfLp(R,R,dx)+2(0+(K(y))q)1qLhLp(R,R,dx)<λ(qλ)1q|λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|.

Corollary 5.4.

Suppose that fPAA(R×R2,R,μ) and that hypotheses (h1), (h’2), and (M1)-(M2) hold. Then Equationequation (2) has a unique μ-paa solution if and only if LfLp(R,R,dx)<λ(qλ)1q|λa|+|λ+a|+2|b|.

Additional information


This research was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency grants P1-0292, N1-0114, N1-0083, N1-0064, and J1-8131.


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