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Water governance by local communities

Livelihood security enhancement though innovative water management in dryland India

Pages 59-82 | Received 15 Nov 2019, Accepted 08 Jan 2021, Published online: 05 Feb 2021


Locally nuanced community-based shallow groundwater management interventions have proven important in saline and sodic monsoonal regions. A mixed methods approach characterizes achievement of regeneration of the formerly degraded socio-ecological system of Laporiya village in the semi-arid Salt Lake region of Rajasthan state (India), with a focus on locally adapted chauka systems. Local people are key participants and agents as well as principal beneficiaries of innovative nature-based management interventions. Technological innovations and governance are adapted to environmental processes and local livelihood priorities, resisting imposed engineered solutions. Findings are transferrable to dryland areas facing similar challenges of declining water and livelihood security.


Rajasthan state, India, spans 342,239 km2, with a human population of 68.5 million (75.1% urban and 24.9% rural) (Census of India, Citation2011). Poverty is a pressing issue, Rajasthan ranking 17th by Human Development Index out of India’s 23 states in 2007–8 (IAMR, Citation2011), with India 131st globally (UNDP, Citation2016). Rajasthan is arid or semi-arid, 91% of its annual rainfall occurring during the south-west monsoon (July to September) varying from 1,000 cm over south-eastern parts to 14 cm over the extreme north-west (RajRAS, Citation2017). Water security, defined as ‘the reliable availability of an acceptable quantity and quality of water for health, livelihoods and production, coupled with an acceptable level of water-related risks’ (Grey & Sadoff, Citation2007, p. 545), plays a significant role in perpetuating poverty (Barker et al., Citation2000). Communities in Rajasthan have innovated a diversity of water management solutions, community-based and nature-based geographically adapted to promote infiltration of episodic monsoon run-off into groundwater or storage structures co-managed communally to meet year-round needs (Sharma et al., Citation2018). The long-term adoption of these nature-based solutions (NBSs) for water management, defined as solutions ‘ … inspired and supported by nature and use, or mimic, natural processes to contribute to the improved management of water’ (UN Water, Citation2018, p. 2), reflects an adaptation to the challenging, erratic climate (Pandey et al., Citation2003).

However, under late British colonial rule and following Indian Independence in 1947, progressive centralization by the state of ownership and management of water has dispossessed and disempowered local people. A ‘More from further’ approach (sensu Barraqué et al., Citation2008) continues in Rajasthan, burgeoning cities and other centres of intensive demand diverting resources from increasingly remote locations with perceived excess water. Appropriation of water is enforced, often under protests in donor regions, through power asymmetries between rural, urban and industrial stakeholders, tending to result in unequal sharing of water (Birkenholtz, Citation2016). Water scarcity remains a major constraint upon both urban needs and development across the state (Roberts et al., Citation2013). Problems of water security are both quantitative and qualitative (Cook & Bakker, Citation2012), including the impacts of geologically contaminated groundwater and various forms of pollution (CGWB, Citationn.d.). Problems are particularly acute in Rajasthan’s Salt Lake region, where shallow, saline aquifers compound the viability of land for food production, with associated significant risks from unsustainable fresh water management (R. B. Singh, Citation2015).

Growing water scarcity is refocusing civil action and the policy environment on reinstatement of local recharge of groundwater from monsoon run-off. Restoration of community-based groundwater recharge and stewardship infrastructure using nature-based solutions (NBSs) has enabled linked socio-ecological regeneration in villages in some rural catchments in Rajasthan (Everard, Citation2015; Rathore, Citation2003; Sinha et al., Citation2013) and elsewhere in the world (UN Water, Citation2018). Progressive policy-makers have paid attention to successful transformation of formerly degrading socio-ecological systems into regenerative systems, where restored catchment hydrology and ecology through community-based NBS interventions provide water and livelihood security including stimulating the return of farmers who had formerly abandoned their villages. In particular, the Government of Rajasthan instituted a flagship Mukhyamantri Jal Swavlamban Abhiyan (MJSA: Chief Minister’s Water Self-sufficiency Mission) programme promoted local water recharge solutions within a long-term vision of a water-sustainable Rajasthan (Government of Rajasthan, Citationn.d.). Although the MJSA programme has now finished, roll-out of related water self-sufficiency programmes are facilitated by multiple NGOs promoting local reintroduction of traditional and modified infrastructure. Restoration or strengthening of social and local governance structures is as important as physical infrastructure in achieving sustainable local water management (UN Water, Citation2018).

Since the 1980s, Laporiya village in Rajasthan’s Salt Lake region has implemented a diversity of water interception and conservation measures under communal stewardship. These have restored supporting ecosystems, grazing and livelihood security, including substantially improving drought resilience even after the long, dry summer of 2019 (H. K. Singh, Citation2019). Over the same period, socio-ecological systems in many adjacent villages without comparable water management interventions have continued to degrade, with subsequent outmigration and abandonment (Everard, Citation2018).

Nature-based solutions (NBSs) work with natural processes, protecting and generally enhancing the capacities of ecosystems to produce to range of linked ecosystem services. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Citation2005, p. v) classification of ecosystem services, defined as ‘…the benefits people obtain from ecosystems’, spans qualitatively differing provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting service categories. Specifically, exploitable fresh water (a provisioning service) is enhanced through hydrological and other ecosystem interventions through NBSs, co-beneficially enhancing linked services such as biomass for grazing with associated benefits to farming and food security. In this study, a multi-methods approach – informant interviews in Laporiya and the adjacent village of Antoli, field observations and literature review – informed ecosystem service assessments using the Rapid Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Services (RAWES) approach (described in the Methods section). Findings were further stratified using the STEEP (social, technological, environmental, economic, political) framework to contextualize outcomes within the wider socio-cultural system. Analysis of remotely sensed data triangulated the empirical findings. Transferrable lessons were derived for regions facing similar problems.


A multi-methods approach, comprising informant interviews, field observations, literature review and analysis of remotely sensed data, is used in this study for temporal comparison of pre and post water management interventions in Laporiya, and spatial comparison with a broadly similar adjacent village (Antoli) lacking as intensive water management. These comparisons were made using the RAWES approach, with findings further stratified using the STEEP framework to contextualize outcomes within the wider socio-cultural system.

Laporiya and Antoli villages and their recent history of water management

The Salt Lake region of Rajasthan has low-gradient slope and receives average annual rainfall of 323 mm (Baruah, Citation2008). Saline and sodic shallow groundwater and soils present significant problems, necessitating efficient capture and retention of moisture from monsoon run-off in the soil’s surface layers to store exploitable water, refresh grass and other vegetation maintaining grazing and agriculture, and support trees. An estimated 18–20% of the area of all villages in this region comprise pasture, 5–7% are covered post-monsoon by water bodies, 65–70% are agricultural, and 5–10% are barren (J. Singh, personal communication, Jagveer Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Gram Vikas Navyuvak Mandal Laporiya (GVNML), 2019).

The adjacent villages of Laporiya and Antoli () within Rajasthan’s Salt Lake region are similar in area, geographical features and population, yet differ in terms of the extent of nature-based water management interventions specifically including chauka. (Descriptions of the villages and their recent history of water-related interventions is outlined in Annexe 1). Physical works implementing chauka (described below) and other water-harvesting structures (WHSs) in Laporiya commenced in 1987. These were innovated and led by the local NGO GVNML (Gram Vikas Navyuvak Mandal Laporiya). Laporiya’s novel water management interventions were largely completed by the late-2000s. By comparison, as of early 2018, water management and general conditions in Antoli were approximately where Laporiya was prior to major water management interventions from 1987, with similar geography, culture and area. Antoli is therefore a relevant spatial comparator to Laporiya to assess how chauka implementation has influenced water availability and associated ecosystem services.

Figure 1. Location map of Laporiya and Antoli villages, noting key features

Figure 1. Location map of Laporiya and Antoli villages, noting key features

Chauka are a geographically-specific water-harvesting nature-based solutions (NBSs), implemented on common grazing land, innovated specifically addressing the unique low slope and saline conditions of this Salt Lake region of Rajasthan. Chauka comprise interlocking networks of low bunds on three sides of a rectangle on non-arable areas built from spoil won from pits inside the rectangle (). Spillways at the upstream edges of the bunds allow the free flow of water into adjacent bunded rectangles, and from field-to-field. Water intercepted from monsoon run-off is detained in the chauka, increasing soil moisture and recharging shallow groundwater. A participatory approach that seeks to provide for local needs is an important aspect of chauka design, maintenance and consensual agreements about use to optimize benefits for the community as a whole. Agreements include leaving cow dung in situ to rebuild organic matter and nutrient content, refraining from grazing the chaukas for one-and-a-half months following the monsoon to enable the grass to flourish and produce seed, promotion of native trees, and annual maintenance to which every villager contributes. Further details of the characteristics and operation of chauka are provided in Annexe 1.

Figure 2. Schematic of chauka construction and surface run-off flows (Image © Mark Everard)

Figure 2. Schematic of chauka construction and surface run-off flows (Image © Mark Everard)

Water management solutions in Laporiya are planned in synergy with the water cycle and are implemented communally, as effective collaboration using nature-based solutions is vital as groundwater even a few metres below the soil surface in this region is highly saline. The replenishment of shallow groundwater is therefore critical for avoiding groundwater contamination, many areas around adjacent villages are visibly lacking vegetation owing to soil salinization. Effective fresh water management is also vital to sustain grazing, agriculture and hence food sufficiency, most cropping occurring in the khariff (wet, post-monsoon) season. However, there are significant areas, particularly downstream of Ann Sagar (the largest impoundment storing monsoon run-off and promoting groundwater infiltration) in Laporiya where replenished groundwater supports spray irrigation for a rabi (dry season) crop (typically chilli, tomato, aubergine, onion and wheat). On some areas, a third jayad (summer) crop is also produced. Private owners of land in better-watered land downstream of naadi (ponds) can produce 250–1000 kg per hectare of rabi crop, depending on rainfall in any specific year. Under the communal protocols described above, grazing rights to common land enriched by chauka is shared equitably amongst villagers. Compared to the water and food insecurity of many adjacent villages, Laporiya is water-secure and sells water to surrounding villages during dry seasons, with 75% of families producing a marketable surplus of milk, sales of which are used, amongst other purposes, to buy fodder (Padre, Citation2008).

Key informant interviews in Laporiya and Antoli village surveys

Evidence-gathering at Laporiya took the form of semi-structured interviews with a number of informants (N = 20) involved in village governance, or with knowledge about other attributes of the village. 14 men and 6 women contributed their views in response to research team questioning. Evidence-gathering at Antoli village took the same form with a number of informants (N = 9) involved in village governance, or with knowledge about other attributes of the village, comprising 6 men and 3 women. Informants from Laporiya and Antoli villages and their affiliations, roles and other details are documented in Annexe 2.

Discussions took place primarily in Hindi. Questions were introduced by conversation in locally relevant terms and in a semi-structured way rather than through a rigid questionnaire, reflecting the cultural differences between researchers and local people and the diversity of views of the interviewee group (following Everard et al., Citation2019). This approach enabled interviewees to respond freely rather than asking them rigorously to stick to precise questions. Gender sensitivity was considered by selecting informal interviewers fluent in Hindi as suited the respondents. Informants were generally interviewed individually to avert dominance by other individuals, or the withholding of information in public. In all cases, conversation flowed freely with no evidence of withholding information. The note-takers structured discussion around the ecosystem services framework, concluding discussions when all ecosystem service categories had been covered. Written notes were taken in English, captured at the time of interview but subsequently transferred into digital format. Responses were anonymized so that respondents felt free to express their views.

Interviewees were asked prior to interview for their consent for feedback to be recorded and used in a non-attributable way for research purposes. Interviewees were also offered the right to withdraw from the process at any time via contact details provided for one or more fieldwork facilitators. Additional input was derived from literature searches, as seen in the citations used in this paper.

Assessment of ecosystem services outcomes based on the RAWES approach

Informant interviews and direct field observations in Laporiya and Antoli supported by literature review informed both spatial and temporal comparison of ecosystem services, structured using the RAWES approach. RAWES was developed to support ecosystem service assessment recognizing practical time and resource limitations faced by operational staff, being both genuinely rapid and cost-effective, and also as a means to integrate different types of evidence to inform semi-quantitative assessment of all ecosystem services across the four Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (Citation2005) categories (provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting) on a systemic basis (McInnes & Everard, Citation2017; RRC-EA, Citation2020). Though specifically developed for wetland assessment, RAWES is adapted from an approach applied to a range of habitat types, and can be used across a range of scales from whole landscapes to localized zones of large and complex ecosystems (McInnes & Everard, Citation2017), as for example, by Everard (Citation2009), Everard and Waters (Citation2013), and Everard et al. (Citation2020). RAWES was adopted by a resolution of the Ramsar Convention in October 2018 as a globally standard means for assessment of wetland ecosystems on a systemic basis (Ramsar Convention, Citation2018).

RAWES assessments score the significance of each ecosystem service, as well as the geographical range over which the benefit is realized, on a scale from ‘significantly positive’ (++) through ‘neutral’ (0) to ‘significantly negative’ (–) or ‘unknown’ (?) as outlined in . Data captured in hand-written RAWES field assessment sheets were transposed into spreadsheet format, with some modification in dialogue amongst assessors and other experts where more information became available. (Spreadsheets containing RAWES data can be viewed in the online supplemental data.) To express and compare production of the four ecosystem service categories at Laporiya and Antoli, assigned importance scores were numerically transformed as outlined in to derive an ecosystem services index (ESI). Derivation of an ESI entails summing significance scores within groups of ecosystem services (by Millennium Assessment category or for all services) and dividing by the number of contextually relevant services (RRC-EA, Citation2020). The potential ESI range is from +1 to −1, calculated for each of the four ecosystem service categories, or for the 24 relevant services in total. The same mathematical transformation was used to calculate ESI for total ecosystem service benefits accruing across the four geographical ranges in the RAWES field assessment sheet (local, catchment, national, global) for the 24 relevant services, geographically-based ESIs potentially exceeding 1.0 where benefits accrue across multiple scales.

Table 1. Transposition of RAWES ‘importance of service’ scores into numeric values for ESI analysis and representation

Contextualizing outcomes within the socio-cultural system

Ecosystem services outcomes – benefits within the socio-ecological axis – occur within complex societal dynamics. The STEEP (social, technological, ecological, economic, political) framework, developed as a systems model, was used to understand systemic connections in the cultural system enabling socio-ecological regeneration. Though STEEP was initially adapted from a range of allied classification schemes for analysis of an organization’s operating environment and preparing for organizational transitions, it has been applied to meeting the goals of sustainability (Steward & Kuska, Citation2011) and for addressing systemic interdependences relating to water systems and associated ecosystem services in India (Everard, Citation2015) as well as Africa (Everard, Citation2013; Everard et al., Citation2019) and Europe (Everard et al., Citation2012). STEEP thus contextualizes social and environmental outcomes from water management interventions at Laporiya within the broader systemic, influential contexts of surrounding governance, technological choice and deployment, and economic dimensions.

Ground-truthing though interpretation of remote sensing data

Monitoring of moisture in vegetation and soil moisture via remote sensing in dry and arid environments can take the form of estimation of soil moisture content (through active and passive microwave sensors) or through inference based on vegetation condition (West et al., Citation2019).

Various active and passive microwave satellite missions are specifically dedicated to monitoring soil moisture. These include the NASA SMAP (Soil Moisture Active Passive) and ESA SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) missions. However, these sensors have coarse spatial resolutions resulting in variable success in monitoring local, field-scale conditions (Quinn et al., Citation2019, Citation2020; Tavakol et al., Citation2019).

The Sentinel-2 missions comprise of a pair of polar orbiting optical satellites, launched respectively in 2015 and 2017. Sentinel-2 has 13 spectral bands, with the general near-infrared (NIR) band (8) and visible bands (2, 3, 4) being at a notably finer (10 m × 10 m) spatial resolution compared to earlier Landsat imagery (Drusch et al., Citation2012), and has been noted as being of particular importance for the monitoring of agriculture and vegetation at the local/field/village scale (e.g., Clevers et al., Citation2017; Lambert et al., Citation2018; Vanino et al., Citation2018). This enhances the potential for monitoring vegetation and water resources, the distinctive spectral signature of water in the near-infrared region also allowing for quick identification of surface water in droughty and semi-arid environments.

NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) (Tucker, Citation1979) is a commonly used vegetation condition index in the monitoring of droughty and semi-arid environments (West et al., Citation2019), demonstrated as effective for assessing vegetation response to soil moisture fluctuation under extreme drought using Sentinel-2 data (West et al., Citation2018). The logic behind using the NDVI is that soil moisture plays a significant role in the sustained growth and condition of vegetation (Lavender & Lavender, Citation2016). Longer time series datasets for higher spatial and spectral resolution multispectral imagery were lacking for the study area (Sentinel-2 data is available only from late 2015 onwards). Therefore, as no relevant data preceded the substantial completion of physical water management interventions in Laporiya by 2000 preventing temporal comparison, spatial comparison of Sentinel-2 imagery was undertaken given the close geographic and demographic similarities between the area within Laporiya village in which chauka had been constructed, an adjacent unmodified area of land to the immediate south (just over the village boundary), and the area of Antoli village subsequently converted to chauka only in 2018.

To provide contextual information, rainfall estimates were sourced from the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission for the local region over the full length of the study period, creating a clear illustration of the seasonal monsoon and drought periods. Visual interpretation of the Sentinel-2 imagery was also undertaken to identify whether surface water was present in Ann Sagar (the largest impoundment) in Laporiya.


Ecosystem service assessment

RAWES assessments, collating evidence from interviews, field observation and literature sources, are recorded in a spreadsheet in the online supplemental data. Key findings are summarized here. In all, 24 of 36 ecosystem services in the RAWES assessment sheet were found to be relevant in Laporiya and Antoli (4 out of 9 provisioning services; 9 of 14 regulating services; 6 of 7 cultural services; and 5 of 6 supporting services). displays ESI scores respectively for current, post-intervention conditions in Laporiya and for pre-intervention condition (combining temporal comparison with spatial comparison with Antoli), broken down by ecosystem service category. presents ESIs for the geographical scales over which services are expressed.

Figure 3. ESI scores for ecosystem service categories, respectively at Laporiya (post-intervention) as compared to Antoli currently and Laporiya (pre-interventions)

Figure 3. ESI scores for ecosystem service categories, respectively at Laporiya (post-intervention) as compared to Antoli currently and Laporiya (pre-interventions)

Figure 4. ESI scores for geographical scales over which benefits are delivered by ecosystem services category, respectively at Laporiya (post-intervention) as compared to Antoli currently and Laporiya (pre-interventions)

Figure 4. ESI scores for geographical scales over which benefits are delivered by ecosystem services category, respectively at Laporiya (post-intervention) as compared to Antoli currently and Laporiya (pre-interventions)

These results demonstrate a very high interdependence of local people with their supporting ecosystems in post-intervention Laporiya (ESI = 0.83 for all services) compared to inferred pre-intervention Laporiya/Antoli (ESI = 0.30) where people were disconnected from the ecosystems and services potentially supporting their wellbeing. For comparison, Everard et al. (Citation2019) found combined ESIs of 0.52 and 0.58 respectively in the populated Gosaba Island and the protected Sudhanyakhali Island in Sundarbans of West Bengal, and Everard et al. (Citation2020) observed a very high combined ESI score of 0.85 in Lileng village in a tribally controlled rain forest region of Arunachal Pradesh state (north-east India) where community governance maintains close connections between people and the surrounding forest and river resources supporting their livelihood needs.

Benefit realization at Laporiya is overwhelmingly at local scale (ESI = 0.80 and 0.28 respectively post- and pre-interventions). For the post-intervention state, contributions of services to the wider catchment were the next most significant (0.24) whereas Antoli and Laporiya in a pre-intervention state made little catchment contribution (0.02). Neither pre- not post-intervention conditions made significant contributions at national scale (ESI = 0.02 and 0.00 respectively), nor at global scale (ESI = 0.02 and 0.02 respectively). The cumulative ESI scores across all geographical scales of 1.11 compared to 0.31 respectively for post- and pre-interventions demonstrate the greater societal benefits generated by transformations achieved in Laporiya.

Socio-cultural context

These ecosystem-human interdependencies happen within complex socio-ecological systems, with highly interdependent governance arrangements, technology choice and economic considerations. It is for this reason that the STEEP (social, technological, environmental, economic, social) framework was also used to stratify the information gathered and to explore systemic interdependencies between different components using key and contextual questions. outlines interdependencies between elements of this framework through which ecosystem service benefits are governed and realized.

Table 2. Interdependencies between STEEP components observed in the achievement of transformations at Laporiya broken down by key questions (each component, in grey cells) and contextual questions (systemically connected to other components, in white cells)

Remote sensing data analyses

Amongst the findings arising from analysis of remotely sensed Sentinel-2 data, three sets of results are of particular significance: time series Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to infer vegetation condition in the cropped area downstream of the Ann Sagar impoundment; comparison of NDVI signatures of the area of chauka at Laporiya with the adjacent non-converted area; and time series NDVI from both Antoli and Laporiya.

outlines NDVI values of the cropped area downstream of Ann Sagar in Laporiya correlated with rainfall, noting presence of water in Ann Sagar. Rises in NDVI lag rainfall. In late 2018, NDVI values also follow the khariff (post-monsoon wet, first) cropping season running from June to October (NFSM, Citation2018), rising sharply after planting following rain and with a corresponding sharp fall after cropping. NDVI values during the rabi (dry season, second) cropping season from February to April (NFSM, Citation2018) witnessed a similar rise and fall. Similar khariff peaks were not observed in 2016 and 2017 (no NDVI data points appear during and shortly following rainfall in ) due to lack of remotely sensed data caused by cloud cover during rains, though a similar rise and fall can reasonably be assumed during these unmonitored Khariff months in those years. Sampling frequency increased from the 2018 season following the launch of the second Sentinel-2 satellite in late 2017. Data for the late-2017/early-2018 period show evidence that the drought conditions experienced at that time resulted in correspondingly low NDVI values, correlated with the complete drying of Ann Sagar (noted by the orange dashes in ).

Figure 5. January 2016 to April 2019 time series correlation of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) readings (green line) from the cropped area downstream of Ann Sagar with rainfall (blue histogram), and presence (blue dashes under the X-axis) or absence (amber lines under the X-axis) of water in Ann Sagar. Readers of the print article can view all figures in colour online at https://doi.org/10.1080/02508060.2021.1874780

Figure 5. January 2016 to April 2019 time series correlation of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) readings (green line) from the cropped area downstream of Ann Sagar with rainfall (blue histogram), and presence (blue dashes under the X-axis) or absence (amber lines under the X-axis) of water in Ann Sagar. Readers of the print article can view all figures in colour online at https://doi.org/10.1080/02508060.2021.1874780

outlines the vegetation response (NDVI values) of the chauka area in Laporiya and an otherwise similar area separated by only 0.5 km to the immediate south (identified as ‘Comparison area’ in ), along with rainfall data and presence of water in Ann Sagar. NDVI values from the two adjacent land areas track each other closely. However, the NDVI for the chauka area was typically consistently higher (on average 14% higher, increasing to around 38% higher in early 2019) than that for the comparator untreated adjacent fields, except for the driest part of the year immediately before the onset of the monsoon (early June), and in the response of vegetation during extreme drought conditions from April to June 2018. In general, NDVI values for vegetation in the pasture converted to chauka indicate healthier vegetation for a longer period. NDVI could not be calculated for the 2016 and 2017 monsoon periods again, but are assumed on the basis of the consistently higher values on the chauka pastures to follow a similar pattern to that observed for 2018.

Figure 6. January 2016 to April 2019 time series correlation of NDVI readings from the chauka area of Laporiya (green line) with NDVI in an adjacent land area to the immediate south (purple line), mapped over rainfall (blue histogram) and presence (blue dashes under the X-axis) or absence (amber lines under the X-axis) of water in Ann Sagar

Figure 6. January 2016 to April 2019 time series correlation of NDVI readings from the chauka area of Laporiya (green line) with NDVI in an adjacent land area to the immediate south (purple line), mapped over rainfall (blue histogram) and presence (blue dashes under the X-axis) or absence (amber lines under the X-axis) of water in Ann Sagar

outlines the vegetation response (NDVI values) of the chauka area in Laporiya, the otherwise similar adjacent comparator area without chauka to the immediate south, the area in Antoli on which chauka were dug in April 2018, along with rainfall data and presence of water in Ann Sagar. NDVI values from the chauka and adjacent land areas track each other closely. The high NDVI readings at Antoli prior to 2018 appear anomalous as there were no completed interventions in this area, but are explained by a dense infestation of alien invasive Prosopis juliflora trees present at the time that villagers were required to clear before funds were released for chauka construction. Beyond April 2018, after chauka had been constructed at the defined areas in Antoli, NDVI values closely tracked those on the chauka area of Laporiya.

Figure 7. January 2016 to April 2019 time series correlation of NDVI readings from the chauka area of Laporiya (green line) with NDVI in an adjacent land area to the immediate south (purple line) and the area of Antoli on which chauka weRe constructed in April 2018 (red line), mapped over rainfall (blue histogram) and presence (blue dashes under the X-axis) or absence (amber lines under the X-axis) of water in Ann Sagar

Figure 7. January 2016 to April 2019 time series correlation of NDVI readings from the chauka area of Laporiya (green line) with NDVI in an adjacent land area to the immediate south (purple line) and the area of Antoli on which chauka weRe constructed in April 2018 (red line), mapped over rainfall (blue histogram) and presence (blue dashes under the X-axis) or absence (amber lines under the X-axis) of water in Ann Sagar


The mixed methods analyses – the ecosystem service-based RAWES approach including ESI calculations, STEEP analysis of systemic interactions across the socio-cultural system, and interpretation of Sentinel-2 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data – reveal differences in vegetation condition and resultant societal benefit flows across sampled areas. The RAWES approach enabled integration of different types of knowledge, both rapidly-gathered statistical and non-statistical evidence, articulating in semi-statistical terms (ESIs) the tangible spatial and temporal differences in ecosystem service production in the chauka-modified Laporiya village landscape. ESI scores are substantially higher for all ecosystem service categories in contemporary Laporiya. Remote sensing interpretation reveals improved vegetative condition in, and downstream of, water management interventions in Laporiya, tracking rainy and dry seasons, and in the chauka area of Laporiya compared to an adjacent, unmodified tract of land. Remote sensing analyses corroborate evidence primarily derived from reportage of ecosystem services by informants from the villages (noting the anomaly caused by formerly dense invasive tree cover).

Close interdependence between people and supportive ecosystems is further endorsed by exploration of systemic linkages between the key social, technological, environmental, economic and political dimensions under the STEEP model, stronger integration across this cultural-ecological system evident at the now more water secure Laporiya village. Systemic interconnections between these five components demonstrate how societal benefits flow from landscapes with improved water management, resulting from social appreciation of the values of nature governing technology deployment and participatory management, and governed locally through an informal Village Development Committee prioritizing village needs over perceived outside state interference. The engagement of the whole community of Laporiya in collaborative action and physical, ecosystem-centred management of their supportive landscape leads to linked improvements in ecology and water and livelihood security. This effect of local empowerment protecting or regenerating supportive ecosystems of linked socio-ecological benefit occurs as local people play important roles in the management of ecosystems supporting their needs (Folke et al., Citation2005). This pattern is consistent with greater ecosystem service benefits returning to people owning and framing ecosystem resource decisions for local benefit under protected tribal rights in north east India, compared with more directly government-controlled regions of the central Indian Himalayas (Everard et al., Citation2020)

We acknowledge the limitations and uncertainties inherent in this study, in which different forms of knowledge are integrated to seek understanding of, and transferrable principles from, the successes observed in Laporiya. Limitations in the quantity of relevant literature are also recognized. Ideally, further research would replicate these surveys and analyses in many more villages to deepen understanding of sustainable ecosystem-community relationships. Nevertheless, although the findings of this study are subject to some unquantifiable uncertainty, they illustrate how different governance arrangements have profound impacts on whole socio-ecological systems and the sustainable accommodation between people and the natural systems that support them. This knowledge is transferrable to other situations, noting that specific details relevant to the Salt Lake region require adaptation to other ecosystem types.


Spatial and temporal comparisons reveal how novel nature-based water management solutions, particularly the context-specific innovation of the chauka system, have made significant contributions to water security in the challenging environment of Rajasthan’s Salt Lake region.

Nature-based solutions for sustainable water management depend on consensual stewardship by communities, abiding by agreements consistent with natural processes regenerating water and ecosystems, enhancing resources supporting beneficial use of water, farming and livelihoods.

Analysis of remotely sensed data can provide corroboration of outcomes of water management over broad landscapes.

Further research can help address limitations and uncertainties in this study arising from the local focus, sparse literature and lack of long time-series remotely sensed data, though knowledge generated can be transferred to other regions facing similar challenges noting that specific details relevant to the Salt Lake region require adaptation.

Supplemental material

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The senior author’s research time was supported by the International Water Security Network, which is funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation, a charitable foundation helping to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research. The senior author is grateful to the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) for funding travel.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Supplementary material

Supplementary data for this article can be accessed at https://doi.org/10.1080/02508060.2021.1874780.

Additional information


This work was supported by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation [N/A].


Annexe 1.

Characteristics of Laporiya and Antoli villages and chauka systems

The adjacent villages of Laporiya and Antoli are similar in area, geographical features and population, yet differ in terms of the extent of nature-based water management interventions, specifically including chauka. They are therefore used for comparative purposes to assess the outcomes of these interventions, and how these are influenced by governance and decision-making by the respective village communities.

A1.1 Laporiya village and its recent history of water management

Laporiya village has an overall area of approximately 51 km2 situated in Dudu tehsil and Jaipur District, with a population of 1,764 in 236 households (Census of India, Citation2011). The NGO (non-government organization) GVNML (Gram Vikas Navyuvak Mandal Laporiya) was established in Laporiya in the early 1980s, initially with a focus on schooling, but the emphasis shifted in 1987 towards work on water management particularly in communal pasture land (Ashoka, Citation2011).

Lakshman Singh, the founder of GVNML, came to the realization that ‘The village was bankrupt with water’, surrounded by various defunct tanks, silted ponds and washed out bunds where community-based management had been abandoned (Padre, Citation2008). A substantial and varied programme of water management work has since been undertaken in Laporiya village under the promotion of GVNML, supported by other NGOs such WaterHarvest (see ). Prominent amongst these interventions has been the innovation, implementation and communal management of a novel chauka nature-based solution (NBS) system.

Table A1.1. Development works undertaken at Laporiya under GVNML leadership

All water management solutions in Laporiya are planned according to the workings of the water cycle, and are implemented communally. Effective collaboration using NBSs is vital as groundwater even a few metres below the soil surface in this region is highly saline. The replenishment of shallow groundwater is therefore critical for avoiding groundwater contamination, many areas around adjacent villages are visibly lacking vegetation owing to soil salinization. Nevertheless, despite all of these interventions, some of the 103 wells in Laporiya have high fluoride concentration due to the underlying geology, though these are known and used only for agriculture and not for drinking.

A participatory approach prioritizing the meeting of local needs is an important aspect of chauka design. GVNML (n.d.) produced a Chauka manual to promote the approach. Other key interventions included establishing governance structures such as the Village Development Committee (VDC) that, though not recognized by the state, governs decisions pertaining to natural resources in Laporiya. Laporiya village resists control by the Gram Panchayat (the community-based institution recognized by state government) as it is seen as implementing government policies rather than prioritizing local needs. Mistrust of higher tiers of formal government extend to refusal to designate forest areas in the village, ensuring that they do not fall under control of the state Forest Department. Physical works implementing chauka and other water-harvesting structures (WHSs) in Laporiya were largely completed by the late-2000s, but substantial work still continues in developing institutions, gender equity and governance systems as well as routine maintenance of the physical infrastructure.

The influence of GVNML is undoubtedly enhanced by its leaders coming from a Thakur family (formerly part of a ruling dynasty, though this influence is eroding substantially in contemporary India). However, outcomes from chauka and other water management interventions for water security and the regeneration of wildlife and livelihoods has proven a more powerful driver of acceptance and wider dissemination. Compared to the water and food insecurity of many adjacent villages, Laporiya is water-secure and sells water to surrounding villages during dry seasons, with 75% of families producing a marketable surplus of milk, sales of which are used, amongst other purposes, to buy fodder (Padre, Citation2008).

As a dryland region, most of the cropping in Laporiya is in the khariff (wet, post-monsoon) season. However, there are significant areas, particularly downstream of Ann Sagar (the largest impoundment storing monsoon run-off and promoting groundwater infiltration) where replenished groundwater supports spray irrigation for a rabi (dry season) crop (typically chilli, tomato, aubergine, onion and wheat). On some areas, a third jayad (summer) crop is also produced. Private owners of land in better-watered land downstream of naadi (ponds) can produce 250–1,000 kg per hectare of rabi crop, depending on rainfall in any specific year.

The spiritual importance of water is evident throughout Laporiya village, for example, in the shrine to a local matriarch goddess by some wells, and Devoothni gyaras (the 11th day after Diwali) is considered very holy, with people in Laporiya paying particular regard to the symbolism of water (J. Singh, personal communication, Jagveer Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Gram Vikas Navyuvak Mandal Laporiya (GVNML), 2019).

A1.2 Antoli village and its recent history of water management

By contrast, Antoli village has an area of 35 km2 within Malpura tehsil and Tonk District, with a population of 2,271 in 415 households (Census of India, Citation2011). There are 150 ha of common grazing land and 3,000 ha private cropped land, the remainder comprising government and fallow land, seasonal rivers and water bodies (J. Singh, personal communication, Jagveer Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Gram Vikas Navyuvak Mandal Laporiya (GVNML), 2019). The land is generally flat, and the area is saline with salty wells. Unlike Laporiya, water is tankered into Antoli village for drinking and domestic uses during dry periods, with villagers paying contractors for their water. Four seasonal streams crossing Antoli village feed into the Sodra River.

Plans for and implementation of chauka and other communal water management interventions are in their infancy in Antoli, recently agreed amongst Antoli’s villagers based on observation of the successes of water management solutions in Laporiya in addressing common problems. The NGO WaterHarvest started supporting Antoli from December 2017, requiring them first to clear invasive ganda babool trees (Prosopis juliflora, also known as mesquite or muscat) as a gesture of intent before releasing funds to support construction of chauka in April-June 2018. The Antoli community now has plans for a further 15 ha of chauka, for which it is seeking government or other funds.

As of early 2018, water management and general conditions in Antoli were approximately where Laporiya was prior to major water management interventions from 1987, with similar geography, culture and area. It is therefore a relevant spatial comparator.

A1.3 Characteristics of the chauka system

The chauka NBS system is an innovation of the NGO GVNML, adapted specifically to address water-harvesting in the low-gradient and high sodic water table in the Salt Lake region of Rajasthan in which Laporiya and Antoli are situated. ‘Chauka’, the Hindi word for ‘four corners’, comprise interlocking networks of low bunds on three sides of a rectangle on non-arable areas with relatively permeable sandy loam and loam soils and a slope no greater than 0.5–2% (Mahnot et al., Citation2012). Chauka bunds are no more than 60 cm high, typically extending 40–60 m across the slope with side bunds of 25–40 m, their small size and low height are essential to avert too great a pressure of water eroding the bunds. Spillways at their edges allow the free flow of water into adjacent bunded rectangles, and from field-to-field. A line of rectangular borrow pits, or chauka cells, along the long bund running across the slope provide a source of earth to build the bunds. These smaller chauka cells are typically 3 × 1.6 m in area and 0.3 m deep.

Water depth within individual chauka cells during monsoon rainfall is never excessive, up to 0.75 m, to avoid drowning soil animals and grass roots (Padre, Citation2008). Shallow sub-surface groundwater is thus recharged with fresh monsoon run-off, and soils within the chauka are enriched by silt, all supporting improved communal grazing. Some chauka cells also have deeper wells dug within or adjacent to them, particularly in drier, up-slope areas of the rectangle, promoting percolation of water through the soil and replenishment of the water table. Surplus run-off downstream of networks of chauka is typically diverted into sagar (larger impoundments) or naadi (smaller storage ponds).

Chauka are implemented on common grazing land, and also specifically addressing the unique low slope and saline conditions of this Salt Lake region of Rajasthan.

Chauka implementation in Laporiya from 1987 attracted early support in the form of payments for food to support village engagement, provided by Christian Relief Services (Padre, Citation2008). Subsequently, in 1994, Rajasthan State Government and the charity Oxfam offered additional funding. There also followed support from the NGO WaterHarvest (then known as Wells for India) to increase the extent of chauka. As chauka are a system developed to promote grazing on common land, typically 90% of their costs are covered by grants, but it is expected that 50% of the costs should be matched for naadi or other interventions on private land.

Chauka management decisions on communal land are by consensus, agreed by an informal Village Development Committee (VDC) established by GVNML. Annual Pad Yatra (village gatherings) provide a forum for major, community-wide decision-making including contributions to the annual chauka repair cycle. Agreements about chauka management at Laporiya include leaving cow dung in situ to rebuild organic matter and nutrient content, refraining from grazing the chaukas for one-and-a-half months following the monsoon to enable the grass to flourish and produce seed. Goats are also prevented from grazing the beans of desi babool (Vachellia nilotica) trees, and collection of the beans is also prohibited until decided by the VDC in order to promote regeneration of native trees. Chauka typically have a ten-year maintenance cycle of bund repair and cell desilting. Chauka are desilted annually by shramdan (honourable physical labour looking for no reward), to which every villager contributes.

Chauka put control of water into the hands of villages, rather than fostering a reliance on government and on dam schemes, with everyone participating in decision-making (Baruah, Citation2008). These measures are all predicated on promoting ecosystem regeneration, ultimately maximizing the benefits of chauka. Chauka development and other linked water management structures and institutions have further benefits, including drought-proofing the rain-starved village of Laporiya (Anand & Anand, Citation2017a, Citation2017b). Slowing of flows by chauka also reduces flood risk, and the loss of soil quality and quantity through erosion.

In 2008, the NGO WaterHarvest started funding the extension of chauka development into other villages in the region, as a proven means to reverse of cycles of drought, hunger, caste violence and migration to cities in this particular set of geographical conditions (Baruah, Citation2008). GVNML has been successful in attracting additional international aid investment, although in the early stages of the project chauka implementation was funded solely by villagers. At present, roughly 75% of investment in chauka construction still remains through voluntary village labour. Chauka have now been tested on hundreds of hectares of land in 58 mainly neighbouring villages (Mahnot et al., Citation2012).

Annexe 2.

Key informants and (translated) quotes from village surveys

A1.1 Interviews in Laporiya village

Evidence-gathering at Laporiya took the form of semi-structured interviews with a number of informants (N = 20) involved in village governance, or with knowledge about other attributes of the village. These comprised 14 men and 6 women contributing their views in response to research team questioning. Informants from Laporiya village and their affiliations, roles and other details are documented in , with unattributed quotes listed in .

Table A2.1. Anonymised informants from Laporiya village

Table A2.2. Unattributed (translated) quotes from informants from Laporiya village

A1.2 Interviews in Antoli village

Evidence-gathering at Antoli village took the same form of semi-structured interviews with a number of informants (N = 9) involved in village governance, or with knowledge about other attributes of the village. These comprised 6 men and 3 women. Informants from Antoli village and their affiliations, roles and other details are documented in , with unattributed quotes listed in .

Table A2.3. Anonymised informants from Antoli village

Table A2.4. Unattributed (translated) quotes from informants from Antoli village