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The reconquest of East Bukhara: the struggle against the Basmachi as a prelude to Sovietization

Pages 521-538 | Published online: 09 May 2008


This article concerns the impact of the activity of Ibrahim Bek's bands on the population of Eastern Bukhara and the multifaceted Soviet reaction to it in the second half of the 1920s. Because the Soviet goal was not just the annihilation of the Basmachi, but a thorough reconquest of Eastern Bukhara, the Red Army was accompanied by civil authorities and ‘irregular’ troops, including former Basmachi bands fighting on the Soviet side, and village self-defence. Civil and joint civil–military commissions for struggle against the Basmachi offered an initial Soviet socialization for the local population. The mechanisms regulating amnesties and punishments served to disrupt local power networks, while internal and trans-border migrations were used not only to control the bands, but also to prepare agricultural transformations. The new Soviet power also had to compete with the authority exercised in the realm of food supply and famine relief.

The author is very grateful to the anonymous referees and to the editor for their commentaries and positive criticism.


1. See M. Buttino, ‘Politics and social conflict during a famine: Turkestan immediately after the revolution’, in M. Buttino (ed.), In a Collapsing Empire (Torino: Feltrinelli, 1992), pp 257–277; M. Buttino, La rivoluzione capovolta. L'Asia Centrale tra il crollo dell'impero zarista e la formazione dell'URSS (Naples: L'Ancora del Mediterraneo, 2003).

2. See, among others F. I. L'iutko, Basmachestvo v Lokae (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Iz-vo, 1929); V. M. Gilensen, ‘Bandy pod zelënym znamenem. Basmachestvo v Tadzhikistane v 20-nachale 30-kh gg. i sovetsko-afganskie otnosheniia’, Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal, 1999, 4, pp 68–78; Y. V. Gankovsky, ‘Ibrahim Beg Lakai: an outstanding leader of Bashmachi [sic] movement in Central Asia’, Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Vol 16, No 4, 1993, pp 1–8; Y. V. Gankovsky, ‘Ibrahim Beg Lokai (1889–1932)’, Pakistan Journal of History and Culture, Vol 17, No 1, 1996, pp 105–114; W. S. Ritter, ‘The final phase in the liquidation of anti-Soviet resistance in Tadzhikistan. Ibrahim Bek and the Basmachi, 1924–1931’, Soviet Studies, Vol 37, No 1, 1985, pp 484–493.

3. See S. B. Panin, Sovetskaia Rossiia i Afganistan, 1919–1929 (Moscow: Iz-vo Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Universiteta, 1998); S. B. Panin, ‘The Soviet–Afghan conflict of 1925–26 over the island of Urta Tugai’, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, Vol 12, No 3, 1999, pp 122–133.

4. The city of Gharm, where Fuzail Maksum provoked a revolt in 1922–1923 and 1929, is a notable exception: Yu. A. Poliakov, A. I. Chugunov and A. I. Zevelev, Basmachestvo: vozniknovenie, sushchnost', krakh (Moscow: Nauka, 1981), pp 125, 129.

5. Letter to Zelenskii (April–May 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 204, l. 152.

6. Such episodes were denounced by Faizulla Khojaev: letter of Sredazbiuro (30.12.1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1272, l. 93.

7. TASSR Tsentral'naia Komissiia po bor'be s basmachestvom [hereafter TsK BB] (15.6.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 297; TsK BB, Protokol (7.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, l. 76.

8. Report by Levandovskii (6.7.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 30.

9. Zapiska o techenii sovetizatsii raionov Turkfronta, okhvachennykh basmachestvom (undated, July 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, ll. 71s.

10. The question was brought to Zelenskii's attention: VII cavalry division, Vypiska operpolitdoneseniia (3.3.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 171.

11. TsK BB, Protokol (7.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, l. 80.

12. See the recruitment of Durnam and some Qunghrat tribes (rody), opposed to that led by Khurram Bek in Babadag: TsK BB (15.6.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 290.

13. Action plan against the Basmachi (undated, March–April 1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 197.

14. Tajik and Loqay ‘voluntary detachments’ on the left bank of the Vakhsh were replaced by others from Qataghan. In Loqay, the detachments were composed mostly by Qarluq or by some Isan Khoja who had quit Ibrahim Bek's bands: Plan sokrashcheniia dobrotriadov (November 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 156.

15. For instance the qo'rboshi Barat in Qashqadaryo: Razvedyvatel'nyi otdel shtaba TF, Obzor (20.1–20.2.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 135.

16. Resolution by TF command (January 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 310, l. 26.

17. Tsentrbasmsoveshchanie TASSR, Instruktsiia po organizatsii kishlachnoi samookhrany (23.3.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 174.

18. Zapiska provodu Moscow OO GUPO OGPU. Operrazvedsvodka No 39, po sostoianiiu 18 iiunia, RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 2546, ll. 83f.

19. VII otdel shtaba SAVO, Obzor (20.10–20.11.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 211.

20. Sredazbiuro was created in 1922, replacing the Turkestan Office (Turkbiuro) set up in 1920. H. Carrère d'Encausse, Le Grand Défi. Bolcheviks et nations, 1917–1930 (Paris: Flammarion, 1987), pp 256–258.

21. Proposal by Bel'skii and Levandovskii, Protokol No 1 (8.12.1924), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, l. 8.

22. TsK BB, Protokol (7.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, l. 80.

23. Definition of the committees' tasks (undated, July 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, ll. 52f.

24. PP OGPU (undated, Summer 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 123.

25. Revkoms were appointed organs established in territories newly brought under Soviet rule. They were meant to bring new areas under control and to prepare for the election of the first ‘true’ soviets. R. T. Shamsutdinov, ‘Iz istorii revoliutsionnykh komitetov Turkestana v 1918–1923 gg.’, Istoriia SSSR, 1970, 6, pp 56–67, here pp 56–59.

26. Zapiska o techenii sovetizatsii raionov Turkfronta, okhvachennykh basmachestvom (undated, July 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 69.

27. Oblkom KP(b) Uzbekistana [Surkhondaryo], Vypiska iz protokol No 13 (10.7.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 310.

28. See F. I. L'iutko, op cit, Ref 2, pp 94f.

29. TsK BB (undated, March 1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, ll. 177ff.

30. Tsentrbasmsoveshchanie Revkom TASSR, Protokol No 14 (27.7.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 204.

31. Peregovory po provodu Komfronta t. Levandovskogo s Komkorom i t. Trifonovom (May 1927), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, ll. 40f.

32. Report by Zelenskii (9.5.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, ll. 268f.

33. TsK BB, Protokol (8.12.1924), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, ll. 12f.

34. Ibid, ll. 7f.

35. TsK BB, Protokol No 3 (18.1.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, ll. 34f.

36. This happened in the summer of 1925. The amnesty, announced in March, was supposed to close in May, but its deadline was extended until mid-May in Tajikistan and up to the end of the summer in Surkhondaryo: Tsentrbasmsoveshchanie UzSSR, Protokol (26.6.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 49, and Tsentrbasmsoveshchanie Revkom TASSR, Protokol No 14 (27.7.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 204.

37. Instructions to committees (undated, July 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, ll. 52f.

38. Chicherin himself was involved in the surrender of Kurshirmat and Fuzail Maksum: RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, ll. 42–44.

39. TsK BB, Protokol (8.12.1924), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, ll. 18f; TsK BB, Protokol (8.12.1924), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 204, ll. 7f.

40. Procedures in the annexes to TsK BB, Protokol (8.12.1924), ll. 18f. In the case of Ibrahim Bek, the Red Army suspended all operations in 1924 as an exceptional measure: M. Broxup, ‘La pacification du Turkestan: l'exemple du Lokay, 1923–1926’, L'autre Europe, No 3–4, 1984, pp 26–34, here p 31.

41. Prilozhenie k P.2 protokola No 8 zasedaniia TsK po b/b ot 17/IV-1925 g., RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 204, l. 143.

42. TsK BB, Protokol (7.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, l. 81.

43. TsK BB, Protokol No 3 (19.1.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, ll. 34s.

44. ‘Predlozhenie tov. Levandovskogo kak rezul'tat poezdki po Surkhan-Dar'inskoi oblasti UzSSR i Tadzhikistanu’ (undated, Summer 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 12; about local notables attesting to the loyalty of supposed Basmachis: ‘Vypiska iz pis'ma zampreda Bukharskogo Verkhovnogo Tribunala’ (undated, 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, ll. 25ff.

45. Telegram to all TF divisions (13.6.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 18.

46. TsK BB, Protokol (6.7.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 37.

47. Svodka vazhneishikh postanovlenii komissii po b/b za 1925 g. (undated), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, ll. 2ff.

48. Vypiska iz doklada predsedatelia OVT pri XI Kavdivizii (undated, Winter 1924), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, ll. 23f.

49. Svodka vazhneishikh postanovlenii komissii po b/b 1925 g. (undated), ll. 21f.

50. In Eastern Bukhara in 1924 about one third of all judicial procedures against Basmachis ended with a condemnation to more than five years of imprisonment, 10 per cent with capital punishment: OGPU (undated, 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, ll. 21f.

51. SAVO, Vesenniaia kampaniia 1926 g. (1.9.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 327.

52. PP OGPU, Prilozhenie No 5 (May 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1350, l. 120.

53. ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za dekabr’ mesiats 1924 g.', No 12, in ‘Sovershenno sekretno’. Lubianka–Stalinu o polozhenii v strane (1922–1934 gg.), Vol 2 (Moscow, IRI-RAN, 2001–2003) [hereafter SS], p 290.

54. As happened in Yovon tiumen, a Basmachi sanctuary in Loqay. OGPU, Prilozhenie No 4, Vostochnye natsional'nye avtonomnye respubliki (September 1925), SS, Vol III, pp 560f.

55. OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za noiabr’ 1925 g.', No 11, SS, Vol 3, p 660.

56. OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za dekabr’ 1925 g.', No 12, SS, Vol 3, p 722.

57. OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za iiun’ 1926 g.', No 6, SS, Vol 4, p 386.

58. The category of bay included ‘rich’ peasants, but, according to sources, the threshold of land ownership for inclusion in the category could vary from four to 10 desiatinas. See the contradictory definitions in R. H. Usmanova, Osushchestvlenie kollektivizatsii v Uzbekistane (1929–1932 gg.) (Tashkent: Fan, 1977), pp 19–20.

59. OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za sentiabr’ 1925 g.', No 9, SS, Vol 3, pp 510s.

60. Especially in Tajikistan, OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za noiabr’ 1926 g.', No 11, Ref 55.

61. Among the ‘about 100,000 men’ having followed him, the former emir had chosen the best 500; the majority remained in Kattaghan-Badakhshan. Said Alim Khan, La voix de la Boukharie opprimée. Histoire des calamités éprouvées par les peuples de Boukharie (Paris: Maisonneuve Frères, 1928), pp 33f.

62. Ibid, p 27.

63. VII otdel shtaba SAVO, Obzor (20.10–20.11.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, ll. 217f.

64. A the end of 1925 between 30 and 50 per cent of the émigrés from Tajik mountains (Kulob, Regar, Jilikul, Yovon) had come back to their home raiony. Obzor khoda reemigratsii (undated, end 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 128.

65. Ibid, l. 130.

66. PP OGPU, Prilozhenie No 5 (May 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1350, l. 121.

67. PU TF, Operativo-politicheskaia svodka No 7 (9.3.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, ll, 82ff.

68. Data addressed to Sredazbiuro (undated, 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 207, ll. 33–35.

69. Obzor basmacheskoi deiatel'nosti band na territorii Tadzhikistana za vremia s 1920 goda po 1926 g. (undated, 1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 70.

70. Nemchenko to Karakhan (28.1.1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1342, ll. 3f.

71. Panin, Sovetskaia Rossiia, op cit, Ref 3, p 145, quoting RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 879, ll. 73f.

72. TsK BB, Protokol (7.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, ll. 75f.

73. Predlozhenie tov. Levandovskogo (undated, Summer 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 8.

74. Tsentrbasmsoveshchanie UzSSR, Protokol (26.6.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, ll. 49f.

75. Doklad i materialy tsentral'noi politicheskoi komissii po Surkhan-Dar'inskoi oblasti (June 1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 461, l. 85.

76. Svodka vazhneishikh postanovlenii komissii po b/b za 1925 g. (undated), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, l. 20.

77. Iz Diushanbe (21.7.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 91.

78. Sostoianie basmachestva v Samarkandskoi oblasti (undated, Spring 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 204, l. 77.

79. PU TF to Zelenskii (21.5.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 62.

80. F. I. L'iutko, op cit, Ref 2, p 125.

81. Tajik Obkom KP(b)Uz to TsK KP(b)Uz (24.5.1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1342, l. 25.

82. Ibid.

83. PP OGPU, Prilozhenie No 8 (March 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1349, ll. 239-241.

84. PP OGPU, Obzor No 11 (November 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1352, l. 102.

85. Obkom KP(b)Uz TASSR (24.5.1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1342, ll. 26ff.

86. Prilozhenie No 3, ‘Vostochnye natsional'nye raiony’ (February 1926), SS, vol. 4, p 159.

87. Svodka vazhneishikh postanovlenii komissii po b/b za 1925 god (undated, 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, l. 20.

88. Doklad i materialy tsentral'noi politicheskoi komissii po Surkhan-Dar'inskoi oblasti (June 1926), l. 86.

89. About the Gharm vilayet, PP OGPU, Prilozhenie No 5 (May 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1350, l. 120.

90. PP OGPU, Obzor No 2 (February 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1349, l. 151.

91. About the Kulob vilayet: PP OGPU, Obzor No 10 (October 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1352, l. 18; Prilozhenie No 11 (November 1928), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 1352, ll. 145ff.

92. Razvedyvatel'nyi otdel shtaba TF, Obzor (20.1–20.2.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 138.

93. OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za mart’ 1926, No 3, SS, Vol IV, p 187.

94. TsK BB, Protokol No 14 (24.8.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 69.

95. OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za iiul’ 1927 g.', No 7, SS, Vol V, p 532.

96. TsK BB, Protokol (22.6.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 18.

97. OGPU, Prilozhenie No 3, ‘Vostochnye natsional'nye respubliki i avtonomnye okrugi’ (July 1927), SS, Vol V, p 530.

98. OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za iiul’ 1927 g.', No 7, SS, Vol V, pp 501f.

99. See above; OGPU, Prilozhenie No 3, ‘Vostochnye natsional'nye respubliki i avtonomnye okrugi’ (July 1927).

100. Ibid; see also the denunciation of speculation on the market of manufactured goods in Operpolitdonesenie No 9 PUKORA 13 (25.5.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 70.

101. Rumours circulated as a consequence of the news of the Chinese revolution, of the break of diplomatic relations between Britain and the USSR. The rouble was often replaced by Persian liras: OGPU, ‘Obzor politicheskogo sostoianiia SSSR za aprel’ 1927 g.', No, SS, Vol 5, p 326.

102. About Tajiks transferred to Sultanabad, see ‘Operativno-politicheskaia svodka’ No 13, PU SAVO (21.6.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 129.

103. The situation was particularly difficult in the cities: TF to TsK BB (14.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 63.

104. B Tsentrbasmsoveshchaniia UzSSR (March 1925[?]), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 62.

105. Prikaz Turkfrontu (April 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 54. The directive ordered to buy goods, paying immediately.

106. In 1925 debts by the Turkfront in Ferghana in 1922–1923 had still to be refunded: TsK BB to TsIK UzSSR (27.9.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 207, l. 140.

107. TsK BB, Protokol (7.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, l. 69.

108. VIII Kavdiviziia to Otdel OGPU in Tajikistan (3.6.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 47.

109. TsK BB, Protokol No 14 (24.8.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 69.

110. The president of the Surkhondaryo ‘Commission for the struggle against bad harvests’ stressed the cost per pud via Termez was 4.03 roubles; the price suggested by Soviet authorities being 2.75 roubles, the consortium had to pay 1.78 roubles: letter to Sredazbiuro, RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, ll. 236f.

111. Fifty per cent off of what had been paid in 1924–1925: TsK BB, Protokol No 14 (7.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, ll. 70f.

112. TsK BB, Protokol No 13 (30.7.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 18.

113. TsK BB, Doklad PP OGPU i TF (17.10.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, l. 93.

114. Document to TsK BB (18.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 203, ll. 64ff.

115. Komissiia Sredazbiuro po snabzheniiu khlebom basmacheskikh raionov, Protokol No 106 (22.4.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 60.

116. Operativno-politicheskaia svodka No 5, PU RVS TF (7.2.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, ll. 17f.

117. Polozhenie o dovol'stvii voisk 13° korpusa (10.4.1927), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 49.

118. Svodka vazhneishikh postanovlenii Komissii po b/b za 1925 g. (undated), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, l. 6.

119. Svedeniia ob ispol'nenii po prakticheskomu planu koordonirovania rabot voennykh, partiinykh, sovetskikh i karatel'nykh organov dlia likvidatsii basmachestva na territorii Kashka-Dar'inskoi, Surkhan-Dar'inskoi oblastei i Tadzhikistana (undated, May 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 206, l. 42.

120. TsK BB, Protokol (17.4.1924), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 202, l. 90.

121. The Babadag-Surkhondaryo constituted the refuge of Khurram Bek's bands, whereas Ibrahim Bek stole wheat from there, distributing it to Loqay.

122. ‘According to the command and Surkhondaryo revkom, measures taken to help the peasants have not been implemented. Economic relief is distributed only in some localities and to an insufficient extent’: Predlozhenie tov. Levandovskogo kak rezul'tat poezdki po Surkhan-Dar'inskoi oblasti USSR i Tadzhikistana (22.6.1925), l. 10.

123. Basmsoveshchanie [Surkhondaryo], Protokol (7.10.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 205, l. 220s.

124. Razvedyvatel'nyi otdel shtaba TF, Obzor (20.1–20.2.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 138.

125. Obzor basmacheskoi deiatel'nosti band na territorii Tadzhikistana za vremia s 1920 g. do 1926 g. (Summer 1926[?]), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 463, l. 67.

126. Correspondence between the former emir and Ibrahim Bek, PP OGPU (7.3.1926): RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 79.

127. Razvedyvatel'nyi otdel shtaba TF, Obzor (20.4–20.5.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 172.

128. OGPU report from Dushanbe (21.7.1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 822, l. 91.

129. Razvedyvatel'nyi otdel shtaba SAVO, Obzor (20.5-20.6.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 181.

130. Report TF (undated, 1925), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 208, l. 88.

131. Razvedyvatel'nyi otdel shtaba TF, Obzor (20.3–20.4.1926), RGASPI, f. 62, op. 2, d. 519, l. 164.

132. ‘Sovvlast’ rozdaët funty, chtoby povol. vziat' s naseleniia pudy'. A funt corresponded to 0.454 kg, one pud to 16.38 kg. Operativno-politicheskaia svodka No 5, PU RVS TF (7.2.1926), l. 16.

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