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The role of the pristavstvo institution in the context of Russian imperial policies in the Kazakh Steppe in the nineteenth century



The institution of pristavstvo was introduced in the Kazakh Steppe in the first decade of the nineteenth century. This institution had different meanings and functions, from an individually held position (e.g., a pristav to the khān of the Junior Horde in 1820; the pristavs who accompanied the Kazakh delegation to Saint Petersburg in the first half of the nineteenth century) to an administrative-territorial structure (e.g., the pristavstvo of the Senior Horde; the Mangyshlak and Zaisan pristavstvos). Though the political structure of the Russian empire had included institutions analogous to the pristavstvo, it was not a conventional component of the Russian administrative system. Studying the features of the pristavstvo institution in the territory of Kazakhstan and analysing the transformation of the pristav's function provide new insights on how the multi-ethnic Russian empire was managed. They will also help scholars to better understand the forms and methods the Russian authorities employed to manage their nomadic populations.

This article is part of the following collections:
Critical Reader in Central Asian Studies: 40 Years of Central Asian Survey


I am grateful to the anonymous editors of this journal for helping me to think through a new direction for investigating this issue.

Archives and abbreviations


Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Orenburgskoi oblasti. [State Archive of Orenburg region](Orenburg, Russia)


Kazakhsko-russkiye otnosheniya v XVIII–XIX vekakh (1771–1867). Sbornik dokumentov i materialov [Kazakh-Russian relationships (1771–1867). Collection of documents and materials]. 1964. Alma-Ata: Nauka.


Materialy po istorii Kazakhskoi SSR (1785–1828). 1940 [Materials on the History of the Kazakh SSR]. Vol. 4. Moscow-Leningrad: Akademiya nauk.


Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi istoricheskii arkhiv [Russian State Historical Archive] (Saint Petersburg, Russia).


Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Respubliki Kazakhstan [Central State Archive of Republic of Kazakhstan] (Almaty, Kazakhstan).


1. Today, the word pristav is associated with police and judicial functions and typically translated as ‘bailiff’. In accordance with the legal reforms of 1864, only court pristavs, or bailiffs, were recognized – these were officials responsible for executing a court's decision in civil cases. Bailiffs included those appointed to the mirovoi s'ezd, the district courts, appellate courts (sudebnye palaty), and the Cassation Department of the Senate. In this form the court pristavs continued to work through the beginning of the twentieth century. They were abolished by the First Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on 24 November 1917.

2. ‘On the assignment of a special pristav over Karabulak and Chechens’, 10 October 1848, Full collection of laws, 1849. Coll. II. Vol. XXIII. N.22641. St-Peterburg.

3. In 1827 a new ‘ustav for the administration of the Nogais and other Muslims pasturing in the Caucasian oblasts’ was introduced. This ustav legally included the pristav's position in the administrative system of the Caucasus and defined the pristav's legal norms and relations.

4. In 1806, Sultan Karatai showed up to claim the throne and encouraged activities against both Dzhantore Khān and the Russian authorities.

5. In 1816, the majority of the Kazakhs from the Alimuly and Baiuly tribes (about 100,000 auls) acknowledged him as khān. At that time, Sergazy Khān's power spread through about 4000 auls (Erofeeva Citation1997).

6. The Khan Council was created in the Junior Juz in 1809, but its power was nominal and the Russian administration in 1812 appointed a new Khan, Shergazy. In this year the Rules of Khan Council were created. According to them, the chairman of the Khan Council must be Shergazy Khan.

7. RGIA, F.1291.Op.81.D.44a Vypiska iz zhurnala Aziatskogo komiteta [Extract from the journal of the Asian Committee]. L. 90–91.

8. An analogous situation occurred among the Kalmyks when Catherine II, in her ukase of 19 October 1771, eliminated the khān's authority and appointed managers for the uluses [unions] and accompanying pristavs. Later, a main pristav was appointed to the Kalmyks (Komandzhaev Citation2010, 74).

9. TSGA RK, F.4. Op.1.D.263. Predpisaniya pristavu Mladshego Jhuza za April–December 1823 g [Instructions to pristav of the Junior Horde for April– December 1823]. L. 4.

10. A. Gorikhvostov was a graduate of the Cadet Corps in Saint Petersburg and participated in the Patriotic War of 1812; see Volkov (Citation2009).

11. Mukhamet–Rakhim Dolgoarshinov was a provincial registrar and an interpreter for the Orenburg Frontier Commission from 1808.

12. TSGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.261а Journal pristava polkovnika Gorikhvostova pri khane Men'shei kirgiskoi Ordy Shergasy, 1822–1823 [Journal diary of pristav colonel Gorihvostov under khan of the Little Juz Shirgazi Aychuvakov, 1822–1823]. L. 21.

13. TSGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.268 Predpisaniya pristavu Mladshego Jhuza za November 1823 [Instructions to pristav of the Junior Horde for November 1823]. L. 2–5.

14. Jolaman Tlenshi: foreman (starshina) of the Tabyn tribe of the Junior Horde, leader of an uprising (1822–1825) against the administration of the Orenburg governor-generalship.

15. TSGA RK F.4. Op.1.D.263. Predpisaniya pristavu Mladshego Jhuza za April-December 1823 g. [Instructions to pristav of the Junior Horde for April-December 1823]. L.31.

16. Based on the pristav's observances, wealthy Kazakhs tried to pasture farther from the line, and poorer ones had to pasture along the line with the mercy of the khān.

17. TsGA RK, F.4op.1D.261a Journal diary of pristav. L. 30, 38, 43.

18. A Tatar of Seitov Posad, N. Faizullin began his service under Jantore Khān (TsGA RK, F 4.Op.1.D.243. Delo o nasnachenii pri khanah i sultanah mull, pismovoditelei o nagrazdenie poslednikh [Case of the appointment of the mullahs and the clerk beside the khans and sultans and their award]. L. 4).

19. TsGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.267 Predpisaniya pristavu za September 1823 [Prescriptions of pristav for September 1823]. L. 3.

20. TsGA RK, F.4.Op.1D.263a Journal diary of pristav. L. 8.

21. TsGA RK, F.4. Op.1.D.261a Journal diary of pristav. L. 30.

22. TsGA RK, F.4.Op1.D.325 Delo o poyezdke v Sankt-Peterburg deputata ot khana Shergazy Aychuvakova s zhaloboy na chinovnikov administratsii Orenburgskoy Pogranichnoy komissii.21 May,1836 g [Case of the trip to St. Petersburg of deputy from Khan Shergazy Aychuvakov with the complaint to the administration officials Orenburg Boundary Commission 28, May 1836]. L. 12–14.

23. TSGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.3519. Delo o poyezdke v Sankt-Peterburg sultana pravitelya Vostochnoy chasti orenburgskikh kirgizov Akhmeta Dzhantyurina 1849–1850 g [Case of the trip to St. Petersburg of Sultan ruler of the Eastern part of the Orenburg Kazakhs Ahmet Dzhantyurin 1849–1850]. L. 1.

24. Ivan Karbyshev was in this position for six months, and the delegation returned to the Kazakh Steppe at the end of July 1830 (TSGA RK, F338.Op.1.D.410. Delo o poyezdke v Sankt-Peterburg sultanov i biyev Karkaralinskogo i Kokchetavskogo okrugov 1830 g [Case about a trip to St. Petersburg of sultans and biys of Karkarala and Kokchetav districts]. L. 238).

25. Collegiate assessor Kostromitinov served as a counselor on the Orenburg Frontier Commission. He carried out the duties of the pristav twice (GAOrO, F.6.Op.10.D.6057/b Delo o nagrazhdenii chinovnikov i sluzhashchikh Pogranichnoy komissii.1848 [Case about the rewarding of officials and employees of the Boundary Commission]. L. 5–6, 22–27.

26. Мukhammed-Sharif Aitov was from a family of Tatar nobles in the Orenburg gubernia. From 1820 to 1856 he served as an interpreter for the Orenburg Frontier Commission (Sultangalieva Citation2008, 13–22).

27. TsGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.3519 Delo o poezdke v Peterburg sultana pravitelya Vostochnoy chasti orenburgskikh kirgizov Akhmeta Dzhantyurina [Case about the trip to St. Petersburg of Ahmed Dzhanturin]. L. 49–50.

28. TSGA RKF.4.Op.1D.2786 Formularny list shtab kapitana Aitova [Formulary lists of staff captain Aitov1855]; GАОrО, F.6. Op.10. D.6057/b Delo o nagrazhdenii chinovnikov i sluzhashchikh Pogranichnoy komissii. L. 22–27.

29. TSGA RK, F.4.Op1. D.3519 Delo o poyezdke v Sankt-Peterburg sultana pravitelya Vostochnoy chasti orenburgskikh kirgizov Akhmeta Dzhantyurina. L. 49–54.

30. TsGA RK, F.4. Op.1.D.2983 Delo o poyezdke deputatov ot kirgiz Bukeevskogo khanstva [Case about the trip of deputies from Kirghiz Bukeyev Khanate]. L. 89–94.

31. TSGA RK, F.338. Op.1.D.410 Delo o poyezdke v Sankt-Peterburg sultanov i biyev Karkaralinskogo i Kokchetavskogo okrugov. L. 175.

32. TSGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.3519 Delo o poyezdke v Sankt-Peterburg sultana pravitelya Vostochnoy chasti orenburgskikh kirgizov Akhmeta Dzhantyurina. L. 138.

33. TSGA RK, F.338. Op.1. D.410. Delo o poyezdke v Sankt-Peterburg sultanov i biyev Karkaralinskogo i Kokchetavskogo okrugov. L. 238.

34. TsGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.2983 Delo o poyezdke deputatov ot kirgiz Bukeevskogo khanstva. L. 89–94.

35. TsGA RKF, 338 Op.1.D.410 Delo o poyezdke v Peterburg sultana pravitelya Vostochnoy chasti orenburgskikh kirgizov Akhmeta Dzhantyurina L. 238ob.

36. TsGA RK, F.374 Op.1.D.1669 Delo o prinyatii kirgizov yusupovskogo roda Bol'shoy ordy v poddanstvo Rossii i osnovanii na reke Karatal okruga [Case about adoption of Yusup tribes of the Great Horde to the subject of Russian Empire and settlement on the river of Karatal region]. L. 108–113.

37. In the mid-1830s, Kalmyks was transferred to the general civil administration and the pristavstvo institution was transformed into a trusteeship institution.

38. On April 1847, Graf Nesselrode wrote the draft of instructions for the pristav of Great Horde (TSGA RK, F.374.Op.1.D.1669 Delo o prinyatii kirgizov yusupovskogo roda Bol'shoy ordy … L. 108–113).

39. Some 2021 rubles were allocated for the salary of the pristav, while the sultans were allocated 1023 rubles, and the interpreter, 142 rubles (TSGA RK, F.3.Op.1.D.342. Raskhodnyye dela na zhalovaniye pristavu i sluzhashchim pri nem. 1848 [Expendable cases on salary to the pristav and his servants, 1848]. L. 19

40. In 1853, the following were a part of the administration: senior sultans Ali Adilov, Tezek Nuraliev, and Dzhangazy Siukov; clerk Neratov; and interpreter Bardashev (TSGA RK, F.3.Op.1.D.341. Vedomost’ zhalovaniya za January 1853 [The payroll for January 1853]. L. 1–2).

41. TSGA RK, F.3. Op.1.D.342 Raskhodnyye dela na zhalovaniye pristavu i sluzhashchim pri nem [Expendable cases on salary to the pristav and his servants]. L. 19–20.

42. TsGA RK, F.374.Op.1.D.1669 Delo o prinyatii kirgizov yusupovskogo roda Bol'shoy ordy L. 108–113.

43. Here the pristav meant Rustem Abulfeizov, who was appointed to the position of administering the Dulat tribe on 17 April 1847.

44. TSGA RK, F.3.Op.1.D.324 Zhurnal sekretnykh bumag, kantselyarii pristava [Journal of secret papers, office of the pristav]. L. 1.

45. TsGA RK, F.4.Op.1.D.2512 Alfavitnye spiski sultanov-ypravitelei, biiev i svyasannaya s nimi perepiska [Alphabetical lists of rulers of sultans and other biys and related correspondence]. L. 25.

46. TSGA RK, F.3.Op.1.D.335. Delo ob assignovanii sredstv na soderzhaniye pristava i sluzhashchikh pri nem [Case about appropriation of funds for maintenance of pristav and his servants]. L. 9.

47. TSGA RK, F.3.Op.1.D.2. Perepiska so shtabom otdel'nogo Sibirskogo korpusa ob otpravke ekspeditsionnogo otryada za Ili [Correspondence with individual headquarters of Siberian Corps on sending expedition detachment over Ili]. L. 6–7.

48. The Chinese government, knowing about the construction of Kopal and other fortifications in Semirech'e, sent a note of protest to the Russian government, claiming that the territory was under the control of the Qing Empire (Moiseev Citation2003, 28).

49. TSGA RK, F.3.Op.1.D.330 Raport pristava o poseshchenii kitayskimi chinovnikami Bol'shogo zhuza, 12 September 1851 [The report of pristav about visit of Chinese officials of Great Jhuz, 12 September 1851]. L. 1–7.

50. TSGA RK, F.3.Op.1.D.546. Perepiska s voyennym gubernatorom Semipalatinskoy oblasti, Tomskoi kazennoi palaty, Kopal'skim okruzhnym nachal'nikom i drugimi o poryadke sbora poshlin s torgovtsev stanits Zailiyskogo kraya. 1854–1856 [Correspondence with military governor of Semipalatinsk region, Tomsk exchequer, chief of Kopal district and others about collection of fees from merchants stanitsa of Zailiysk region]. L. 7–8.

51. Full Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire. 1856. 31 (31095), 973. St-Petersburg.

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