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Subs and PSYOPs: The 1982 Swedish Submarine Intrusions

Pages 252-281 | Published online: 13 Jul 2012


In the 1980s, the Soviet Union was believed to have targeted Sweden by sending submarines into Swedish archipelagos and naval bases, which forced Prime Minister Olof Palme to terminate his ambitious foreign policy. The ‘imminent Soviet threat’ changed Swedish public opinion drastically. Twenty years later, statements made by the responsible US and UK leaders, including then US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and then UK Navy Minister Keith Speed, show that these operations were run by US and British submarines testing Swedish coastal defences. Then US Secretary of Navy John Lehman and the Swedish Secretary of the Submarine Inquiry, Mathias Mossberg, indicate that these operations were also deception operations and psychological operations. Swedish former defence ministers have said that ‘it was wrong to point to the Soviet Union’, indicating that the more visible submarines may have been from the West. Ralf Lillbacka's article in Intelligence and National Security in 2010 does not take this information into consideration. The technical evidence we now have is proof of Western submarines operating in Swedish archipelagos. This evidence confirms the statements made by responsible leaders.


1SOU 1983:13, Att möta ubåtshotet – Ubåtskränkningar och svensk säkerhetspolitik. Betänkande av ubåtsskyddskommissionen (Stockholm: Försvarsdepartementet 1983); SOU 1983:13 (Unofficial translation), Countering the Submarine Threat – Submarine Violations and Swedish Security Policy (Stockholm: Ministry of Defence 1984); ‘Rapport’, Swedish TV2, 26 April 1983.

2‘Aktuellt’, Swedish TV 1, 18:00, 26 April 1983; ‘Rapport’, Swedish TV 2, 19:30, 26 April 1983.

3Lynn Hansen, Soviet Navy Spetsnaz Operations on the Northern Flank: Implications for Defense of Western Europe, Stratech Studies SS84-2, Study prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense/Net Assessment (College Station, TX: Texas Engineering Experiment Station of Texas A&M University System 1984) p.viii.

4Interview with John Moore, Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, 23 August 1984.

5Milton Leitenberg, Soviet Submarine Operations in Swedish Waters (New York: Praeger 1987) pp.156–7.

6Gordon H. McCormick, Stranger than Fiction – Soviet Submarine Operations in Swedish Waters, R-3776-AF, A Project AIR FORCE report prepared for the United States Air Force, Rand Corporation, January1990, p.v.

7Lars Olof Lampers, Bodströmaffären och det säkerhetspolitiska debattklimatet i Sverige 1982–1985 (Stockholm: Statsvetenskapliga Institutionen, Stockholm University 1996).

8Anders Thunborg, ‘Ohållbart att peka ut Sovjetunionen’, Dagens Nyheter, 6 May 2001.

9SOU 1995:135, Ubåtsfrågan 1981–1994 – Rapport från ubåtskommissionen (Stockholm: Försvarsdepartementet 1995).

10Thage G. Peterson, Resan mot Mars – Anteckningar och minnen (Stockholm: Bonniers 1999) p.555.

11E-mail from Karl Frithiofson's son, Ola Frithiofson, 29 March 2011.

12Anders Hasselbohm, ‘Fem år och två månader efter Hårsfjärden kommer bekräftelsen: Skadad ubåt smög ut genom Öresund’, Dagens Industri, 16 December 1987.

13Peterson, Resan mot Mars, pp.555–7.

14Interview with Caspar Weinberger, ‘Striptease’, Swedish TV2, 7 March 2000.

15Interview with Keith Speed, ‘Striptease’, Swedish TV2, 11 April 2000.

16SOU 2001:85, Perspektiv på ubåtsfrågan – Hanteringen av ubåtsfrågan politiskt och militärt (Stockholm: Statens Offentliga Utredningar, Försvarsdepartementet 2001), pp.64–93.

17SOU 2001:85, pp.344, 369.

18Ola Tunander, Hårsfjärden – Det hemliga ubåtskriget mot Sverige (Stockholm: Norstedts 2001).

19Ola Tunander, The Secret War against Sweden – US and British Submarine Deception in the 1980s (London: Frank Cass 2004). The book was published by the Naval Policy and History Series, edited by Geoffrey Till.

20Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Danmark under den kolde krig – Den sikkerhedspolitiske situation 1945–1991, Volume 3 1979–1991 (Copenhagen: DIIS 2005) pp.478–91.

21Pekka Visuri, Suomi kylmässä sodassa (Helsinki: Otava 2006).

22Mauno Koivisto, ‘Ubåtshysterin orsakade mig plåga’, Svenska Dagbladet, 3 September 2008; Mauno Koivisto, Grannar – Frändskap & friktion (Stockholm: Atlantis/Söderströms 2008) pp.168–72.

23Ola Tunander, Spelet under ytan – Teknisk bevisning i nationalitetsfrågan för ubåtsoperationen mot Sverige 1982, Gothenburg University and Stockholm University, Forskningsprogrammet Sverige under kalla kriget, no. 16, first published 2007, revised 2009, <http://www.prio.no/sptrans/1166172596/spelet%20under%20ytan%20.pdf> (accessed 21 June 2012).

24Per Rudberg, Bror Stefenson, Emil Svensson and Göran Wallén, ‘Sovjet litade inte på vår neutralitet’, Svenska Dagbladet, 2 October 2007.

25Herman Fältström (ed.), Ubåtsoperationer och kränkningar under det kalla kriget (Stockholm: Swedish Defence College, Försvaret under det kalla kriget, No. 15, 2008).

26Mossberg, I mörka vatten.

27Gunnar Åselius, ‘Konspiration eller panikreaktion? Sverige och ubåtskränkningarna under 1980-talet’, Historisk tidskrift 129/4 (2009) pp.651–4; Kent Zetterberg, ‘Recension’, Forum Navale 66 (2010) pp.112–21; Ola Tunander, ‘Rättelse – Nationella Operationer vs. NATO-operationer’, Historisk tidskrift 130/2 (2010) pp.283–5.

28Peter Huchthausen and Alexandre Sheldon-Duplaix, Hide and Seek: The Untold Story of Cold War Espionage at Sea (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley 2009).

29Ralf Lillbacka, ‘A Swedish Ebbinghaus Illusion? Submarine Intrusions in Swedish Territorial Waters and Possible Soviet Deception’, Intelligence and National Security 25/5 (2010) pp.656–81.

30Ibid., p.673.

31Wilhelm Agrell, Bakom ubåtskrisen. Militär verksamhet, krigsplanläggning och diplomati i Östersjöområdet (Stockholm: Liber Förlag 1986); Leitenberg, Soviet Submarine Operations in Swedish Waters.

32Michael Hesselholt Clemmesen, ‘Koldkrigsudredningen – Danmark under den kolde krig’, Forum for forsvarsstudier (Copenhagen: Forsvarsakademiet, December 2005).

33Emil Svensson, Under den fridfulla ytan (Stockholm: Marinlitteraturföreningen 2006); Fältström, Ubåtsoperationer och kränkningar under det kalla kriget (with contributions by Admiral Bror Stefenson, Rear Admiral Göran Wallén and Commodore Emil Svensson). Lillbacka also refers to Fredrik Bynander, The Rise and Fall of the Submarine Threat: Threat Politics and Submarine Intrusions in Sweden 1980–2002 (Uppsala: Uppsala University 2003), which uses interviews with Admiral Stefenson.

34SOU 1983:13; SOU 1995:135, pp.142–6; ‘Rapport’, Swedish TV2, 26 April 1983.

35The document is published in Mossberg, I mörka vatten, pp.72–5, 200–6.

36MAna Hårsfj 1982 (Marinens Ananlysgrupp Rapport från Hårsfjärdsincidenten [The Naval Analysis Group Report for the Hårsfjärden incident] under Commander Emil Svensson). The report covers the period 27 September–15 October 1982, attachment 15.

37MAna Hårsfj, attachment 41; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 2.

38SOU 2001:85, pp.316–17.

39 New York Times, 6–14 October 1982.

40MAna Hårsfj, attachment 25.

41Ola Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.68–70.

42Ibid.; SOU 1995:135, p.140.

43The length of the submarine was described as two-thirds of a local ferry, which would mean 20–30 metres. MAna Hårsfj, attachment 21; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.65–8.

44Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.65–8.

45CÖrlBO WD (CÖrlBO Krigsdagbok [Chief Naval Base East, Rear Admiral Christer Kierkegaard, War Diary], 27 September–15 October 1982) at 10:35, 5 October 1982.

46Lee Vyborny and Don Davis, Dark Waters: An Insider's Account of the NR-1 – The Cold War's Undercover Nuclear Sub (London: Ebury, Random House 2002).

47See Project A615 on <http://www.deepstorm.ru/> (accessed 21 June 2012).

48CÖrlBO War Diary at 15:25, 7 October 1982; see also MAna Hårsfj, attachment 37.

49Department of Defense, Prepared statement of Director of Naval Intelligence, Rear Admiral John L. Butts, 28 February 1984, Hearings on H.R. 5167 Before the Committee on Armed Sevices House of Representatives Ninety-eighth Congress, Part 3 of 7, Seapower and Strategic and Critical Materials Subcommittee Title 1 (Washington DC: US Government Printing Office 1984) p.676.

50John McWethy, ‘World News Tonight’, ABC, 21 March 1984.

51Defence Staff, Rapport om undervattensverksamhet som riktats mot vårt land [Report about Subsurface Activity Directed Against Our Country], signed by Chief of Defence Bengt Gustafsson and Chief of Staff Thorsten Engberg, Stockholm, Defence Staff, 25 November 1987; see also Carl Bildt, ‘Ubåtskränkningarna mot Sverige – bakgrund, mönster och motiv’, Speech, 12 April 1990 by MP Carl Bildt, Kungliga krigsvetenskaps-akademiens handlingar och tidskrift 1 (1991) pp.29–56.

52Notes for the government briefing in December 1987 by the ‘Government Group’ (Jan Eliasson, Hans Dahlgren and Bengt Wallroth) headed by Major General Bengt Wallroth, Chief of the International Division, Ministry of Defence (CFö/INT). ‘Undervattensverksamhet – förekomst, omfattning och inriktning tidsmässigt och geografiskt (det s.k. “mönstret” i verksamheten) samt nationalitetsbestämning’, The Ekéus Inquiry Files 50:3, National Archives, Stockholm 2001. See also draft notes made by Ambassador Hans Dahlgren for the ‘Government Group’ briefing of the government, December 1987, ‘Om nationalitetsbestämning’, The Ekéus Inquiry Files 49:3, National Archives, Stockholm 2001.

53See Project 865, <http://www.deepstorm.ru/DeepStorm.files/45-92/dss/865/list.htm> (accessed 21 June 2012); Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 6, pp.261–2.

54Mossberg, I mörka vatten.

55Huchthausen and Sheldon-Duplaix, Hide and Seek, pp.281–3.

56Cosmos SX 506 (23 metres) was sold to several Western countries, at least from the early 1970s. Cosmos SX 756-W (25 metres) existed from the late 1970s and Cosmos MG 110 (28 metres) from the 1980s. The more advanced Cosmos MG 120-ER (extended range) has also been sold to several countries. The number of Cosmos used by various naval special forces is still very secret, but Annati wrote in 1996 that Cosmos had sold submarines to many navies (Massimo Annati, ‘Underwater Special Operations Craft’, Military Technology no. 3 (1996) pp.85–9), which also would include the earlier Cosmos SX 404 SX (17 metres). The British built one Piranha (27 metres) in 1978; Michael Welham, Combat Frogmen – Military Diving from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day (Wellingborough: Patrick Stephens Limited 1989), see also Anders Hasselbohm, Ubåtshotet – En kritisk granskning av Hårsfjärdsincidenten och ubåtsskyddskommissionens rapport (Stockholm: Prisma 1984) pp.112–14. West Germany built two Type 202 (23 metres) in 1966, but they were decommissioned after a year for political reasons. Whether they have been deployed again from the late 1970s, I do not know.

57Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 6, pp.261–322; Huchthausen and Sheldon-Duplaix, Hide and Seek, p.88. During World War II, the Italians used rebuilt merchant ships for these kind of operations, but also during the Cold War mini-subs were transported to the area of operations by the use of merchant ships or conventional submarines; Richard Compton-Hall, ‘Re-emergence of the Midgets’, Military Technology 10 (1987) pp.39–46; Gino di Birindelli, ‘The Occult Component of Naval Warfare’, Defence Today, July 1980, pp.289–93. Also former chiefs of military intelligence within NATO have confirmed to me about the use of rebuilt merchant ships for the transport of mini-subs.

58SOU 1995:135, pp.139–40, 160–2, 238–40.


60CMS WD (CMS Krigsdagbok [War Diary of Chief of the Mine Troops and the Chief of Mälsten Coastal Defence Base Lieutenant Colonel Sven-Olof Kviman), 6–15 October 1982.

61Ibid.; CMS2 WD (CMS2 Krigsdagbok [War Diary of Chief of the Mine Barrage MS2 Lieutenant Johan Eneroth]), 6–15 October 1982; Y46 Report, drawing and notes made by the personnel on the helicopter Y46 after its reconnaissance trip to Mälsten-Måsknuv on 11 October 1982. See also Tunander, The Secret War against Sweden, pp.125–34; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.163–77; SOU 2001:85, pp.123–5.

62Naval Research Laboratory, 1998, 75th Anniversary: Awards for Innovation. Celebrating 75 Years of Science and Technology Development for the Navy, NRL 1923–1998, Washington, p.47, <http://www.nrl.navy.mil/content_images/75awards.pdf> (accessed 21 June 2012), see also <http://www.nrl.navy.mil/NewsRoom/images/75highlights.pdf> (accessed 21 June 2012); US Navy Operation Specialist (NRTC September 2000, NAVEDTRA 14308), vol. 1. Ch. 13 (Search and Rescue); and Appendix 1 (References), <http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/navy/nrtc/14308_ch13.pdf> (accessed 21 June 2012); <http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/navy/nrtc/14308.htm>; ‘Submarine Launched Markers’, <http://www.thalesgroup.com/Countries/Australia/Documents/Submarine_Launched_Markers> (accessed 21 June 2012).

63Letter about methods used by submarines to attract attention in case of emergency (in Sweden, NATO and the Soviet Union) for Ambassador Ekéus' Submarine Inquiry written by Commodore Bo Rask, Chief of First Submarine Flotilla, Swedish Royal Navy, 19 July 2001, The Ekéus Inquiry Files, National Archives, Stockholm.

64A Swedish officer, Göran Wallén, proposed that it might have been a bottle of green paint on the sea floor that happened to reach the surface (one hour after the mine explosion). Göran Wallén, PM för Ubåtsutredningen 2001-10-07, The Ekéus Inquiry Files 222:4, National Archives; Göran Wallén, ‘Hårsfjärden 1982 – Fakta i målet’, Tidskrift i Sjöväsendet 1 (2002) p.40.

65CMS WD, 11 October 1982.

66‘Nyckeln till Hårsfjärden’, Uppdrag granskning, Swedish TV 1, 11 June 2008. Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 4, pp.178–83.



69Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste, Rapporter om Flådeaktivitet [Danish Military Intelligence Service, Monthly Reports on Naval Activities], January–December 1981–85, Danish Defence Intelligence Archives, Copenhagen. The fact that the Soviet Navy did not operate nuclear submarines in the Baltic Sea is not controversial inside NATO.

70Diary of the Chief of Defence, General Lennart Ljung, 12 October 1982, Military Archives, Stockholm.

71Chief of Navy, Per Rudberg's Diary, 14 October 1982. This section was shown in the Swedish TV 1, ‘Uppdrag granskning’, 11 June 2008.

72Ulf Adelsohn, Partiledare – Dagbok 1981–1986 [Diary of the Conservative Party Leader Ulf Adelsohn 1981–86] (Malmo: Gedins Förlag 1987) p.97.

73Emil Svensson (Ordförande [Chairman]), ‘Slutrapport Ubåtssamtalen’ [Final Report – The Submarine Talks (with the Russian Counterpart)], 24 January 1995; MAna Hårsfj.

74CMS WD, 18:00, 12 October 1982; see also Protocol from the Speaker channel (see below).

75Tunander, Spelet under ytan, p.230.

76Protocol for the speaker channel on the tapes recorded at Mälsten between 11 October and 28 October (the tapes had one channel for each of the five microphones plus one speaker channel for comments from the sonar operator). The tapes were sent to FOA and were called ‘FOA 0’ – ‘FOA 11’; Protokoll made by Chef MUSAC Peter Gnipping June 2001 for Ambassador Rolf Ekéus Submarine Inquiry, The Ekéus Inquiry Files, National Archives, Stockholm. See also the tape ‘FOA 1’ between 18 and 22 minutes (each tape is 60 minutes).

77‘Ubåtar, lögner och ljudband’, Uppdrag granskning, Swedish TV 1, 3 October 2007.

78Ibid. Actually, Norwegian Intelligence argued that they were not able to identify the type of vessel that was recorded, but it was not a conventional/nuclear Soviet submarine they said (personal conversation 2000–4).

79Erland Sangfelt and Gunnar Sundin, ‘Resultat av analysuppdrag, HKV 23 321:61522 MTRL ref 252:3301’, Technical Report, Försvars- och säkerhetssystem, Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut FOI (Stockholm 2008); see also <http://www.foi.se/nyheter/Press--nyheter/Pressmeddelanden/?pid=216199> (accessed 21 June 2012).

80‘Nyckeln till Hårsfjärden’, Uppdrag granskning, Swedish TV 1, 11 June 2008; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 5, pp.205–28.



83SOU 1983:13; SOU 1995:135, pp.146–9, 276–7; Defence Staff, Rapport om undervattensverksamhet som riktats mot vårt land.

84Notes for the government, December 1987 by the ‘Government Group’ (Bengt Wallroth et al., see above.); Ingvar Carlsson, Ur skuggan av Olof Palme (Stockholm: Hjalmarson & Högberg 1999).

85Report from the diving and monitoring of the sea-floor after the Hårsfjärden incident 6 March 1983; Chefen för 6 Minröjningsavdelningen Dick Börjesson till chefen för marinen Per Rudberg, Rapport efter genomförda sökföretag i STOCKHOLMS skärgård samt i HÅRSFJÄRDEN i samband med ubåtsincident, handläggare MS/Und Örlkn N-O Jansson och C6mröjavd tjänsteställe, Kn K Pejdell, 6 March 1983, partly declassified 22 September 2008; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 3, pp.105–58.

86Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 3, pp.105–58.


88Naval Undersea Museum writes in an email, 18 April 2012: ‘Deep Quest, built by Lockheed, was offered to the museum in 1989 and transferred to us in 1995’. Undersea Quarterly writes: ‘Deep Quest was … located at the Museum in 1995’, <http://on0ar.dyndns.org:7373/cmd?cmd=READ+NAVNET+146> (accessed 21 June 2012).

89I have a photo from 1980 of this Italian vessel (from its producer Maritalia, later GSE). According to a Russian website, this vessel was produced in 1978 and it disappeared in 1982, <http://target.ucoz.ru/publ/103-1-0-231> (accessed 21 June 2012).

90NavSource Online, Submarine Photo Archive, <http://www.navsource.org/archives/08/08546.htm> (accessed 21 June 2012).

91John P. Craven, The Silent War – The Cold War Battle Beneath the Sea (New York: Simon & Schuster 2001) p.276.

92Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.126–8.

93Report from the diving and monitoring of the sea-floor, 6 March 1983 (see above).

94MAna Hårsfj, attachment 41; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, Ch. 2.

95According to US Navy Chief Scientist John Craven, who developed the DSRV system; Craven, The Silent War, p.276.

96David Miller and John Jordan, Modern Submarine Warfare (London: Tiger Books 1987) p.57. A large version of this photo was available on the net up to the date of proofreading. However, very beautiful photos of the Porpoise rebuilt for carrying a DSRV and another small vessel are available on <http://bagsy-thecaptainslog.blogspot.no/2011/05/above-us-waves.html> (accessed 21 June 2012). The Porpoise was supposedly put on the disposal list in 1983 <http://www.submarineheritage.com/gallery_porpoise59.htm> (accessed 21 June 2012).

97Interview with Speed, Swedish TV2.

98‘Nyckeln till Hårsfjärden’, Uppdrag granskning, Swedish TV 1, 11 June 2008; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.184–92.

99Diary of the Chief of Defence, General Lennart Ljung, 6 December 1982, Military Archives, Stockholm.

100Lillbacka, ‘A Swedish Ebbinghaus Illusion?’ p.674; ‘Nyckeln till Hårsfjärden’, Uppdrag granskning, Swedish TV 1, 11 June 2008; SOU 2001:85, p.127.

101Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.184–5.

102Lillbacka, ‘A Swedish Ebbinghaus Illusion?’ pp.673–4.

103Tunander, The Secret War against Sweden, pp.137–41.

104‘Ubåtar, lögner och ljudband’, Uppdrag granskning, Swedish TV 1, 3 October 2008; ‘Sista beviset faller i ubåtsfrågan’, Uppdrag granskning, Swedish TV 1, 21 November 2007.

105Göran Wallén, ‘Replik till Tunander’, Forum Navale 66 (2010) pp.67–84; Ola Tunander, ‘Från “säker” kränkning till “fantasifull” observatör: Replik till Bror Stefenson och Göran Wallén’, Forum Navale 66 (2010) pp.85–100.

106Svensson, Under den fridfulla ytan, pp.124–5.

107Special technical report about incidents at Mälsten Coastal Defence Base, 14 October 1982, signed by Sven-Olof Kviman and Per Andersson.

108CMS WD, 14 October 1982.

109Ibid.; CÖrlBO WD, 14 October; SOU 2001:85, p.118.

110Hans von Hofsten, I kamp mot överheten: Örlog och debatt (Stockholm: T. Fischer & Co 1993) p.83.

111SOU 2001:85, pp.186–7.

112Koivisto, Grannar, p.171.

113Clemmesen, ‘Koldkrigsudredningen’, p.101.

114Clemmesen admits that NATO sources say that the Quebec-class submarines might all have been retired in 1982. See also Project A615 (on <http://www.deepstorm.ru/>) with the last vessel retired in 1981.

115Hasselbohm, ‘Fem år och två månader efter Hårsfjärden kommer bekräftelsen.

116Wallén, ‘Replik till Tunander’, pp.67–84.


118Fredrik Palmaeus and Emil Svensson, Swedish TV4, 12 March 2008; Göran Wallén, ‘Observation av periskop på Stockholms ström 1982–09–26’ in Herman Fältström, Ubåtsoperationer och kränkningar under det kalla kriget (Stockholm: Swedish Defence College, Försvaret under det kalla kriget, No. 15, 2008) pp.64–8.

119MAna Hårsfj, attachment 6; see also Aftonbladet, 1 October 1982.

120CÖrlBO WD, 30 September 1982; Interview with Sven Andersson, ‘Aktuellt’, SVT1, 26 April 1983; Sven Andersson, ‘Extra Rapport’, SVT2, 26 April 1983; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.47–50, 86–7.

121Wallén, ‘Observation av periskop på Stockholms ström 1982-09-26’; Palmaeus and Svensson, Swedish TV4.

122Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.47–50, 86–7.

123Interview with Weinberger, Swedish TV2 (2000); Interview with Speed, Swedish TV2.

124Eide quoted in Tunander, The Secret War against Sweden, p.259.

125Ibid.; see also Aktuellt, Swedish TV 1, 29 March 2000.

126See Keith Speed below; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.352–7.

127See Lars Lindberg, former chief editor of Norrländska Socialdemokraten, writes that he was shown a clear photo of a mini-submarine in Töre Harbour, 1987, <http://toppmotet.se/2011/04/lognerna-om-ubaten-i-torefjarden/> (accessed 21 June 2012) and a series of very clear photos of a small sail from a min-sub were allegedly taken along the coast of Norrland in 1989, <http://forum.skalman.nu/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=40951&sid=c3069de1ca73ab4470e646457bf3cc95> (accessed 21 June 2012), but the Submarine Inquiry was never shown these photos.

128Mossberg, I mörka vatten, p.178.

129Written statements of the Director of Naval Intelligence, Hearings before the Committee on Armed Sevices, House of Representatives (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, Department of Defense 1981–89).

130Peterson, Resan mot Mars, pp.555–7.

131Interview with Caspar Weinberger, ‘Striptease’, Swedish TV2, 7 March 2000.

132Interview with John Walker, Associated Press, 08.38 pm, 7 March 2000.

133Interview with Speed, Swedish TV2; Leif Holmström, Chief of the Swedish Sound Analysis (MUSAC) told the 2001 Inquiry that his opposite number in the Royal Navy had confirmed to him that the Swedish recording of a submarine in 1988 at Muskö was an Oberon class. ‘It is one of ours’, he exclaimed; Mossberg, I mörka vatten, p.131; Lars Borgnäs, Nationens intresse (Stockholm: Norstedts 2011) pp.39–48; Tunander, The Secret War against Sweden, p.242.

134Interview with Speed, Swedish TV2.

135Interview with Paul Beaver, ‘Striptease’, Swedish TV2, 11 April 2000.

136Interview with John Lehman for the TV Channel Arte, February 2009 (see below).

137Department of Defense, Worldwide Active Duty Military Personnel Casualties, October 1, 1979 – June 30 1991 (Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office 1991) pp.3, 30.

138Pelle Neroth, ‘Margaret Thatcher Told Navy to Raid Swedish Coast’, Sunday Times, 27 January 2008.

139Pelle Neroth, email to the editor of Sunday Times forwarded to Ola Tunander, 8 February 2008.

140Göran Stütz, Opinion 87 – En opinionsundersökning om svenska folkets inställning till några samhälls- och försvarsfrågor hösten 1987 (Stockholm: Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvar December 1987) p.64.



143Jacob Børresen, Gullow Gjeseth and Rolf Tamnes, Norsk forsvarshistoria (bind 5) – Allianseforsvar i endring (Bergen: Eide Forlag 2004) pp.43–4.

144Roald Gjelsten, ‘Fra invasjonsforsvar til resursforvaltning og fredsoperasjoner’ in Bjørn Terjesen, Tom Kristiansen and Roald Gjelsten (eds.) Sjørforsvaret i krig og fred: Langs kysten og på havet gjennom 200 år (Oslo: Fagbokforlaget 2010) p.415.

145Børresen, Gjeseth and Tamnes, Norsk forsvarshistoria, pp.43–4.

146Peter Schweizer, Victory: The Reagan Administration's Secret Strategy that Hastened the Collapse of the Soviet Union (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press 1996); see also Huchthausen and Sheldon-Duplaix, Hide and Seek.

147Schweizer wrote about operations decided by this committee. He did not mention the committee itself or its name, but in addition to Casey he names National Security Advisor Richard Allen, Deputy Secretary of Defense Fred Iklé and Undersecretary of State William Schneider as officials involved in these operations. Casey even turned up for a very secret visit in Stockholm during the submarine crisis in 1983; Schweizer, Victory, pp.163–5.

148Interview with John Lehman, February 2009 (the quote originates from a not yet produced documentary for Arte, Ilona Grundmann Filmproduction, Wiesbaden, Germany).


150Conversation with John Lehman, US Maritime Strategy Conference, Bødø, August 2007; see also Huchthausen and Sheldon Duplaix, Hide and Seek, p.285.

151 Arte interview with John Lehman, February 2009.

152Huchthausen, and Sheldon-Duplaix, Hide and Seek, p.285; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.394–400.

153 Arte interview with John Lehman, February 2009.

154Pelle Neroth, email to the editor of Sunday Times forwarded to Ola Tunander, 8 February 2008.

155Huchthausen and Sheldon-Duplaix, Hide and Seek, p.285; Tunander, Spelet under ytan, pp.394–400; about NURO, see Sherry Sontag and Christopher Drew with Annette Lawrence Drew, Blind Man's Bluff – The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage (New York: HarperCollins 1998) pp.83, 164, 206.

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