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Research Article

Lattice properties of partial orders for complex matrices via orthogonal projectors

, , &
Pages 718-736 | Received 08 Jun 2022, Accepted 06 Oct 2022, Published online: 26 Dec 2022


This paper deals with left star, star, and core partial orders for complex matrices. For each partial order, we present an order-isomorphism between the down-set of a fixed matrix B and a certain set (depending on the partial order) of orthogonal projectors whose matrix sizes can be considerably smaller than that of the matrix B. We study the lattice structure and we give properties of the down-sets. We prove that the down-set of B ordered by the core partial order and by the star partial order are sublattices of the down-set ordered by the left star partial order. We analize the existence of supremum and infimum of two given matrices and we give characterizations of these operations (whenever they exist). Some of the results given in the paper are already known in the literature but we present a different proof based on the previously established order-isomorphism.


1. Introduction and preliminaries

The set of complex m×n matrices is denoted by Cm×n. The conjugate transpose, range, and rank of ACm×n are denoted by A, R(A), and rk(A), respectively. The identity matrix of order n×n is denoted by In and zero matrices are denoted simply by O.

For each ACm×n, there exists a unique matrix XCn×m such that AX and XA are Hermitian, AXA = A, and XAX = X, which is called the Moore-Penrose inverse of A and it is denoted by A. We denote by C1n the set of all n×n complex matrices that have index at most 1, that is, rk(A2)=rk(A). If AC1n then there exists a unique matrix XCn×n that satisfies AX=AA and R(X)R(A), which is called the core inverse of A and it is denoted by X=A#. For further properties and applications of these inverses we refer the reader to [Citation1–9].

This paper deals with some matrix partial orders. Specifically, with the star and the left star partial orders defined on the set Cn×n of square complex matrices, and with the core partial order defined on the set C1n. The star partial order was introduced by Drazin in [Citation10] and it has been studied since then by numerous authors. The left star partial order was introduced by Baksalary and Mitra in [Citation11]. Finally, the core partial order was introduced more recently by Baksalary and Trenkler in [Citation1]. For any A,BCn×n, let us recall that (see, for example, [Citation12–14]):

  • the left star partial order is defined by: AlB if and only if AA=AB and R(A)R(B) (or equivalently, AA=AB and A=BBA);

  • the star partial order is defined by: AB if and only if AA=AB and AA=BA (or equivalently, AA=AB and AA=BA);

and, for any A,BC1n:
  • the core partial order is defined by: A#B if and only if A#A=A#B and AA#=BA# (or equivalently, AA=AB and BA=A2).

For the sake of completeness we recall some basic definitions of structures defined over a partially ordered set that are used throughout the article. Recall that a partially ordered set (poset) (Q,) is a lattice if for every x,yQ both the least upper bound (or supremum) xy and the greatest lower bound (or infimum) xy of {x,y} exist. A lattice is said to be bounded if it has a first element 0 and a greatest element 1. Two elements a, b of a bounded lattice are complementary if ab=1 and ab=0. A complemented lattice is a bounded lattice in which every element has a complement. An orthogonal lattice Q is a bounded lattice with a unary operation that satisfies that xx=0, xx=1, (xy)=xy, (xy)=xy, x=x, for all x,yQ. An orthomodular lattice is an orthogonal lattice that satisfies the law ‘if xy, then y=x(yx)’. A distributive lattice is a lattice which satisfies either (and hence, as it is easy to see, both) of the distributive laws x(yz)=(xy)(xz) and x(yz)=(xy)(xz). Finally, a Boolean algebra is a complemented distributive lattice. Every Boolean algebra is an orthogonal lattice but, in general, the converse is not true. We refer the reader to [Citation15] for more information about the different structures defined above.

Let Q and R be two posets. It is said that a map ϕ:QR is order-preserving if ϕ(x)ϕ(y) holds in R whenever xy holds in Q. We say that Q and R are (order-)isomorphic if there exists a bijection ϕ from Q to R such that both ϕ and ϕ1 are order-preserving. In that case, ϕ is called an order-isomorphism.

The aim of this paper is to study the down-sets [O,B]x={A|OxAxB} for each x{l,,#} and a fixed matrix B. If x=# then it is required that B and all the matrices in [O,B]# have index at most 1 accordingly. The structure and properties of these down-sets were studied by other authors for rectangular matrices and for the wider case of bounded linear Hilbert space operators. For the case of the left star partial order, [O,B]l was studied by Cırulis in [Citation16] where it was proved that [O,B]l is a complete orthomodular lattice. Antezana et al. studied in [Citation17] the star partial order on bounded operators on a Hilbert space. In particular, from their results, it can be deduced that [O,B] is a lattice. Finally, in [Citation18], Djikić proved that [O,B]# is also a lattice.

Our approach to the study of [O,B]x is different from the authors abovementioned. In this paper, we prove that [O,B]x is order-isomorphic to a certain ordered set (depending on the partial order we are dealing with) of orthogonal projectors. Our starting point is the characterization given in [Citation19] of matrices which are below a given matrix B by using a Hartwig-Spindelböck decomposition of B. More precisally, given BCn×n (or in C1n for x=#), where 0<r=rk(B) and the r positive singular values σ1,,σr of B are ordered in decreasing order, we consider a Hartwig-Spindelböck decomposition of B (see [Citation20]) given by (1) B=U[ΣKΣLOO]U,(1) where UCn×n is unitary, Σ=diag (σ1,,σr)Cr×r, and KCr×r and LCr×(nr) satisfy KK+LL=Ir (note that L is absent when r=n). It is worth mentioning that this decomposition always exists but it is not necessarily unique, and that BC1n if and only if K is nonsingular. The predecessors of B are characterized as follows.

Theorem 1.1

[Citation19, Theorems 4, 8, 16]

Let BCn×n (or BC1n for x=#) be a nonzero matrix written as in (Equation1). The following conditions are equivalent.


There exists a matrix ACn×n (where AC1n for x=#) such that AxB.


There exists a unique matrix TCr×r such that (2) A=U[TΣKTΣLOO]U,(2) where T2=T=T and the following conditions hold depending on the partial order:

  1. no extra condition for the left star partial order,

  2. TΣ=ΣT for the star partial order, and

  3. TΣKT=ΣKT for the core partial order.

According to Theorem 1.1, we define the following posets that play a crucial role in this paper.

Definition 1.2

Let BCn×n (or BC1n for x=#) be a nonzero matrix written as in (Equation1), let

  1. τΣ,Kl={TCr×r|T2=T=T},

  2. τΣ,K={TCr×r|T2=T=T and T Σ=Σ T}, and

  3. τΣ,K#={TCr×r|T2=T=T and T Σ K T=Σ K T},

endowed each one with the natural partial order given by T1T2if and only ifT1=T1T2.

This last relation will be used indistinctly over any of the aformentioned sets.

It is easy to see that T1T2=T1 implies T2T1=T1 for any T1,T2τΣ,Kx. Note that the set τΣ,Kl is the set of all orthogonal projectors in Cr×r. It is well-known that if T1 and T2 are orthogonal projectors in Cr×r and we consider the partial order ≤ defined above then (τΣ,Kl,) is an orthomodular lattice (see [Citation21, Propositions 1, 2] and [Citation16]) where, for any T,T1,T2τΣ,Kl, we have that T1T2=(T1+T2)(T1+T2)=(T1+T2)(T1+T2),T1T2=2T1(T1+T2)T2=2T2(T1+T2)T1,and the complement of T is T=IrT.By Theorem 1.1, for any x{l,,#}, we clearly have a bijection ϕ:[O,B]xτΣ,Kxdefined by ϕ(A)=T, for every A[O,B]x and T given as in Theorem 1.1. Furthermore, we prove in Section 2 that ϕ is an order-isomorphism. Taking advantage of this order-isomorphism, we study the ordered structure of [O,B]x by means of the poset τΣ,Kx. Matrices TτΣ,Kx are orthogonal projectors and, in addition, it can be proved that the Moore-Penrose inverse T and the core inverse T# of T are both equal to T. Moreover, all of them belong to Cr×r (instead of Cn×n), with 0<rn, where r can be considerably smaller than n. So, working with the matrices TτΣ,Kx is easier than using the matrices A and this fact brings significant advantages.

In Section 3 we investigate the lattice properties of [O,B]x. One of our main goals is to show that there exists a relation between [O,B], [O,B]l, and [O,B]#. More precisally, based on the order-isomorphism proved in Section 2, we show that [O,B]x, for each x, is a lattice; and that [O,B] and [O,B]# are sublattices of [O,B]l. In addition, we find properties of [O,B]x, for each partial order. We show that [O,B]l and [O,B] are orthomodular lattices whose subchains (that is, a subset for which every pair of elements are comparable) are all finite. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for [O,B]l to be distributive. We show that if [O,B] is distributive then it is a Boolean algebra. Eagambaram et al. showed in [Citation22] that [O,B] is a finite lattice if and only if all the positive singular values of B are pairwise distinct. We improve this result by showing that, in that case, not only [O,B] is a finite lattice but also a Boolean algebra. Additionally, we derive its cardinality. For the left star and the star partial orders, we prove that if A1xA2xB then [A1,A2]x and [O,A2A1]x are order-isomorphic. Assuming that A2A1#B, an analogous result is obtained for the core partial order.

As a last application of the order-isomorphism ϕ, we study the supremum and the infimum of two given matrices in Cn×n (or in C1n for the core partial order). Xu et al. proved in [Citation23] that there exists the star supremum of A1 and A2 if and only if A1 and A2 have a common upper bound. Moreover, an explicit representation of the supremum was established (whenever it exists). In [Citation24], Hartwig gave necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the star supremum in rings with involution and found an expression for that supremum. Later, Djikić gave in [Citation25] a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of the star supremum for two operators on a Hilbert space. Recently, Djikić proved in [Citation18] a similar result to that by Xu et al., for the core partial order by giving necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the core supremum in a Hilbert space. In Section 4, we use the order-isomorphism ϕ to present a different proof from those given by Hartwig, Xu et al. and Djikić. Our proof is also valid for the left star partial order. In addition, we compute the supremum (whenever it exists) by means of the same expression for the three orders. Finally, we analyse the infimum of two arbitrary matrices. Hartwig and Drazin proved in [Citation21] that the set of matrices endowed with the star partial order is a lower semilattice, i.e. for every pair of matrices A1 and A2, there exists A1A2. The set of matrices that have index at most 1 endowed with the core partial order is also a lower semilattice (see [Citation18]). In Section 4, we compute the infimum of two matrices that have a common upper bound by means of the same expression for the three orders. We would like to highlight that the expressions for the infimum and supremum of two matrices in [O,B]l that we provide are different from those given in [Citation16].

If two matrices B (written as in (Equation1)) and C do not have a common upper bound, we find an expression of the type (Equation2) for the infimum and the conditions that the associated orthogonal projectors must satisfy.

2. Isomorphic representation of down-sets

From now on, x will refer to any of the three partial orders we are dealing with, that is, x{l,,#}. In the case that x=#, without mentioning it explicitly, we will regard the matrices to be in C1n.

In this section we state the order-isomorphism between [O,B]x and τΣ,Kx. In order to do that, for a fixed a Hartwig-Spindelböck decomposition of B, we consider the posets τΣ,Kx and the bijection ϕ:[O,B]xτΣ,Kxdefined by ϕ(A)=T given in Section 1. Note that if TτΣ,Kx then TC1r; O is the least element and Ir is the greatest element of τΣ,Kx. More precisely, we should denote ϕ by ϕΣ,K because this map depends on matrices Σ and K of the decomposition used to factorize the matrix B. However, to simplify the notation, from now on, we simply denote it by ϕ.

Theorem 2.1

The posets [O,B]x and τΣ,Kx are order-isomorphic. Moreover, the function rank is preserved under the order-isomorphism ϕ.


Let us first prove that ϕ is order-preserving. For that, let A1xA2[O,B]x both written as in (Equation2), T1=ϕ(A1) and T2=ϕ(A2). From A1A1=A1A2 and taking into account that T12=T1=T1, we have that [KΣT1ΣKKΣT1ΣLLΣT1ΣKLΣT1ΣL]=[KΣT1T2ΣKKΣT1T2ΣLLΣT1T2ΣKLΣT1T2ΣL].Hence we obtain the following system (3) KΣT1ΣK=KΣT1T2ΣK,(3) (4) KΣT1ΣL=KΣT1T2ΣL,(4) (5) LΣT1ΣK=LΣT1T2ΣK,(5) (6) LΣT1ΣL=LΣT1T2ΣL.(6) Post-multiplicating (Equation3) and (Equation4) by K and L, respectively, and then adding both equations we obtain KΣT1Σ=KΣT1T2Σ, since KK+LL=Ir. Consequently, (7) KΣT1=KΣT1T2.(7) Similarly, from (Equation5) and (Equation6) we obtain (8) LΣT1=LΣT1T2.(8) Pre-multiplying (Equation7) and (Equation8) by K and L respectively, and then adding we have T1=T1T2 and this means that T1T2.

Let us suppose now that T1T2 with T1,T2τΣ,Kx. By T1=T1T2 and T12=T1=T1, it is straightforward to see that A1A1=A1A2. To prove that A1xA2, we consider each partial order separately.

Consider first the star partial order. Then, A2A1=U[T2ΣKT2ΣLOO][KΣT1OLΣT1O]U=U[T2Σ2T1OOO]U.Since both T1 and T2 commute with Σ, we have that T2Σ2T1=Σ2T2T1=Σ2T1=Σ2T1T1=T1Σ2T1. Thus, A2A1=A1A1. Hence, A1A2.

Consider now x=l. From [Citation19, Lemma 14], we know that T2=T2Σ(T2Σ) since Σ is nonsingular. Then, T1=T2T1=T2Σ(T2Σ)T1. From [Citation19, Lemma 3], we also know that A2=U[K(T2Σ)OL(T2Σ)O]U. Now, taking into account this fact, it is easy to see that A2A2A1=A1. So, A1lA2.

Finally, we consider the core partial order. From ΣKT1=T1ΣKT1 and T2T1=T1 we have T1ΣKT1ΣK=T2T1ΣKT1ΣK=T2ΣKT1ΣKand T1ΣKT1ΣL=T2T1ΣKT1ΣL=T2ΣKT1ΣL.Then A2A1=A12 follows. So, A1#A2.

We have proved that [O,B]x is order-isomorphic to τΣ,Kx, for every x.

In order to see that ϕ preserves the rank function, we observe that if A[O,B]x and T=ϕ(A), then rk(A)=rk(AA)=rk([TΣKTΣLOO][KΣTOLΣTO])=rk([TΣ2TOOO])=rk([(TΣ)(TΣ)OOO])=rk(TΣ)=rk(T)=rk(ϕ(A)).

Remark 2.1

By using a Schur's factorization of the matrix ΣK, we have that there exists a unitary matrix V and an upper triangular matrix S such that ΣK=VSV. It can be proved that the sets τΣ,K# and ρB#:={TCr×r|T=T2=T and TST=ST}, ordered by ≤, are order-isomorphic by using the map φ:ρB#τΣ,K# defined by φ(T)=VTV. In practice, examples can be constructed more easily with a such matrix S instead of using ΣK.

Remark 2.2

Assume AxB and AB. It is easy to see that rk(A)<rk(B) and so the maximum length of any subchain in [O,B]x is rk(B)+1. Moreover, if rk(B)=r and we consider the projectors Ts=[tij]Cr×r where tij={1if i=j and is0otherwise,for each s{1,,r}, it is straightforward to see that TsτΣ,Kl, TsτΣ,K, and TsρB#. Then, we obtain a chain O<T1<<Tr=Ir.with r + 1 elements of maximum length.

Lemma 2.2

Let B1,B2Cn×n. If [O,B1]x is order-isomorphic to [O,B2]x then rk(B1)=rk(B2). Moreover, if rk(B1)=rk(B2) then [O,B1]l is order-isomorphic to [O,B2]l.


Let us suppose that rk(B1)<rk(B2). Then, by using Remark 2.2, we can construct a chain in [O,B1]x of length rk(B2)+1 and this contradicts the maximum length of a chain in [O,B1]x. The second statement is immediate from Theorem 2.1.

Remark 2.3

For each x{l,,#}:

  1. if rk(B)=1, then τΣ,Kx={O,I1}. Hence, [O,B]x is a chain with two elements.

  2. if rk(B)=2, then rk(T)=1 for each TτΣ,Kx{O,I2}; so every distinct T1,T2τΣ,Kx{O,I2} are incomparable and thus [O,B]x has the aspect presented in Figure .

Figure 1. The lattice [O,B]x with rk(B)=2.

Figure 1. The lattice [O,B]x with rk⁡(B)=2.

3. Lattice structure of [O,B]x

In this section we investigate the lattice structure of [O,B]x for each x by using the order-isomorphism ϕ. We prove that [O,B] and [O,B]# are sublattices of [O,B]l. For each x, we analyse the structure of [O,B]x. We show that [O,B]l and [O,B] are orthomodular lattices whose subchains are all finite. In addition, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for [O,B]l to be distributive. We also state that if [O,B] is distributive then it is a Boolean algebra. Finally, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for [O,B] to be a finite Boolean algebra.

For the left star and the star partial order, we prove that if A1xA2xB then [A1,A2]x and [O,A2A1]x are order-isomorphic. An analogous result is obtained for the core partial order, provided that A2A1#B holds.

We start giving the infimum and the supremum of two matrices in the segment [O,B]x for the case in which their associated orthogonal projectors commute.

Proposition 3.1

Let T1,T2τΣ,Kx such that T1T2=T2T1. Then T1T2=T1T2 and T1T2=T1+T2T1T2.


It is clear that (T1T2)2=T1T2=(T1T2) and it is well-known that T1T2 is the infimum of T1 and T2 in τΣ,Kl (see [Citation16]). In addition, if x=, then (T1T2)Σ=T1ΣT2=Σ(T1T2); and if x=#, then (T1T2)ΣK(T1T2)=T1(T2ΣKT2)T1=T1(ΣKT2)T1=(T1ΣKT1)T2=ΣK(T1T2). So, T1T2=T1T2 in τΣ,Kx for all x.

It is also known that if T1 and T2 commute then T1T2=T1+T2T1T2τΣ,Kl (see [Citation16]). In addition, if x=, then (T1+T2T1T2)Σ=Σ(T1+T2T1T2); and if x=#, then (T1+T2T1T2)ΣK(T1+T2T1T2)=T1ΣKT1+T1ΣKT2T1ΣKT1T2+T2ΣKT1+T2ΣKT2T2ΣKT1T2T1T2ΣKT1T1T2ΣKT2+T1T2ΣKT1T2=ΣKT1+T1ΣKT2ΣKT1T2+T2ΣKT1+ΣKT2ΣKT2T1T2ΣKT1T1ΣKT2+ΣKT1T2=ΣKT1+ΣKT2ΣKT1T2=ΣK(T1+T2T1T2). Therefore, T1+T2T1T2τΣ,Kx for every x.

As an immediate consequence of the above result and the fact that ϕ is an order-isomorphism we have the following result.

Corollary 3.2

Let A1,A2[O,B]x be written as in (Equation2) such that T1T2=T2T1, where Ti=ϕ(Ai) for every i{1,2}. Then:





We now investigate [O,B]x separately for each order.

3.1. Left star partial order

In this section we show that [O,B]l is an orthomodular lattice of finite height and nondistributive provided that rk(B)2. It is worth mentioning that the fact that [O,B]l is an orthomodular lattice was proved by Cırulis in [Citation16] for the more general case of a bounded operator X over a complex Hilbert space H, by setting an isomorphism between every down-set [O,X]l of the set of all bounded linear operators over H and the down-set [O,PX]l of projectors where PX is the projector onto the closure of the range R(X) (PX=XX for X,PXCn×n). Our proof is based on the order-isomorphism ϕ and the advantage of this technique is that allows us to work with orthogonal projectors whose sizes can be considerably smaller than those of matrix B itself.

Our first objective is to show that [O,B]l is a nondistributive lattice if rk(B)2. In order to do that, we have to observe that τΣ,Kl is exactly the set of all r×r orthogonal projectors. So, we only need to find an example where the distributive property does not hold and this example will serve in general.

Example 3.3

Let B be any matrix in Cn×n such that rk(B)2 and A1,A2,A3[O,B]l such that Ti=ϕ(Ai)=[XiOOO]τΣ,Kl for every i{1,2,3}, where X1=[1000], X2=[0001], and X3=[1/21/21/21/2]. Let us see that A3(A1A2)(A3A1)(A3A2). Indeed, by Proposition 3.1, T3(T1T2)=T3(T1+T2T1T2)=T3. On the other hand, by Remark 2.3, (T3T1)(T3T2)=OO=O, since rk(Ti)=1, for each i{1,2,3}.

Since τΣ,Kl is an orthomodular lattice (see [Citation16]), by Theorem 2.1, [O,B]l is an orthomodular lattice too and, by considering a rank argument, it is clear that all its subchains are finite. In this case, it is said that the lattice has finite height. We summarize these reasonings in the following theorem.

Theorem 3.4

If BCn×n then [O,B]l is an orthomodular lattice of finite height. In addition, if rk(B)2 then [O,B]l is nondistributive.

Remark 3.1

Let A1,A2[O,B]l be written as in (Equation2), where Ti=ϕ(Ai) for each i{1,2}. Then:

  1. A1A2=U[(T1T2)ΣK(T1T2)ΣLOO]U and

  2. A1A2=U[(T1T2)ΣK(T1T2)ΣLOO]U.

Remark 3.2

If rk(B)2 then [O,B]l is an infinite lattice. For example, if X=[abb¯1a], with a in the real interval [0,1], bC, and |b|2=aa2, then T=[XOOO]τΣ,Kl.

Note also that if A is any matrix such that AlB and rk(A)=2 then, in general, [O,A]l is an infinite lattice order-isomorphic to the one given in Figure .

Remark 3.3

Let P,T,QCr×r be orthogonal projectors such that PT and TQ = O. It is easy to see that PQ = O.

Lemma 3.5

Let A,A1,A2,BCn×n. If A1lA2lB then [O,A2A1]l and [A1,A2]l are order-isomorphic. In particular, if AlB then [O,BA]l and [A,B]l are order-isomorphic.


Assume that A1lA2lB and set T1,T2 such that ϕ(Ai)=Ti, for each i{1,2}. If P satisfies P2=P=PT2T1, by (T2T1)T1=O and Remark 3.3, we have that PT1=O. Moreover, T1P=(PT1)=(PT1)=O. It is easy to see that P+T1 is idempotent, Hermitian, and T1P+T1. Now, again from PT2T1, we have that P=P(T2T1)=PT2 and then (P+T1)T2=PT2+T1T2=P+T1; i.e. P+T1T2. Thus, the map φ:[O,T2T1][T1,T2] given by φ(P)=P+T1 is well-defined. Let us prove that φ is an order-isomorphism. Indeed, let Q[T1,T2] and P=QT1. Since P(T2T1)=(QT1)(T2T1)=QT2T1T2QT1+T12=QT1T1+T1=QT1=P, we get P[O,T2T1] and φ(P)=Q. Thus, φ is surjective. Let P1,P2[O,T2T1]. Since T1P2=O and P1T1=O, we have φ(P1)φ(P2) if and only if (P1+T1)(P2+T1)=P1+T1, that is equivalent to P1P2+T1P2+P1T1+T12=P1+T1, which simplifies to P1P2=P1, that is, P1P2. Then, φ is an order-isomorphism.

The second statement follows by setting A1=A and A2=B.

Lemma 3.5 allows us to realize the complexity of the down-set [O,B]l when rk(B)2. For instance, if we choose a matrix A such that rk(BA)=2 then the Figure will appear repeated at the top (down-set [A,B]l) and at the bottom (down-set [O,BA]l) of the Hasse diagram of the whole down-set [O,B]l.

3.2. Star partial order

We now need the following technical result.

Lemma 3.6

[Citation3, Theorem 1.4.2]

Let ACm×n and BCn×p. Then (AB)=BA if and only if AABBA=BBA and BBAAB=AAB.

Theorem 3.7

If BCn×n then [O,B] is a sublattice of [O,B]l.


It is immediate that τΣ,KτΣ,Kl. Then [O,B][O,B]l.

Let A1,A2[O,B]. We know that A1A2 and A1A2 exist in [O,B]l. Now we prove that A1A2,A1A2[O,B]. By Theorem 3.4, ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2) and ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2) exist in τΣ,Kl. So, we only need to see that (ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2))Σ=Σ(ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2)) and (ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2))Σ=Σ(ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2)).

Let T1=ϕ(A1) and T2=ϕ(A2). Taking into account that Σ=Σ1 and Σ=Σ, the equalities ΣΣ(T1+T2)(T1+T2)Σ=(T1+T2)(T1+T2)Σ, and (T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣΣ(T1+T2)=(T1+T2)(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣΣ=(T1+T2)ΣΣ=ΣΣ(T1+T2) imply, by Lemma 3.6, that (9) (Σ(T1+T2))=(T1+T2)Σ1.(9) Now, the equalities (Σ(T1+T2))Σ(T1+T2)Σ1(Σ1)(Σ(T1+T2))=(T1+T2)Σ1Σ(T1+T2)Σ1(T1+T2)=((T1+T2)(T1+T2))(T1+T2)Σ1=((T1+T2)(T1+T2)(T1+T2))Σ1=(T1+T2)Σ1=Σ1(Σ1)(Σ(T1+T2))and Σ1(Σ1)(Σ(T1+T2))Σ(T1+T2)Σ1=Σ1Σ(Σ(T1+T2))Σ(T1+T2)Σ1=(Σ(T1+T2))Σ(T1+T2)Σ1,again by Lemma 3.6 and (Equation9), imply that ((Σ(T1+T2))Σ1)=Σ(T1+T2)Σ1.Finally, from (T1+T2)=(T1ΣΣ1+T2ΣΣ1)=(ΣT1Σ1+ΣT2Σ1)=(Σ(T1+T2)Σ1)=Σ(T1+T2)Σ1, we get that (T1T2)Σ=2T1(T1+T2)T2Σ=2T1Σ(T1+T2)Σ1T2Σ=2ΣT1(T1+T2)Σ1ΣT2=Σ2T1(T1+T2)T2=Σ(T1T2)and (T1T2)Σ=(T1+T2)(T1+T2)Σ=(T1+T2)Σ(T1+T2)Σ1Σ=Σ(T1+T2)(T1+T2)=Σ(T1T2).Hence, [O,B] is a sublattice of [O,B]l.

Proposition 3.8

The lattice [O,B] is an orthomodular lattice of finite height. Moreover, if [O,B] is distributive then [O,B] is a Boolean algebra.


Let TτΣ,K. Let us see that IrTτΣ,K. Indeed, it is clear that (IrT)2=IrT=(IrT). Since TΣ=ΣT, then (IrT)Σ=Σ(IrT). So IrTτΣ,K. Thus, τΣ,K is closed under the unary operation of complementation of τΣ,Kl. Taking into account Theorems 3.4 and 3.7, we have that τΣ,K is an orthomodular lattice.

If τΣ,K is a distributive lattice then τΣ,K is a Boolean algebra. So, [O,B] is a Boolean algebra.

The next example illustrates the existence of matrices B such that [O,B] are distributive lattices.

Example 3.9

Let us consider the matrix B=[200010000]. Some computations give τΣ,K={O,[1000],[0001],I2}. The Hasse diagram associated to [O,B] is given in Figure .

Figure 2. The Boolean algebra [O,B].

Figure 2. The Boolean algebra [O,B]∗.

Eagambaram et al. showed in [Citation22] that [O,B] is a finite lattice if and only if all the positive singular values of B are pairwise distinct. The next theorem improves this result by showing that, in that case, [O,B] is not only a finite lattice but also a Boolean algebra. Additionally, we find its cardinality.

Theorem 3.10

Let BCn×n{O}. The lattice [O,B] is a Boolean algebra if and only if all the positive singular values of B are pairwise distinct.


Let σ1,σ2,,σrR+ be pairwise distinct and Σ=diag(σ1,,σr). If TτΣ,K then T=T2=T and TΣ=ΣT. Thus, T=diag(a1,,ar), where aj{0,1}. Let A1,A2,A3[O,B] and Ti=ϕ(Ai), for each i{1,2,3}. Then Ti=diag(ai1,,air), where aij{0,1} for all i. Note that TiTj=TjTi, for any i, j, and all the supremum and infimum obtained from these projectors also commute with Ti, for all i. Then, by Proposition 3.1, we have that T1(T2T3)=T1(T2+T3T2T3)=T1T2+T1T3T1T2T3=(T1T2)(T1T3). Thus, [O,B] is a distributive lattice and, by Proposition 3.8, it is Boolean algebra.

Conversely, suppose that Σ=diag(σ1Ir1,,σtIrt) with ri>1 for some i{1,,t}. Let us consider the matrices X1,X2,X3 constructed in Example 3.3 and Yj=[XjOOO]Cri×ri, for every j{1,2,3}. Now, take TjCr×r partitioned in blocks like the matrix Σ where the block (i,i) is the matrix Yj and the rest is completed with null matrices of the corresponding order. Now, we can choose A1,A2,A3[O,B] such that Tj=ϕ(Aj). Then A3(A1A2)(A3A1)(A3A2). Hence, [O,B] is nondistributive.

Corollary 3.11

Let BCn×n be a nonzero matrix of rank r. The following conditions are equivalent.


[O,B] is a finite lattice.


All positive singular values of B are pairwise distinct.


[O,B] is a Boolean algebra with 2r elements.

Corollary 3.12

If A,BCn×n are nonzero matrices such that all positive singular values of B are pairwise distinct and A[O,B]{O}, then all the positive singular values of A are pairwise distinct as well.


It follows from Theorem 3.10, because every down-set of a Boolean algebra is a Boolean algebra too.

Remark 3.4

  1. If Σ=σIr for some σR+ then τΣ,K=τΣ,Kl. If, in addition, r2, then [O,B] is an infinite nondistributive lattice by Theorem 3.4 and Remark 3.2.

  2. If Σ=diag(σ1Ir1,,σtIrt), for some σ1,,σtR+, then the condition TτΣ,K is equivalent to T=diag(X1,,Xt) where XiCri×ri and Xi2=Xi=Xi for every i{1,,t}.

If AB, A1A2B, and we consider the map φ defined in the proof of Lemma 3.5, then we have the following result since φ(P) commutes with Σ.

Lemma 3.13

Let A,A1,A2,BCn×n. If A1A2B then [O,A2A1] and [A1,A2] are order-isomorphic. In particular, if AB then [O,BA] and [A,B] are order-isomorphic.

3.3. Core partial order

We now investigate the lattice structure of [O,B]# for any BC1n. Once again, we take advantadge of the order-isomorphism ϕ to prove that [O,B]# is a sublattice of [O,B]l. Inspired by some examples, we highlight that the behaviour of the core partial order is rather different from the others. For instance, [O,B]# is not necessarily an orthogonal lattice (see Example (c)). Moreover, under the natural assumptions A1#A2#B and A2A1#B, we demonstrate that [A1,A2]# and [O,A2A1]# are order-isomorphic.

Theorem 3.14

If BC1n{O} then [O,B]# is a sublattice of [O,B]l.


It is immediate that τΣ,K#τΣ,Kl. Then [O,B]#[O,B]l.

Let A1,A2[O,B]#. We know that A1A2 and A1A2 exist in [O,B]l. Now we prove that A1A2,A1A2[O,B]#. By Theorem 3.4, ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2) and ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2) exist in τΣ,Kl. So, it remains to prove:

  1. (ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2))ΣK(ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2))=ΣK(ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2)) and

  2. (ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2))ΣK(ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2))=ΣK(ϕ(A1)ϕ(A2)).

Indeed, let T1=ϕ(A1) and T2=ϕ(A2).

Replacing the supremum expressions in (a), we have (T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣK(T1+T2)(T1+T2)=((T1+T2)(T1+T2)T1ΣKT1+(T1+T2)(T1+T2)T2ΣKT2)(T1+T2)=(T1ΣKT1+T2ΣKT2)(T1+T2)=ΣK(T1+T2)(T1+T2).So, (T1T2)ΣK(T1T2)=ΣK(T1T2). Therefore, (a) is proved.

To show (b), notice first that: (10) T1(T1+T2)T2ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2=T1(T1+T2)(T2ΣKT2)(T1+T2)T1=T1(T1+T2)ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2(10) and (11) T1(T1+T2)T2ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2=T2(T1+T2)(T1ΣKT1)(T1+T2)T2=T2(T1+T2)ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2.(11) By adding (Equation10) and (Equation11), 2T1(T1+T2)T2ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2=(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2=(T1+T2)(T1+T2)T1ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2=T1ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2=ΣKT1(T1+T2)T2.Then, (T1T2)ΣK(T1T2)=ΣK(T1T2). Thus, (b) is proved.

Remark 3.5

  1. [O,B]# may be a nondistributive lattice. For example, if ΣK=σIr, for some σC, then τΣ,K#=τΣ,Kl.

  2. The next example is constructed by using the set ρB# defined in Remark 2.1 and it shows that [O,B]# may be a Boolean algebra. Indeed, consider the matrix B=[ΣKΣLOO]=[3/21/206/21/23/206/200100000]where ΣK=[3/21/201/23/20001]=VSV,V=[2/22/202/22/20001]andS=[200010001].Some computations lead to ρB#={diag(a1,a2,a3)|ai{0,1}} and τΣ,K#={VTV|TρB#}={O,Vdiag(1,0,0)Vϕ(A1),Vdiag(0,1,0)Vϕ(A2),Vdiag(0,0,1)Vϕ(A3),I3ϕ(A3)ϕ(A4),I3ϕ(A2)ϕ(A5),I3ϕ(A1)ϕ(A6),I3}.The associated Hasse diagram of [O,B]# is given in Figure .

Figure 3. The Boolean algebra [O,B]#.

Figure 3. The Boolean algebra [O,B]#.

  1. [O,B]# may be a non-Boolean distributive lattice as the following example shows. Consider B=[ΣKΣLOO] where Σ=2I3, K=[1/21/2001/20001],andL=[1/21/2001/22/2000].Some computations lead to τΣ,K#={O,diag(1,0,0)ϕ(A1),diag(1,1,0)ϕ(A2),diag(0,0,1)ϕ(A3),diag(1,0,1)ϕ(A4),I3},and the associated Hasse diagram of [O,B]# is given in Figure .

As we can observe in the last example, not always BA#B holds whenever A#B. When BA#B, the following result is valid.

Figure 4. The lattice [O,B]#.

Figure 4. The lattice [O,B]#.

Lemma 3.15

Let A,A1,A2,BC1n. If A1#A2#B and A2A1#B then [A1,A2]# and [O,A2A1]# are order-isomorphic. In particular, if A,BA#B then [O,BA]# and [A,B]# are order-isomorphic.


Take φ as in Lemma 3.5. Let us see that φ is surjective. Since T1T2 where T1,T2τΣ,K#, from (T2T1)ΣK(T2T1)=ΣK(T2T1), we obtain that ΣKT1=T1ΣKT2. Now, consider T1QT2. Then (QT1)ΣK(QT1)=QΣKQQΣKT1T1ΣKQ+T1ΣKT1. But QΣKT1=QT1ΣKT1=T1ΣKT1=ΣKT1 and T1ΣKQ=T1ΣKT2Q=ΣKT1Q=ΣKT1. So, QΣKQQΣKT1T1ΣKQ+T1ΣKT1=ΣKQΣKT1ΣKT1+ΣKT1=ΣKQΣKT1=ΣK(QT1). The rest of conditions for φ to be an order-isomorphism can be proved as in Lemma 3.5.

4. Supremum and infimum of two arbitrary matrices

In this section we first demonstrate that there exists the supremum (for all three partial orders) of two given matrices A1 and A2 if and only if A1 and A2 have a common upper bound. Our main tools are Theorems 3.4, 3.7, and 3.14. In addition, we find an expression for this supremum. Secondly, we analyse the infimum of two given matrices. In the case where the matrices have a common upper bound, we obtain an expression for their infimum. If two matrices B and C do not have a common upper bound, we already know that BC exists for the three partial orders (see [Citation16, Citation18, Citation21]). If B is written as in (Equation1) then the infimum can be written as in (Equation2) and we find the conditions that the associated orthogonal projector must satisfy.

Theorem 4.1

Let BCn×n be a nonsingular matrix, and A1,A2[O,B]x such that S=A1A2[O,B]x. If A1,A2xB~, for some B~Cn×n, then SxB~.


Let T1=ϕ(A1) and T2=ϕ(A2). The fact that B is nonsingular yields that B=UΣKU and Ai=UTiΣKU, for every i{1,2}, with L = O and KK=In. By Theorems 3.4, 3.7, or 3.14, depending on the corresponding partial order x, and by Remark 3.1 we know that S=U(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU.

Since AixB~, we have that AiAi=AiB~. Then UKΣTiΣKU=UKΣTiUB~ and consequently TiΣKU=TiUB~.Taking into account this last fact, (12) SS=UKΣ(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU=UKΣ(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU=UKΣ(T1+T2)(T1+T2)UB~=SB~.(12) Now we need to study each order separately.

  • From AiB~ we know that AiAi=B~Ai. Then UTiΣΣTiU=B~UKΣTiU and consequently UΣ2Ti=B~UKΣTi. Since ΣT=TΣ, for every TτΣK, and (T1+T2)(T1+T2)(T1+T2)=T1+T2, we have SS=U(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣΣ(T1+T2)(T1+T2)U=UΣ2(T1+T2)(T1+T2)U=B~UKΣ(T1+T2)(T1+T2)U=B~Sand by (Equation12), we get SB~.

  • If AilB~ then Ai=B~B~Ai. So, UTiΣKU=B~B~UTiΣKU. Thus, UTi=B~B~UTi. Then S=U(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU=B~B~U(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU=B~B~Sand from (Equation12) we obtain that SlB~.

  • Finally, if Ai#B~ then Ai2=B~Ai. Thus, U(TiΣKTi)ΣKU=B~UTiΣKU or equivalently UΣKTi=B~UTi. Taking into account that T1T2τΣ,K#, we have S2=U((T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣK(T1+T2)(T1+T2))ΣKU=UΣK(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU=B~U(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU=B~S.Therefore, by (Equation12), we have that S#B~.

Let us observe that if B~Cn×n (or B~C1n for the core partial order) then there exists a nonsingular matrix B such that B~xB. Indeed:

  • If x=l and B~=U[ΣKΣLOO]U, then it is enough to consider B=U[ΣKΣLOInr]U.

  • If x= then consider a singular value decomposition of B~ given by B~=U[ΣOOO]V and we can choose B=U[ΣOOInr]V.

  • If x=# and we consider again B~=U[ΣKΣLOO]U then, by Baksalary and Trenkler [Citation1, Lemma 3], we can take B=U[ΣKΣLOInr]U.

Proposition 4.2

Let A1,A2Cn×n (or A1,A2C1n for the core partial order). Then, A1A2 exists if and only if A1 and A2 have a common upper bound. In that case, A1A2=(A1A1+A2A2)(A1+A2).


The first statement is immediate from Theorem 4.1 taking into account that if A1 and A2 have a common upper bound B~ then there exists a nonsingular matrix B such that B~xB, for all partial order x. For the second statement, assume that A1,A2 have a common upper bound and take B a nonsingular matrix such that A1,A2B. Consider a Hartwig-Spindelböck decomposition of B given by B=UΣKU, where U,KCn×n are unitary and Σ=diag(σ1,,σn)Cn×n. Let T1 and T2 be the orthogonal projectors such that ϕ(Ai)=Ti, for each i, that is Ai=UTiΣKU. Then, A1A2=U(T1T2)ΣKU=U(T1+T2)(T1+T2)ΣKU=U(T1+T2)UU(T1+T2)ΣKU=(U(T1+T2)U)U(T1+T2)ΣKU=(UT1U+UT2U)(A1+A2).From KK=In, by using the facts that Σ is nonsingular and TiΣ(TiΣ)=Ti for each i (see [Citation19, Lemma 14]), we have that UTiU=UTiΣKUUK(TiΣ)U=AiAi.Hence, A1A2=(A1A1+A2A2)(A1+A2).

Proposition 4.3

Let A1,A2Cn×n (or A1,A2C1n for the core partial order). If A1 and A2 have a common upper bound then A1A2=2A1A1(A1A1+A2A2)A2.


Proceeding as in the proof of the Proposition 4.2, consider a nonsingular matrix B and a Hartwig-Spindelböck decomposition B=UΣKU such that AixB and Ti the orthogonal projectors such that ϕ(Ai)=Ti. Then, Ai=UTiΣKU, AiAi=UTiU, and (A1A1+A2A2)=U(T1+T2)U. By Theorems 3.4, 3.7 or 3.14, depending on the corresponding partial order x, we have that A1A2=U(T1T2)ΣKU=U2T1(T1+T2)T2ΣKU=2UT1UU(T1+T2)UUT2ΣKU=2A1A1(A1A1+A2A2)A2.

In general, if B and C do not have a common upper bound, we know that there exists BC for the three partial orders. If B is written as in (Equation1) and we write C=U[C1C2C3C4]U, where C1Cr×r, then for the infimum J=BC there exists TτΣ,Kx such that J=U[TΣKTΣLOO]U. It is straightforward to see that JJ=JC if and only if TΣK=TC1 and TΣL=TC2. Moreover, R(J)R(C) if and only if R(T)R([C1C2]). Indeed, R(J)=R(JJ)=UR([TΣ(TΣ)O]). Thus, R(J)R(C) if and only if R([TΣ(TΣ)O])R([C1C2C3C4]), and this is equivalent to R(T)R([C1C2]) because Σ is nonsingular and so R(TΣ(TΣ))=R(TΣ)=R(T).

For the star partial order we have that JJ=CJ if and only if TΣ=(C1K+C2L)T and (C3K+C4L)T=O.

Finally, for the core partial order we obtain that CJ=J2 if and only if C1T=ΣKT and C3T=O.

We summarize the last reasoning in the following proposition.

Proposition 4.4

Let B,CCn×n (or B,CC1n for the core partial order) where B is written as in (Equation1) and C as above. Then the infimum is given by BC=U[TmΣKTmΣLOO]U, where Tm is the maximum of the following set.


For the left star partial order, {TτΣ,Kl|TΣK=TC1,TΣL=TC2,R(T)R([C1C2])}.


For the star partial order, {TτΣ,K|TΣK=TC1,TΣL=TC2,TΣ=(C1K+C2L)T,(C3K+C4L)T=O}.


For the core partial order, {TτΣ,K#|TΣK=TC1,TΣL=TC2,C1T=ΣKT,C3T=O}.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The first, the second, and the fourth author were partially supported by Departamento de Matemática, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), Argentina [project number PGI 24/L108]. The third author was partially supported by FWF Austria [project numbers I 4427 and P 31955]. The fourth author was partially supported by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain [grant Red de Excelencia, MTM2017-90682-REDT], by Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto [grant number PPI 083/2020], and by Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, Facultad de Ingeniería, Argentina [grant number Resol. Nro. 135/19].


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