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Fractional non-homogeneous Poisson and Pólya-Aeppli processes of order k and beyond

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Pages 2682-2701 | Received 26 Aug 2020, Accepted 16 Jul 2021, Published online: 15 Sep 2021


We introduce two classes of point processes: a fractional non-homogeneous Poisson process of order k and a fractional non-homogeneous Pólya-Aeppli process of order k. We characterize these processes by deriving their non-local governing equations. We further study the covariance structure of the processes and investigate the long-range dependence property.

AMS classification:

1. Introduction

Fractional Poisson processes (FPP) enjoy the property of non-stationarity and long range dependence, which makes them an attractive modeling tool. These processes are widely used in statistics, finance, meteorology, physics and network science, see for instance (Baleanu et al. Citation2012) p. 332, and (Kumar, Leonenko, and Pichler Citation2020).

Fractional Poisson processes were introduced as renewal processes in Mainardi, Gorenflo, and Scalas (Citation2004). The authors generalized the characterization of the Poisson process as the counting process for epochs defined as sum of independent non-negative exponential random variables, and, instead of the exponential, the authors used a Mittag-Leffler distribution. The theory of FPP was further developed by Beghin and Orsingher (Citation2009, Citation2010) and by Meerschaert, Nane, and Vellaisamy (Citation2011).

In particular, Meerschaert, Nane, and Vellaisamy (Citation2011) defined FPP by means of a time-change for the Poisson process N(t), where the time variable t is replaced by the inverse α-stable subordinator Yα(t). Remarkably, they could prove the equality in distribution between N(Yα(t)) and the counting process defined by (Mainardi, Gorenflo, and Scalas Citation2004).

Leonenko, Scalas, and Trinh (Citation2017) used the same time-change technique to introduce a non-homogeneous fractional Poisson process (NFPP) by replacing the time variable in the FPP with an appropriate function of time.

In a recent paper, Gupta, Kumar, and Leonenko (Citation2020) and Gupta and Kumar (Citation2021) generalize the results available on fractional Poisson processes using the z-transform technique.

Kostadinova and Minkova (Citation2019) introduced a Poisson process of order k with insurance modeling in mind. This process models the claim arrival in groups of size k, where the number of arrivals in a group is uniformly distributed over k points.

The Pólya-Aeppli process of order k was studied in Chukova and Minkova (Citation2015) and later by Kostadinova and Lazarova (Citation2019). In this process, the uniform distribution on the integers 1,,k is replaced by the truncated geometric distribution of parameter ρ.

To deal with dependent inter-arrival times, a generalization of Poisson processes of order k was proposed by Sengar, Maheshwari, and Upadhye (Citation2020). These authors extended the Poisson process of order k by means of time change with a general Lévy subordinator as well as an inverse Lévy subordinator.

Here, we combine the compound Poisson processes of order k and fractional Poisson processes, namely we study a fractional non-homogeneous Poisson process of order k and a fractional non-homogeneous Pólya-Aeppli process of order k (see the definitions below). First, we generalize the results of Kostadinova and Minkova (Citation2019) by considering a non-homogeneous Poisson process of order k. Then, we generalize the results of Sengar, Maheshwari, and Upadhye (Citation2020) by introducing the time non-homogeneity in the fractional Poisson process of order k. Finally, we study a non-homogeneous fractional Pólya-Aeppli process of order k.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 collects some known results from the theory of subordinators and provides the definition of the compound distributions of order k. In Section 3, we consider a non-homogeneous fractional Poisson process of order k. We obtain the governing equations and calculate the moments and the covariance function of the process. Section 4 is devoted to a non-homogeneous fractional Pólya-Aeppli process of order k. We derive the non-local governing equations for the marginal distributions of these processes, using non-local operators known as Caputo derivatives. The moments and the covariance structure of the processes are derived, as well.

2. Preliminaries

This section presents known results in the theory of subordinators and provides the definition of the compound distributions of order k.

2.1. Compound distributions of order k

Consider a random variable that can be represented as a random sum N=X1+X2++XY, where {Xi}i=1 is a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables (i.i.d. r.v’s), independent of a non-negative integer-valued random variable Y. The probability distribution of N is called compound distribution and the distribution of X1 is called compounding distribution.

A well-known and widely used example is the compound Poisson distribution, where Y has a Poisson distribution. If Xi{1,2,,k}, then the random variable N has a compound discrete distribution of order k.

Compound discrete distributions of order k were studied by Philippou (Citation1983) and Philippou, Georghiou, and Philippou (Citation1983).

As mentioned previously, in this paper we deal with two types of compounding distributions: the discrete uniform distribution and the truncated geometric distribution. They respectively induce the Poisson distribution of order k and the Pólya-Aeppli distribution of order k as will be shown in the following. We say that the random variable X is uniformly distributed over k points if its probability mass function (pmf) is of the form (1) P[X=m]=1k,m=1,,k.(1)

Its probability generating function (pgf) is GX(u)=E[uX]=1k(u+u2++uk)=uk·1uk1u,u(0,1).

The random variable X has a truncated geometric distribution with parameter ρ and with success probability 1ρ if (2) P[X=m]=1ρ1ρkρm1,m=1,2,,k,ρ[0,1).(2)

Consequently, the pgf of X is given by (3) GX(u)=E[uX]=(1ρ)u1ρk1ρkuk1ρu,u(0,1).(3)

Note, that for k, the truncated geometric distribution asymptotically coincides with the geometric distribution with parameter 1ρ.

We can now define the Poisson distribution of order k.

Definition 1

(Poisson distribution of order k). The random variable N has Poisson distribution of order k with parameter Λ if N=X1+X2++XY, where:

(1) {Xi}i1 are the i.i.d. r.v’s with the uniform distribution; (2) Y has Poisson distribution with parameter Λ>0; (3) Y and {Xi}i1 are independent.

Note that P[N=m]=eΛk(n1,nk)Ω(k,m)Λn1++nkn1!··nk!=eΛkΩ(k,m)ΛzkΠk!, where zk=n1+n2++nk,Πk!=n1!·n2!··nk!, and (4) Ω(k,m)={(n1,nk):n1+2n2+knk=m}.(4)

The pgf of the Poisson distribution of order k is (5) GN(u)=E[uN]=exp{Λ(kj=1kuj)}.(5)

Note that N=dj=1kjYj, where Yj,j=1,,k are independent copies of Poisson random variable Y with parameter Λ, and “=d“stands for equality in distributions. We now introduce the Pólya-Aeppli distribution of order k as a compound Poisson distribution (see (Minkova Citation2010)).

Definition 2

(Pólya-Aeppli distribution of order k). The random variable N has Pólya-Aeppli distribution of order k with parameter 1ρ if N=X1+X2++XY, where: (i) {Xi}i1 are the i.i.d. r.v’s with the truncated geometric distribution with parameter 1ρ, given by (2); (ii) Y has Poisson distribution with parameter Λ; (iii) Y and {Xi}i1 are independent.

Note that the probability generating function of N is GN(u)=eΛ(1GX1(u)), where GX1 is given by (3).

The probability mass function of Pólya-Aeppli distribution of order k is defined by (see Minkova Citation2010, Theorem 3.1): (6) P[N=m]=qm(Λ),m=0,1,2,,(6) where q0(Λ)=eΛqm(Λ)=eΛj=1m(m1j1)QJj!ρmj,m=1,2,,kqm(Λ)=eΛ[j=1m(m1j1)QJj!ρmjn=1l(1)n1(Qρk)nn!××j=0mn(k+1)(mn(k+1)+n1j+n1)QJj!ρmjn(k+1)], and Q=Λ(1ρ)1ρk,m=l(k+1)+r,r=0,1,..,k,l=1,2,.

2.2. Inverse α-stable subordinator

Let Lα={Lα(t);t0} be a α-stable Lévy subordinator, that is Lévy process with Laplace transform: E[esLα(t)]=etsα,0<α<1,s0.

Then the inverse α-stable subordinator {Yα(t);t0} (see e.g., Meerschaert and Sikorskii Citation2019, 103) is defined as the first passage time of Lα: (7) Yα(t)=inf{u>0:Lα(u)>t},t0.(7)

We will use the following properties of the inverse α-stable subordinator:

  1. The density of Yα(t) is of the form (see (Meerschaert and Sikorskii Citation2019) p.113): (8) hα(t,x)=ddxP[Yα(t)x]=tαx11αgα(tx1α),x>0,t>0,(8)

    where gα(x)=1πk=1(1)k+1Γ(αk+1)k!1xαk+1sin(πkα) is the density of Lα(1) (see e.g. (Kataria and Vellaisamy Citation2018)).

  2. The Laplace transform (9) h˜α(s,x)=0esthα(t,x)dt=sα1exsα,s0.(9)

  3. The moments of the inverse α-stable subordinator are as follows: (10) E[Yαν(t)]=Γ(ν+1)Γ(αν+1)tαν,ν>0,Var[Yα(t)]=t2α[2Γ(2α+1)1(Γ(α+1))2].(10)

    (see e.g. (Kataria and Vellaisamy Citation2018, 1640).

  4. The covariance function (see (Leonenko et al. Citation2014; Leonenko, Scalas, and Trinh Citation2017)) is (11) Cov[Yα(t),Yα(s)]=1Γ(1+α)Γ(α)0min(t,s)((tτ)α+(sτ)α)τα1dτ(st)αΓ2(1+α).(11)

3. Poisson processes of order k

The Poisson process of order k was introduced in Kostadinova and Minkova (Citation2019), see also (Sengar, Maheshwari, and Upadhye Citation2020).

Definition 3.

The Poisson process of order k (PPk) N={N(t);t0} is defined as a compound Poisson process with the compounding discrete uniform distribution: (12) N(t)=X1++XN1(t),(12) where (1) Xi are independent copies of a discrete uniform random variable distributed over k points given by (1); (2) N1={N1(t);t0} is the Poisson process with parameter kλ; (3) N1 and {Xi}i1 are independent.

The following Kolmogorov forward equations are valid for pm(t)=P[N(t)=m]: (13) ddtp0(t)=kλp0(t)(13) (14) ddtpm(t)=kλpm(t)+λj=1mkpmj(t),m=1,2,(14) with the initial condition p0(0)=1,:pm(0)=0,m1, and mk=min(m,k). The pgf is of the form: GN(t)(u)=E[uN(t)]=exp{λt(u++ukk)}, and the first two moments are given by (15) E[N(t)]=k(k+1)2λt,Cov[N(t),N(s)]=k(k+1)(2k+1)6λmin(s,t).(15)

3.1. Fractional Poisson process of order k

In this sub-section we shall derive governing equations for a fractional Poisson process of order k and we shall investigate its long-range dependence properties. It is worth noting that Sengar, Maheshwari, and Upadhye (Citation2020) studied the Poisson process of order k time-changed by a general Lévy subordinator and its inverse. However, among their examples, they did not explicitly consider the governing equations for the inverse α-stable subordinator (this particular process is studied in Gupta and Kumar (Citation2021)). That is why we specify some formulae of Sengar, Maheshwari, and Upadhye (Citation2020) that will be used in the following sub-sections. In particular, below, we use EquationEquation (10) to derive the marginal distributions of the fractional Poisson process of order k.

Definition 4.

(Fractional Poisson process of order k). The process Nα(t) is called fractional Poisson process of order k (FPPk) if (16) Nα(t)=N(Yα(t)),0<α<1,(16) where (1) Yα(t) is the inverse α-stable subordinator, given by (7); (2) N is the Poisson process of order k, given by (12); (3) Yα(t) and N are independent.

The marginal distributions of the FPPk process is given by pmα(t)=P[Nα(t)=m]=Ω(k,m)λzkΠk!n=0(kλ)nn!E[(Yα(t))zk+n]==Ω(k,m)λzkΠk!n=0(kλ)nn!Γ(zk+n+1)Γ(α(zk+n)+1)tα(zk+n),m=0,1,.. where zk=n1+n2++nk,Πk!=n1!n2!nk!, and Ω(k,m) is defined in (4).

Also E[Nα(t)]=kλ(k+1)2E[Yα(t)],Var[Nα(t)]=kλ(k+1)(2k+1)6E[Yα(t)]+(kλ(k+1)2)2Var(Yα(t)),Cov[Nα(t),Nα(s)]=k(k+1)(2k+1)λ(min(t,s))α6Γ(1+α)+(kλ(k+1)2)2Cov(Yα(s),Yα(t)), where the variance and covariance of the process Yα(t) are given by (10) and (11).

3.1.1. Correlation structure and long-range dependence

There exist many definitions of the long-range dependence property. Here, we shall use the definition given in Biard and Saussereau (Citation2014).

Definition 5.

The process {X(t);t0} has a long-range dependence property (LRD) if for fixed s and some c(s) and α(0,1):limt[Corr(X(s),X(t))/tα]=c(s), where Corr is the correlation function of the process X.

We now investigate the asymptotic behavior of the correlation function of the FPPk process defined by (16).

Theorem 3.1.

The process Nα(t) has the LRD property.


Using the result of Leonenko et al. (Citation2014) we have that for a fixed s>0 Corr[Nα(t),Nα(s)]tαC(α,s)t, where C(α,s)=(1Γ(2α)1α(Γ(α))2)1[αVar[N(1)]Γ(1+α)(E[N(1)])2+αsαΓ(1+2α)], and E[N(1)] and Var[N(1)] are given by (15).

3.1.2. Governing equations

In the sequel we will employ the fractional Caputo (or Caputo-Djrbashian) derivative which is defined as follows (see e.g., (Meerschaert and Sikorskii Citation2019, 30) (17) Dtαf(t)={1Γ(α)0tdf(u)dudu(tu)α,0<α<1,df(u)du,        α=1.(17)

Theorem 3.2.

The governing fractional difference-differential equations for

pmα(t),t0 are given by (18) Dtαp0α(t)=kλp0α(t)(18) (19) Dtαpmα(t)=kλpmα(t)+λj=1mkpmjα(t),m=1,2,(19) with the initial condition pmα(0)=δm,0={1,m=00,m1.

Note, that by setting α=1, we get the governing equations of the Poisson process of order k given in EquationEquation (13).


Note that (20) Dtαhα(t,u)=uhα(t,u)(20) and remember that (21) pnα(t)=0pn(u)hα(t,u)dun=0,1,2(21)

We first consider the case n1. By taking the fractional Caputo derivative of both sides (21) and using property (20), we get Dtαpmα(t)=0pm(u)uhα(t,u)du==0[kλpm(u)+λj=1mkpmj(u)]hα(t,u)dupm(u)hα(t,u)|0==kλpmα(t)+λj=1mkpmjα(t).

For n=0 we have Dtαp0α(t)=0p0(u)uhα(t,u)du=0[kλp0(u)]hα(t,u)du=kλp0α(t).

Remark 1.

Note that Sengar, Maheshwari, and Upadhye (Citation2020) derived governing equations in which the Caputo derivative is replaced by a more general non-local operator. We present the proof of Theorem 3.2 for the sake of completeness.

3.2. Non-homogeneous fractional Poisson process of order k

We now generalize the fractional Poisson process of order k by introducing a deterministic, time dependent intensity or rate function λ(t):[0,)[0,), such that for every fixed t>0, the cumulative rate function follows the following equation Λ(t)=0tλ(u)du<

Denote Λ(s,t)=stλ(u)du=Λ(t)Λ(s),0s<t. Let N11(t);t0 be a homogeneous Poisson process (HPP) of unit intensity, and N11(Λ(t)),t0, be a non-homogeneous Poisson process (NPP) with rate function λ(t), then Nn(t)=X1++XN11(kΛ(t)),t0, is non-homogeneous Poisson process of order k (NPPk), with rate function λ(t),t0, where {Xi}i1 are the i.i.d.r.v’s with the uniform distribution on {1,2,,k}, independent of N11(Λ(t)). The mgf of the process Nn is of the form: GNn(t)(u)=E[uNn(t)]=exp{Λ(t)(u++ukk)}.

The process Nn has the following distributions of its increments: (22) pmn(t,u)=P[Nn(t+u)Nn(u)=m]==ekΛ(u,t+u)Ω(k,m)[Λ(u,u+t)]n1++nkn1!nk!,m=0,1,(22)

Incidentally, this model includes Weibull’s rate function: Λ(t):=Λ(0,t)=(tb)c,λ(t)=cb(tb)c1,c0,b>0; Makeham’s rate function: Λ(t)=cbebtcb+μt,λ(t)=cebt+μ,c>0,b>0,μ0, and many others.

We define a non-homogeneous fractional Poisson process of order k (FNPPk) as (23) Nα(t)=Nn(Yα(t)),t0,0<α<1,(23) where Yα(t) is the inverse α-stable subordinator (7), independent of the NPPk process Nn.

3.2.1. Marginal distributions

Define the increment process: Iα(t,v)=N(Λ(Yα(t)+v))N(Λ(v)). Its marginal distributions can be written as follows: (24) pm(t,v)=P[Iα(t,v)=m]=0pmn(u,v)hα(t,u)du,(24) where hα(t,u) is the density of the inverse α-stable subordinator (8) and pxn(u,v) is given by (22). Consequently the marginal distributions of Nα(t) are given by P[Nα(t)=m]=pm(t,0)=0pmn(u,0)hα(t,u)du.

For the NFPP N11(Λ(Yα(t));t0, of order k=1, Leonenko et al. (Leonenko, Scalas, and Trinh Citation2017) derived the governing equations for the marginal distributions P[Iα1(t,v)=m] of the corresponding increment process Iα1(t,v)=N11(Λ(Yα(t)+v))N1(Λ(v)) of NFPP (of order k=1), where N11 is the homogeneous Poisson process of intensity 1. We shall derive the governing equations for the marginal distributions px(t,v) of FNPPk.

Theorem 3.3.

The marginal distributions px(t,v) satisfy the following fractional differential-difference integral equations (25) Dtαp0(u,v)=k0λ(u+v)p0n(u,v)hα(t,u)du0v<uDtαpm(u,v)=0[kλ(u+v)pmn(u,v)+λ(u+v)j=1mkpmjn(u,v)]hα(t,u)du,m=1,2,  (25) with the initial condition: pm(0,v)=δm,0, where pmn(u,v) is given by (22).


Note that the mgf of pmn(u,v) is of the form p̂sn(u,v)=E[sNn(v+u)Nn(v)]=exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s++skk)}, while the Laplace transform with respect to t of hα(t,u) is given by (9). Taking both the mgf and the Laplace transform in (24) as above, we have (26) p¯s(r,v)=0p̂s(u,v)h˜α(r,u)du=rα10exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s++skk)}eurαdu.(26)

Note that for U(u)=exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s++skk)}, we have (27) dduU(u)=(s+s2++skk)λ(u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s+s2++skk)}.(27)

Thus, integrating (26) by parts with U as above, and V=eurα/rα, we get (28) p¯s(r,v)=rα1{[1rα(eurαeΛ(v,u+v)(s+skk)|0]++1rα(s+s2++skk)0kλ(v,u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s+s2++skk)}eurαdu}==1rα[rα1+(s+s2++skk)0λ(u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s+s2++skk)}rα1eurαdu].(28)

We shall use the following property of the Caputo derivative: Lr{Dtαf}(r)=rαL{f}(r)rα1f(0+), where L{(f)}(r) stands for the Laplace transform of function f. Note that py(0+,v)=1, since Yα(0)=0 a.s. Hence, by (28) rαp¯s(r,v)rα1p¯s(0,v)=Lr{Dtαp¯s(r,v)}(r)==(s+s2++skk)0λ(u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s+s2++skk)}rα1eurαdu.

Inverting the Laplace transform yields Dtαp̂s(t,v)=(s+s2++skk)0λ(u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)(s+s2++skk)}hα(t,u)du==0λ(u+v)(s+s2++skk)p̂s(u,v)hα(t,u)du, where the mgf p̂s(u,v)=msmpm(u,v).

Finally, by inverting the mgf (s+s2++skk)p̂s(u,v), we obtain: Dtαpm(u,v)=0λ(u+v)[kpm(u,v)+j=1mkpmj(u,v)]hα(t,u)du, since the mgf of kpm(u,v)+j=1mkpmj(u,v) is equal to msm[kpm(u,v)+j=1mkpmj(u,v)]=(s+s2++skk)p̂s(u,v).

3.2.2. Covariance structure

One can show that for NPPk E[Nn(t)]=k(k+1)2Λ(t), and its covariance function is Cov[Nn(t),Nn(s)]=k(k+1)(2k+1)6Λ(min(s,t)).

Then the mean and covariance function of FNPPk are given by E[Nα(t)]=k(k+1)2E[Λ(Yα(t)] Cov[Nα(t),Nα(s)]=k(k+1)(2k+1)6E[Λ(Yα(min(s,t))+(k(k+1)2)2Cov[Λ(Yα(t)),Λ(Nα(s))].

4. Pólya-Aeppli process of order k

The Pólya-Aeppli process of order k was defined and studied in the context of ruin problems in Chukova and Minkova (Citation2015) and later by Kostadinova and Lazarova (Citation2019). Related pure fractional birth processes were studied in Orsingher and Polito (Citation2010).

Definition 6.

The process NPAk(t) is said to be the Pólya-Aeppli process of order k (PAk) if NPAk(t)=X1++XN1(t), where (i) the random variables Xi are i.i.d with the truncated geometric distribution of parameter ρ[0,1), given by (2); (ii) N={N(t);t0} is a homogeneous Poisson process (HPP) with intensity λ>0, independent of {Xi}i=1.

The following Kolmogorov forward equations are valid for the marginal distributions pm(t)=P[NPAk(t)=m]: (29) ddtp0(t)=λp0(t)ddtpm(t)=λpm(t)+λ1ρ1ρkj=1mkρj1pmj(t),(29) where pm(0)=δm,0.

The marginal distributions of the PAk process are given by (30) pm(t):=P[NPAk(t)=m]=qm(λt),m=0,1,2,..,(30) where qm are given by (6).

More explicit expressions for pm(t) can be found in Minkova (Citation2010). The expectation ad variance are as follows: (31) E[NPAk(t)]=λt1+ρ++ρk1kρk1ρk,Var[NPAk(t)]=λt1ρk[1+3ρ+5ρ2++(2k1)ρk1k2ρk].(31)

Note that PAk process is a compound Poisson process with the pgf GNPAk(t)(u)=E[uNPAk(t)]=P[NPAk(t)=m]=eλt(1GX(u)), where GX(u)=E[uX] is given by (3).

4.1. Non-homogeneous Pólya-Aeppli process of order k

We now consider a non-homogeneous version by introducing a deterministic time dependent intensity function λ(t) as above, and Λ(s,s+t)=Λ(s+t)Λ(s),Λ(t)=0tλ(u)du.

Definition 7.

(Non-homogeneous Pólya-Aeppli process of order k). We define a non-homogeneous Pólya-Aeppli process of order k with cumulative rate function Λ(t) and parameter ρ as (32) NPAkn(t)=X1++XN1n(t),(32) where (i) {N1n(t);t0} is a non-homogeneous Poisson process (NPP) with cumulative rate function Λ(t); (ii) Xi are i.i.d. r.v’s following the truncated geometric distribution with parameter ρ, given by (3); (iii) {N1n(t);t0} is independent from Xi,i=1,2,

Note, that the random variable NPAkn(t+s)NPAkn(s),:s,:t0 has the Pólya-Aeppli distribution of order k with parameters Λ(s,t),ρ, that is (33) fmn(t,u)=P[NPAkn(t+u)NPAkn(u)=m]=qm(Λ(u,u+t)),m=0,1,2,,(33) where qm are given by (6).

Then the marginal distributions of the process NPAkn(t) are P[NPAkn(t)=m]=fmn(t,0). An alternative definition can be given in terms of transition probabilities.

Definition 8.

The counting process NPAkn(t) is said to be a non-homogeneous Pólya -Aeppli process of order k with the rate function λ(t) and parameter ρ[0,1) if (1) NPAkn(0)=0; (2) NPAkn(t) has independent increments; (3) for all t0 (34) P[NPAkn(t+h)=n|NPAkn(t)=m]={1λ(t+h)h+o(h),n=m1ρ1ρkρi1λ(t+h)h+o(h),n=m+i,i=1,2,,k(34)

It is easy to verify that the previous two definitions are equivalent.

4.1.1. Marginal distributions of the process

The following theorem holds.

Theorem 4.1.

The functions fm(t,u),m=0,1,2, satisfy the differential equation: (35) ddtfm(t,u)=λ(t+u)fm(t,u)+λ(t+u)1ρ1ρkj=1mkρj1fxj(t,u).(35)


We first consider the case m=0. By fixing u and taking a small h we can write f0(t+h,u)=P[I(t+h)=0]=P[NPAkn(t+u+h)NPAkn(u)=0]=P[no events in (u,u+t] no events in (u+t,u+t+h]]=P[no events in (u,u+t+h]]P[no events in (u+t,u+t+h]]=f0(t+h)[1λ(t+u)h+o(h)]

Thus f0(t+h,u)f0(t,u)h=λ(t+u)f0(t,u)+o(h)h.

Letting h0 yields ddtf0(t,u)=λ(t+u)f0(t,u).

For m1 we have fm(t+h,u)=P[{m events in (u,u+t+h]}{no events in (u+t,u+t+h]}{m1 events in (u,u+t]}{1 event in(u+t,u+t+h]}{ 0 events in (u,u+t]}{m events in (u+t,u+t+h]}]=fm(t+h,u)[1λ(t+u)h+o(h)]+fm1(t+h,u)[1ρ1ρkλ(t+u)hρ11+o(h)]++f0(t+h,u)[1ρ1ρkλ(t+u)hρmk1+o(h)]==λ(t+u)fm(t+h,u)+λ(t+u)1ρ1ρkj=1mkρj1fmj(t,u).

Letting h0 yields ddtfm(t,u)=λ(t+u)fm(t,u)+λ(t+u)1ρ1ρkj=1mkρj1fmj(t,u), which was the statement of the theorem. □

Note that in case k, the Pólya-Aeppli process NPAkn(t) coincides with the non-homogeneous Pólya-Aeppli process defined in Chukova and Minkova (Citation2019), but for fixed k the Pólya-Aeppli process NPAkn(t) is new.

4.2. Fractional Pólya-Aeppli process of order k

To the best of our knowledge, fractional versions of PAk processes have not been considered yet. We define a fractional Pólya-Aeppli process of order k as a Pólya-Aeppli process of order k time-changed by the process {Yα(t);t0}, such that (36) Nαh(t)=NPAk(Yα(t)),0<α<1,(36) where (i) N1={N1(t);t0} is the homogeneous Poisson process with intensity λ; (ii) NPAk(t)=X1++XN1(t); (iii) {Yα(t);t0},0<α<1 is the inverse α-stable subordinator, defined in (7) and independent of N1(t).

4.2.1. Marginal distributions

We shall now obtain governing equations for the marginal distributions of the fractional PAk process pxα(t)=P[NPAk(Yα(t))=m]=0pm(u)hα(t,u)du,m=0,1,, where pm(u) is given by (30).

Theorem 4.2.

The probabilities pxα(t),x=0,1, satisfy the fractional differential-difference equations: (37) Dtαp0α(t)=λp0α(t)(37) (38) Dtαpxα(t)=λpxα(t)+λ1ρ1ρkj=1xkρj1pxjα(t),(38) where Dtαf(t) is the fractional Caputo derivative of the function f given by (17).


We first consider the case m1. By taking the fractional Caputo derivative of both sides in (29) and using the property (20), we get Dtαpmα(t)=0pm(u)uhα(t,u)du==0[λpm(u)+λ1ρ1ρkj=1xkρj1pmj(t)]hα(t,u)dupm(u)hα(t,u)|0==λpmα(t)+λ1ρ1ρkj=1xkρj1pmjα(t).

For m=0 we have Dtαp0α(t)=0p0(u)uhα(t,u)du==0[λp0(u)]hα(t,u)du=λp0α(t).

4.3. Correlation structure and long-range dependence property

In this sub-section we shall obtain several important characteristics of the fractional Pólya-Aeppli process of order k such as its expectation, variance and covariance. After that, we are able to study the correlation structure of the process. For the fractional Pólya-Aeppli process of order k, Nαh(t)=NPAk(Yα(t)), we can use the property of the conditional expectation to write (see (Leonenko et al. Citation2014)) E[Nαh(t)]=E[E[Nαh(t)|Yα(t)]|Yα(t)]=0E[NPAk(u)]hα(t,u)du==λE[NPAk(1)]tαΓ(α+1),Var[Nαh(t)]=tαVar[NPAk(1)]Γ(α+1)+t2α(E[NPAk(1)])2α(1Γ(2α)1αΓ(α)2).

The covariance function can be calculated via the formula: Cov[Nαh(t),Nαh(s)]=Var[NPAk(1)]min(t,s)αΓ(1+α)+(E[NPAk(1)])2Cov[Yα(t),Yα(s)], where the covariance of the process Yα(t) is given by EquationEquation (11).

Theorem 4.3.

The process Nαh(t) has the LRD property.


Using the results from (Leonenko et al. Citation2014) similarly to the previous section, we get Corr[Nαh(t),Nαh(s)]tαC(α,s)t, where C(α,s)=(1Γ(2α)1α(Γ(α))2)1[αVar[NPAk(1)]Γ(1+α)(E[NPAk(1)])2+αsαΓ(1+2α)], and E[NPAk(1)],Var[NPAk(1)] are given by (31). Thus the correlation function of FPAk process decays at rate tα,α(0,1) and satisfies the LRD property. □

4.4. Non-homogeneous fractional PAk process

As we did before, we can now define a non-homogeneous fractional Pólya-Aeppli process of order k as Nαn(t)=NPAk(Λ(Yα(t))),t0,0<α<1, where all the symbols have the usual meaning defined above. We assume that the inverse subordinator Yα is independent of the process NPAk. In this sub-section, we shall derive governing equations for the probabilities pm(t,v)=P[NPAk(Λ(Yα(t)+v))NPAk(Λ(v))=m].

Theorem 4.4.

The marginal distributions px(t,v) satisfy the following fractional differential-difference integral equations (39) Dtαp0(u,v)=0λ(u+v)f0n(u,v)hα(t,u)du(39) (40) Dtαpm(u,v)=0λ(u+v)[fmn(u,v))+1ρ1ρkj=1mkρj1fmjn(u,v)]hα(t,u)du m=1,2,(40) with the initial condition pm(0,v)=δm,0, where fmn(u,v) is given by (33).


Using (9), the mgf of fmn(u,v) can be written in the form: f̂sn(u,v)=E[sNn(v+u)Nn(v)]=exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)}, while the Laplace transform with respect to t of hα(t,u) is given by (9). Taking both the mgf and the Laplace transform in (24) as above, we have (41) p¯s(u,v)=rα10f̂sn(u,v)h˜α(r,u)du=0[exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)}]eurαdu.(41)

Note that for U(u)=exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)} one can take derivative in u as follows: (42) dduU(u)=1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)[λ(v,u+v)]exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)}.(42)

Thus, integrating (41) by parts with U=exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)},V=1rαeurα, we get (43) p¯s(u,v)=1rα[rα1+1ρ1ρk[(s1)+ρ(s21)++ρk1(sk1)]××0λ(v,u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)}eurαrα1du(43) where ps(0+,v)=1, since Yα(0)=0 a.s. Hence, by (43) rαp¯s(r,v)rα1p¯s(0,v)=Lr{Dtαp¯s(r,v)}(r)==1ρ1ρk[(s1)+ρ(s21)++ρk1(sk1)]××0λ(u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)}rα1eurαdu.

Inverting the Laplace transform yields Dtαp̂s(t,v)=1ρ1ρk[(s1)+ρ(s21)++ρk1(sk1)]××0λ(u+v)exp{Λ(v,u+v)1ρ1ρkj=1kρj1(sj1)}hα(t,u)du==0λ(u+v)[1ρ1ρk[(s1)+ρ(s21)++ρk1(sk1)]f̂sn(u,v)hα(t,u)du, where the mgf is f̂sn(u,v)=msmfmn(u,v).

Finally, by inverting the mgf [1ρ1ρk[(s1)+ρ(s21)++ρk1(sk1)]f̂sn(u,v), we obtain: Dtαpm(u,v)=0λ(u+v)[fmn(u,v)+1ρ1ρkj=1mkρj1fmjn(u,v)]hα(t,u)du.

5. Final notes

The counting processes of order k that we have discussed in this paper have this general form (44) N(t)=i=1N(t)Xi,(44) where {Xi}i=1 is a sequence of i.i.d. integer random variables assuming values in 1,,k and N(t) is a counting process independent from the sequence. One further assumes that N(0)=0. A simple algorithm in R is given in arXiv:2008.09421 [math.PR] when N(t) is the fractional Poisson process of renewal type used above and discussed by Mainardi, Gorenflo, and Scalas (Citation2004) and when X1 is uniformly distributed in 1,,k.


The authors thank Mr. Mostafizar Khandakar and Dr. Kuldeep Kumar Kataria for their thorough reading of the manuscript that highlighted some typos and a wrong formula. Enrico Scalas acknowledges partial support from the Dr Perry James (Jim) Browne Research Center at the Department of Mathematics, University of Sussex.


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