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Martha Elizabeth Newton B.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. (1941–2020)



I am most grateful to Martha’s sister Jennifer for providing details of Martha’s early life and to Sam Bosanquet, Des Callaghan, Mark Hill, Liz Kungu, David Long, Howard Matcham, Ron Porley, Chris Preston and Phil Stanley for information on her bryological career.

M. E. Newton Publications

A set of her publications has been presented to the University of Manchester.


Smith AJE, Newton ME. 1966. Chromosome studies on some British and Irish mosses, I. Transactions of the British Bryological Society. 5:117–130.


Paton JA, Newton ME. 1967. A cytological study of Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda in Britain with reference to the status of Pellia borealis Lorbeer. Transactions of the British Bryological Society. 5:226–231.

Smith AJE, Newton ME. 1967. Chromosome studies on some British and Irish mosses, II. Transactions of the British Bryological Society. 5:245–270.


Newton ME. 1968. Cyto-taxonomy of Tortula muralis Hedw. in Britain. Transactions of the British Bryological Society. 5:523–535.

Smith AJE, Newton ME. 1968. Chromosome studies on some British and Irish mosses, III. Transactions of the British Bryological Society. 5:463.


Newton ME. 1971. A cytological distinction between male and female Mnium undulatum Hedw. Transactions of the British Bryological Society. 6:230–243.

Newton ME. 1971. Chromosome studies in some British and Irish bryophytes. Transactions of the British Bryological Society. 6:244–257.


Newton ME. 1972. Chromosome studies in some South Georgian bryophytes. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 30:40–49.


Newton ME. 1973. A taxonomic assessment of Bartramia, Breutelia and Exodokidium on South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 32:1–14.

Newton ME. 1973. Chromosome studies in some New Zealand and Jamaican bryophytes. Journal of Bryology. 7:399–403.

Newton ME. 1973. Chromosome studies in some British and Irish bryophytes, II. Journal of Bryology. 7:379–398.

Newton ME. 1973. Taxonomic notes on Cheilothela (Lindb.) Broth. and Dicranella (C.Muell.) Schimp. Journal of Bryology. 8:265–268.

Newton ME. 1973. The cytology of bryophytes (Summary). Journal of Bryology. 8:180.


Newton ME. 1974. A synoptic flora of South Georgian mosses: IV. Bartramia and Breutelia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 38:59–71.

Newton ME. 1974. Notes on Antarctic bryophytes: IV. Encalypta Hedw. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 39:1–6.

Newton ME. 1974. Notes on Antarctic bryophytes: V. Brachythecium majusculum M.E. Newton sp. nov. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 39:45–48.

Newton ME, Southern DI, Wood RJ. 1974. X and Y chromosomes of Aedes aegypti (L.) distinguished by Giemsa C-banding. Chromosoma. 49:41–49.


Newton ME. 1975. Chromosomes studies in some British bryophytes. Journal of Bryology. 8:365–382.


Newton ME. 1977. Chromosomal relationships of heterochromatin bodies in a moss, Dicranum tauricum Sapehin. Journal of Bryology. 9:557–564.

Newton ME. 1977. Heterochromatin as a cyto-taxonomic character in liverworts: Pellia, Riccardia and Cryptothallus. Journal of Bryology. 9:327–342.

Newton ME. 1977. A synoptic flora of South Georgian mosses: VI. Cheilothela, Dicranella, Distichium, Myurella and Catagonium. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 46:1–21.

Newton ME. 1977. Notes on Antarctic bryophytes: VII. The occurrence of Distichium B.S.G. and Dicranella (C Muell.) Schimp. in the Antarctic botanical zone. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 46:131–135.


Newton ME. 1978. Environmental factors controlling sexual reproduction in mosses of the genus Mnium. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 31:11.


Newton ME. 1979. Chromosome morphology and bryophyte systematics. In: Clarke GCS, Duckett JG, editors. Bryophyte Systematics. London: Academic Press; p. 207–229.

Newton ME. 1979. A synoptic flora of South Georgian mosses: VIII. Calliergon and Brachythecium. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 48:133–157.

Newton ME. 1979. A taxonomic assessment of Brachythecium on South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 48:119–132.


Newton ME. 1980. Chromosome studies in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic bryophytes. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 50:77–86.

Newton ME. 1980. The annual meeting, 1979, Manchester. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 36:12–17.


Newton ME. 1981. Evolution and speciation in Pellia, with special reference to the Pellia megaspora-endivifolia complex (Metzgeriales), II. Cytology. Journal of Bryology. 11:433–440.

Newton ME. 1981. The bryophyte collections of Jethro Tinker (1788–1871). The Naturalist. 106:111–117.


Newton ME. 1983. A new species of the moss genus Plagiothecium from South Georgia. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 60: 63–67.

Newton ME. 1983. A synoptic flora of South Georgian mosses: Campylium. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin. 61: 53–58.

Newton ME. 1983. Cytology of the Hepaticae and Anthocerotae. In: Schuster RM, editor. New Manual of Bryology, I. Nichinan: Hattori Botanical Laboratory; p. 117–148.

Newton ME. 1983. Cell measurement. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 42:59–60.

Newton ME. 1983. Natural variation and diagnostic characters in Gymnostomum, Anoectangium and Molendoa. Journal of Bryology. 12:343–349.

Newton ME. 1983. Numerical uniformity and structural variation of moss chromosomes. Journal of Bryology. 12:587–594.

Newton ME. 1983. Spore germination and sporeling development in Jungermannia sphaerocarpa Hook. Journal of Bryology. 12:471–477.

Newton ME. 1983. The identity of Plagiothecium lucidulum (Hook.f. et Wils.) Mitt. Journal of Bryology. 12: 617.

Newton ME. 1983. Meiotic aberration and reproductive performance in the moss Hookeria lucens (Hedw.)Sm. In: Brandham PE, Bennett MD, editors. Kew Chromosome Conference II. 354.

Newton ME. 1983. Notes on sex determination in bryophytes. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory. 54:555–556.


Newton ME. 1984. Questions of procedure in moss cytotaxonomy, new data for some British species. Journal of Bryology. 13:263–268.

Newton ME. 1984. The cytogenetics of bryophytes. In: Dyer AF, Duckett JG, editors. The Experimental biology of Bryophytes. London: Academic Press; p. 65–96.

Newton ME. 1984. Spontaneous and induced meiotic aberration in the moss Hookeria lucens (Hedw.) Sm. In: Zander RH, Crosby MR, editors. Essays on the biology of mosses. Monographs in Systematic Botany from Missouri Botanical Garden. Vol. 11. St Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden; p. 79–91.


Edwards SR, Newton ME. 1985. Systematics Association training course in bryophyte taxonomy. In: Longton RE, Perry AR, editors. British Bryological Society Diamond Jubilee. British Bryological Society Special Volume No. 1. Cardiff: British Bryological. Society; p 87–88.

Newton ME. 1985. Manchester bryophytes (Conversazione exhibit extract). In: Longton RE, Perry AR, editors. British Bryological Society Diamond Jubilee. British Bryological Society Special Volume No. 1. Cardiff: British Bryological Society; p. 75.

Newton ME. 1985. Sex chromosome evolution in bryophytes. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 45:9.


Newton ME. 1986. Bryophyte phylogeny in terms of chromosome cytology. Journal of Bryology. 14:43–57. (see also Errata: Journal of Bryology. 14: 414).

Newton ME. 1986. Pellia borealis, its cytological status and discovery in Britain. Journal of Bryology. 14:215–230.

Newton ME. 1986. The paper-reading meeting, 1985, Cardiff. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 47:5–10.


Corley MVF, Newton ME, Edwards SR. 1987. Didymodon nicholsonii Cul. with sporophytes in England. Journal of Bryology. 14:653–658.

Newton ME. 1987. The paper-reading meeting, 1986, Leeds. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 49:15–24.

Newton ME, Boyce D. 1987. Gemmae in British Leptodontium flexifolium (With.) Hampe. Journal of Bryology. 14:737–740.

Wallace AJ, Newton ME. 1987. Heterochromatin diversity and cyclic responses to selective silver staining in Aedes aegypti (L.). Chromosoma. 95:89–93.


Newton ME. 1988. Chromosomes as indicators of bryophyte reproductive performance, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 98:269–275.

Newton ME. 1988. Chromosomes as indicators of bryophyte reproductive performance [summary from report of R.E. Longton, Linnean Society Bi-centenary Meeting, 1987]. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 52:3.

Newton ME. 1988. Cytological diversity in Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks.) Dum. Journal of Bryology. 15: 303–314.

Newton ME. 1988. The paper-reading meeting, 1987, Wye. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 51:16–22.

Whitehouse HLK, Newton ME. 1988. Tortula brevis sp. nov. and T. stanfordensis Steere; morphology cytology and geographical distribution. Journal of Bryology. 15:83–99.


Newton ME. 1989. Gemma disposition in Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp. Journal of Bryology. 15:806–808.

Newton ME. 1989. The paper-reading meeting, 1988, Liverpool. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 53:16–25.

Newton ME. 1989. A Practical Guide to Bryophyte Chromosomes. British Bryological Society Special Volume No. 2. Cardiff: British Bryological Society.

Newton ME, Wanstall PJ, Jury SL, editors, 1989. Bryology: modern research and the ways forward. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 98:183–274.

Rumsey FJ, Newton ME. 1989. Scopelophila cataractae (Mitt.) Broth. in North Wales. Journal of Bryology. 15:519–524.


Newton ME. 1990. Genetic structure of hepatic species. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 109:215–229.

Newton ME. 1990 Special Volume No. 2, Practical guide to bryophyte chromosomes (details of contents). Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 55:30.


Newton ME. 1991. Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda, Pellia borealis Lorbeer, Pellia neesiana (Gott.) Limpr., Pellia endiviifolia (Dicks.) Dum., distribution maps (Britain and Ireland), with notes on habitat, reproduction and world distribution. In: Hill MO, Preston CD, Smith AJE. Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1. Liverworts. Colchester: Harley Books; p. 281–284.

Newton ME. 1991. Anthoceros punctatus L. (A. husnoti Steph.), Anthoceros agrestis Paton, Anthoceros laevis (L.) Prosk. ssp. laevis, Anthoceros laevis (L.) Prosk. ssp. carolinianus (Michx.) Prosk., distribution maps (Britain and Ireland), with notes on habitat, reproduction and world distribution. In: Hill MO, Preston CD, Smith AJE. Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland. Vol. 1. Liverworts. Colchester: Harley Books; p. 325–328.


Newton ME. 1991. Dichodontium pellucidum (Hedw.) Schimp., Dichodontium flavescens (With.) Lindb., distribution maps (Britain and Ireland), with notes on habitat, reproduction and world distribution. In: Hill MO, Preston CD, Smith AJE. Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland, Vol. 2. Mosses (except Diplolepidae) Colchester: Harley Books; p. 131–132.


Newton ME. 1993. Tribute to Eustace Jones, Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 62:35.


Newton ME.1994. Amblystegium serpens (Hedw.) Br. Eur., Amblystegium fluviatile (Hedw.) Br. Eur. (Hygroamblystegium fluviatile (Hedw.) Loeske), Amblystegium tenax (Hedw.) C.Jens. (Hygroamblystegium tenax (Hedw.) Jenn.), Amblystegium varium (Hedw.) Lindb., Amblystegium humile (P.Beauv.) Crundw. (Leptodictyum humile (P.Beauv.) Ochyra), Amblystegium saxatile Schimp. (Campylium radicale (P.Beauv.) Grout), Amblystegium riparium (Hedw.) Br. Eur. (Leptodictyum riparium (Hedw.) Warnst.), Amblystegium compactum (C.Müll.) Aust. (Conardia compacta (C.Müll.) Robins.), distribution maps (Britain and Ireland), with notes on habitat, reproduction and world distribution. In: Hill MO, Preston CD, Smith AJE. Atlas of the Bryophytes of Britain and Ireland, Vol. 3. Mosses (Diplolepidae). Colchester: Harley Books; p 269–276.


Newton ME. 1995. Obituary of: Bescoby, B.E. (1909–1994) (including photograph), Journal of Bryology. 18:836.


Blackstock TH, Newton ME. 1999. A second British locality for Gymnocolea acutiloba in North Wales, and observations from the Rhinog National Nature Reserve. Journal of Bryology. 21:157–158.

Newton ME. 1999. Bonus bryophytes (Summary). Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 72:49–50.


Lowell J, Newton ME. 2002. Progress with South Lancashire (VC 59) flora – a plea for help. Bulletin of the British Bryological Society. 78: 63.


Newton ME. 2014. Sematophyllum demissum. Field Bryology. 113: 65.

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