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“We Need This Television Just Like Any Other American Citizen”: The Battle Over Western TV Boosters, 1952–1961



In the wake of the Federal Communication Commission's 1952 Sixth Report and Order, which established plans for a nationwide television system, it became clear that traditional station allocations could not provide service to many isolated mountainous regions. Thus enterprising tinkerers, appliance store operators, and others set up so-called booster stations to broadcast the signals of urban stations into isolated western towns. However, the FCC wanted the boosters shut down, contending that they threatened the overall television allocation plan and could potentially create dangerous interference. Booster operators and viewers who depended on them were able to enlist the help of Western congressmen and governors to plead their case. Ultimately, the FCC was forced several times to backtrack on booster prohibitions, ultimately approving their operation in 1960.


1 Frank F. Brown to T. A. M. Craven, November 29, 1957, vol. 1, box 6208, E120 Docketed Case Files, docket 12116, RG 173, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD (hereafter NACP).

2 Lloyd Bilsland to T. A. M. Craven, December 19, 1957, vol. 2, box 6208, E120 Docketed Case Files, RG 173, NACP.

3 See Patrick Parsons, Blue Skies: A History of Cable Television (Philadelphia: Temple University Press), 131; Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Communications Subcommittee, Development of TV Boosters: Hearings Before the Communications Subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 87th Cong., 1st Sess. (1961), 1; and Don R. Le Duc, Cable Television and the FCC: A Crisis in Media Control (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1973), 83.

4 See George McConnaughey to Edwin Johnson, September 11, 1956, 92–6f Broadcast Services Other than Standard Broadcast—Television, December 1, 1955, to September 30, 1956, box 136, E100B General Correspondence, 1947–1956, RG 173, NACP; and Report and Order, 20 R.R. 1536 (1960).

5 See, for example, Parsons, Blue Skies, 130–137; Don R. Le Duc, Cable Television and the FCC, 82–88; and Christopher H. Sterling and John Michael Kittross, Stay Tuned: A History of American Broadcasting, 3rd ed. (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2002), 330.

6 Hugh R. Slotten, Radio and Television Regulation: Broadcast Technology in the United States, 1920–1960 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000), xiii.

7 Edwin Armstrong to Edwin Johnson, July 3, 1951, A-TV, box 36, Sen. 82A-F11, RG 46, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC (hereafter NADC).

8 See Sixth Report and Order, 41 FCC 148 (1952); Sterling and Kittross, Stay Tuned, 351; and Parsons, Blue Skies, 72.

9 See William Boddy, Fifties Television: The Industry and Its Critics (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1990), 55; Susan Brinson, “Missed Opportunities: FCC Commissioner Frieda Hennock and the UHF Debacle,” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 44, no. 2 (2000): 248–267; John S. Armstrong, “Constructing Television Communities: The FCC, Signals, and Cities, 1948–1957,” Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 51, no. 1 (2007): 134; and Parsons, Blue Skies, 130.

10 See Armstrong, “Constructing Television Communities,” 135; Jonathan Sterne, “Television under Construction: American Television and the Problem of Distribution, 1926–62,” Media, Culture, & Society 21 (1999): 516; and Le Duc, Cable Television and the FCC, 65.

11 See Rufus Crater, “TV Booster Outlets,” Broadcasting, April 18, 1949, 25; and “WSM-TV Reports Success in Its Booster Test,” Broadcasting, January 19, 1953, 58.

12 See TV Digest, May 2, 1953, 5; and Hyde to Johnson, February 12, 1954.

13 See Parsons, Blue Skies, 50; Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Communications Subcommittee, VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation: Hearings before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 86th Cong., 1st Sess. (1959), 1065, 214; and Robert E. Lee to Warren Magnuson, May 17, 1960, Boosters and Translators 1 of 2, box 2, Sen. 86A-F11, NADC. For cost estimates, see, for example, VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 851, 866, 922, 924, 971, and 975; Development of TV Boosters, 104–108; and Dorothy Spannagel (Howard TV Club) to FCC, January 7, 1960, vol. 15, box 6203, docket 12116, A1-E120 Docketed Case Files, RG 173, NACP.

14 For dues estimates, see VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 851, 866, 922, 924, 971, and 975; and Development of TV Boosters, 89, 93, 110. See National Television Repeater Association to John Pastore, March 7, 1961, A-TV, box 36, Sen. 82A-F11, RG 46, NADC; VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 1024–1026, 25, 119; Lee to Magnuson, May 17, 1960; and VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 1216.

15 See Cease and Desist Order to Be Directed against C. J. Community Services, Inc., 20 FCC 860 (1956); TV Digest, November 13, 1954, 10; and “Wash. State TV Boosters Cause Concern at Commission,” Broadcasting, March 21, 1955, 104.

16 See “Boosters and Fee Near FCC Agenda,” TV Digest, November 20, 1954, 3; and Report and Order 13 RR 1570 (1956).

17 See Cease and Desist Order, 867; and “No Harm in Illegal Boosters, Says Examiner,” TV Digest, October 22, 1955, 4.

18 Clarence Dill to Edwin C. Johnson, August 10, 1956, box 66073, Governor's Office Files, Colorado State Archives, Denver, CO.

19 See The Television Inquiry: The Problem of Television Service for Smaller Communities, Staff Report (US Government Printing Office, 1959), 6–7; “Booster Argument Heard before FCC,” Broadcasting, December 26, 1955, 60; Parsons, Blue Skies, 131; and E. Stratford Smith, Oral History, 1986, The Cable Center, http://cablecenter.org/s-listings/e-stratford-smith.html.

20 See VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 238; Development of TV Boosters, 104; “FCC Regulation of CATV Urged,” Broadcasting, July 6, 1959, 67; and “Illegal Boosters Rapped by Shapp,” Broadcasting, September 5, 1955, 84–85.

21 See Cease and Desist Order, 872; TV Digest, February 25, 1956, 5; “FCC Opens Gates on TV Translators,” Broadcasting, May 28, 1956, 75; and Byron St. Clair, telephone interview with author, September 12, 2016.

22 See VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 1103; and “Arbitrary Order of FCC Cuts off Television Reception in Steamboat,” Steamboat Pilot, June 14, 1956.

23 See “Closed Circuit,” Broadcasting, October 27, 1952, 6; TV Digest, August 11, 1956, 4; and “‘Big Ed’ Chases a New Fire…,” Broadcasting, February 15, 1954, 130.

24 See An Executive Order by Edwin C. Johnson, August 3, 1956, 92–6f Broadcast Services Other Than Standard Broadcast—Television, December 1, 1955, to September 30, 1956, box 136, E100B General Correspondence, 1947–1956, RG 173, NACP; and Ed C. Johnson, “Johnson Explains TV Booster Order,” Denver Post, August 19, 1956.

25 See “Communications Act Author Approves Colo. Gov.'s Action,” Broadcasting, August 27, 1956; and Dill to Johnson, August 10, 1956.

26 See Edwin Johnson to George McConnaughey, August 21, 1956; and George McConnaughey to Edwin Johnson, September 11, 1956, both in 92–6f Broadcast Services Other than Standard Broadcast—Television, December 1, 1955, to September 30, 1956, box 136, A1-E100B General Correspondence, 1947–1956, RG 173, NACP.

27 See T. A. M. Craven to Howard Yates, August 21, 1956; and Edwin Johnson to T. A. M. Craven, September 11, 1956; both in 92–6f Broadcast Services Other Than Standard Broadcast—Television, December 1, 1955, to September 30, 1956, box 136, A1-E100B General Correspondence, 1947–1956, RG 173, NACP.

28 See James C. Foust, “‘So Vivid a Crossroads’: The FCC and Broadcast Allocation, 1934–1939,” Journal of Radio & Audio Media 20, no. 1 (2013): 93; Convention Program, Broadcasting, April 25, 1955, 60; and T. A. M. Craven to Edwin Johnson, September 28, 1956, 92–6f Broadcast Services Other Than Standard Broadcast—Television, December 1, 1955, to September 30, 1956, box 136, A1-E100B General Correspondence, 1947–1956, RG 173, NACP.

29 See George McConnaughey to Edwin Johnson, November 1, 1956; and Edwin Johnson to George McConnaughey, November 7, 1956, both in 92–6f Broadcast Services Other Than Standard Broadcast—Television, December 1, 1955, to September 30, 1956, box 136, A1-E100B General Correspondence, 1947–1956, RG 173, NACP.

30 See C. J. Community Services v. Federal Communications Commission, 246 F.2d. 660 (1957), 7; FCC, Report No. 3053, June 28, 1957, Television (S&S), January 1, 1957, to March 31, 1958, box 110, A1-E100C General Correspondence, 1957–1966, RG 173, NACP; and “Experimental and Auxiliary Broadcast Stations,” Federal Register, July 6, 1957, 4758.

31 See Ed Craney to Mike Mansfield, August 7, 1957, vol. 1, box 6208, A1-E120 Docketed Case Files, RG 173, NACP; “Experimental, Auxiliary, and Special Services,” Federal Register, August 2, 1957, 6114; “FCC Proposes VHF Boosters in Surprise Move,” TV Digest, August 3, 1957, 1; and “FCC Proposes Boosters, If Free of Interference,” Broadcasting, August 5, 1957, 89.

32 See Stephen McNichols to John Doerfer, October 8, 1957, vol. 3, box 51, A1-E120 Docketed Case Files, docket 12443, RG 173, NACP; and T. A. M. Craven to Commission, November 4, 1957, VHF Booster #12116, box 2, A1-E149 Records Relating to the Development of CATV, Translators and UHF Boosters, 1960–1964, RG 173, NACP.

33 See “On-Channel Boosters Favored,” Broadcasting, January 20, 1958, 90; National Community Television Association, Comments, January 14, 1958, vol. 15, box 6203, docket 12116, A1-E120 Docketed Case Files, RG 173, NACP; and The Television Inquiry, 30.

34 See Report and Order, 44 FCC 1469 (1958); FCC, “Operation of Unlicensed Boosters,” December 30, 1958, VHF Booster #12116, box 2, A1-E149M Records Relating to the Development of CATV, Translators and UHF Boosters, 1950–1964, RG 173, NACP; “Sharpening Horns of FCC's Booster Dilemma,” TV Digest, February 7, 1959, 2; and “Illegal Boosters Get FCC Coup de Grace,” TV Digest, January 3, 1959, 3.

35 See “Booster Ban Delayed as Congress Presses,” Broadcasting, February 2, 1959, 54; Notes on TV Meeting, January 23, 1959, Box 66073, Governor's Office Files, Colorado State Archives, Denver, CO.

36 See FCC to Further Study TV “Booster” Problem, 44 FCC 1456 (1959); and Comments of National Community Television Association, January 11, 1960, 15, no. 10, vol. 15, box 6203, docket 12116, E-120 Docketed Case Files, RG 173, NACP.

37 See Status Quo of VHF “Boosters” Extended to December 31, 1959, 44 FCC 1457 (1959); John C. Doerfer to Warren Magnuson, April 13, 1959, vol. 15, box 6203, A1-E120 Docketed Case Files, RG 173; “FCC on Booster Bandwagon,” Broadcasting, February 16, 1959, 70; and “The Great Booster Rebellion of 1959,” TV Digest, January 31, 1959, 1.

38 See National Television Repeater Association, minutes, January 23, 1959; Tri-State T.V. Repeater Association, memorandum, May 16, 1959; Tri-State T.V. Repeater Association, memorandum, April 18, 1959; and Edwin Johnson to Steve McNichols, January 25, 1959; all in box 66073, Governor's Office Files, Colorado State Archives, Denver, CO.

39 Stephen McNichols to Commission, February 26, 1959, TV Booster File, box 66073, Governor's Office Files, Colorado State Archives, Denver, CO.

40 See VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 308; “FCC Taken to Task for ‘Failures,’” Broadcasting, May 2, 1960, 78; and Lee to Magnuson, May 17, 1960.

41 See Report and Order 20 RR 1536 (1960); “FCC Legalizes VHF Boosters,” Broadcasting, August 1, 1960, 84; “Under Its Wing,” Broadcasting, August 15, 1960, 86; and FCC, “Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making and Notice of Inquiry,” June 14, 1967, ff2 Broadcasting 1967, box 1, Edwin C. Johnson Papers, Penrose Library, University of Denver, Denver, CO.

42 US Senate, Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Development of TV Boosters, 87th Cong., 1st Session, February 21 and 22, 1961, p. 78.

43 See Slotten, Radio and Television Regulation, 56, 111, 55; Harold Cowgill to Commission, July 23, 1957, VHF Booster #12116, Box 2, A1-E149 Records Relating to the Development of CATV, Translators and UHF Boosters, 1960–1964, RG 173, NACP; and Report and Order, 44 FCC 1469 (1958).

44 See VHF Booster and Community Antenna Legislation, 709–710; Nicholas Zapple to Edwin Johnson, January 22, 1959, box 66073, Governor's Office Files, Colorado State Archives, Denver, CO; and Report and Order 20 RR 1536 (1960).

45 Le Duc, Cable Television and the FCC, 26.

46 See James C. Foust, Big Voices of the Air: The Battle Over Clear Channel Radio (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 2000), 147; and Al Smith to Edwin Johnson, July 19, 1967, ff2 Broadcasting 1967, Edwin C. Johnson Papers, M062, Special Collections and Archives, Penrose Library, University of Denver, Denver, CO.

47 St. Clair, telephone interview.

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